Read Wild Fire Page 56


  Needful Things

  The bonfire that night was just as magnificent as the night before. Even after blessing several barrels of water and several of wine. Everyone was dancing around in celebration of the cure. Those that had been hospitalized for the blood vomit were suddenly better and able to eat again. There was joy and excitement in the air. I was tired and drained using the last of my magical energy on the evening’s festivities. I would need to rest soon to recharge.

  Wesley was attached to Miranda every time I turned around. I was apprehensive of this since tonight he would be delivered to me. How was I going to handle having him near me again? What was I going to have to do in order to keep my secret still a secret? I knew he had felt the electricity between us yesterday evening he had looked at me with recognition.

  She had cleaned him up and dressed him well. His hair was combed his face freshly shaved. Though I knew we were nearing nineteen he looked as if he had aged five years. Marshall was dancing in a circle with a young girl, I could only assume that she was his sister.

  John appeared beside me and held out his hand. I thought about it a second and let him lead me out to the dancers and swing me in circles around the fire to the sounds of the fairy band. We danced for what felt like minutes but turned out to be hours. Out of breath and sweating I took my seat on the log bench that I had claimed as my own.

  “My Priestess.” Wesley said his voice cracking. He had managed to silently come near me without me knowing. He had always been good at that, completely throwing my spidey senses off.

  “Boy.” I said acknowledging him. His closeness was making my heart pound. I wanted to throw myself in his arms and tell him it was me but I knew I couldn’t.

  “Lilly tells me that I am to go with you tonight.” He said with remorse in his voice. It must have bothered him just a little to be handed over like a common concubine.

  “Yes.” I said curtly. I stood up and took the boys hand in mine as I looked towards Miranda and her goblet of blood. She appeared content and nodded at me.

  I led him through the tents to my own and took him inside. We were alone but not alone enough for me to tell him my intentions. I pulled him to my sleeping space and sat on the bed crossing my ankles. I had to play my cards right and I knew the only way he would know me was by physical touch.

  He looked scared yet determined as he stood in front of me.

  “Lilly tells me of your talent.” I smiled at him as coldly as I could muster. The demon blood in my body sang as it recognized the feeling running through my veins.

  “I have dreamed of you Priestess for months now. My notebook is full of images of your face and things that you are here to do.” He looked at me his eyes still dull yet oh so blue.

  “I heard your calls and I am here now.” I stood up and hesitantly touched his face. His lips quivered as the electricity surged through us. “You tired?”

  “I am always tired Priestess.” He admitted as my hand ran down his throat and then his chest.

  “Please lay down as if you are intending to sleep.” I stepped away so he had room to disrobe as most do before sleeping. I grabbed the folded nightgown from the top of the dresser and took to changing. I could feel his eyes on me as the shirt dropped to the ground my lacey bra following suite. I put on the nightgown and it hugged every curve. The plunging neck line revealing the curves of my breasts.

  I crawled beneath the covers and waited for him to join me. “I won’t bite… hard.” I said as my thoughts kept jumping to images of our past. The nights we spent in each other’s arms. Then the last evening in which he told me to run.

  "I can't do this." He said his voice shaking.


  "Do what?" I asked placing my hands on the smooth sheets.

  "My Priestess I do apologize, I just cannot do this." He said his jaw clenched.

  "And I shall ask you again. Do what?" I pushed my lips together in a narrow line.

  "I would much rather die than be used as a common whore." He bit at me.

  "So you wish to remain faithful to your mistress?" I asked. My heart was aching, I thought he knew it was me. All that electricity.

  "I didn't say that." He shook his head looking down at me from where he stood.

  "So what are you saying boy?" I asked leaning back on the feather pillows. I just needed him in close proximity. He was fighting it.

  "I’m saying that if I am to perform as a gesture of good will towards Miranda then I would much rather you rip my heart out." He sighed and sat down on the side of the bed. "Excuse my muttering Priestess. I just do not feel that I am the proper gift for someone of your stature. I would prefer to remain true to myself."

  "I can respect that." I said sitting up and crossing my legs.

  "You can?" He looked at me shocked.

  "I'm not as heartless as everyone wants you to believe." I laughed touching his arm. The electric current surged through us and he took a shallow breath.

  "I do not believe you to be heartless at all." He said looking into my eyes searching.

  "Please. I came here with one plan only to do another.” I shook my head and glanced towards the tent opening.

  “I cannot hurt her anymore.” He said quietly. I turned back towards him as his eyes began to glisten. Were these tears?

  “Hurt who?” I felt a sputter in my heart. I found myself praying it was me.

  “I don’t even know if she loves me anymore.” He put his head in his hands.

  “Who?” I asked curiously.

  “The girl I hurt.” He shook his head from side to side.

  “You know if you just come out and say it I will know what you are talking about.” I suggested.

  “I left her behind. Just walked away from her.” His voice shook.

  I sat up and put my hands on his back. He tensed at my touch. I ignored the electricity surging through me and wrapped my arms around the boy’s shoulders. It took him a moment but he placed his hands on mine and squeezed them.

  “Why do you comfort me?” He asked keeping his face turned away from me.

  “I was in love once.” I started. “I thought he was going to give me the world.”

  “What happened?” He asked sniffing.

  “He thought he was saving me from a fate like no other. He didn’t realize that I was able to take care of the situation on my own. He traded his own life for mine.” I said softly.

  “Da….” His head shot around and looked at me.

  “Shhh.” I put my finger up to his lips and pointed to the outside of the tent. I knew something was there the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

  “Darling Priestess. How are you able to make me feel so much better?” He tried to make it sound better and I smiled.

  “Lay down boy.” I said softly pulling him onto the mattress with me. I listened to the sound of the beings outside my tent move away from the entrance.

  “How is it possible that you came here?” He asked me. It was going to be difficult to keep my wits on this one as the conversation had to be held in code.

  “I received a calling in sorts. A pull to find a way to get here. I sent a vision to the Queen and her daughter in hopes that they would accept me and my powers. I had no idea what I was going to be stepping into.” He touched my hand and I felt comfort.

  “Can I ask you another question?” He leaned on his side and looked down at me. Every memory of him lying next to me flooded my vision.

  “Of course boy.” I laughed softly

  “This man that sacrificed himself for you. Do you still love him?” His eyes were wild and my heart raced.

  “I would be lying if I said that I haven’t felt for others in the time we have been apart. I have lost one to darkness and changed the memories of another. Everything that I have done since he left has been to make sure that I keep everyone else safe. That is why I am here. To keep these people safe.” I yaw
ned. As much as I wanted to have a conversation with him at this time I felt it best if we were silent.

  “So you do still love him?” He smiled.

  “I will always love him.” I frowned and looked at my ringed fingers.

  I felt his lips brush mine and I gasped. It felt as if it had been the longest time since I had felt his lips. The kiss was sweet and long as I twined my hands into his hair and pulled him closer to me.

  Kissing Wesley is nothing like kissing Adam. With Wesley it was a dark need, a deep pull. Animalistic if you want to call it that. I have to fight a need to possess him. With Adam it’s emotion. I can feel the beach on my feet. Smell the country air. Everything feels as if it is going to turn into rainbows if I touch it. Two different boys’ two different feelings. I fell asleep at some point with him watching over me, come morning I would have to find other ways to gain Miranda’s trust in hopes of getting Wesley out of here.

  Then I had to figure out how to get the others out as well.