Read Wild Fire Page 4


  It was rather quiet for the next two weeks. We had a few more allies join but none of them had witnessed the demonic rage that was the Queen’s Army. They were sent by Nick in fact. He was still chasing down our fourth when he came across them at hotels and rest stops along the way. He was pointing them towards Harrisville and telling them to ask for any of us by name.

  It wasn’t until we were standing in the back yard amongst the warlocks that a very upset Shawn made his way into our vicinity.

  “He’s been spotted again.” My brother said.

  It had taken Helen almost a week to look my mother in the eye again. Took even longer for her to speak to me. So when she smiled at me and clasped Shawn’s face in her hands kissing smack on the lips I was rather surprised.

  “Awesome!” She wailed almost too enthusiastically. “Now that’s my idea of fun.”

  We followed her grabbing our weapons along the way. This was going to be interesting to say the least. We piled into the SUV and were off to find the creature and hopefully bring him in or turn him into compost.