Read Wind Tunnel Page 3


  From the 2nd Evolved Publishing Short Story Contest


  This anthology features 10 stories by 10 authors, including Tunnel Vision by Lane Diamond, a tale of one man’s quest for a simple escape, gone terribly wrong. Evolution: Vol. 2 (A Short Story Collection) is edited by Lane Diamond and D.T. Conklin. For more information on this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.

  Short Stories by Lane Diamond

  These stories are all available through links at Evolved Publishing, and some of them are FREE.

  Devane’s Reality

  The Hobby


  Well-Suited Sentry

  Wind Tunnel

  More from Evolved Publishing

  Each of the titles listed below has been edited by Lane Diamond:

  For lovers of literary sagas with a fantastical feel (suitable for readers 13 and older):


  by David Litwack

  This literary journey exploring the clash between reason and faith, and the power of hope and love, is now available. For more information about this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  Awesome Indies – Seal of Excellence


  After centuries of religiously motivated war, the world has been split in two. Now the Blessed Lands are ruled by pure faith, while in the Republic, reason is the guiding light—two different realms, kept apart and at peace by a treaty and an ocean.

  Children of the Republic, Helena and Jason were inseparable in their youth, until fate sent them down different paths. Grief and duty sidetracked Helena’s plans, and Jason came to detest the hollowness of his ambitions.

  These two damaged souls are reunited when a tiny boat from the Blessed Lands crashes onto the rocks near Helena’s home after an impossible journey across the forbidden ocean. On board is a single passenger, a nine-year-old girl named Kailani, who calls herself “The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky.” A new and perilous purpose binds Jason and Helena together again, as they vow to protect the lost innocent from the wrath of the authorities, no matter the risk to their future and freedom.

  But is the mysterious child simply a troubled little girl longing to return home? Or is she a powerful prophet sent to unravel the fabric of a godless Republic, as the outlaw leader of an illegal religious sect would have them believe? Whatever the answer, it will change them all forever… and perhaps their world as well.


  Praise for The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky:

  “The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky by David Litwack is a stunningly constructed story of a young girl who is deeply troubled but goes out of her way to help others. Tender yet tense, it is a story that explores the issue of faith and reason, and the wisdom and discernment to choose between right and wrong. David Litwack’s exquisitely crafted story is thoughtful, passionate and simply delightful.” – Khamneithang Vaiphei

  “This is a tale of the heart and soul, of the beautiful yearning for meaning, and of how it can be found in the union of faith and reason, as well as in creativity. Everything, Litwack seems to say, points to Spirit. In this novel, nature itself embodies the spiritual world. The farm’s overseer, Sebastian, knows this well, for he has been at the farm for many years, and is completely attuned to the rhythm of the seasons. I’m delighted to have truly found nothing negative to say about this book. The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky is a beautiful, moving novel, one that I predict will become an instant classic, especially in the literature of spirituality. It is a novel to be treasured and re-read many times, not only for its beauty, but for its thought-provoking treatment of universal themes.” – A Night’s Dream of Books

  “First off, let me start by saying this book is something special. I don’t say that often, but there is something un-pinpoint-able and undefined that is wholly beautiful, endearing and magical about this book and the story. I’m going to lay this at the author’s feet. If this author brings out another book, you can bet I’ll snap it up as soon as it’s in print, because I can tell from this one alone that me and David’s books are going to be lifelong friends.” – Elle Lainey

  A new (release Sep. 22, 2014) psychological/crime thriller (for readers 16 and older):


  by Jeff Altabef

  A gripping glimpse of the near future, in which a twisted serial killer finds power in a corrupt political culture, this psychological thriller is a stand-alone follow-up to Jeff Altabef’s first novel, the political thriller Fourteenth Colony. For more information about this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  Maggie met Cooper at a young age, but even then she sensed something was wrong with him. His charm, good looks, and wealth could not hide the danger that burned in his sapphire eyes.

  Some nightmares don’t go away. He’d been haunting her from a distance for as long as she could remember.

  Now things have changed.

  When her sons Jack and Tom discover she’s been taken, they set out to rescue her and uncover nefarious family secrets, explosive government conspiracies, and a series of horrific murders along the way. Only their colorful great aunt and a covert resistance group can help them navigate the dark underworld full of political subterfuge and class warfare.

  All the while, Maggie struggles to outwit her tormentor in a life and death psychological battle of tense desperation. Will Jack and Tom arrive before Cooper reaches his shatter point?


  Midwest Book Review has described Jeff Altabef as an “articulate and engaging storyteller” and “a contemporary novelist of considerable merit and imagination.”

  An award-winning gem of literary/women’s fiction (suitable for readers 16 and older):


  by Robb Grindstaff

  This Up-Market Literary Fiction, exploring the extraordinary events of one girl’s life and struggles to be understood, is now available from the same author who brought us Carry Me Away. For more information on this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.



  When six-year-old Hannah’s brutal honesty is mistaken for lying, she stops speaking. Her family, her community, and eventually, the entire nation struggle to find meaning in her silence.

  School officials suspect abuse. Church members are divided—either she has a message from God or is possessed by a demon. Social workers interrupt an exorcism to wrest Hannah away from her momma, who has a tenuous grip on sanity.

  Hidden in protective foster care for twelve years, she loses all contact with her mother and remains mute by choice.

  When Hannah leaves foster care at age eighteen to search for Momma, a national debate rages over her silence.

  A religious movement awaits her prophecy and celebrates her return. An anarchist group, Voices for the Voiceless, cites Hannah as its inspiration. The nation comes unhinged, and the conflict spills into the streets when presidential candidates chime in with their opinions on Hannah—patriotic visionary or dangerous radical. A remnant still believes she is evil and seeks to dispatch her from this world.

  Hannah stands at the intersection of anarchists and fundamentalists, between power politics and an FBI investigation. All she wants is to find her momma, a little peace and quiet, and maybe some pancakes.

  One word would put an end to the chaos... if only Hannah can find her voice.


  Praise for Hannah’s Voice:

  “Grindstaff’s prose is unadorned, deft, carefully constructed—but I think what sets this novel apart is its humor. Grindstaff has a knack for portraying the drama of Hannah’s dilemma in a way that makes you giggle.” – P.B. “Pete” Morin

  “Grindstaff’s writing is pure, and free of the hyperbole and love for one’s own words that often get in the way of a good story. His deft handli
ng of the character and personality of Hannah at two distinct stages in her life showcases his mastery of language and characterization. He carefully chose each word to show the ten year difference in Hannah’s life while staying true to who she really is. That is no small feat.” – Lanette Kauten

  “This book is so well written and Hannah is so compelling, her voice lingers in my mind long after I have finished reading. If Hannah’s Voice doesn’t end up on the bestseller’s list, on every notable list... I will be shocked.” – Michelle L. Johnson

  “There are books that are interesting, and then there are books that you just can’t put down. This is one of those books. Something in Mr. Grindstaff’s writing style is reminiscent of Flannery O’Connor. He captures the quirks of Southern characters while maintaining their humanity. It would have been easy to write so many of these as stereotypical comical buffoons, but he avoided the easy way out.” – The Self-Taught Cook

  “Hannah’s Voice is a beautiful story, and I’m going to tell you about it, but before I do: seriously, you guys, read it. I’m not kidding. You’ll be changed forever, inside... it’s not a book with such strong thematic material that it will make anyone cringe, but it will be burned into your brain for eternity in such a delightful way. Touching, moving, funny, awesome. I can’t say it enough: this book is revolutionary, and the best thing I’ve read in years. Awesome. AWESOME.” – Naomi Sarah

  A paranormal suspense thriller (suitable for readers 16 and older):


  by C.L. Roberts-Huth

  This paranormal thriller, the first of the Zoe Delante Thrillers, is now available. For more information on this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  Murder was never something Zoe Delante enjoyed, but solving the cases…. She does that rather well, and has the track record to prove it. Yet when she’s called in on a new case with the Baltimore PD as their go-to clairvoyant, she’s unprepared for the heinous nature of the crimes.

  The hunt for the murderer unfolds, dropping Zoe right in the middle of a power struggle between a nightmare of a coven, and a serial killer leaving bodies in ceremonial circles in the rural parts of Baltimore’s city limits.

  Will she discover the identity of the maniac behind the gruesome beheadings, or will she lose someone close to her first? A race against celestial bodies and the trail of earthbound body parts keeps our intrepid clairvoyant running right until the very end.


  Praise for Whispers of the Dead:

  “This novel is a good fit for readers who like books with almost unbearable suspense. The writer has done a tremendous job in researching the Wiccan faith to write this novel. A word of caution - the book has a number of violent scenes, so it’s not for sensitive readers. Having said that, it also shows clearly the power of good forces over evil ones. You don’t put this book down once you start reading it. You could not stand to leave it for another day, and what’s more, you wouldn’t dare. It’s that powerful, I might say ‘spell-binding’. The suspense never lets up till the end. A terrific piece of work.” – Joyce at Amazon

  “A very believable, well researched, crime drama, this novel uses white magic to solve the most horrible crimes in a supernatural battle that will singe the reader’s eyelashes! Zoe captures your heart as she defeats forces that appear invincible, giving us a view of the life of a witch who uses her power to solve crime and relieve suffering at a great cost to her own physical well being. It’s a view inside witchcraft that may change your attitudes completely. A MUST read!” – Mari Sloan

  “I love a strong female lead and Zoe Delante is a fabulous character. Her gift for clairvoyance and calling to help solve murders had me totally hooked from the start. I love mysteries and paranormal stories and this was a perfect marriage of both. If you like a twists, turns, magic, action and gore, this is a great read. I can’t wait for the next Zoe Delante book to come out!” – Jessi Arias-Cooper

  A powerful, award-winning, transgressive literary novel (suitable for readers 17 and older):


  by Pavarti K. Tyler

  This Coming-of-Age Literary Fiction piece explores the darkly emotional path chosen by one teenage girl. For more information on this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  Awesome Indies – Seal of Excellence


  Chelle isn’t a typical thirteen-year-old girl—she doesn’t laugh with friends, play sports, or hang out at the mall after school. Instead, she navigates a world well beyond her years.

  Life in Dawson, ND spins on as she pleads for someone to save her, to return her to the simple childhood of unicorns on her bedroom wall and stories on her father’s knee.

  When Troy Christiansen walks into her life, Chelle is desperate to believe his arrival will be her salvation—so much so, she forgets to save herself.

  After experiencing a tragedy at school, her world begins to crack, causing a deeper scar in her already fragile psyche. Follow Chelle’s twisted tale of modern adolescence, as she travels down the rabbit hole into a reality none of us wants to admit actually exists.


  Praise for White Chalk:

  “Shocking, driving, compelling, riveting: these words describe my raw reaction to Tyler’s latest novel. The characters are real and believable. The first-person narrative is bare, unadorned; it provides an unobscured and clearly focused view of the heroine’s journey through her personal hell. As I read, snippets of my own children’s comments about school came back to me with greater impact. Could that student they mentioned have been going through this? Could my own children have had similar feelings in their own circumstances? My children are fine, but I’m still discomfited by the thought of “what if.” A writer’s intent is obviously being realized when it forces you to consider the uncomfortable possibilities of these scenarios happening to your own children. Tyler’s ability to describe in words the feelings of an adolescent is tremendous and very insightful. Some many moments just spot on. Kudos to Tyler for the tremendous effort, the research, and the ability to evoke in me such feelings of anguish at the novel’s end!” – Robert DiGiacomo

  “Have you ever been punched in the gut so hard that you lost your breath? Have you ever been shocked utterly speechless? That is what this book will do. White Chalk by Pavarti K. Tyler, is a coming of age style tale that takes aim at the most vulnerable spots of the human psyche - the need to be loved, the need to feel important, the need for a purpose - and it unloads with both barrels. It will leave your mind broken in places you didn’t know you existed.” – M.J. Kaufmann

  “With a talent for storytelling that I have come to love, Tyler has done it again in this piece of transgressive fiction: a glimpse into a life of turmoil that feeds our thoughts with compassion and information, and perhaps changes an outlook or two. Emotionally loaded, this story will have you angry and teary in alternating pages, and while you can be thankful that Chelle is the product of a talented writer, you can’t help but realize that her story is not a singular one: others have lived or are living her life experiences as you read. This book is one of my top books of 2013, if not my absolute favorite for its characters, style, storyline and impact.” – Gaele at Amazon

  A powerful, emotional, evocative, award-winning roller coaster ride (suitable for readers 16 and older):


  by Angela Scott

  This critically-acclaimed, award-winning Literary Saga / New Adult novel is now available. For more information on this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  Winner: League of Utah Writers 2013 – Gold Quill Award




  by Angela Scott

  This much anticipated sequel to Desert Rice is now available. For more information on this book, please visit the Evolved Publishing website.


  Description of Desert Rice:

  Samantha Jean Haggert is a beautiful twelve-year-old girl, but no one knows it. All they see is an awkward boy in a baseball cap and baggy pants. Sam’s not thrilled with the idea of hiding her identity, but it’s all part of her brother’s plan to keep Sam safe from male attention and hidden from the law. Fifteen-year-old Jacob will stop at nothing to protect his sister, including concealing the death of the one person who should have protected them in the first place--their mother.

  Sam and Jacob try to outrun their past by stealing the family car and traveling from West Virginia to Arizona, but the adult world proves mighty difficult to navigate, especially for two kids on their own. Trusting adults has never been an option; no adult has ever given them a good reason. But when Sam meets “Jesus”--who smells an awful lot like a horse--in the park, life takes a different turn. He saved her once, and may be willing to save Sam and her brother again, if only they admit what took place that fateful day in West Virginia. The problem? Sam doesn’t remember, and Jacob isn’t talking.


  Praise for Desert Rice:

  “First, a disclosure: I was Angela’s literary agent back in 2010/2011 and I was in love with this book. I knew it would be an almost impossible sell to publishers who were looking for the next big vampire or zombie book (which, as it turns out, Angela appears to have followed this one with). We got turned down for all the wrong reasons... and now, a smaller publisher has picked it up for all the right ones: #1 of which is, it’s a damned good book.” – A.B. at Amazon

  “I’m a VERY difficult reader to please and this isn’t a book I would typically read but I read it and boy was I blown away. This novel captivated me, not from the first page but from the very first sentence, where we are brought smack in the middle of the action. The voice of the innocent and mostly naïve narrator, Samantha, is honest and real as she navigates through two journeys; an inner journey of the issues surrounding becoming a teenager (nicely addresses some tween topics), and a journey of dealing with the world around her.” – M. Charafeddine (Book Haven)