Read Wild Fire Page 41


  “You ready for this?” Shawn asked as we sat in his room his bed facing each other.

  “I don’t know.” I put my face in my hands. “I don’t really have a choice, and since it works out in our favor I should probably do it.”

  “It’s going to be hard you know.” He handed me a shirt from his laundry basket.

  “I’m sure Mona has thought of everything.” I folded the shirt and put it to my right.

  “She is good at what she does, that is for certain.” He shrugged. “I just don’t know how it’s going to be you with blonde hair and nothing like yourself.”

  “I’m scared of that part. I have to be the me that I could have been when I was living with her and dad. I don’t know if I can pull it off.” I sighed.

  “Mona will make sure that the you that you are is the you that you are supposed to be.” He winked at me and handed me another shirt.

  “You will take care of Kelly right?” I asked him and he put the pants he was holding down and looked at me like I was the one that had lost their mind.

  “Nothing is going to happen to her. I thinks she will have fun with the whole thing. I mean it’s not every day you get to portray a Warden. Not to mention complete use of the said Warden’s powers.” I knew Kelly was in good hands when it came to Shawn. Even though we had a rocky start he would never let anything happen to me now.

  “Thank you.” I muttered. I was forever in debt to my brother for this.

  “No thanks needed.” He waved his hand. “I like Kelly, I think if I wasn’t here she would be a good one to take my place.”

  “Don’t say that Shawn, you will always be here.” I didn’t want to think of the possibilities of life without Shawn. Though he had only recently found his way into my heart I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

  “I don’t plan on leaving any time soon.” He smiled. I would like to think he felt the same for me that I felt for him.

  “Good.” I smiled.

  “Just think of Wesley. You are finally going to be able to get him out of there.” He picked up the pants he was holding and folded them nicely.

  “Yeah that is the one thing that I am super excited about.” I laughed. “I told him I would get him out of there and I felt like I failed him for so long. I never knew that I would be the one that brought him home after all.”

  “Well he isn’t here yet. I wonder how he will adjust.” Shawn looked at me funny. “Do you think the two of you will get back together?”

  “I don’t know. If the change in him is what I think it is there is no way that we can be.” I felt my heart drop for a moment.

  “I have known vampires to have relationships with those that have fire in their veins. Just means he has to be smart enough not to try and bite you, even playfully.” Shawn teased.

  “Yeah that image was not one that I wanted.” I groaned and rolled my eyes. I only had a few more hours till dark and then everything was going to change yet again.

  He laughed and threw a sock at my face. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’m going to miss you too. At least we will have our psychic talks.” I smiled.

  “I can’t wait to see what she does to you.” He joked.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked rubbing my nose.

  “She wasn’t always the perfect lady.” He pointed out. “Like I said I have known Mona a very long time.”

  “Why did she and dad get married?” I figured it was worth a shot.

  “Well dad needed someone to watch out for things on the home front. Mona and he connected after him and your mother split. I don’t think it was love at first sight or anything. It took about a year for them to decide to get married. He knew she had a child but he didn’t know with whom. Trust me it’s not just you that is shocked about Rose.” He sighed and looked down.

  “Well I have always loved her. She made sure I had everything I could possibly want when I was growing up.” I said leaning forward and reaching for another shirt to fold.

  “She is a good woman, yet she isn’t. If that makes sense that is.” He looked back up at me there was something in his eyes.

  “She said my mom met dad through her.” I put the folded shirt on the stack beside me.

  “Yeah, I don’t know the complete story.” He shrugged.

  We folded the rest of the clothes in silence.

  “I guess I better see Adam before I leave. I mean he won’t know that I’m gone but I would still like to see him.” I said standing up once we finished.

  “Yeah how is that going for you?” He asked. This was the first time he had brought up the whole incident.

  “I’m doing alright. He seems happy with Rose for the most part. Aside from what happened yesterday.” I shrugged. “I promise to see you again before I leave.” I leaned down and hugged my brother.

  “You better!” He exclaimed wrapping his arms around me.

  I left the room and wandered the hallway for a second. I wasn’t sure if I was going to see this place again. I may be getting Wesley out but I may be the one that has to stay behind. I had been weighing the possibilities in my head all day. There’s a chance of failure of course, but there was also a chance of a life lost. Either I or Wesley might not make it back.

  “Hey you!” Adam’s voice rang from the bottom of the stairs. I smiled and bound over the side of the balcony landing on my feet at the bottom of the stairs. “Well that was new.”

  “Somewhat.” I giggled.

  “Pretty sweet.” He smiled and nodded in approval.

  “How you doing?” I asked brushing my hands off on my jeans.

  “Alright, dealing with Rose’s whining about her mother being your step-mother.” He rolled his eyes. “However, her attitude did a complete 180 so I think that it was a good thing.”

  “Well now if she has a troubles with me we can just blame it on sibling rivalry.” I laughed.

  “That’s too funny.” He smirked. “Where you headed?”

  “I was looking for you.” I said beaming at him.

  “Well lucky for me.” He held out his arm and I looped mine through his.

  “I haven’t been able to see you at all the last few days.” I said as we walked through the fields arm in arm.

  “Well you have been so busy with training. I’ve learned some pretty cool moves myself.” He said puffing out his chest.

  “I can’t wait to see them.” I laughed as he smiled wide at me.

  “I can’t wait to show them to you.” He suddenly stopped. “I’ve been meaning to ask. I have some black spots in my memory about us being in Dallas.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked my heart rate increasing.

  “It’s probably nothing.” He sighed. I could tell it was bothering him but he wasn’t ready to ask yet. I think he was afraid of what I would tell him.

  “Black spots aren’t something to mess with.” I said my heart pounding. If he was able to remember there were missing memories how long would it be before he realized everything he was missing?

  “I’m sure there is nothing to worry about. John hit me pretty hard so I’m sure it’s expected.” He sighed.