Read Winterland Destiny Page 2

  "You must eat," Garick said, having already devoured his meal. "You will need your strength." The thought of why she needed strength wasn't something she wanted foremost on her mind, so she tucked the thought away. "I am much smaller than you, Garick. I do not require as much food."

  "Then drink this. It will relax you." He poured her a cup of wiloa, an ancient elvin wine that burned her stomach and fired her blood, heating her from the inside out. She welcomed the relaxing effect of the drink, knowing what would be forthcoming.

  "You seem uncomfortable."

  She looked up from the table and met his probing gaze. "I am not uncomfortable."

  "You do not wish to be here."

  His search of her innermost thoughts had not been successful earlier. He was merely guessing now.

  "Why do you say that? I am where I am supposed to be." His lips curled in a half smile that Noele found quite appealing. "But it is not where you would want to be."

  "Does it matter?"


  "Then why ask?"

  "Curious. If the situation were reversed, I would not be happy at all."

  "No, I cannot imagine you would be." Garick was not the type of man who would bend for anyone. She already knew that much about him. His will was strong. She had to fight hard to keep his thoughts from invading her.

  At least she'd managed to prevent his entry into her mind. She may be forced through official rites to do certain things, but she was not required to give up her thoughts to him.

  "Shall we get on with the rite of inspection?" he asked, pushing back from the table.

  Noele swallowed past the lump in her throat and stood. Garick nodded to Roarke, who had returned and stood at the doorway. He stepped in, closed the door and guarded silently.

  "Must he remain?"

  Garick arched a dark brow. "Have our customs been explained to you?"

  "Of course," she answered quickly, surprised to hear the nervous rasp in her own voice. "I merely assumed his presence would not be required until consummation eve."

  "Roarke is required to view the inspection, but he will not participate." She nodded. "Very well." As if she had a choice. She could no more change elvin custom than she could change faerie. If she could, she would be anywhere else but standing here right now, about to be stripped bare and inspected by the elvin king.

  Chapter Two

  Garick eyed the pale-haired faerie who was to become his queen, unable to believe such blinding beauty existed. He'd been forced to call upon all his magic to mask his shock when he entered the chamber and found the ethereal creature standing before him.

  Clad in a simple shift, the flowing garment showed off her long legs and creamy thighs. Her white wings, woven with threads of silver, glittered against the light cast by the fire. She looked to be an angel, pale except for the shimmer of silver that graced every centimeter of her exposed skin.

  His hands shook at the thought of taking her as his bride, and he fought desperately for control. He would be no good to his or Noele's people if he couldn't keep his emotions under control.

  But Roarke knew his reaction. Knew it and laughed at him telepathically.

  "I think you have met your match," Roarke thought to him, a touch of sarcasm lacing his deep thoughts.

  "Bah. I haven't fucked a faerie in many a long year, 'tis all. And this one is particularly alluring."

  "Your heart pounds for her," Roarke said.

  "No, my cock pounds for her," Garick objected. But Roarke was right, Garick thought as he forced his lifelong friend and protector out of his thoughts and emotions. Noele of D'Naath had struck him a fatal blow, and he'd be certain to guard his heart around this one. She may be his life mate, but he did not need to bring emotion into their union. Their marriage was one of his duties as king, and he would perform it just as he had performed all his required obligations. He had not shown emotion since he'd taken the throne upon his parents' death.

  Emotion was for the weak. Love was for the foolish. He was a warrior, and had been his entire life.

  Warriors had no time for such frivolity. His father had shown him that from a very young age. Women were to bear children and oversee the daily activities at the castle.

  His father had shown no love or affection to his mother, and his mother had accepted that as her duty as his wife. Aye, she had loved Garick, but she had been just as immersed in her own duties as his father had.

  As a result, Winterland held strong to the northern territories for many years. Garick would make sure that hold would continue.

  "Retract your wings," he commanded Noele, noticing the nervous flapping of the shimmering wings at her back.

  She nodded, her wings folding onto themselves and disappearing from sight. He reached for her, sensing her anxiety and waiting for her to flinch. She stood still though, her chin held high and her pale blue eyes fixed on his face.

  He admired her courage, realizing how difficult the ceremonies over the next several days would be. But it was custom and he would do what was required, as, it seemed, would she.

  Not one to employ tenderness around females, he surprised even himself when he gently grazed her slender shoulders. At his first touch upon her skin, a shock of pleasure unlike anything he'd ever known knifed through him.

  He removed his hands and gazed upon her, fighting for control over the intensity of desire that stabbed at his middle. It would be so easy to take her tonight, to bury his cock within her, and make her his.

  But their marriage was all about ceremony and ritual. He could not have her this day. Soon, he would.

  Once he did, the fire that licked at his loins would be quenched and he could return to his other duties without another thought for Noele.

  Breathing in a fortifying breath, he once again touched her, fighting back a groan as his fingers traced her magical skin. She shuddered against his fingers and his gaze met hers. A man could get lost in her wintry blue eyes.

  Thankfully, he wasn't a man easily lost.

  He slipped his fingers underneath the gossamer gown. He did so slowly, watching Noele's reaction. She shivered, but kept her gaze focused on his face.

  His cock throbbed against his breeches, coming to life in a fast and furious way. If she were one of the many willing elvin females that clamored for his touch, he would pull out his rigid shaft and plunge it inside her, immediately relieving his tension.

  But she wasn't. She was faerie, his betrothed, and a virgin. He would hold his emotions in check and not violate this fragile creature. "I am going to disrobe you." She nodded and trembled when he pulled the garment to her waist, baring breasts that bordered on perfection. Nipples, as pale as cream, were surrounded by small, high breasts that shimmered with silver flecks. The buds puckered and hardened.

  His heart pounded and he recognized a desire to lick the tips of the globes until they glistened with his saliva.

  "It is my right to taste you this eve."

  "Yes, I know." Her voice rasped against his senses, flaming him hotter than the burning wood in the fireplace. Neither her words nor the magical essence unique to faerie told him she objected.

  Noele's lips parted, her mouth forming a perfect bow. He brushed his thumb against her bottom lip and moved forward, leaning down to capture her mouth in a kiss.

  He meant only to kiss her briefly. No more, just a brush of lips, a way to gauge her reaction, to prime her for their wedding eve.

  But as soon as their lips met, her pheromones released, assaulting his senses with the sweet scent of the sterling silver roses that grew in the forest. He inhaled, then shuddered and lost all control. He slid his tongue inside her mouth and fit his lips more fully against hers. He couldn't find his next breath as she'd stolen it away from him.

  Her skin was the softest rose petal, her body pliant and willing in his arms. Her agreeable response both shocked and pleased him. His erection quivered, his balls tightened and he suddenly wished for release more than anything.

  No, not ye
t. With great discipline he held back, not wanting to crush the faerie with his ardent passion.

  A desire to see more of her overwhelmed him. He bent down to draw the garment over her slender hips.

  A pale tuft of hair covered her mound, it, too, threaded with silver. He crouched down and reached for her buttocks, drawing her femininity closer to him.

  The scent of roses and sweet female nectar assailed him. He couldn't resist taking a taste of her bounty.

  She let out a moan when he rubbed his nose against her soft fur and inhaled her essence. When he placed a light kiss against her mound, her small hand threaded through his hair.

  Needing no further encouragement, he nudged her legs apart and slowly swiped his tongue over her stiffened bud, licking the honeyed drops of desire from her nether lips.

  By the gods, her taste was sweet, his desire for her grew and he began to mentally count the hours until he could sheathe himself within her.

  This faerie held a dangerous magic. The magic to enrapture him, to release emotions he'd held too long in check. Garick vowed to push back any thoughts of warmth or love where she was concerned.

  After consummation, after he'd had his fill of her, he would have to turn her over to Roarke.

  For the protection of his own people, of course. A king could not be consumed with his bride. And Garick was fearful that Noele would consume his every thought.

  Noele was awash in indescribable sensations. Her body arched against Garick's questing tongue. She couldn't have fought him if she wanted to. By the heavens above, she did not want to! His tongue was magic, his breath hot against her throbbing pussy.

  Lick me , she begged silently, hoping somehow her mental message would get through to him.

  For a second she'd forgotten he was elvin and telepathic, because he chuckled low in his throat, then bathed her with his long, moist tongue.

  Her legs shook. She was barely able to stand with her limbs spread apart and Garick doing deliciously wicked things to her clit. Without thinking, she brought forth her wings and flapped furiously for balance.

  Garick reared back and regarded her, then stood. Noele could have cried out at the loss of his burning tongue on her flesh, but kept silent, wondering if he was finished inspecting her. Surely he wouldn't leave her like this, aroused and unfulfilled. Could he not see what he'd done to her?

  Please, more. Don't stop now .

  She hovered face to face with him, his eyes dark as the night sky.

  "Would you like to come, my betrothed?" he asked in a voice so low it reverberated through her senses.

  "Yes, Garick, I would." He flamed her sexuality like she'd never been able to do for herself. Even watching faeries fucking in the glen had not excited her as much as this tall elvin had.

  "And would you be equally receptive to pleasing me?" Her eyes widened and she glanced down at his breeches, noticing the huge bulge. So, he was as aroused as she. The thought gave her a great deal of pleasure. His shaft pressed hard and insistently against the material, as if struggling to be free.

  She wanted this, wanted to taste a man, to feel his hard shaft in her hand, to stroke him and lick him until he bathed her body with his essence.

  Mental images of wrapping her lips around his heated cock almost made her come, but she held back, wanting Garick to lick her honey when the time came.

  "Oh, I will, my faerie princess. I will taste every drop of your sweet come." He flipped open the button of his breeches and said, "And you will taste mine." When he spread open his breeches, his cock sprang forth from the dark, curling bush of hair surrounding it. Thicker and longer than any tubara she'd ever seen, her mouth watered at the sight. Then she looked up at him. Garick's pupils dilated when she licked her lips, and she suddenly realized her power to captivate.

  She might be slight in stature, her powers no match for the elvin king. She may be forced by destiny to bend to his will and do his bidding as his bride, but she wielded sorcery of her own...with her mouth, her hands and her pussy. A sudden desire to use what magic she possessed to enrapture Garick had her wondering. Why would she suddenly have such interest in captivating him?

  Perhaps because when they met he'd shown very little interest in her? Other than arching his brow, the entire evening had been dictated by custom and Garick had followed through with very little emotion.

  Until now. And the thought that he hadn't been immediately enraptured by her stung worse than the bite of the bramble bush.

  Faerie were all beautiful, seductive creatures, admired and desired by men and women from every kingdom. Noele was used to being pursued and having lavish praise given to her beauty and her magic.

  Admittedly, his disinterest had made her wary. She feared he would give her to Roarke after their consummation, as was his right.

  What do I care which man keeps me? I will still be queen, and as such my people will be protected .

  Which was the only reason she allowed this to happen. By all that was magic, she did not care for having no say in her future, and yet it was the way of her people.

  She could have run, hidden away somewhere, instead of being forced to marry a man she did not know.

  A man who had the choice to keep her or give her to another.

  But she didn't. Noele was not a coward. She would not turn away from her duty.

  So, she would please him and in turn allow him to please her. For the sake of her people, of course. The merger between faerie and elvin in the northern lands was vital to maintain their magical stronghold over the wizards of the North. And that was the only reason she'd play this game of seduction and sex with him.

  "Your mind stays busy, Noele. Would you like to share?" Forcing her thoughts deep inside herself, she shook her head. "I only care to share my body with you, and ask that you let me taste your hardened flesh." His chest rose with his sharp intake of breath. "Curious?"


  He offered her the first smile she'd seen, a wickedly sensual curving of his lips that took her breath away. "Good. That pleases me. Let me satisfy your curiosity." She glanced to the corner of the room to see Roarke staring at them. Rather than unnerving her, it excited her to know he watched. How strange these elvin customs were. Her eyes caught and held his, and he smiled. Roarke's erection was clearly outlined against his tight breeches. His lips curled slowly, so wickedly seductive she trembled. She offered him her own smile in return.

  Garick spoke. "If you wish, Roarke will obtain release also." She kept her eyes focused on Roarke, her senses afire with the knowledge that these two men wanted her. And that, for once, she could make the choice. Roarke's gaze burned into hers, his eyes filled with sensual promise. Oh yes, she wanted to watch him stroke himself to a climax. "Yes, I wish it."

  "But he will not touch you. It is not allowed," Garick said.

  She must remember to keep her mind closed to Garick, lest he think she desired his protector instead of him. Nay, only one man held her attention, her every desire. The thought surprised her, given she had barely met Garick. And yet he compelled her, enticed her, and she wanted him with all her being. Roarke was merely added fuel to her flame of arousal. She wanted to watch him, and to know he watched her.

  "I wish to see you naked," she said, turning her attention back to her betrothed. She pulled at his tunic and breeches, eager to feast her eyes upon his body. Her wings whisked her hair into her face as she fluttered about, yanking at his clothing.

  When she had undressed him, she stood back, admiring that which would be hers very shortly. He was magnificent. A perfect body, strong, tapered at the waist and muscular in the thighs. Well muscled in the cock, too, she noticed, her eyes focusing on his jutting erection.

  She glanced over at Roarke. He'd opened his breeches and exposed his cock. She licked her lips when she saw it, imagining what would happen very soon. He wrapped his hand around the shaft and stroked slowly, his heavy-lidded gaze trained on her. Her cunt tightened with pleasure.

  Garick spoke, captur
ing her attention with his dark, husky voice. "Come, faerie princess, and wrap your mouth around me before I explode."

  She fluttered toward him, intent on dropping to her knees. But instead, he reached for her waist and turned her upside down, her face in line with his cock and his hot breath against her damp pussy.

  Her wings kept her afloat even when his mouth came down on her clit and swiped against her pussy lips.

  She cried out, unable to wait any longer for a taste of him.

  Nuzzling the mat of hair at the juncture of his thighs, she licked the twin sacs dangling tight and hard underneath his shaft, rewarded with his groan.

  He smelled of the crisp, fresh outdoors, flaming her senses and calling to mind images of the earthy forest. Had he ventured into D'Naath, she would have wanted to take him at the forest glen, where the cool streams would bathe their heated bodies.

  But she was here and overjoyed at the prospect of tasting her first man. And what a man he was. She licked the side of his shaft, her tongue rolling over the length of his heavy cock. When she reached the tip, she took him in her mouth.

  "By all that's magical!" He groaned when she engulfed him. She lapped at the salty drops of his pre-come that spilled over her tongue.

  The dual contrast of his velvety hard texture in her mouth and his soft tongue licking at her folds sent sparks of pleasure shooting between her legs. She moaned against his cock and he thrust harder against her mouth.

  Truly this was heaven! This wicked, double sensation of tasting and being tasted. Garick was a master with his mouth and tongue, darting the tip in and out of her dripping cunt, lapping up her juices and eliciting more. She could not bear it! Every time he touched her, she took his shaft in deeply, suckling his cock and reaching for his sacs to gently caress and tug them. In turn, he licked greedily at her throbbing clit.

  She might die from the pleasure.

  "Pet my cock, faerie," he rasped. "Stroke me and suck me at the same time." She lifted her mouth from him and wound her fingers around his swollen shaft, sliding her fingers up and down while licking his cockhead with quick swipes of her tongue.

  Suddenly, Garick turned her upright and pulled her down on top of him on the carpet in front of the fireplace.