Read Wild Fire Page 47


  The rest of the night went by rather quickly it seemed. All we did was talk, most of it pretending that I had no clue who Edmund was. He talked about everything under the mood excluding anything that had to do with the camp in Missouri. I was grateful for that, it proved to me that he was in fact loyal to the Wardens. Even when I had mentioned the formation of the four he instantly said that the Wardens were nothing but myth.

  I left the restaurant about three hours after arriving. I had only drank the one cocktail and switched to water by the end of the conversation so that I was able to drive my Bentley back to the manor. When I pulled into the driveway I took off my shoes and carried them into the house. Mona was waiting by the door for me to enter. She had a huge grin on her face.

  “I received a phone call.” She looked at me her eyes were glistening.

  “OH?” I asked raising my eyebrows.

  “He wishes to see you again. Said you were absolutely charming.” She clapped her hands together. “This is going to work.”

  “So now what?” I smiled at the thought but let it drop to a frown when I wasn’t sure what the next step was.

  “I told him you had a job that was time sensitive and I would see what I could do when you get back.” She looked like she wanted to dance.

  “He’s going to hate it when he finds out that it was me.” I groaned. “I always liked Edmund.”

  “He will get over it, once he knows the reason behind it.” Mona brushed it off as nothing. “However this means that you are good to go. If Edmund cannot penetrate your mind than Miranda most definitely will not.”

  “What about Sheridan?” I asked my body trembled at the thought of her name.

  “She won’t be there. Sheridan has her own Army, Miranda’s group is nothing more than the Special Forces. It’s not Miranda’s team murdering those innocent shard carriers then it is the Queen’s Army. Yes, Miranda’s brigade is part of the same Army but it has a different purpose. Why else do you think they are holding Wesley in an ‘undisclosed’ location? It has nothing to do with the fact that they are killing people. Well I guess she was but now they are more of a prophecy camp. That is why he is guarded.”

  “They are using him for his visions. As long as he has them he’s ok. So I need to get in and get out within a few days.” I dropped my shoes on the floor to put my hands in my hair. “How am I going to get her to trust me?”

  “You are probably going to have to do something things that you would never do otherwise. Just remember to be one with the coldness. You have be uncaring, like those that are ahead of you are actually below you.” Mona looked down at the ground. “You may even have to kill someone you would normally leave alive.”

  “That seems like a lot just to get someone to trust me.” I said cocking my head to the side.

  “It does but what other options do we have. Unless you are able to somehow get John to trust you first. You get to John you get to Miranda.” Mona shrugged.

  “I didn’t even think about John. He’s going to neutralize my power.” I moaned stomping a foot in a fit.

  “No he won’t. You have the trinkets on and you will only loose the use of your fire. You will still be able to use all the other powers.” Mona pointed out and I looked at her dumbfounded.

  “He can only neutralize my power but not the borrowed.” I shrugged. I looked around the entry way wondering if we were going to be having the entire conversation here.

  Mona noticed the unease and motioned for me to follow her into the living room where we sat down on the couch facing one another. Mona had pulled her shoes off sitting them down and sighing with relief. The longer I spent with her the more she relaxed. I had a feeling if I spent any more time with her I would see that she was far more than the uptight woman I had known as a child.

  "At least you know that he will not knock you unusable." She said as soon as I crossed my legs and put my elbows on my knees.

  "True and that might be enough to convince him to look the other way." I smiled feeling a warmth crawl over me. John couldn't render me useless. This was news I wish I had heard months ago.

  "Maybe. Just try to avoid being alone with him. If he is still able to make you uncomfortable he may pick up on it." Mona warned.

  "I was able to put the fear aside the last time we met. When he warned me of what was happening with Wesley." I hung my head at the memory. "I don't know though how I will feel with my new personality."

  "I don't know what to tell you. I cannot foresee what will happen once you get there. All I hope is that when you do arrive they remember the prophecy and remember that you are there because it was a vison. Something told Wesley that you were coming in order to fulfill a wonderful role. You are there to lead them to victory. Miranda knows it, she should know your face from the drawings, but I do not know the outcome." She shook her head.

  "So the question now is; when do I leave?" I frowned afraid of what her answer might be.

  "You passed the test, there is nothing else that I can do for you. My suggestion would be to pack up your stuff put it in your car and start the drive to New Mexico. I don't know exactly where she is so you will have to do some honing of your own to find her." Mona smiled shyly at me. "I would love for you to spend several weeks with me before going, but this is far more important than you and I bonding all over again."

  "I was afraid you would say that." I sighed. "I suppose then I should get some rest." I got up from the couch. Four days of pampering and training for this and it was all up to me.

  "Dawn, I wish I could come with you." She looked at me sadly as if she felt I was being fed to the wolves.

  "I do too, but I understand." I shrugged and left the room. Walking up the stairs into my old bedroom and laying down on the bed.

  When do you leave? I heard Shawn's voice in my head as soon as my head hit the pillow. I hadn't even taken the time to change from my evening clothes and into a nightgown.

  First thing in the morning. This is all so surreal. Did you see the date she had me set up with? I sighed and fluffed the pillow under my head.

  No I have to admit I missed that. We had a slight situation here. He sounded concerned like this was a rather large situation and not a slight one.

  Everything ok? I felt my heart quicken.

  Yeah, we had an internal conflict. Don't worry Kelly is ok. This could only mean one thing.

  Let me guess, Rose. I felt an annoyance like no other.

  Yeah, our lovely step sister seems to have some mommy issues she is sorting out. She swears that Mona loves you more than her. It's a bunch of stupid jealousy. Even he sounded annoyed by all this mess.

  She will have to get over it at some point. Mona has some serious issues with the whole thing as well I'm sure. I looked towards my dresser. I really should get ready for bed. If there is one thing I learned out of all this was that a lady never slept in her cocktail dress.

  I agree. So when are you leaving? He asked me changing the subject.

  Apparently tomorrow. I passed the final test. She thinks I'm ready. I sighed. I was hoping that he could feel my nervousness about the whole thing.

  And how do you feel? I knew he was going to ask me that.

  I don't know. I feel that I could be. I was able to pull off tonight without being figured out. I rolled onto my side and looked out the window. The night sky was beautiful though I admit I missed the stars.

  So who was this mystery date? He had a hint of amusement in his thoughts.

  Edmund. He was great though truly devoted to the Ally force. I laughed out loud.

  Seriously! That explains all the primping this afternoon. He made a hypothetical sigh and I had to control my laughter again.

  He was quite flirty. I have to admit I had to fight from laughing on several occasions. He can be quite the charmer. I had actually enjoyed my blind date with Edmund even at the end of the night when he
nervously debated on if he should kiss me or not. I had instead given him a brief kiss on the cheek and departed the restaurant.

  I would have paid to see that. Shawn was laughing hysterically in my head.

  Well I need to get to bed. Take care of Kelly for me. I demanded seriously. He promised that he would let nothing happen to her and I was holding him to that promise.

  This will be the last I hear from you before you call to be brought home. Take care of yourself Dawn. He had a bit of remorse in his voice as if he was not excited that this was our last conversation for days.

  I will Shawn. Call for you soon. I felt the telekinetic link break and I felt alone.

  I got up put on my nightgown before crawling under the covers. This was probably the last night that I was going to be sleeping in a bed. Unless I acted like a Pre-Madonna and pretty much demanded one. I wasn’t ready to leave the manor yet. Honestly after wanting to run the first day there things had changed. I’m not saying that it wasn’t a smart idea for me to take off. However, I felt now that maybe I should have given my father a chance. All those years of not speaking to him made the guilt in my rise. What I wouldn’t give to turn back time and choose another avenue to get to my mother. Oh well, it’s to late to play the game of what if. I had done what I did and there was no going back and changing it.

  I closed my eyes and willed the darkness to take me. I was used to the dreamless sleeps now and found myself hoping it would stay that way when I was in New Mexico. The darkness pulled me and I felt it envelope me in warmth. I was happy for it to take me.