Read Wild Fire Page 49



  I pulled into a hotel parkinglot off of I-20 near Artesia, New Mexico. I was tired, and though my driver’s seat was comfortable my poor butt was numb and fast asleep. I figured I would check in for a few hours and then head back up the road to Lincoln National Forest. Maybe I would get a hit there. So far the drive had been pretty quiet and rather boring. Evening singing at the top of my lungs to all the songs I knew wasn’t enough to take the complete boredom out of the drive. It would have been much better if someone had been so nice to be allowed to come with me.

  I walked in my stilettoed driving boots into the lobby of the tiny hotel and looked around attempting to create a disgusted face (you never know who you will find in these places).

  “May I help you Madame?” A dark man behind the counter asked me as I tiptoed towards him attempting not to touch anything.

  “I need a room. For only a few hours.” I said the sound of my voice cold. I gave the man a hard stare hoping that he couldn’t see an ounce of softness in me.

  “Just passing through?” He asked as he started to work on the old computer at the desk.

  “Something like that.” I said harshly looking around again.

  “I will have to charge you the whole night.” He said grabbing a key from the drawer next to him.

  “Whatever. I’ve been traveling for days I just need to rest.” I reached in my handbag and pulled out my credit card. Mona was very thorough when it came to Prudence.

  He accepted the card graciously and ran it through the old credit card reader. Was anything new in this damned place? “Thank you Mrs. Warren.” He handed the card back to me and wrote my name down in a ledger.

  “No Mrs., just Miss.” I corrected him. I took the card attempting not to touch him.

  “Where you coming from?” He asked looking at me cautiously. I could only assume that this place didn’t receive that many visitors.

  “Maine.” I said simply as he handed me the room key.

  “That is quite a drive. You are in room 258, it’s on the second floor near the ice machine.” He smiled at me and winked. I gave him a crooked grin and turned to retrieve my traveling bag that had been sitting in the back seat of the Bentley.

  I opened the back door and grabbed the ice blue travel bag that Mona had so graciously purchased for me for the trip. I rolled it behind me as I re-entered the hotel and proceeded up the steps and to room 258. I was halted on the stairs by a young man around twenty.

  “May I help you with your bags?” He asked giving me a sweet smile. Mona had taught me that when a man offers to assist with your bags you allow him. However, if he runs off with your bags you disintegrate him.

  “Of course.” I handed the bag to him and pointed up the stairs. “Room 258 if you don’t mind.” I sashayed up the steps and led him to the door. Upon opening it and turning to retrieve my bag from him he looked in me and grinned.

  “We have been waiting for you.” He said handing me the bag. “Please get some rest. I do apologize that the accommodations are not to your expensive tastes, but I do promise you are in the right spot.”

  “Thank you young man.” I looked at him without smiling though inside I was scared to death.

  “The General will be here after a while to meet with you.” He said standing in the door frame. I was going to meet with Miranda first. My heart started to pound but I retained my expression not showing any signs of excitement or fear.

  “Sounds great.” I said nonchalantly.

  “Can I get anything for you?” He asked his green eyes were sparkling.

  “Everything should be quite fine.” I said looking around the room and narrowing my eyes. There was a double bed with an awful green comforter, a single chair and an old TV on a busted up dresser.

  “The look on your face says otherwise.” He laughed.

  “It’s not the Ritz Carlton that is for sure. It should serve its purposes though. Do you wish to come in or do you plan on standing in the doorway this whole time staring at me?” I asked flatly. The boy was doing nothing but stare at my face as if he was looking for answers.

  “May I?” He asked taking a step forward. I nodded at him annoyed. “We have been hearing so much about you. I was thrilled when she sent me to welcome you.” He smiled deviously at me. He was a handsome boy. About five ten with patronizing green eyes and an evil smile. Something about him was off though. The way he said “the General” almost came off with a little bit of distrust.

  “What’s your name boy?” I asked. Though I knew I looked youthful I had to act as if I was centuries old.

  “Marshall.” He said squeaking.

  “Marshall, I’m Prudence.” I held out my hand and he took it delicately in his lifting it to his lips and kissing it.

  “That is a beautiful name.” He said looking at me and grinning from ear to ear. The way it shadowed his eyes made my pulse drop. Thank goodness I was so pale that a decrease in color wasn’t noticeable.

  “What are you?” I asked turning and walking towards the bed and groaning when I realized how lump the mattress was.

  “I’m a shifter. My mother was wolf my father was a skin walker. I can transform into just about anything if needed. That is why she sent me. Just in case.” He looked towards the bed and then back at me. This boy was out of his mind.

  “Well that was very nice of her to send such a strapping young man to assist me.” I opened the bag and pulled out a nightgown and some slippers. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to get ready to sleep for a few hours. If your General is coming as you say I need to be rested for her arrival.” I walked into the small bathroom and changed out of my high dollar driving clothes and into my night gown. Emerging from the bathroom I didn’t realize the effect it would have on the young shifter.

  Yes the gown plunged rather abruptly between my breasts, and yes it hung on my hips tightly and then loosened to the floor. The poor boy was about to have an aneurism.

  “You are so well dressed.” He swallowed and ran to the bed pulling the comforter away from the sheets. I looked at it unsatisfied and reached out touching the mattress I prayed that I had the ability to pull the lumps from it. It shimmered for a second and then changed into a comfortable feather bed. I smiled to myself satisfied with what I could do with this borrowed power. He gasped beside me as I grabbed the comforter and turned it into a super plus dark purple blanket, the bed was calling my name and I crawled under the comforter.

  “Are you going to be here while I sleep?” I asked as I pulled the pillow to my head.

  “If you wish me to.” He stated looking towards the chair.

  “Please, I tend to sleep heavy and if anything happens I need to be woke up.” I said to him sleepily.

  “As you wish.” He simply said taking a seat in the chair.

  If this didn’t get her trust then I don’t know what would. I fell asleep quickly and in the full trust of Marshall the shifter.