Read Wild Fire Page 45


  Hello Ms. Prudence

  “You have to change.” Mona said eyeballing me.

  It was the next morning and we were standing in the grand living room face to face. Mona had pulled me from my sleep at five, I was still tired from the day before.

  “What are you expecting when you say change?” I asked giving her a confused smile and shrugged my shoulders.

  “Good Lord.” Mona rubbed the brim of her nose. “You simply cannot be you.” She repeated. She had said this probably ten times this morning alone.

  According to Mona we appeared as we wished others to see us. This depended on mood, location, and living situations. To change or alter your appearance one must become one with themselves. Certain elements were of course always there. I cannot alter my facial features but several coats of makeup would take care of that. My eyes were the simplest to change to blue, on the flip side my demon eye had to be more dominant. That meant I had to hide my one white eye. This was a very hard task. One that had taken me hours to master, pushing the light in my blood to the back of my consciousness.

  I closed my eyes and thought as hard as I could, I thought about what I would look like if my hair hadn’t changed. My body shook for a moment. I felt a slight pulling sensation and then that sound of Mona clapping forced me to open my eyes.

  “You did it!” She grabbed me by my shoulders and guided me to the closest mirror. My hands shot into my head my black tresses were now a pale, almost white, blonde. I looked different, far more fragile and my skin was way to pale. I looked dead.

  “This is what you wanted? I look like the walking dead.” I groaned instantly missing my black hair.

  “Don’t fret I have Paulo coming to fix it. Maybe some honey highlights? You won’t know who you are by the time they are all done with you.” She was standing behind me playing with my hair.

  “They?” I asked with a squeak, this was going to be painful.

  “You have to appear royal darling.” Mona’s smile was wicked but quite intriguing this is what she was striving for the last time I was in Dallas.

  “I’m getting a drastic make-over aren’t I?” I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout.

  “You have no idea.” Mona laughed.

  “What are they going to do to me?” I groaned.

  “We have hair, nails, make-up, threader, wax, clothing, shoes, manners and one test blind date to make sure you are well, not you.” She smiled again.

  “Blind date?” I asked calmly.

  “You will see. I think you will enjoy it.” She winked.

  “I have a distinct feeling that I won’t.” I grumbled crossing my arms. Wesley better feel special that I am changing myself to get him out of that pit.

  I had decided that morning to continue in my childhood diary the transformation in stages as they occurred. This is what I had to go through in order to become Prudence Warren and leave behind Dawn Weathers.

  Demon Princess Diary Day 1

  Paulo was the first in the onslaught of high priced beautifier’s meant to make me not me anymore. Six hours of listening to him and Mona bicker gave me a migraine. Finally, after a heated debate I had hints of honey and spice added to my blonde hair. It didn't look horrible, it actually added some depth to the pale locks. He had cut another six inches of my hair off, I wanted to cry. My bangs were trimmed and brushed flat. So now my hair comes right above my ears, no more pony tails! Mona told me to quit pouting it was just hair.

  Next was Marcia, a small Asian girl with a huge smile. She tried to drown out all the drama, needless to say it failed. Paulo and Mona both have an idea on how I should look. Mona says blood red nails, he says French tips. I get active length nails in a French manicure with red tips to make both of them happy. If I have to listen to another argument I’m turning them to ash!

  Lunch consisted of brown rice and vegetables. What the hell is Mona thinking? I’m a size seven it’s not like I need to lose weight. She’s also cut off my soda supply. I am allowed one can of Diet Coke a day. I hate Diet Coke! But I choke it down.

  Dinner? Not much better. Mona says I have to be different inside and out, a total polar opposite from what I really am. Apparently I need more fiber and veggies. Pizza has been officially outlawed in the Weather’s Manor! Eliza Doolittle how I envy you.

  Demon Princess Diary Day 2

  Alright so the woman has lost her ever loving mind. She woke me up at five this morning to make me sit through an hour of a woman “pampering” my feet. The fact that I let the manicurist touch my fingers should have been enough to make her happy, now she is bringing in this other woman that is meant to give me a pedi. Never had one of these, don’t find it to stress free like she said it would. Breakfast consisted of shredded wheat, and not the kind with the frosting. I think she is either trying to kill me or get me used to eat roughage.

  After the woman tortured my precious toes I had to endure the most excruciating pain in my entire life. A full body wax! They ripped hair from places I never even knew had hair!!! By the end of the ordeal I was red and puffy even bleeding in some areas. I couldn’t walk right for a good two hours afterwards.

  According to Mona this woman that she created as the prophecy was a Nobel woman with strong hybrid back grounds. She had to be a mixture of hell and spitfire since I wasn’t allowed to use anything heaven related while using my powers. I had to basically put everything my mother taught me in the back of my mind and lock it away.

  So what do I look like now? OK I have short blonde hair with honey and spice highlights, my eyes have been transformed to a permanent blue (for now that is), I have red tipped finger nails and red toenails, absolutely no hair on my body excluding of course on my head and my eyebrows. I didn’t recognize myself when I looked in the mirror today. The only features to me that seem familiar is the shape of my face and the fullness of my lips. Even my eyes allude me as to who I am. There is absolutely no way that Miranda is going to know that it is me walking into that camp in a few days.

  Demon Princess Diary Day 3

  Today is by far the most painful of all. No more pulling and prodding aside from the morning’s painful threading experience. They say it doesn't hurt! They lost their mind! Of course it still felt better than when they pulled all the other hair from my body.

  No, today was a wardrobe party. Mona had several of her "friends" strut around our living room in the clothing that I was expected to wear. Everything was so incredibly high classed I wasn't quite sure how I was going to be able to pass it off in the desert. However, Mona has a plan and I need to listen to her in order to make sure that the plan works. Once she had me dressed in one of the sleeveless pinstriped numbers she had a make-up artist begin on the facial transformation. She had to show me step by step how to do my makeup without looking like I was either dead or overly done up. I wasn't to look like myself but I was also not supposed to look like a street walker.

  I was treated to a seaweed salad for lunch. You know it tastes better than you would think. I was getting used to the items that Mona was making me eat, I think I had even forgotten what bacon tastes like. She worked with me on manners, not that I didn't have any, she just wanted to make sure that when I ate I ate like a Royal. By the end of our meal she had showed me how to decline the desert that was offered for a cocktail. Ok, I'm not a drinker so I'm going to have to do this in moderation.

  She says that I am about two days away from having to leave for New Mexico and she felt that I was prepared for whatever Miranda had to throw at me. I just had to remember that I couldn't be me. We spent the rest of the afternoon walking in heels. I mean stilettos! She even expected me to learn how to run in them. I'm starting to see that she is far from crazy, this woman knows what to do in order to make things work. She wasn't going to let her hard work be a failure.

  "The last three days have been extremely productive!" Mona laughed as I walked into the livin
g room in a high end silk shirt and black slacks that covered about three quarters of my black heels. I had mastered my hair, not that there was much there to really master but it looked nice. I also had done as the makeup lady had said and used the brushes to transform my face. I looked far older than I was which in a way is that Mona wanted.

  “If you want to call it productive.” I said taking a seat making sure to cross my ankles.

  "So tonight you have a date. I know you don't want to go but I figured it would be a good way for you to see if you can be Prudence and not so much Dawn." She handed me a bracelet, two rings, a pair of diamond earrings, and a toe ring. I looked at her like she was crazy again and started putting everything on. I felt powers I had never imagined searing through my body.

  "What is all of this?" I asked as my heart started to beat faster.

  "Your powers." She laughed. "One ring is electricity, the other ring is teleportation, the bracelet is a hint potions knowledge, the earrings to keep your appearance in tact, and the toe ring has a taste of just about every one of Max’s ultimate powers. All of this will help you to remember who are. Of course this means that for now you need to practice what was given to you.”

  “This all seems like a lot.” I said brushing my sweating palms on my pants.

  “Yes, now don’t do that Dawn you will get your pants all dirty.” She pulled my hands away from my legs and looked at me her eyes intense. “You can do this.”

  “I feel so different.” I said softly reaching up and touching the short blonde locks.

  “You should. You are no longer a little girl. You are a woman.” She hugged me lightly and let me go leaving her hands on my shoulders. “I love you dear.”

  “I love you too Mona.” I raised an eyebrow at her and gave her a twisted smile.

  “Oh! Before I forget.” She reached up and grabbed the amulet around my neck, saying a few words I watched it shimmer and turn into a diamond to match the earrings. “It will still protect you just remember to never take it off.”

  “I promise.” I held the jewel between my fingers and sighed.

  “You look ravishing darling.” She laughed making sure to emphasize the high breeding in her tone.

  “As do you.” I laughed like I was from a high class family. Which in a way I suppose that I am.

  “Well then. I suggest you pick out the most beautiful yet seductive piece of clothing in your wardrobe right now. You have a date with a very important person and I want you to look your best. I want you to be Prudence.” Mona laughed pushing me towards the end of the room and the awaiting stairs.

  “Will you tell me who it is?” I asked quickly as I stood on the bottoms step.

  “That, my dear, defeats the purpose of a blind date.” She shooed me away and I climbed the steps wondering who she could have called to be this blind date.

  I spent hours looking through my new clothes and trying things on looking for the appropriate mix of sophistication and seduction. I had to think like Prudence not like Dawn. Finally I settled on a strapless number. It was a black dress with a shorter skirt than I would normally choose to wear. I looked in the mirror at my face, my hair, my body, and finally the dress. I couldn’t even see the me I had known up until three days ago. My eyes were incredibly blue my hair blonde with highlights that came to my chin. I looked amazing! What if Wesley preferred me this way?

  I emerged from my room at six dressed to the nines including all my jewelry. I had managed, in a short time, to learn to walk with grace in heels. I was not afraid that I was going to fall face first down the stairs or manage to twist my delicate ankle. Mona applauded as I gave her a theatrical spin.

  “Bravo!” She called out. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and she laughed. “Look at you. You look so grown up.”

  “Mona, I am grown up.” I said with a straight face.

  “So you are.” She said softly taking my hands. “Are you ready for this? I had to make some calls to make this happen.” She handed me a designer handbag and a set of keys.

  “What are these for?” I asked holding the keys in my hand firmly.

  “You’re car.” She said simply as if I was supposed to understand. “You cannot teleport all your belongings to New Mexico so I had a car purchased for you through one of my clients.” She said with air quotes and giggled.

  “You didn’t have to.” I said flipping the simple key in my hand.

  “I know I didn’t have to, I wanted to. Besides that heap you called a car is still sitting in the driveway of the house in Midvale.” She looked at me from head to toe again and smiled in approval. “Now you cannot all of a sudden scream you are Dawn when you see him. You have to remember he doesn’t know it is you. This is a test to see how well you do under pressure.”

  “Of course.” I smiled at her.

  “I got you a reservation at one of the most expensive restaurants in Dallas. It is also one of the hardest to get a reservation at the last minute.” She groaned. “However because of your father’s generous tipping they have agreed to have a table waiting for you.” She pushed towards the door. “Now let’s have a look at your new car.” She giggled like a school girl. I was wondering if it would have been this way if I had never left.

  We walked out the front door and I nearly fell over. A brand new Bentley was sitting in the crescent shaped drive. It was white and man it was a beautiful piece of art. I felt my heart quicken and my head swam. The uncontrollable urge to dive into the car was burning through me. I kept poised though and turned to look at her.

  “Thank you.” I said simply trying to conceal my excitement.

  “It was nothing.” She laughed brushing it off as usual. If you have the money spend it. “OH and here.” She handed me a new phone. “Of course different number and it’s registered to Prudence Warren so nobody can track you to it.” She gushed, I could tell this was a proud moment for her.

  “Again thank you.” I said hugging her. When I pulled away she looked at her watch and became very serious.

  “I told him you would be there in twenty minutes. I suppose fashionably late is better than not showing up at all.” She laughed and opened the driver’s side door of my new car for me. As I got in I looked at her warmly.

  “You would have made a wonderful mother.” I said as she shut the door behind me. I turned on the car and it came to life. She already had the navigation ready to take me down Commerce in Dallas. I waved once and took off out of the driveway not sure what I should be expecting.