Read Winning the Legend Page 15

  “Thanks, Mori,” Molina added before shutting the computer down. “So, is this what you want to do?” Molina asked Arianna. Molina had always taken Arianna’s will into account for any action they did. She promised she would never lie to her again, and she would not make Arianna do something she didn’t wish to do.

  “Yes,” Arianna replied. “Now or never.” She was trying her best to remain positive about everything, but the idea of her blood changing people still scared her. Would people resent what she could now do? Or possibly hate her for what she’d already done, as her blood had been used to treat people when they were attacked a year ago. Maybe some got enough to change already. Arianna glanced over to Ken. He would have had plenty to change into the three night human mix she was over a month ago when she saved his life.

  ‘You won’t be alone anymore,’ Andrew replied, taking her hand at her hesitation. ‘We will all be like you. You won’t be the only one with mixed genes.’ Arianna smiled as his hand slid down her arm and loosened her clenched hand open. She never thought of it that way. Andrew was right. She wouldn’t be alone anymore.

  “Let’s do this,” Arianna replied with more certainty.

  Molina easily set up a bag to collect her blood. Blood was such a constant in their lives, everyone in the room could have done what Molina was doing, but Arianna appreciated Molina’s gentle touch. Arianna sat and watched the blood as it dripped out of her. Everyone roamed around in their own thoughts while they waited. It would only take a few minutes. Gabriel collected a glass for every night human in the room. Molina took the bag of blood from Arianna and added her blood into each glass, mixing it with whatever drink Gabriel had poured.

  Knowing that the world was changing held everyone quiet. They were making a choice right now from which they couldn’t turn back. They each took a glass as Arianna sat with Andrew and watched. He had already taken enough blood to change his night human. He already felt the change, knowing that he could feed on any person in the room without the need to put them to sleep. For a baku, it was an empowering feeling. The dearg-dul in the room anticipated the ability to walk in sunlight the most.

  “Here’s to the future,” Gabriel added, lifting his glass to toast with everyone else.

  “God, I hope I don’t sprout wings,” Turner mumbled, as Devin chuckled again.

  Chapter 22

  The competitors were sent home for another week as Arianna claimed she needed rest, but in reality she needed time to change enough of her people at the manor. Devin spent the week recuperating, and by the end he was completely healed. Nessa spent the week watching her brother, and mentally reporting to Arianna since her brother forbid her to say anything but never told her not to think anything. Due to her age and inexperience, most didn’t expect Arianna to make a mental connection with other night humans without a blood connection. Rhys was as easily fooled as most. By the end of the week, Arianna had created fifty new night humans as they took blood three more times from her. They were chosen from her top supporters, people who would be present for the public fights. Nessa had been gathering more supporters outside the grounds that were as ready for change in the night human world as much as she was.

  On the day the last competition was set to start, Arianna sat in the dining room as the men returned. Even those not competing came to watch the competition. She listened as each entered the estate, and did her best to ignore them as they arrived to see who the top competitors were going to be. She had left a list on the front door with five men chosen to compete.

  “Is this seat taken?” Rhys asked, joining her at a table.

  “Um, no,” Arianna replied with a mouth full of food. As she had asked, Andrew was sitting at the next table with Devin and Turner. She didn’t want to make Andrew a target, also knowing that Rhys’ plan involved eliminating anyone that stood in his way of taking Arianna by force. Andrew needed to be seen as not a threat.

  “All isn’t well in paradise?” Rhys asked, nodding toward Andrew.

  “Everything is fine,” Arianna gave a clipped reply. It was hard to look at Rhys and not see the conniving person he really was. Nessa sat down on her other side and smiled. Nessa was her new constant guard when Andrew couldn’t be close. Somehow she had come to some sort of agreement with Arianna’s guards including Devin and Andrew, and Arianna didn’t know what it entailed.

  “Hello, Brother,” Nessa said cheerfully. She was much better at playing the game. “Back so soon from your run?” His run was just an excuse to get away from everyone inside the house and contact his people outside of the grounds.

  Rhys smiled pleasantly back even though he was seething inside at his sister’s comment. “Since everyone returns today, I thought I should get back early to make sure no one hits on my sister and her new friend.” Always pretending to be the courteous person he was not. Charm rolled off Rhys, but it was fake.

  “Are you are ready to fight everyone for Arianna’s sake?” Nessa kept up the pretense that Rhys was going to be the knight in shining armor. Rhys smiled sweetly, but Arianna saw through the deception.

  “I don’t believe in forcing any woman to marry against their wishes. That’s just barbaric. Between me and Turner, I am sure we will save you from that fate,” Rhys added. He seemed to be equating his own position with that of one of her keepers.

  “And Devin,” Arianna replied. Rhys’ head turned abruptly to her from the stare he was giving his sister.

  “Devin?” he asked, more worry in his voice than surprise. “I mean, we’re all glad to see him up and around, but surely he is in no condition to fight. He was mortally wounded not even a week ago. Thankfully, he could be saved. You wouldn’t ask him to strain his body so soon. There’s no reason to do so. I’m sure Turner and I will be enough.” Rhys reassured Arianna. Arianna smiled.

  “That’s so kind of you, but I think my chances are better if I have three people fighting for me in the competition,” Arianna replied. Rhys needed to agree to keep up his deception, and Nessa was having fun watching him try to think of another argument.

  Rhys pondered a bit in silence before changing the topic, “Have you decided on who the matchups will be?” He was plotting again, and both Arianna and Nessa knew it.

  “Not completely. I listed the competitors on the front door while you were out running, but not the order,” Arianna replied, watching to see if Rhys would bolt to the door like Nessa predicted.

  “Really, you’ve decided that already?” Rhys feigned disinterest.

  “That was the easy part. Matching everyone up is harder.” Arianna pretended like they really didn’t already have a plan. “I’ve been going over everything with my advisors to see who would make the best matches.”

  “You should have Nessa help you,” Rhys added. “She’s really good at strategy.” Arianna nodded along with Rhys’ attempt to get more information. She was being as cordial as she could to him. “Well, I’ll leave you ladies to yourselves while I go get cleaned up. It seems like the last person has arrived, and I am sure you’ll want to meet with us all soon.”

  Arianna nodded her good-bye. Nessa and Arianna both knew it was a weak excuse to get to the door to see the competitors list.

  ‘Does he always do that?’ Arianna asked Nessa.

  ‘What?’ Nessa replied, watching her brother’s figure fade down the hallway. She followed his essence a bit longer to make sure he was really leaving. As expected, he detoured by the front door before going back to his room. Nessa and Arianna both knew why he really had to leave.

  ‘Tell people what to do without really giving an order.’ Arianna followed his trace before standing. Her guards all stood behind her.

  ‘Oh yes,’ Nessa replied, following Arianna as they all walked back to her room for one last strategy meeting. Nessa stopped at her door. She couldn’t know the specifics because Rhys was still her king, and she would have to answer him if she knew. She gave Arianna a quick hug. ‘I’m behind you, whatever you decide.’

  * * * * *
  After their meeting, Arianna stood once again in front of the men she was learning to hate more each time she saw them. Until now, they were sure that Nik was supporting Rhys, but it was beginning to look like Nik was building his own alliances. Arianna listened into their thoughts a bit, and knew that Choy and Barret were quietly talking to Nik and Rhys, both deciding on which they would join. It wouldn’t be much longer before they either joined them, or made their own team. It was more likely they would all make fake alliances, and then fend for themselves when the time came. Historically, none of them had gotten along, let alone when they were all competing for her. Nik may think he had Rhys fooled, but it didn’t matter. Arianna already knew what people were siding with whom.

  Silently, the men conversed with their retainers as they tried to sort everything out. Most of them would not be competing further, and thus wanted to find a way to still get Arianna. Plots were growing thicker from the moment they all returned. The retainers were as much involved as the men competing. Everyone wanted to win Arianna at this point. She really just wanted to walk away from the men and tell them all to go home, but she needed to finish out the tournament. War was growing more inevitable, but Arianna planned to keep her word. She would finish the tournament. This was her way of dealing with the chaos that was her life. Even if war came, and she had to kill people along the way, she didn’t want to be a monster.

  Arianna waited for the chatter to die down before she spoke.

  “As everyone arrived, they could see our choices for the tournament. Nik Katsulas, Rhys McKinny, Devin Alexander, Turner Winter, and Loan Durand were chosen for the final matches. We will start tomorrow evening with the first competition. You will be matched, and three fights will take place. The tournament winner will be the person who wins the most matches. If there are any ties, we will have extra matches to decide then. It is very simple. The person who wins the most matches, wins the tournament.” Arianna looked from each competitor to the next. She didn’t want to pick either Nik or Rhys, but everyone already felt that, next to Devin, they were the top candidates. If she left them out, she would have to prove a reason why- and being backstabbing twits didn’t count.

  “And the sixth competitor?” Jan asked hopefully.

  Jan was actually scored right behind Loan, and he seemed to know that much. Arianna had a choice between Jan and Loan. Jan was almost twice her age, and had children only a few years younger than her. Loan was the most decent man of the group there—probably because he was third in line to rule. Loan wasn’t as corrupt as the other men who either already ruled their clans or soon would. She decided to let Loan compete.

  All eyes stared at her, waiting and hoping. Each man wanted to be the sixth competitor.

  “Oh, that one was easy. Me,” Arianna answered before walking away from the shocked group.

  Chapter 23

  Arianna hadn’t stayed around to sort out all the bickering. No one was happy to know she was in the competition, but, as Gabriel pointed out to the group, every night human clan was allowed to send one competitor. He had decided to send her since she really was the most powerful of them, even if she wasn’t fully trained yet. That just started more bickering all around. Complaints were made about the first tests, and Gabriel patiently explained that Arianna had competed in all of the tests when she demonstrated them, and had won each one. No one argued with that. Arianna was more than happy to just walk away from it all to her own side of the manor.

  Andrew was sitting in the open window, gazing outside. It was still night, but soon, the sun would come up. He noticed her enter, but was lost in his own thoughts. He didn’t attend the short meeting with the competitors, as he knew what Arianna was going to say. It was growing harder for him to watch the men fawn over her. Now it was even worse, because he had to let Arianna compete. He wanted to participate and save her, but she insisted that she should be allowed to save herself.

  Arianna tentatively reached up and touched his shoulder to get his attention without startling him. Falling from his perch wouldn’t kill him, but she didn’t want him to tumble out the window anyway.

  “Thinking too hard there?” she teased lightly. Andrew reached back and pulled her up onto the window ledge beside him.

  “I don’t know if I can let you do this,” Andrew replied into her hair as he nuzzled her. Her scent was so familiar now that it calmed him.

  “We’ve been over this. I’m ready. I am stronger now. I can do this. You’ve even admitted that much,” Arianna answered. She liked being in his arms, and was willing to fight to keep it that way.

  “I know you’re ready, I just don’t know if I can let you do this,” he added again. His hands drifted down her arms, causing goose bumps to appear in their wake. He pulled her closer, partially onto his lap.

  “Then what do I do? Hope Devin somehow doesn’t get himself killed this time, or maybe hope Turner is hiding some great ability to defeat Rhys? If I stand any chance at all, it’s by myself.” Arianna was finally ready to take control of her own future. Her new skills made her nearly as strong as the rest of them. If she had just a little more experience, she would be unstoppable.

  “And what happens if you get hurt? Then our plans really will fail. We need you to be strong no matter what,” Andrew said, trying to debate with her logically. Arianna scooted off his lap and on to the windowsill beside him.

  “Do you not think that I can really do this?” Arianna couldn’t hide the hurt in her voice. Andrew was the one supporter that never failed her. She thought he would always be her rock.

  “That’s not what I meant,” Andrew replied, reaching over to pull her back to him. Arianna eased into him. It had been a long week, trying to pretend that they were not as connected as ever in front of Rhys. Everyone agreed it was best to let Rhys think his plan was working, that she was falling for him.

  “Then what did you mean?” Arianna asked.

  “I’m just upset. There has to be a way for me to enter instead of you,” Andrew replied. Protecting her was his job. He didn’t want her to get hurt and have to just stand by, watching it happen.

  “If we entered you at this point, I think we’d have more of an uproar from the contestants. We know they’re already upset that I’m entering. I think the only reason none of them can argue is that they have to allow it as I am technically the head of the family,” Arianna logically explained. “I think your only option is to fight me to take over as head of the family. If you were head, then maybe they’d let you enter instead of me.”

  Arianna didn’t really support that option, but she needed to make a point to Andrew. They couldn’t enter him now, even if she wanted to. Every person in the competition was a direct line to the head of their clan. Even Turner was second in line to the lycan clan, behind his brother.

  “And that’s a plausible solution,” he sarcastically replied, frustrated that she was right. He would never truly fight her. She would always be the head of the family as long as he was around. Besides, he didn’t want that sort of power, and she knew it.

  Arianna turned her head up to look at him. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled his head down so that she could kiss him. It was sweet that he worried so much. Arianna appreciated everyone’s concern, but she had one chance now to be free, and she wouldn’t screw it up. Andrew sighed as she pulled back.

  “I can do this Andrew. I have the strength, and now the ability, to fight evenly with these men. I need to prove to them that I am in charge. I need to prove it to me,” she added a bit more quietly. “I get to decide my fate, not someone else.”

  “I believe in you,” he whispered, rubbing his nose to hers as they sat forehead to forehead. It was all Arianna ever wanted to hear.

  * * * * *

  The new fighting pit was outside, and bleachers lined the much larger area. The pit dwarfed the much smaller fighting circle in the training room, but for a reason. These fights were meant to be more spectacular for the audience. The square was bigger, at least forty
feet across, maybe more. The ground was raked flat since it was outside terrain, unlike the polished wood floor inside. The new area would add to the fights, and thus they would be longer. It would be a trial of strength, and all the competitors were ready.

  For the first few matches, there would be no spectators, but there would be a non-partial judge: the wurdulac head, Serge Moro. From what all the competitors knew, Moro’s clan resided in North America, but they didn’t hold any more land than the area their houses now sat on. Several races of night humans were in the same position, no longer powerful enough to compete with the top thirteen clans. In the last war between the clans, those that were too small to help fight for either side were ignored when territories were redrawn. With no land and no power, the wurdulac were no threat, and a completely impartial judge for the competition. At least that was what every man there beyond Arianna’s own thought. Little did the thirteen clans know that the clans without power were all in agreement in supporting Arianna, for she would be able to bring change back to them. Arianna was predicted to be the great equalizer of the clans, and Nessa had shown her the key to doing so.

  Arianna sat in one section of the bleachers with Andrew, Thomas, and her guards. Everyone arrived shortly after she did, like moths drawn to light. They were constantly searching and following her around, even if they knew the meeting time was more than ten minutes away. None of them beyond Rhys knew why this new feeling came from them. Even their retainers could not understand it. They all had changed their minds and wanted to actually win over Arianna’s heart, not just her blood. She tried to ignore them as best she could, but they were all a bit like love-sick puppies as they eagerly waited for her to pat them on the head and say “good job.” Arianna counted the men as they arrived, and not a single person was missing. Once she was certain they were all there, she stood and walked in front of them. She had expressed to Thomas once about feeling crushed by love, but this was exactly what she felt as all the men stared back adoringly.