Read Wild Soul Page 4

Chapter 8

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we are now landing in our last stop, Washington, D.C., please stay in your seats until further notice,” I wake up listening to the flight attendant speaking.

  “*Yawn*, I had a pretty good sleep,” I say to Daichi, who is already fully awake.

  “Your knee makes a good pillow.” I joke. Suddenly, I feel like I’m falling. I shriek and clutch my seat. I realize my ears are flattened.

  “Kagami, it’s ok, we’re just landing, hold on to me if you’re scared,” Daichi say calmly. The plane steadies again for a few minutes and then, the falling feeling comes again.

  Instantly, I grab Daichi, almost squeezing the life out of him. For some reason, my ears are instinctively flattened again. Then I realize why. Fear.

  “Take deep breaths, let go please, and look out the window,” Daichi says slowly. I let go of him and I stare out the window in surprise and relief.

  We close to the ground. I feel a bump and the plane starts to slow down. It finally stops and I hear a click.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have now landed, you may now exit the plane in an orderly manner, thank you and have a nice day,” I hear another click and Daichi starts to get up.

  “C’mon, let’s go,” Daichi says. I grab my backpack, cover my animal parts, and follow Daichi off the plane, with Io and Keita behind me.

  When we finally get into the airport, I lean against a wall.

  “I, am never getting on a plane ever again,” I say, “ I don’t if have to go from Japan to Hawaii, I’m using my wings instead of that terror trap.”

  “Hey, it wasn’t as bad as you squeezing the life out of me,” Daichi complains. I here muffled laughs.

  “I see you and Daichi got along very well on the plane,” Io teases. I stiffen.

  “Pfft, shut up!” I snap, “I was just scared, and it’s not like I could squeeze the life out of the seat.”

  Keita and Io start laughing again.

  “Let them enjoy their moment, it’s no biggie,” Daichi comments. Whatever, I say in my mind.

  Keita and Io have finally stopped laughing and we’re ready to go.

  “Ok, when we get outside, shrink down to the size of a mouse and then transform, that way, people won’t see us, we’ll look like birds, then when we get high enough, transform yourselves back to regular size and we’ll go on from there,” Keita orders.

  “Right,” Daichi, Io, and I say in unison. We, walk out of the building and hide in a nearby bush.

  “Mouse sized,” I say. I suddenly start shrinking until I stop. Everything is so big! I see that everyone else are already the size of mice. Time for transformation two.

  “Falcon wings,” I say. My wings appear and I shoot up into the air. Keita comes up beside me.

  “Flap hard and fast so we can get really high, high enough that we can transform back into our regular sizes without being, noticed,” Keita instructs.

  We all start flying at top speed into the morning sky. It doesn’t take that long to reach our transform limit.

  “Mouse sized,” I shout. I grow and grow until I’m my regular height again. Io and Keita are already human sized. Daichi is still growing, being tallest in the group, it takes him longer.

  “Hurry up, Daichi,” I say.

  “I am, jeez, give me a minute,” Daichi says. He finishes changing and speeds up.

  “Took you long enough,” I say. I bump him playfully.

  “So um, where are we supposed to go? Io asks Keita.

  “There is another C.F.A. under the White House,” Keita explains.

  “The White House?!”I exclaim, “Y’know, I had a feeling this faculty was going to be under some important building, but the White House, isn’t that a little too risky?” Keita looks at me in an exasperated way.

  “Really, Kagami? We are cryptids that can morph our bodies, you have cat ears and a tail, some cryptids in the C.F.A. are shape-shifters and you’re asking me if this is too risky?” Keita snaps. I can tell he’s annoyed.

  “Okay, okay, I get your point, let’s just go.” I say. Our group flies on when I spot something shiny on the ground below. i descend and land on the ground.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” Daichi shouts from above. The shiny object is a glowing green orb. I pick it up and fly back to the group.

  “Look what I found,” I hold the orb up to show them. Keita’s expression turns from boredom to fear.

  “No no no no,” Keita is coming towards me very fast, “Put that orb down, the green one give you advanced powers but are unstable, drop it before it-,” Keita doesn’t finish his sentence because the green orb starts phasing into my hand.

  “What the?” I shout. A burst of energy fills my body and I am forced backwards.

  “You must really like to mess things up for yourself, don’t you,” Keita grumbles, “Now you have the power to transform into any animal you feel like by concentrating on that animal and focusing your energy on morphing your body.”

  “Good, good, now for the unstable part ‘cause I know this is bad,” I complain.

  “Well sleeping is a way of relaxing your body’s energy so, you might experience changes in your sleep and you wake up as some animal,” Keita says.

  “Hey, wait a minute, this power could help with getting into the White House so we don’t have to do so much sneaking around for the underground C.F.A., Kagami, you could distract the guards by turning into some cute animal like a puppy or a kitten or a bear cub,” Daichi cuts in.

  “I guess that could work, then while she’s doing that, Io and I can go search for the entrance to the C.F.A.’s faculty while you and Kagami distract the guards, pretend Kagami is your kitten and she’s lost,” Keita elucidates, “When we give you the signal, get the heck out of there and run in our direction.”

  “Ok, got it, c’mon Daichi,” I say. Our group splits up and Daichi and I hurry over to a bush. I peer through and see a couple of guards standing with guns.

  “Ok, Kagami, do your stuff,” Daichi says. I nod and concentrate. I calm and relax my body and imagine myself as an orange tabby kitten. I can suddenly feel my body starting to contort itself. My nose and mouth develop into a snout and I start to shrink.

  My tail shortens and my ears minimize. Then, I drop onto all fours. I wait for anything else to happen and I realize the transformation has finished.

  “Well that is definitely adorable,” Daichi says from above.

  “I bet,” I say to him.

  “How about you try meowing instead of talking,” Daichi remarks. I reply with a meow.

  “Cool, now I’ll distract them and tell me when Keita has given you the signal,” I mandate. Daichi nods and I dash out in front of the guards. I meow to get their attention.

  “Aww, look at the little kitty, she’s so cute,” Guard 1 coos. Guard 2 looks down and he smiles and picks me up. I keep the two dimwits distracted for a while longer until I see a wave out of the corner of my eye.

  “Maybe I should take you home with me,” Guard 2 comments.

  “Not on my watch,” I shout. I kick him with my hind legs in jaw with my hind legs. Not enough to hurt him, but enough for him to drop me. I sprint away, leaving two guards staring in astonishment.

  When I’m out of site, I change back into my human form and catch up to Daichi. Ahead, I see Keita and Io holding up a hatch leading to underground.

  “We found the entrance,” Keita says. We all climb in.

  Chapter 9











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