Read Wild Fire Page 33



  I made it back to the field without being detected. I glanced over my shoulder and looked up towards the sky just to make sure. I ran to the front of the group and stopped. Shawn and Minerva were pairing a light with a dark using wooden staffs as weapons. I heard Shawn explain that they were brother in war their duty would be to protect the other. They were to fight back to back when the time came but for now they would train together. I smiled to myself as I watched them work, I couldn’t have chosen better officers.

  My sword was sitting on the ground in its holster when I walked up, grabbing it I threw it on my back. Since I had just turned in the list of weapons, I had to think of something to do that would build moral. However for my idea to work correctly I was going to need Krista. Maybe I could do that the next day. She wanted to work together, might as well use it while it was available.

  I let Shawn and Minerva run the training while I walked around the group observing them and taking mental notes. I had quite a melting pot of beings. There were Weres and Vamps, Fae and Half Demons, Half Angels and Warlocks, Witches and Carriers. I felt that I had a diverse enough group that nothing was going to stop them on the battlefield. For the rest of the night I felt proud of my blood, something that I am not used to actually feeling. If it wasn’t for my mother and father I wouldn’t be standing here looking at these amazingly gifted beings and knowing that I would put my life down for them and they would do the same for me.

  As mom promised lunch arrived and everyone sat around in blended groups talking and sharing stories of where they came from. It was nice change from what I had been dealing with. For an hour I was able to forget about the brewing feud between me and Rose and concentrate on the beauty of those around me. It looked like all my people got along and that was how it was supposed to be.

  “So how is everyone feeling?” I asked as I balled up my finished lunch and threw it in the trash bag that my mother had provided.

  The crowd burst out into laughter. I knew they were hurting. We had done more in two days than they probably had in their lifetime. I caught the eye of a pale faced vampire and the wheels in my head started to turn. How could they be in the sun, let alone survive the fire itself.

  “You know I have a question for those of you with Vampire blood. How the hell are you out here?” I laughed. There was a ripple of giggles and one of the questioned stood up a huge smile on his face. He reached in his shirt and pulled out an amulet that looked similar to mine. I hadn’t taken the necklace off except to bathe since it was given to me.

  “While you were gone the Reapers appeared with these amulets for the night born. They said that as long as we wore them the sun can not harm us.” He came closer so that I could get a better look at the amulet. It was exquisite. Blood red with a white gold chain. I looked closer and saw tiny intricate words etched into the gold. This sparked something and I pulled mine out from under my shirt. I had the same style of writing on mine. Though I could not translate it (yet) they were two different spells.

  “Did they say where they came from?” I asked him and he smiled.

  “They said that an ancient witch created the amulets in order to protect those that need the protecting. I assume yours is to protect you from being summoned to another field.” He touched my amulet his cold fingers brushing my skin.

  “What’s your name?” I asked not remembering. It was going to take a few days to get their names down, even then I was going to wind up giving half of them nicknames.

  “Patrick.” He answered smiling at me.

  “Thank you Patrick.” I smiled as I tucked my amulet back under my shirt and he did the same.

  “So that means you guys better remember yours every day I cannot afford any of you going up in flames.” I laughed.

  “If fire can kill you how is that you have the ability to use it?” Kelly asked. I was really becoming attached to the Were. She seemed to get me even when I wasn’t getting myself.

  “I can manipulate the flame yes. I can cast flame spells. However if I tried to drink the blood of another flame carrier it would kill me instantly. I don’t know the mechanics of how it works I just know that it is possible.” He gave her a shrug. Kelly nodded a smile on her face. Their eyes were locked, I had to step back the electricity was making me queasy.

  “I would suggest the two of you get together and discuss things. I have a feeling both of you have quite a few questions for the other.” I winked at Kelly and she blushed a deep red. If Patrick was able to I think he would have as well.

  “I have an idea.” I put my hand up and was able to do a slight jump without hurting myself. “Who wants to show off?” I turned and crowd looked around from one another. “The only way we are going to work well together is to know the power that we have. Do I have anyone that can also wield water? You know just in case someone or something goes up in flames.” I had a few hands go up and I sighed with relief. “Thank god I was worried for a second.” I heard giggles erupt here and there. “Who wants to go first?”

  “How about you little sis. Show everyone your war face.” He grinned and I narrowed my eyes. Talk about being put on the spot.

  I took my stance away from the crowd and shook my hands before popping my neck. This was the first time I was really doing this on my own without being instigated. I put my hands to the side and thought of the darkest thing I could think of to set off the flames. John’s face came into view behind my closed eyes. I felt the fire erupt at my fingers and slowly work its way up my body. When my eyes started to burn I opened them as my body lifted into the air my toes instinctively pointed. I threw my hands above my head and a mixture of red and white flames corkscrewed around the other and shot towards the sky. That was a first.

  It took me a moment to get my bearings. I had to put my feet back on the ground and put my flames out. I thought of Wesley, his blue eyes, his smile. Then I thought of Adam and all the confusing emotions that were erupting. Finally I thought of Aaron and his smile, how he had looked that last moment I had seen him. These were my happy thoughts these were the men that grounded me to whatever shed of mortality that I had. I felt my feet hit the ground and my eyes ceased to burn. When I opened them again the fire was out and I was staring into the eyes of hundreds of shocked fire carriers.

  “Wow.” I heard several say as the crowd began to clap.

  I never thought it was an amazing feat to be able to levitate, the others had wings, they could fly all I could do was float high enough that I could see more of the field. I looked around the crowd and took a bow. While I was sure the sight was a spectacle to see I also felt a slight pain sear through me as the images I had thought of came back to haunt me.

  “Who’s next?” I asked brushing off the emotions. Quite a few hands shot in the air.