Read Willow of Endless Waters the Journey Begins Page 13

thinking of her entanglement in the seaweed and of the strange but beautiful creatures she had encountered while she was with Ellura. It was a strange and wonderful world she had come to, and she looked forward to what else it had to show her. She glided off to her cave, nestled into her bed of seaweed, and soon drifted off to sleep.

  Willow traveled deep into the realms of her deepest sleep. She had traveled there often when she had much on her mind. And certainly she did have much to ponder in this new world. The biggest question that haunted her was why. Why was she there, and why was she chosen—for what reason? These questions echoed in her mind. She couldn't shake them as they continuously stream through her consciousness. It played over and over, yet no answers came. Occasionally, Willow could hear soft, gentle voices in her sleep. "Patience, my child, patience."

  She dreamed about the day's events—especially about seeing the boy with the golden hair and eyes of deep blue that sent her heart racing. She suddenly awoke and felt the heat of her body pulsating through every cell, yet she was in the cool waters. How and why could she feel this way when she thought of the boy?

  The waters were still dark, yet she could not sleep. She struggled to understand this strange feeling. It was uncomfortable and very new to her. She remembered something her mother had said just before the evening that she was to choose a mate at the ceremony on the knoll. She had asked, "How will I know which one is the right one?" Audra had told her she would know when she looked into his eyes; her body would speak to her. It would be the language she and her mate would speak when the time came. Then she would know he was the right one to be her mate.

  Willow wondered if this meant that this boy would be her mate. Could he be the one I have chosen? As she sat there, reflecting on the words of her mother and how much she missed her family, she was unaware of the creatures near her. Tears streamed from her eyes and melted into the waters. They sent a ripple throughout the endless waters.

  It was still dark beneath the waters; however, she could see the glow of many resting outside her cave. Soon she noticed the water spirits she had encountered the day before. "What is troubling you, my sister?" one of them asked. Willow told them of her mother and of the family she missed. "Do not worry, little one. You will see them again."

  Willow reached out and touched the wing of one of the Water Spirits. As she touched the little creature, she noticed a silver thread connecting her and it. The spirit sent energy rushing through her, immersing her in its every thought. Such beauty radiated from its thoughts that Willow once again felt the warmth of her new environment. These marvelous creatures of this world are my family now.

  Light streamed through the waters, and soon the world of the endless waters was alive with activity. Willow and the water spirits glided to the hub of all the activity. "What is all the excitement about?" Willow asked.

  "Today we join together outside the forest to gather the fish with our brothers, the Delfin Clan, and to help the land people fill their nets." Willow felt a rush of excitement. Did that mean the people of her village? Would she be able to see them again and even talk to her father and brother? This was too exciting to even hope, but hope she did. And who were the Delfin Clan?

  Morven pulled Willow to the side and began to tell her of the Delfin Clan and how they became their brothers in the endless waters. "In the time when our people first entered the water to fish, the lands were dry and barren. Our people traveled far, and many were lost to the land. We traveled to the edge of the endless waters, and slowly we made our way closer to the shore. Day by day, we tried to catch the fish we could see swimming beneath the darkness of the waters.

  "One day, the Delfin Clan passed in the distance off the shore of our ancient ones, and they could be seen leaping in and out of the waters. As they watched, these creatures came nearer and nearer to the shore where the ancients stood. They noticed the waters begin to churn, and the waves became restless. In what seems to be only a moment in time, those beautiful, playful creatures had herded the fish to the shore for the ancients to catch as they cast their nets. Day after day, our ancients came to the shore, and the creatures herded just enough fish to the shore for the land people."

  "On another day, as the great creatures came close to the shore, our ancient ones ventured further into the waters. As time passed, our ancients entered the waters and were taught by these creatures to hunt beneath the endless waters with them. They became our brothers. They taught us their language and shared the secrets of their world. Now we live side by side with our brothers. Today you will meet them and learn the ways of the sea."

  Willow had listened in amazement to this great adventure and could not contain her eagerness. "Can we go now?" she asked Morven.

  "Soon," Morven replied. "Soon."

  Willow could feel her heart racing once again, but this time it was because she was filled with wonder. What would these creatures look like, and would she be able to understand their language and learn the secrets of the sea, as Morven said?

  After what seemed to Willow a lifetime of waiting, the water people began to gather with Ellura and Morven at the edge of the coral forest. She did not even notice the boy she had encountered, the one who had caused her body to ripple in heat and strange feelings. She did not even notice the multitude of water people that had gathered behind her as she glided alongside Ellura and Morven.

  Suddenly, she heard high-pitched, echoing sounds she had not heard before. Ellura and Morven returned the echoing sound. Willow turned and caught sight of many water people from her new world, but that was not what took her breath away. There before her was the most magnificent creature she had ever seen. His coat was shimmering in shades of silver and glimmered as the light shone across his body. What was this? Who was this?

  Willow had frozen at the sight of him, yet felt an immediate kinship. He turned his mighty head slightly, just enough for her to see into his eyes. She was frozen and transfixed at the beauty and gentleness of this great being. Willow was unaware of anything else around her, even the voice of Morven and the whisper of Ellura.

  Among this crowd beneath the sea, there was only silence for Willow. This strong but gentle creature came closer and closer, yet Willow could not break away from the depth of his eyes. He moved closer and closer to her without even making a wave move or disturbing the current. There was only stillness, yet they continued to draw nearer and nearer to each other. It seemed the entire sea was still. There was only silence. Neither of them blinked.

  The glow that radiated from him engulfed Willow as his mighty face brushed against hers. There was nothing else in the sea but the two of them. He backed away slightly, just enough to bow his head. Willow reached out and caressed his head for a moment, then gently pulled back her hand as he lifted his head. She bowed in reverence to him, and he brushed his head against her cheek.

  This grand creature began to speak to her. She remained silent and listened to what he was saying. She understood every word, yet there were no words spoken. Only they could hear each other.

  When they were finished, Willow reached out and gently stroked his head. She slowly backed away, and they bowed to one another in reverence and admiration. He disappeared into the dark waters with the grace of a gentle breeze on land. Willow stood for a moment, watching as he disappeared, and then she called out to him in the language of his clan to wish him a safe journey until they would meet again.

  She turned to look for Ellura and Morven. She saw that the entire clan of water people was there, looking at her. Ellura and Morven slowly bowed their heads toward Willow. As they bowed, the entire clan also bowed. "What is going on?" she asked Morven.

  Morven drew near to Willow and took her hand. "You have just bonded with the ancient one of the Delfin Clan. He has connected with only one other, and that was before our time."

  "What do you mean?" Willow asked.

  "We will talk another time," Morven said. "Now we must join our brothers out in the open sea to hunt the fish."

oon the migration of fish would gather to swim to warmer waters as they had done since the beginning of time. It was then that the Delfin Clan and the water people would glide to the open waters, away from the safety of their home in the coral forests, with their small nets made from the strong seaweed that covered the forest.

  Willow glided alongside Morven and Ellura through the waters with the ease of light. She was amazed at her own agility in the new environment. She glided through every twist and turn needed to navigate beneath the endless waters alongside the Delfin Clan. They weaved through the waters with incredible grace. They circled and then dove deep and then up again, never missing a turn or twist in the rhythm of the waves. Together they traveled on what seemed an endless journey. Willow thought maybe this was why her land family called it the endless waters. She was so enthralled by the movements that entwined them that she did not notice the migration in front of them until she heard the cry of the Delfin in the lead.

  Soon the Delfins and the water people approached the migration, then split into two groups. They encircled the migration and drew the fish closer together, making them even more condensed. As the group tightened their circle, others cast their nets of seaweed into the mass of