Read Winning the Legend Page 11

  “Then we will move on. Tonight we will figure out new rankings for everyone and the board in the training room in the morning will show the matchups for our first fight,” Arianna explained, letting Devin continue to his seat.

  “That isn’t a demonstration,” Nik replied angrily. He was going to lie about his score anyways, so it wasn’t really worth him talking now.

  Devin shrugged and stood up again. He walked back to the floor and sliced a cut on the top of his arm. Blood dripped down his arm to his hand. Arianna couldn’t help the warm feeling coming over her. Her features changed, and she was in her dearg-dul form. The dearg-dul half of her would always love Devin, no matter what choice she had made between him and Andrew. Unconsciously, Arianna stood and walked over to Devin. She took his arm and licked the wound to stop the bleeding. Devin gazed intently at her, watching her with his eagle eyes, taking in every detail. And then the doors opened in his mind. His love seeped out, and she had to hold herself back from jumping into his arms. Once he got the reaction he was looking for, he closed the doors, and she was back to feeling the normal Devin in front of her.

  Devin demonstrated that no matter what any of the men in the room ever did, he would always mean something to her. Even without a night human essence, most noticed the way her essence wrapped around him like a mate. Devin’s display of power did exactly what he knew it would do, as each man aside from Manuel gave him a ten. None of them except Andrew, no matter how hard they tried, would ever be able to affect her blood like he could. Arianna watched Devin cautiously as she returned to her seat. He was carefully calculating something. Then it hit her. He was making himself a target so that they wouldn’t go after Andrew. If they thought Devin was her mate, no one would notice Andrew.

  No one else said a word. They all had their chance to impress her and each other. In reality, none cared about the others, just about Arianna’s opinion. And many of them were already having mental conversations with their retainers about Devin. Arianna didn’t waste time sitting around listening to all the private complaints. She didn’t need to hear what she already knew. Their desire was now mixed with jealousy. She left the men standing in the room, anticipating what would happen next. Most didn’t return to their rooms, but met immediately with their retainers. They would start planning based on the strengths each man demonstrated.

  Arianna couldn’t wait to get away from them and into her own room. She was sick of seeing their faces and needed time away, even if it was just for a day. She didn’t want to see another one of them for at least twenty-four hours.

  ‘Ari,’ Molina said, as she followed Nessa around discreetly. ‘Mori said you need more blood to complete the transformation. It seems you need more than 10cc like Turner and Thomas needed. It didn’t completely change you. You need to drink from everyone again.’ Alone time was going to have to wait.

  Chapter 16

  Thomas paced the room as they waited for everyone to pass out after dinner was served. They had no choice on the matter but to drug the competitors and their retainers. While dreading the thought of actually having to feed on the men she now hated, Arianna was extremely fortunate to be born into a clan that could make people unconscious. That would make it this whole ordeal a bit easier. Gabriel would put those not completely drugged into a sleep, and Andrew would go with her to collect the blood in case someone woke up.

  “Are you sure I can’t help?” Thomas asked as he stopped pacing. “Devin and Turner are watching the hallways and keeping you safe there. Andrew and Gabriel are keeping you safe in the rooms. Maybe I can go in for you, and that way you can stay here safe.” Thomas’ nervousness was cute, but it was just making Arianna more anxious.

  Arianna placed a hand on his arm as he fiddled with his glasses. “No. You did your part. You can’t enter the rooms. If they catch even a scent of you, they’ll suspect you and accuse you of plotting against them. This is my house, and they should expect to sense my presence. Andrew is close enough to me all the time, so no one will be able to tell the difference between our scents.”

  Thomas blew out a defeated sigh. “I just want you to stay safe. You’re family to me. And besides, if Vanessa is right, if you are here to save our kind, then we need you alive to do that.” Thomas strained a smile. It was like sending her into enemy territory unprotected.

  “Nothing will happen to me,” Arianna reassured Thomas. Andrew returned and nodded to Arianna.

  “I won’t let anything ever harm her,” Andrew told Thomas.

  Thomas nodded. The large, white baku before him was a menacing sight. Andrew’s muscles bulged like a body builder’s. He was massive and just as cunning as any of those men. From the strength demonstrations, none of them compared to Andrew. Arianna was completely safe with him, but even that wouldn’t stop Thomas from worrying. So far, nothing had gone according to plan, from the moment Arianna lost control and attacked Devin. Thomas had more and more strategies drawn up since that was the only thing he could do to keep her safe.

  Arianna followed Andrew as he led the way to the competitor hallway and rooms. They passed both Turner and Devin, who were pacing the passages. She hesitated as Andrew opened the doorway to the first room. They didn’t have time to take blood and then inject it without anyone realizing what was going on. If it really worked to change her completely, the others would notice. They were just lucky so far that no one noticed the first change. She would have to feed on each man. Arianna looked across the room at Nik Katsulas. When he wasn’t smirking or sulking, the youngest competitor was actually not as ugly as she first thought. He looked much younger without a scowl, and his dark hair messed across his head. Silently, she walked across the room and looked down. Andrew had his hands on each side of Nik’s face keeping him in deep sleep for Arianna so her bite would not wake him. Arianna bent down and took Nik’s wrist. She moved closer to bite him, but stopped.

  ‘I can’t do this,’ Arianna complained. These men were all repulsive, even with their blood already flowing in her veins. ‘I can’t take blood from anyone but my keepers.’

  ‘You’ve already taken his blood. It should be easier,’ Andrew replied. He liked the thought that she despised taking blood from these men, but she needed more to complete the transformation.

  ‘Well, it isn’t,’ Arianna responded, still staring at the sleeping guy. ‘It’s like coffee,’ she explained, moving Nik’s arm closer and smelling the blood. Her baku was raging to bite down and taste the blood of the sleeping victim, but Arianna kept her baku side in check by dropping Nik’s arm. ‘Plain coffee smells so good, but then you catch a whiff of chocolate coffee. Nummy smelling. But then tasting coffee? It doesn’t taste at all how it smells. Chocolate coffee does not taste like chocolate.’ Andrew smiled, but did not move.

  ‘Ari, you have no choice in this matter. Drink the coffee,’ Andrew ordered with a grin. ‘And if you need a little something later to get the taste out of your mouth, you know where to find me. I’m sure I don’t smell like coffee.’ Andrew winked at her, and Arianna couldn’t stop the blush spreading on her cheeks. ‘We need to do this soon. You know we have nine more people to go to.’

  Arianna sighed and picked up Nik’s arm again. Andrew caught her eye and kept her focus on him. She looked into Andrew’s eyes and felt the love transfer out of him. She smelled his blood stronger than Nik’s. He definitely wasn’t coffee. She scrunched up her nose in protest, yet did as Andrew told her to do. Biting down, she release blood into her mouth and forced herself to swallow. Nik’s blood was as bad as she imagined it tasting.

  ‘Maybe I would have done better with the younger brother,’ Arianna added as they left the room with Nik peacefully sleeping. Andrew had made Nik move into a deeper sleep to keep him out as they moved on to the next room without a scratch left on their sleeping victim. ‘At least he idolized me. That’s a bit like love. Bet he would have tasted better.’

  Andrew silently laughed and opened the door to the next room. One after one, Arianna drank from the c
ompetitors again. None were appetizing, but there was nothing she could do about it. By the time she got to the last two rooms, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Andrew had to put a drop of his own blood on each man’s arm before she would even go near them. She needed their blood, and if this was really the only way, she needed to do it. Finally reaching the last room, Arianna paused. She sensed Nessa inside. She was agitated and pacing the room. They had not drugged her as she wouldn’t object to giving more blood. She was the one that wanted this to all happen to begin with.

  Arianna pushed open the door, but stopped. Placing a hand behind her, she stopped Andrew before he attacked at the scene. Gabriel lay sprawled on the floor, unconscious, and dripping blood from a head wound. Rhys stood in the corner of the room, mentally scolding his younger sister. His scolding stopped as he finally noticed Nessa’s eyes on Arianna.

  ‘Gabriel?’ Arianna sent out mentally to her uncle.

  “He surprised me,” Rhys said. His voice was deep, but crisp, just like it had sounded the first week he arrived. Arianna was still amazed at Nessa’s transformation into her brother. She had perfectly imitated Rhys. It was hard now to even see Rhys as himself and not as Nessa. “I didn’t mean any harm. He is unhurt.”

  “And the blood?” Andrew seethed behind Arianna. She kept her body pressed to his, trying to send him calming waves.

  “Ah, your mate,” Rhys replied. “I mean no offense,” Rhys continued, looking to Andrew now. “I was surprised and reacted without thinking. Wouldn’t you do the same if you found someone in your room that wasn’t supposed to be there? We aren’t exactly all friends on a weekend retreat here.”

  “And the blood?” Arianna asked again. Rhys was so far being truthful, but she saw behind the illusions he cast.

  “He hit his head on the way down.” Rhys pointed to the coffee table beside Gabriel that had a bit of Gabriel’s blood on it also.

  Arianna’s eyes flicked to the transformed Nessa for confirmation on the reason Gabriel was on the floor. Arianna made a small step toward Gabriel. Nessa wanted to respond, but couldn’t without telling her brother why Arianna knew her. Rhys caught Arianna’s glance and smiled.

  “So, that’s what this is about?” Rhys asked, waving his hand for Nessa to drop her disguise. Nessa returned to the young girl with ringlets. “You’ve met my sister?”

  “Yes.” Arianna kept her slow pace, inching over to Gabriel. He might just have been attacked in self-defense, but that didn’t mean Arianna trusted he was all right. She needed to see for herself. Rhys had to be really good to catch the old baku off guard.

  “And my naïve little sister told you about her crazy idea? That you’re the chosen one?” Rhys asked, teasing his sister. Arianna looked to Nessa. She was turning a bright shade of red. It didn’t help her embarrassment that Devin and Turner were right behind Andrew, and entering the room now. Everyone was there to see her be called a fool by her brother. “Which version did she tell you? Was it that you’re the hero who can save the world? Or was it the one where you are the one who will rule over us all? My little sister has such a grand imagination.”

  Rhys sounded more sarcastic than anything. This was a completely new side of him that Arianna had not seen yet. So far he had been charming when Nessa was pretending to be him and even more so once they switched back. During the power demonstration he was in full charisma mode, but now he was more condescending.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Arianna replied calmly as she made it over to Gabriel.

  Arianna bent down and touched the old man. His head wound was already healed, and no longer bleeding. Gabriel would be fine, but the situation wasn’t ideal. Rhys’ change in attitude made her wonder about the sidhe king. He was acting more foe than friend at the moment, and Arianna could see the fear in Nessa’s eyes. It was clear that the siblings didn’t share a loving relationship.

  “My sister has been raving for years about a special night human that would save us all. My grandfather filled her head with these lies and stories when we were children. Unfortunately, Nessa is very impressionable, so I ask you to forgive my sister for filling you with hope that you can do magic. I assume you’re here to try my blood, to see if that will allow you to do sidhe magic.” Rhys waved his hands about in the air, making fun of his own ability.

  “I don’t know what Nessa told you over the years, but maybe you should have listened to her,” Arianna replied. She didn’t take too kindly to Rhys’ attitude toward his sister. Nessa kept her eyes cast to the floor.

  “Oh no, she got you, too,” Rhys said in mock despair, flopping his hand over his heart for emphasis. “At least you guys don’t believe her?” Rhys turned to Andrew, who was still watching him and waiting to pounce if he made one questionable move. Devin just stared at the sidhe, not replying. That was enough for Rhys. “You do believe her,” Rhys replied, astonished that they would believe his sister’s stories.

  “Some people have more faith in me than my own family does,” Nessa whispered, moving across the room to Arianna. She helped Arianna shift Gabriel to a sitting position as he finally opened his eyes. Nessa looked up, trying to plead a silent apology to both Arianna and Gabriel.

  “Man, that kid has some right hook,” Gabriel rubbed his jaw. He wasn’t upset about the situation. It was his own fault he had been hit.

  “Sorry about that,” Rhys replied from across the room. Arianna couldn’t tell if he was sincere or not. The threat in Andrew’s eyes was obvious, and Rhys kept away.

  “Did you finish here?” Gabriel asked Arianna, trying to figure out how long he had been out.

  “You too?” Rhys was now really surprised. Gabriel was ancient and well-known. How could Nessa convince someone with as much experience as Gabriel?

  “Me too, what?” Gabriel slowly moved to his feet, leaning on both Arianna and Nessa.

  “Apparently Rhys doesn’t know that what Nessa was saying was true,” Arianna explained to Gabriel.

  “It can’t be,” Rhys replied, brushing off Arianna’s belief in his sister. “They’re just myths, fairy tales.”

  “Really? Then why can I see the knife in your hand? It wasn’t the table that caused the cut on my uncle’s head, was it?” Arianna asked. She let Nessa support Gabriel as Arianna moved quickly to stop Andrew before he did something they all would regret. “However, we’re not here to fight with you. I just need a little more blood from your sister to complete the transformation.”

  “That can’t be,” Rhys whispered, dropping the knife to the floor with a clank. “These were all just old tales.”

  “It can, brother,” Nessa replied, handing Gabriel off to Devin before using her sidhe speed to instantly appear at Rhys’ side. “Grandfather was right. Now she’s here because she needs more blood, yours or mine.” Nessa had been tracking Arianna as she moved from room to room, and had been oblivious to the others. She would have stopped her brother from attacking Gabriel if she had known he would be coming first.

  Rhys recovered from his shock and studied Arianna. He now saw Arianna in a new light. His grandfather had often told tales of how the night humans were too divergent in race. Rhys was a young boy, and thought they were just tales, even though they were fascinating. As he grew into a man, he believed his grandfather had been senile in his old age, and was just telling stories. Grandfather had said, as new traits arose, these new types of night human branched off until it got to the point that they could never be what they were once before. Grandfather had explained it all like a scientific theory, but Rhys, like everyone else, thought the old man was crazy.

  “More blood?” Rhys asked his sister, who was the only one who had supported their grandfather’s theories over the years. Her faith in the old man never wavered. “As in you gave her some before? You know that’s against sidhe law.”

  “What?” Arianna asked. She knew enough from her year in the night world to understand that you didn’t go against clan law. Most of the time doing so meant death, and even
if one was exiled, that still typically meant death, as no other clan would take you in.

  “Sidhe are not allowed to be fed on,” Rhys replied, still watching Arianna. She was a new marvel to him. She saw past his spells. She was amazing.

  “She had pathadh. I couldn’t let her starve to death. And she needs more,” Nessa replied. “Since I already broke the law, I might as well do it again.” Nessa shrugged. She walked over to Arianna and lifted up her wrist.

  “No,” Rhys replied with a twinkle in his eyes, swatting his little sister’s arm away. “I’ll feed her.”

  Chapter 17

  Andrew paced behind Arianna. He didn’t take well to bending to the requests of strangers, especially those that looked at Arianna with longing in their eyes. Andrew could see what the sidhe leader was feeling without having to enter his mind. Arianna seemed a bit more oblivious to it. Andrew wanted to scream at her to wake up, but it wouldn’t do any good. Arianna always tried to find the good in people, even when there was none.

  “Just you and me alone,” Rhys demanded, like the king he was.

  “I don’t think so,” Devin replied from the doorway. “First you attack Gabriel, and then want to be alone with Arianna?” Turner stood side by side with Devin, echoing his hostility.

  “Then I won’t give her my blood, and Nessa won’t be allowed to, either,” Rhys replied, as if it didn’t matter to him either way. It did matter to him, but Andrew wasn’t about to get between Devin and his prey. Devin could be as deadly as any night human.

  ‘Devin, we need his blood to complete everything,’ Arianna turned her back to Rhys to look over at Devin as she spoke to him in their minds.

  ‘Not that badly. We can wait and get it from Nessa. She’s more than willing,’ Devin replied, still only watching Rhys.