Read Wild Heart Page 15

  She glanced at Leo out of the corner of her eye. What sort of husband would he make? Kind and gentle? She almost laughed at that thought. More like intense and full of surprises. He’d most likely want to travel, take his wife to see the world. She felt a twinge of jealousy settle like a burr in her soul. Leo’s wife would be beautiful, no doubt. Blond and light, or perhaps dark and exotic.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing,” she said with a shrug and dropped the leaf.

  He glanced at her with raised brows. “Really? I can almost hear your thoughts from here. Something far from pleasant, for your frown could kill a lesser man.”

  “Nothing,” she repeated and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I should get ready for our lessons. You’ll meet me in the library?”

  “Of course. I promised, didn’t I?”

  She handed him the box and took her lower lip between her teeth. So many questions rushed through her mind. Did he regret their kiss? Was it nothing to him? Would he do it again? No…no, that most definitely was not a question she would ask.

  Before she opened her mouth and said something she’d regret, she spun around and raced toward the house.

  Ella pulled the books off the shelf and spread them upon the table. With a sigh, she glanced at the two vacant chairs. How would she sit so close to him? How would she smell his scent? Feel his heat? How would she not think of that kiss…of being naked under his body?

  Her skin heated, and she closed her eyes, attempting to calm her racing heart. But even still an hour later her body still thrummed with an unsatisfied need…a need for more, a need for something she didn’t truly understand. A need for Leo.

  “My, my, what has you all flushed?”

  Ella spun around to see Henry standing in the doorway.

  “It’s rather warm in here, don’t you think?” She moved across the room to the windows and pushed the pane wider, allowing a soft breeze to ruffle the rose-colored curtains.

  “We did not see you at church. One would think that a person who lived in an orphanage run by nuns would go to church on Sunday. Or are you actually Catholic?” he sneered.

  She stiffened at his remark. How did he know about the orphanage? “No, I’m not Catholic, not that it’s any of your concern.”

  “Ah, a heathen then?”

  “Of course not,” she snapped “I merely forgot it was Sunday.”

  He came closer, stopping only a few feet from her. “Forgot, or you were busy with other activities?”

  Ella backed up, her legs hitting the window seat. “Forgot.”

  “Poor you, Leo has been taking up all of your time.” His eyes narrowed. “What exactly do you teach my dear cousin?”

  She tried to keep her face neutral. “Politics, social activities.”

  His lips lifted. “Social activities, is that what they call it now?”

  Her face burned. “I don’t know what you mean.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glanced at the open door. Where was Leo?

  “Gads, you can’t play the innocent, can you?”

  Innocent? Horrified, Ella felt the blood rush from her face. Surely he hadn’t seen them in the field.

  Leo appeared in the doorway, and she relaxed. But her relief didn’t last long. His gaze went immediately to Henry, and his anger swept across the room, hitting Ella like a blow.

  “Leo,” Ella said in a rush of air. She’d never been so happy to see someone and at the same time so worried.

  Henry smirked. “Wonderful, you’ve arrived. I see you managed to skip church once again. Shocking.” He started toward the door. “You really do not want to tempt the devil, Leo.”

  Ella took Leo’s arm and pulled him toward the table, ignoring Henry. His muscles were stiff under her touch, and his gaze still focused unblinkingly on his cousin. If he didn’t gain control of his emotions, she feared what would happen.

  “Leo?” Ella whispered.

  He tore his gaze from Henry and blinked down at her as if just noticing her presence.

  “Really, the way you two have bonded, it’s lovely.” Henry stilled in the open door. “Quite like…brother and sister?” He quirked a brow, and his lips curved into a cruel grin. What was he implying?

  He started to turn. “Oh, and by the way, in a few days we are having a little house party. Grandfather expects you to be there, dear cousin. Best behavior, if you can manage.” He gave them a mocking bow and left the room.

  “Let him go,” she said.

  Leo stepped back, his hands fisted at his sides. “You don’t understand.”

  She didn’t understand? She’d felt every one of his emotions as if she were experiencing what he did. “I understand more than you realize.”

  His brows snapped together, and she realized only too late she should have kept her mouth shut. “Explain.”

  She shrugged and flipped open a book, focusing on the pages so he couldn’t read her expression. “Merely that I’ve had to deal with arrogant persons as well. Now, shall we get started?”

  Fortunately, he settled in the chair without another word, but she still felt the curiosity pulsing from his body, nagging at her. Yes, she’d most definitely have to be careful not to use her ability near him in the future.

  Chapter 11

  The day was unseasonably warm, or so he’d been told. But to him, the weather was refreshingly perfect. In fact, the tepid climate was one thing he savored about England. He slipped under a branch and made his way down a narrow trail. Ella sat on the bank, looking very much like an angel dropped from the heavens.

  She turned before he made it to her side. That wasn’t surprising, but what made him narrow his eyes in suspicion was that he hadn’t made a sound. She couldn’t possibly have heard him. He’d spent years honing his skills in the jungle, learning to be quiet. So how had she sensed his presence? Another mystery to add to a growing list.

  He dampened down the urge to demand answers. As he’d been taught in Italy, it was easier to get what you wanted by seduction rather than intimidation. Frankly, he was looking forward to seducing the prim governess much more than he’d admit. Oh, he wouldn’t ruin her innocence; he wasn’t that much of a monster. But he’d come close. He’d been so concerned over her reputation, but that was before he’d realized she had her own secrets.

  Flushing prettily, she tore her gaze from him and turned back to look upon the small moat that surrounded the castle. “How did you find me?”

  “A servant saw you head this way. Are you waiting for a swim lesson?”

  She arched her brows. “Absolutely not.”

  “So prim and proper.”

  She tilted her chin. “I think I’ve proved I’m neither.”

  The memory of her naked amongst the wildflowers flashed to mind. With the memory, heat assaulted his body like an unwanted illness. Yes, she’d proven herself very well indeed. She’d been horrified at first. Was her reluctance merely an act, as Henry liked to believe, or was she truly so innocent?

  “It’s the remnant of a moat, you know.”

  She glanced at the water, so dark one could barely see a reflection. “Is it?”

  “Yes, my grandfather refilled most of it, but left this crescent shape. He wanted visitors to be able to see water from all sides of the house. But the trees have grown too large, I suppose, to see much.”

  She nodded. “It’s lovely, the way the willow trees hang over the edge. Makes it quite…”

  “Secluded? Romantic?” He was testing her, seeing how far he could push, and at the same time he’d found he liked to tease her.

  She released a wry laugh. “Magical, I was going to say.”

  It would be so much easier if she were the harlot pretending to be pure. As an innocent, he wasn’t sure how to deal with her. Yet, no innocent would have a necklace from India. It was too much the coincidence, wasn’t it? “As if fairies might be frolicking along the banks?”

  She grinned. “Exactly.”

  Leo stretched his legs out
and leaned back on his hands, watching her. There was a shyness about her today that tempted him, and for a moment he forgot he was here to gather more information about her necklace. “It’s rather warm.”

  She picked a violet from the grass. “Hmm.”

  “And you did promise to learn to swim.”

  Her gaze jumped to his. “You’re teasing me.”

  “Of course not. But, as I said, it is rather warm.”

  “No, absolutely not, Leo. You may have bribed me into swimming once, but not again. Besides, you’re mad. We’d surely be spotted by someone.”

  “Not where the rose bushes cover the windows, and that large yew tree would hide us from view.”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Suit yourself.” He stood and strolled down the bank, knowing she watched him and knowing, the way a man knows, that she was attracted to him. Damn, if that thought didn’t thrill him.

  Without glancing back, he pulled off his shirt, letting the linen garment flutter to the ground with a swoosh. He heard her suck in a gasp and grinned. Lord, but he loved taunting her. Next came his boots and trousers. Completely naked, he walked into the water, letting the cool liquid ease his heated skin.

  “It’s wonderful,” he called out.

  He heard the soft rustle of skirts, and his grin deepened. He didn’t turn to face her, but knew she stood on the bank, watching, wondering. Her intense interest only hinted that perhaps she was an innocent after all, not some diabolical seductress working for his cousin.

  “You shouldn’t, you know. A servant could walk out any moment.”

  He turned. She stood on the bank with her arms folded across her midsection. He didn’t miss the way her gaze flicked down his chest before moving back to his eyes. A curious innocent who wanted to know more. Cazzarola, he couldn’t take that. Heat seeped through his body, pooling in his groin, and he was grateful to be covered by the shadowy water.

  “Actually, the servants are busy with preparations for tomorrow’s gathering. Besides, they never come back here; they’re afraid it’s haunted. I’ve sat on the bank in peace many times.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Really?”

  “Truly, Ella. I promise, if you wish to learn to swim, no one will bother us.”

  She looked hesitantly around once more, then surprised him by saying, “Fine. I did promise, after all. Turn around.”

  She waved her hand through the air, dismissing him as a queen would a servant. He turned and stared at the rock wall of the castle, counting each crack and crevice to keep from focusing on the soft rustle of material as she undressed. But of course he couldn’t prevent his body from stiffening and his breath from catching. Slowly, he swallowed and forced pictures of a naked Ella from his mind.

  “Ready,” she said.

  He finally gave into temptation and turned. She stood in her shift, waist deep in water. Her skirt billowed out around her, and her hair hung in loose waves around her flushed face. It was easy, almost too easy, to tempt the woman. But for some reason he found no joy in the thought of using her for information.

  “You remind me of Ophelia,” he said softly.

  She paused, the surprise evident in her wide eyes. “You read Shakespeare?”

  He felt a twinge of annoyance. Did she think him uncouth as Henry did? “Of course. Hasn’t everyone?”

  She gave him a hesitant smile. “Well, I shall promise to try very hard not to drown myself.” She closed her eyes and continued further out into the water. “Oh, it’s lovely.”

  Light and shadow played across her face like a lacey veil, highlighting her high cheekbones. Leo’s fingers curled as he resisted the urge to reach out to her, to pull her up hard against his body and press his mouth to hers. Her eyes flew open, and she stared directly at him as if she’d read his mind.

  He pushed aside the unsettling feeling. “Come,” he snapped, a bit more harshly than he’d intended.

  She quirked a brow, but made her way to him without protest.

  “Stay close to the bank. The water becomes rather deep further out. Now, lie on your back,” he said.

  She took her bottom lip between her teeth, and lay back, completely trusting he’d catch her. And hell, if her complete trust didn’t make him feel even guiltier. Slowly, he lowered her to the water and allowed her body to adjust to the feel of the ripples.

  “Relax,” he said.

  She closed her eyes, and he studied her features. Thick, dark lashes, lush lips. He had the intense desire to kiss her mouth, to taste and explore her body. His gaze left her face and traveled down her neck to her chest where her shift clung to her breasts and revealed her rosy nipples. He gritted his teeth and jerked his gaze away as his body grew hard. Merda, how much must he endure? She was enough to drive a saint mad with lust.

  “All right, now stay relaxed. I’m going to let go and I want you to kick your feet. Try to stay afloat.”

  She took in a deep breath, and as she released it, he let go. She slammed her feet against the surface, and water went spraying through the air in an arch.

  He lifted his arm to block the droplets. “Softer, no need to panic.”

  She slowed her pace and skimmed the surface a few inches before sinking. Beaming, she stood and faced him. He found her excitement almost endearing.

  “Good,” he said and waved her over. “Remember that feeling, and I’m going to turn you onto your stomach.”

  Her smile fell. “You do realize with my face in the water, I won’t be able to breathe.”

  Yes, well, with your breasts on display, I can’t breathe. “You’ll lift your nose from the surface. This is merely to get you used to the feel.”

  “Very well.”

  He turned her body, and her skirts swirled through the water. She looked like a nymph come to take his soul. He had a feeling now, with her barely dressed, he’d allow her to take whatever she wanted.

  With her head back and her nose in the air, she asked, “How am I doing?”

  “Fine. How does it feel?”

  “Awkward,” she sighed.

  He smiled. The woman amused him more than anyone had in a long while. “Now, put your face in the water.”

  She jerked away from him, her feet touching the ground. “Excuse me?”

  “Put your face in the water. You must get used to the water on your face.”

  “And how, pray tell, will I breathe?”

  “You can hold your breath for at least a minute, you know. Go on, right now, just dunk down.”

  She took in a deep breath as if gathering her courage and then dunked down. He waited. And waited.

  Merda, what was she doing?

  After a minute had passed, he reached down and jerked her back up. Her hair hung in wet clumps down her face, and she gasped for air.

  “You didn’t tell me when to come up!” she cried out.

  Irritation flared through him. How had she made it through life alone? “Christ, Ella, I figured you’d have the sense to resurface when you ran out of air.”

  She swiped her hair from her face and glared up at him. “Are you saying I have no sense?”

  He bit back his reply, feeling the sudden desire to laugh. She was too wonderfully ridiculous to be evil. “Let’s just learn, shall we?”

  “Fine,” she snapped.

  “Lie down again.”

  She leaned forward, and he slipped his hands under her belly, holding her up.


  “I am,” she ground out.

  He fought his grin. “Now, I’ll let go. I want you to use your feet and push off of my stomach.”


  “Push off, and keep kicking your feet and paddling your hands. See how far you can go. Stay by the bank so you can touch.”

  He turned her so her feet pressed into his stomach. She bent her knees and pushed. Water went splashing through the air as she kicked and slapped her legs and arms. Slowly, she began to sink, and finally she stopped, letting her feet fall
to the bottom.

  “I did it! I actually moved across the water!”

  Her joy sent warmth through his body, squeezing around his heart. “Yes, you did. Just remember, Ella, get to the top of the water, don’t panic, and if you have to, just float on your back.”

  She took in a gulp of air and pushed through the water, paddling toward him. When she reached his side, she stood and grinned up at him as if looking for his approval. Warmth stirred in his gut, in his heart, in his entire damn being.

  He couldn’t help himself; he wrapped his arms around her waist. Before she could protest, he pulled her to his chest and crushed his mouth to hers. Ella sank into his body, accepting his touch without hesitation. He savored the feel of her lips, warm and inviting. How badly he wanted her, all of her. He tilted his head, deepening the kiss, and she opened her mouth on a moan. Eagerly, their tongues met, touching, stroking, and dancing together in a mating rhythm. She wrapped her arms around his neck and slipped her fingers into his hair.

  Cazzarola! He lost all control when with this woman. Heat shot down his body, straight to his manhood. Pressed hard to her lower belly, he wanted nothing more than to lift her shift and push into her sheath. She moaned and moved closer to him. His arms tightened around her waist, and he pulled her up, hard against his body. She needed no encouragement to wrap her legs around his waist.

  “Leo!” Akshay’s voice entered his muddled mind.

  Ella tore her lips from his, her eyes wide and her breathing harsh with want.

  “Merda,” Leo snapped, and settled her to her feet. One of these days, he would finish what he and Ella had started.

  Ella jumped away from Leo, heat shooting straight to her face. “Oh, dear Lord.”

  Without a word of explanation, she stumbled up the bank. Her feet slipped on the wet grass, and she fell to her knees. Leo’s strong hand grasped her upper arms and pulled her upright. She didn’t have time to thank him, but grabbed her clothes. Frantic, she started dressing. She couldn’t let anyone see her this way or she’d be ruined for life. From the corner of her eye, she could see Leo dressing slowly, as if he hadn’t a worry.