Read Wild Heart Page 35

  Ella sank onto the edge of the bed. Poor Leo. Was he all right? As mad as the man had been, he was still Leo’s grandfather. She’d been selfish to hide here all day when Leo needed her. She swiped her eyes with the backs of her hands and stood.

  “I need to dress; I need to see him.”

  “I’m here.”

  Leo’s deep voice washed over her in heated waves. Ella sucked in a breath and turned. He stood in the doorway, looking so tall, so strong, so beautiful. But she could read nothing in his face, nor could she decipher his emotions.

  Without a word, Fran left the room, closing the door behind her.

  Ella swallowed hard, trying to ignore the fierce beat of her heart. He looked wonderful dressed in a clean and pressed white shirt and black trousers. Even his hair was pulled back. How could his family ever believe he wouldn’t fit in?

  “How do you fare?” she asked softly.

  He stepped further into the room. “Why are you hiding from me?”

  “I’m not hiding…I’m…”

  “Your lower lip is trembling.”

  She flushed, remembering the garden gathering.

  I know when you lie, Ella.

  How? You’ve only known me for a few days.

  Because, your face flushes and your lower lip trembles.

  It seemed like such a long time ago.

  “Fran and Akshay are getting married,” she blurted out, mostly because she didn’t know what else to say, and he stared at her with such passion in his eyes that she had the sudden desire to drop her towel and throw herself into his arms.

  “Come with me, be with me forever,” he replied.

  Tears slipped down her cheeks and she had to look away for fear she’d agree. “You don’t really know me, not the real me. What I’m capable of.”

  “I do know you, Ella, more than you know yourself.”

  She swiped at her tears. “That’s not possible.”

  “Yes, it is. Because I know how caring you are, how selfless, how loving, and you don’t seem to realize that.”

  Slowly, he moved forward until he was only a breath away. “I know you, Ella.”

  He cupped the sides of her face and pressed his lips to hers. It was a soft kiss, a gentle kiss that reminded her of the love she’d felt pouring through him when he’d raced up those stairs into the fire. He did love her. Maybe he hadn’t said the words and maybe he hadn’t asked her to marry him, but he did love her. He pulled away, and she had to resist the urge to cling to him.

  “Come with me, Ella. Let me show you the world. Let me show you India.” His large hands engulfed hers.

  “I thought you hated India.”

  He smiled briefly. “No. I wanted someone to blame. Truth is, I had more wonderful times there than bad. Waterfalls, brilliant flowers, and birds, elephants. Think of it, Ella.”

  A sudden giddiness swept through her causing laughter to bubble from her lips. “Truly?”

  Leo grinned. “Anywhere you want to go. Although, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go to Scotland and visit a grandmother and cousin I didn’t know I had first.”

  Ella nodded, pleased he wasn’t giving up entirely on his family. “I think you’ll fit in in Scotland, a rugged, virile bunch they are.”

  His fingers slipped into her hair. “You think I’m rugged and virile?”

  She laughed and standing on the tips of her toes, wrapped an arm around his neck. “Very.”

  His grin fell and his face grew serious. “Then you’ll come with me?”

  Her heart tripped over itself. “And what would you do if I said no?”

  “In a very rugged and virile manner, I’d throw you over my shoulder and steal you anyway.”

  Ella released the grip on her towel, the material pooling at her feet. Slowly, she moved closer, pressing her naked body to his.

  Leo growled and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I love you, Ella,” he whispered against her mouth.

  Tears sprang to her eyes and she pulled back. “Yes, I know.”

  His hands cupped the sides of her face once more, and he slid his tongue into her mouth. Heat rushed to the pit of her belly. This was right. This was where she belonged…in Leo’s arms.

  Ella felt the touch of cool metal against her face and pulled back. “What’s this?” she asked, taking his hands and smoothing her finger over the ring Leo wore.

  “My father’s ring.”

  She studied the flowered surface and then the deep green emerald that seemed to pull her under.

  “It’s a lotus blossom,” Leo’s voice tugged her back.

  “It seems familiar for some reason.” She raked her brain. Where had she seen that shape before? Familiarity rushed in. “My necklace.” Automatically her hands went to her neck, but the piece was gone.

  He nodded. “Colin told me.”

  “They fit together? My necklace and your ring?”

  Leo nodded. “The ring is the key to open the necklace. Once open, the map is revealed.”

  She pressed her fingers to her lips, shocked to her core. “The map was there all along. And now it’s gone.”

  He cupped the sides of her face. “It’s not your fault, Ella.”

  “I should have—”

  “No, it’s not your fault. We’ll get it back. I promise.”

  “Do you think it’s true, Leo? Do you think it could all possibly be true?”

  “The statues and power?”

  She nodded.

  He raked a hand through his hair and shook his head. “I suppose anything is possible at this point.”

  “Then…then, it’s our duty to get it back—”

  His hands rested on her shoulders. “It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters but us, together. I will protect you, Ella.”

  “Leo, we can’t allow your cousin to win.”

  He sighed. “We’ll find him. But for now, the ring’s safe, and without the ring and without you, he can’t open it.”

  “Without me?”

  But she saw the truth in his amber eyes—he knew about her powers. “You know,” she whispered, her face heating with shame.

  “It was…rather difficult to believe at first, but then I remembered how Charlie and the doe reacted to you.” He pulled her closer. “I felt you, Ella. Calling to me in that castle. I would never have found you in time if you hadn’t used your ability.”

  Her heart ached at the memory. “I tried to make you leave, but knew you wouldn’t so I figured the best way to get you out of that castle would be to bring you to me.”

  He smoothed her hair from her face. “I wouldn’t have left, Ella, not without you.”

  “Even knowing what I am? What I can do?”

  He pressed his lips to her forehead. “Merda, Ella. I don’t know what you’ve been told, but with or without your abilities, you’re beautiful.”

  She studied every line of his face, looking for the truth.

  “Remember that ball, Ella?”

  She nodded.

  He smiled, a crooked smile that lifted only the right corner of his lips. “I knew then that I couldn’t live without you. The day you believed in me, when no one else did.”

  A thrill of warmth rushed through her body, clenching her heart. “Leo, I—”

  A sudden knock on the door had her scampering back and scooping up her towel.

  “He’s here,” Fran said softly.

  Leo’s face grew stoic. “Get dressed. I’ve left you something on the bed.”

  “Why? Who’s here?”

  “Meet me in the garden.” Without any other explanation, he left.

  Bemused, Ella went to the bed and pulled open the box. Inside was a soft violet gown of the finest material, the gown from the ball. Her lips parted.

  “How?” she whispered to no one. How had Leo saved the gown and necklace from the fire?

  Remember that ball, Ella?

  How could she ever forget? On top of the gown lay the gold necklace of flowers and leaves. With trembling hands, she pulled
her shift and corset on and slipped her feet into satin slippers. Carefully, she shook out the dress and let it fall over her body. The material clung to like skin, fitting perfectly to her form.

  With nimble fingers, she rested the gold necklace against her collarbone, where the metal lay cool and smooth against her throat. It felt right there, the first gift Leo had given her.

  She took her lower lip between her teeth and brushed out her hair. Satisfied with her appearance, she lifted Henry’s book from the bedside table and slipped outside, Charlie following.

  Colin pushed away from the wall, and she stiffened at his sudden appearance. She hadn’t talked to him since yesterday, when they’d met for the first time. Suddenly shy, her face heated.

  Colin smiled at her, revealing familiar deep dimples, dimples like Archie’s. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And are you well?”

  “Yes. My throat, my ankle, everything.” She glanced up at him through her lashes. “You can heal?”

  He nodded. “You can speak with animals?”

  Ella laughed, eager to discuss her powers with someone who understood. “Well, not exactly. I can sense when they’re in danger and sense their emotions. Usually, I can calm them if they’re anxious.”

  “And you can sense Leo?”

  For some reason, she was less eager to discuss her connection with Leo. “At times. Other times, no.”

  “The ring,” he said. “When he wears it or it’s on his person, it protects him from unseen power.”

  Her brows furrowed. It made sense, she supposed. “At times, my necklace would warm. Was it reacting to his ring?”

  Colin frowned. “I suppose. There’s so much I don’t know.”

  Ella nodded and held out the book. “This may help.”

  Archie sucked in a breath. She noticed his hands were trembling slightly when he took the journal. “Where’d you find it?”

  “It was Henry’s.”

  “I’ve seen drawings, heard of the book, but never seen one. Do you realize what you have? What this could do?”

  But Ella didn’t care about the necklace, the statues, the power. All she cared about was Leo. “And Uncle Archie had powers?”

  “Of course, where do you think we got ours? Many times they’re passed down.”

  Ella nodded. They fell silent and glanced at each other awkwardly.

  “I tried to find you, Ella. Father wanted to bring you to America, but he never had the opportunity.”

  “Where…where’d he die?”

  He shrugged. “In India, I suppose.”

  She bit her lower lip to keep from feeling anything but the pain. She’d been alone, so alone and scared.

  “I wasn’t there to protect you. But I will be now. I promise.”

  Before she could prepare herself, he pulled her into a quick hug. Just as quickly as he had pulled her forward, he stepped back, his face flushed. She found his honesty refreshing and his embarrassment endearing. He was family. Her family. She was no longer alone.

  He offered her his arm. “Come, they’re waiting in the back garden.”

  “Waiting? Waiting for what?”

  He smiled down at her. “You’ll see.”

  He took her arm and led her through the kitchen. “Ready, Ella?”

  She frowned, confused by his words. “I suppose.”

  “You don’t have to, you know. Just say the word and I’ll sweep you out of here.”

  She had no idea how to respond to his confusing words and so she said nothing. He pushed the door wide, and Ella was caught unprepared by the soft glow of candles twinkling in the twilight. A fairyland at her feet.

  Charlie brushed passed her and plopped down on the grass near Fran. The fragrant scent of flowers hovered in the air while a trail of pink rose petals curved through the grass. Her gaze followed that trail to the middle of the garden. There, under an arbor of flowers, stood Leo and a man dressed in black. A vicar, she realized, her heart skipping a beat. Confused, her gaze sought out Fran, who stood with a handkerchief pressed to her lips and Akshay grinning at her side.

  Fear, panic, and amazement fought for control. “Colin, what’s happening?”

  As if sensing her presence, Leo turned, and heat swept through her body at his mere gaze. He came toward her, his black jacket formed perfectly over his broad shoulders. When he reached her, Ella swayed, suddenly overwhelmed by his presence.

  She was barely aware when Colin walked toward the small group, leaving them alone. The candlelight flickered over Leo’s face, highlighting the hard planes, and she could only stand there and stare at him, glowing in warmth, in love.

  He reached out and took her hands. “Ella,” he whispered. “Marry me.”

  “You don’t have to do this. I’ll come with you either way.”

  He stepped closer to her, his eyes gleaming with sincerity. “I want you in my life…forever.”

  She took her lower lip between her teeth and peered into his eyes, trying to discern the truth. Did he only wish to marry because he felt a sense of duty?

  “This is the only possession I have left from my father.” He held up his hand, the emerald sparkling in the candlelight. “You know how important it is. I want you to have it—”

  “No,” she rushed out, pressing her hands atop of his to keep the ring in place. For the first time, she didn’t want to pry. She didn’t want to invade his mind and feelings.

  “I know, Ella; I know the ring blocks my emotions. I know you can read me.”

  Her face heated, and she averted her gaze, ashamed as if she’d been caught spying.

  His finger slipped under her chin, and he tilted her head, forcing her to meet his eyes. “I have nothing to hide. I will never have anything to hide from you.”

  He tugged the ring from his finger, and a rush of warmth…of tenderness…of love swept through her, making her knees weak. Tears sprung to her eyes, and she threw herself into his arms. Nothing mattered, not her insecurities, not her questions, not the evil that lurked in the background threatening danger. Nothing mattered but their love. She knew, in that instant—she knew that everything would be fine.

  She slid her fingers into his hair, the locks falling loose from the leather tie and framing his ruggedly handsome face. “I love you, Leo, I do.”

  “I know,” he whispered against her lips. “I know.”

  ZEBRA BOOKS are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp.

  119 West 40th Street

  New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2009 by Lori Brighton

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  Zebra and the Z logo Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.

  ISBN: 1-4201-1339-9



  Lori Brighton, Wild Heart



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