Read Wind-Scarred (The Will of the Elements, Book 1) Page 2

  Chapter 1

  Secrets and Secretaries

  “Department of Ordinances and Lawful Temerity,” a bored voice chirped as the dispatcher materialized in front of Ezra. “Border Dispatching Coordinator, how may I help you?” Ezra cleared his throat and read from the carefully prepared speech he had hidden amongst his research notes.

  “Hello, this is Ezra Hawkins of the Hawkins Legacy family. I will be preforming a standard glider retrieval test – as I have numerous times over the past eight months – tonight at approximately a quarter after five. I am calling to notify you of this occurrence.” He paused, waiting for the answer. Because who would be performing a mundane experiment on Founder's Day?

  “Well, Ezra Hawkins of the Hawkins Legacy family,” the woman responded, voice wry, “let me just alert the patrols that they should be seeing something come up so we won't cause a panic.”

  Ezra frowned. He had a feeling she was mocking him. He opened his mouth to say something about it, but before he could get a word in she blurted out, “Wait, tonight? Working on Founder's Day? Don't tell me that you're going to miss out on all the fun for an experiment!”

  Ezra nodded, clearing his throat. Now things were back on track. He checked over his response, put on a confused tone, and answered, “Is today Founder's Day? Oh, I must have lost track of things. You know how it can be what with the research and development and testing. It must have just slipped my mind. If this is going to be a problem,” he sighed, “I suppose that I could recalibrate the generators and set it up another day...”

  He trailed off in a disappointed, reluctant, and slightly resigned tone of voice, shoulders slumping to create the perfect picture of a dejected scientist. He had, after all, practiced it extensively.

  “No, no, it's no problem. Just a shame that you can't get out once in a while. I hear the Guild of Sundry is really planning to out do themselves this year. I can't wait to see what they've come up with!”

  Ezra rolled his eyes. The Guild of Sundry – a bunch of misfits who couldn't handle real science and instead played huge practical jokes. Everyone was always so excited when rumors of a new 'event' came up. But the main attraction tonight would be something entirely new. Something world changing. Nobody, not the Guild, DOLT, not even the Chancellor himself could trump what Ezra had in store for Sanctuary.

  “Well Mr. Hawkins, the patrols have been notified. Thank you for telling us this time.”

  Okay, Ezra, just relax, he told himself. Only one more thing to worry about... “Oh, I almost forgot.” The words tumbled out of his mouth. “There will be a, um, biological signature aboard the glider. Just standard testing procedure to check that nothing is out of phase coming back through the wormhole, it's really nothing to worry about and–”

  “That's fine, thanks for the heads up.”

  Ezra blinked. That was not in the script. Shaken, he continued from where he had left off.

  “And I've already cleared it with the Department of Fair and Humane–”

  “Yes, bio sign on the glider, got it.”

  “And the Chancellor himself is very insistent that we get this project pushed through to completion as soon as– ”

  “Will that be all Mr. Hawkins? Yes? Thank you for contacting us and have a happy Founder's Day.”

  The connection went dead. Ezra stared at the space his neural net call had occupied, relief struggling with annoyance within him. He had half a mind to call back and demand that they treat his flagrant disregard for proper protocol with the severity that it deserved. His carefully crafted arguments could have convinced the most hard-line, play-by-the-book DOLT officer in all of Sanctuary!

  He took a deep breath. No, he thought, everything is still going according to plan. She's just a dispatcher, after all. It may be an empty victory, but it's still a victory. Nodding, he carefully placed his equipment on the wormhole staging area, double checked that everything he would need was accounted for, then packed up his glider and set out to face the biggest challenge of the night.


  Ezra eased his way out of the laboratory, glider in tow, careful not to make a sound as he snuck down the hall. He cut through the guest rooms and took the back staircase down to the kitchen. He held his breath, peeking inside. Empty! He had long suspected that the cook was against him, always offering him something to eat in that booming voice, alerting everyone to his covert operations. Ezra ghosted across the kitchen, not disturbing anything.

  It appeared as though everything was well in hand as he stepped out of the kitchen and into the greeting hall. He rounded the great staircase and froze. There she was.

  At twenty three, Kirsten O'Donnell was only two years Ezra's senior. She still made him feel like a kid. Her vibrant red hair was caught up in a bun, leaving her slender neck bare. A few loose strands were artfully arranged to frame large, striking green eyes, a delicate nose and a sharp chin. She was elegant. She was poised. She was Ezra's worst nightmare.

  She was his secretary.

  Ezra gulped, knowing that any sudden movements would alert her to his presence. Kirsten studied the console in front of her, briskly making adjustments to whatever horror she was concocting. A day's schedule or, Ezra shuddered, another date with a Legacy bachelorette? Slowly, carefully, he eased forward into the greeting hall. He was almost there! Just a little bit further and he would be out. His hand reached out to activate the door...

  “Ezra, are you going out tonight?”

  Kirsten appeared not to have moved her eyes from the nebulous displays hovering before her, fingers still flicking through menus.

  Just keep it simple, there's no reason for her to be suspicious. Ezra cleared his throat and responded. “Yes, Miss O'Donnell. I'll be running some tests tonight, sending out a glider. You know, standard protocol before a system update.”

  “And where will you launching the glider from?”

  “Oh, nowhere in particular. It's a nice night; I'll probably just head to the barrier and send it out from there.”

  Kirsten stopped what she was doing and turned to face Ezra, eyes narrowing. He fought not to audibly gulp. What had given him away? Mentioning the barrier? Of course! He'd tipped his hand about his interest int the barrier, and a simple examination of the glider would prove that he had no biomass of any kind with him. She would know he was lying about the bio sign! How had she heard about that so quickly? Was the DOLT dispatcher in on it? Was that why she'd cut the call so suddenly? He would have to think fast if he wanted to get out of this in one–

  “Ezra James Hawkins! I know what kind of people hang out around the barrier. If you're planning to have some sort of wild Founder's Day experience on my watch I will have the cook carry you to your room and sit on you until morning.”

  Ezra stared at her in disbelief. “What?”

  “Don't think that I am unaware of the kinds of things a young man can get himself mixed up in out there, what with Guild of Sundry running wild and doing who-knows-what with who-knows-who. And you know that you have an appointment with the inheriting daughter of the Crawford family early tomorrow morning to which you will not be late. If you even think of meeting her in a state of the slightest dishevelment I will personally see to it that you curse the day Sanctuary was founded for the rest of your natural life.”

  Ezra's brain tried to process what was happening. She didn't know about the call? Then... she didn't know about his plan? And Crawford family... Crawford family... where did he know that name from... ah!

  “Liza Crawford? But... they're bookies! All they do is write history and look for news so they can write it into history later! The whole family has hardly a scientific bone between them!”

  Kirsten stalked forward, one deliberate step at a time. “They are an old and respectable family with data banks that go back to nearly the Founding itself. You could learn a thing or two from a proper historical perspective.”

  Ezra scowled. “Speaking of historical perspectives, isn't she something like ten years
older than me?”

  Kirsten's eyes narrowed to emerald slits as she planted her hands on her hips. “Five years, seven months, and you said that Mitzi Parnasus was too immature.”

  Ezra couldn't keep the exasperation out of his voice. “She spent five hours talking about how pretty butterflies were!”

  Kirsten held up a mollifying hand. “I am willing to admit that Miss Parnasus was not the most suitable match for you, but the Special Division assigned me to keep your household and affairs in efficiently running order. As the last of your bloodline it is your civic duty to wed and procreate so as to ensure that your family's knowledge is passed on and your Legacy continues.”

  “So I don't get any say in the matter? Because I say that Liza Crawford and any of my other former babysitters should be off the list.”

  “Of course, the final decision is up to you. However, I do expect you to seriously consider the social and technological aspects of each and every match that I have deemed suitable to your current situation.”

  “I don't have time for this. Yes, I will consider aspects. No, I will not be unreasonable. I'll launch the glider from the university. Is there anything else?”

  Kirsten continued to glare up to Ezra for a moment. “You will finish your experiment and come home immediately. You will be back by no later than seven o'clock. At one minute past seven I will call the Department of Ordinances and advise them to collect you.” Ezra gulped at the fury in her voice, immediately regretting his rash words. “Will that be all, Mr. Hawkins?”

  Ezra nodded mutely, leaning back and away from the enraged woman. She whirled and stormed back to her console, heels clicking in outrage. He opened the door and fled.