Read Wishing for Us Page 20

  “What are you looking at?” Jake asked as he glanced around, trying to see what had her attention.

  “Wait just a second,” she requested as she attempted to locate her last two friends. Ah, there was Mark DeSanto laughing with his cousin, Denny, while keeping Crystal locked firmly against his side. Lydia couldn’t miss the possessiveness in his touch as he hooked a hand around the nape of her neck to keep her from straying. The heat they generated between them with just one look was enough to power the city for a month.

  And finally, there were the newlyweds, Mia and Seth. Mia had once said that Seth was a traditional man who wanted to build a home and a family with her once she was ready to settle down. Lydia didn’t think Seth could possibly have any doubts that he and his bride had finally arrived at the same place. Mia hadn’t taken her eyes off him since Lydia had been watching, and likewise, his beautiful bride equally captivated Seth. Lydia had to giggle, though, when in true Mia fashion, she had her hand on her groom’s ass while he spoke with his gorgeous relatives. Despite all of her teasing, it was obvious that Seth was the only Jackson that Mia would ever truly see.

  As Jake helped her to her feet, Lydia paused once more to look around the tent to savor the sight of all of her blissful friends—the women of Danvers with the men they loved. In a resort town such as Myrtle Beach where anything seemed possible, Lydia wondered if there had ever been any doubt that they’d all get their happy ending.

  The funny thing, though, was that the men in their lives were only a part of it. The one constant that each of them could fall back on again and again through the years would be their sisterhood. Ten women from different backgrounds who’d found each other at Danvers International, and no matter what life brought their way, that was a bond that would never unravel or break. And Lydia was so excited to step forward with these women at her side to see what the future would hold for them.

  Continue reading for a special preview of the new contemporary romance from bestselling author Sydney Landon, which will be coming from Berkley in Summer 2017!

  Chapter One

  Zoe Hart walked through the familiar lobby of the Oceanix Resort in Pensacola, Florida, but she saw none of its usual elegance and grandeur. She’d woken in a bad mood that morning, which was unusual since she normally loved her birthday. She was twenty-nine today and despite her best attempts, she was no closer to seducing her best friend, Dylan Jackson, than she had been last year. The situation wasn’t helped by the fact that he was her landlord as well. She owned and operated the coffee shop in the Oceanix, Zoe’s Place. Even though she worked her ass off to make it a success, she was so grateful to Dylan for giving her a chance when she was trying to get her business off the ground. All of the big coffee chains had vied to open a location in the ultra high-end resort, but Dylan had believed in her business plan and had celebrated her success every step of the way.

  Her close friend and shop manager, Dana Anders, was busy loading the pastry display cases for another busy breakfast rush when Zoe arrived. The comforting smell of freshly brewed gourmet coffee filled the air and her stomach growled in response. For the first time that morning, she literally took a moment to stop and appreciate her surroundings. She’d designed the interior layout with comfort in mind, but had also wanted a place that appealed to a variety of customers. There were tables for her business customers who wanted to work while they drank their espressos. There were sofas for those who were truly enjoying their vacations and looking only to relax while they sipped frappes, and there were overstuffed chairs arranged in cozy seating areas for the groups who were recharging with a latte after a long day at the office or relishing a morning away from the kids. Of course with their location inside the hotel, they had people who came and went never to return. But she was particularly proud of the loyal local customers who had become like her friends and family.

  “Well, well,” Dana murmured as she noticed Zoe’s dejected expression. “The birthday girl doesn’t seem to be in the mood to celebrate this morning.” Her friend patted the counter and sat down on a stool behind it. “Park it right there and tell me all about it.” Before Zoe could open her mouth, Dana said, “No—no, let me take a guess. You’re twenty-nine, still carrying around your big V-card and you’ve been friend-zoned by the man you’ve secretly lusted after for years. Wait! Actually, friend-zoned would be easier to deal with. Some friends have sex together all the time. You’ve been sister-zoned and that’s the kiss of death if you’re hoping for a fling.”

  Zoe planted her hands on the counter and shook her head vehemently. “I haven’t been sister-zoned. I’m still completely and totally in the friend area. Dylan and I are buddies. We talk about all kinds of things you wouldn’t discuss with your sibling.”

  Dana clucked her tongue before taking a big drink of the coffee she had sitting nearby. Finally, as if she were talking to a toddler she said, “Sweetie, when he hangs out with you, does he take calls and texts from other women?”

  “Of course.” Zoe ground her teeth, thinking of how much she hated overhearing any time he employed his sexy laugh on some bimbo of the month.

  Putting a hand under her chin, Dana studied her for a moment before asking, “Does he ever tell you anything about his dates? As in bedroom stuff or kink level?”

  “Yes, all the time,” Zoe growled. “I guess that proves that he doesn’t see me as his sister though, right?”

  “It’s worse than I thought,” Dana said dramatically. “You’re officially one of the guys. You’ve ceased to have a vagina where he’s concerned.”

  “WHAT? No way!” Zoe sputtered. Pointing to her ample chest, she argued, “How could he miss these babies?”

  Refusing to back down, Dana fired off, “Does he ever bump you on the shoulder with his fist? Or high-five you?”

  Zoe’s mouth went dry and she stared at Dana in growing horror before dropping her head onto the counter. “Oh God, I’m just like one of his guy friends,” Zoe mumbled in despair. “You’re absolutely right. I might as well have a penis.”

  Dana patted the top of her head consolingly. “I don’t know about the whole having a dick thing. I’d say you’re more gender neutral where he’s concerned.”

  “Wow, that’s so much better,” she snapped. Dana was silent for so long, Zoe finally lifted her head, thinking maybe they’d had a customer wander in before the shop officially opened. Instead, her friend was giving her a calculating look that immediately made her nervous. “What?” she asked warily, not even sure she wanted to know what was running through the other woman’s mind. She and Dana were about as opposite as two people could be, but regardless of that their friendship worked. Dana loved men in all shapes and sizes and seemed to be dating a new guy every week. She was adventurous, outgoing, and the customers absolutely adored her. She stood just over five feet tall with short blond hair and a personality that made everyone feel special. A few years back, not long after Zoe had hired her, Dana had convinced her to come out for a drink. Zoe had ended up having several past her limit and had drunkenly admitted to Dana that she’d had a crush on Dylan for years. She’d also confessed to being a virgin, something that had blown the other woman away. After that, Dana had tried her best to set Zoe up on blind dates, but none of them compared to the infatuation she carried where Dylan was concerned. The heart wanted what it wanted—and Zoe’s appeared to be particularly stubborn.

  Dana folded her arms and leaned forward. “You can come back from this. As long as you haven’t entered the death zone where he looks at you like his little sister, there’s always hope. We can turn this around . . . if you’ll really apply yourself. Starting with that.” Dana pointed to Zoe’s white polo shirt as she spoke.

  Zoe frowned, looking down in confusion. “What’s wrong with my clothes?”

  “Sweetie, if you want Dylan to stop seeing you as a member of his dude squad, then you can’t continue to dress like one of the guys.” When Zo
e opened her mouth to protest, Dana held her hand up. “What are they wearing when they come in here for coffee before hitting the golf course?”

  “I’ve never noticed . . .” Zoe began before Dana interrupted her.

  “Cut the crap,” Dana huffed, “you know they dress just like that. Polo shirts and khaki shorts. Dylan sees you as one of the guys because you blend in so well with them. It’s time for that to stop. You have so much going for you. Big tits, small waist, and plenty of butt. You need to dress to showcase your assets.” As Zoe gulped, Dana pointed to her hair. “And that spinster bun has got to go. Your hair is gorgeous, but I’ve only seen you wear it down a few times and that was when I hid those freaking bands that you seem to have a million of. Men go crazy over long, wavy hair, which you naturally possess. You don’t need a lot of makeup because you look great without it. Let’s just start with the things that I’ve mentioned and I guarantee that in no time, Dylan will be tripping over his tongue.”

  “I don’t know . . .” Zoe murmured. “Clothes really don’t change anything. I’m still the same person that he’s known for years. I could probably parade around naked in front of him and it wouldn’t make a difference. It seems silly to pretend to be someone I’m not.”

  Dana walked around the counter and put an arm around her. “Honey, men are visual creatures. You and Dylan have been friends since you were children. He’s grown up thinking of you in a certain way. We’re just attempting to show him that there is another side he’s never seen before. He’s overlooking the fact that you’re a beautiful woman who is flipping perfect for him. Right or wrong, sometimes a new set of curtains makes the room look completely different.”

  A giggle burst from her lips and Zoe grinned at Dana. “Are you comparing me to draperies now?”

  “Hey, I’m just trying to give you something to work with. Now go ahead and tell me you’re on board. No, let’s go one better than that.” Dana pulled far enough away to extend a hand to her. “Zoe. Do you agree to do whatever it takes to finally land the man of your dreams this year? Are you prepared to surrender that v-card to Dylan before your thirtieth birthday? If so, let’s shake on it. No wimping out though. We’re declaring war on the friend-zone with Dylan. Are you ready to trade in your polos for plunging necklines and rising hemlines? Once you agree, there’s no going back.”

  As Dana wiggled her hand impatiently, Zoe thought back over the revelations her friend had just waved at her feet. Could it really be that simple? Had Dylan overlooked the fact that she was a potential romantic partner because she’d never made the effort to show off her feminity? And truthfully, she knew that she dressed for comfort most days. Her mother, who’d been the executive chef at the Oceanix for years, rarely wore makeup or fancy outfits, so Zoe hadn’t grown up wearing dresses or bows in her hair. She’d been a tomboy and possibly she’d never stopped seeing herself that way. But now she was almost thirty and she couldn’t keep pining away for a man who didn’t want her.

  She’d let Dana help her and spend this next year giving it everything she had. If at the end, she and Dylan were still only friends, then she’d have to accept that and move on with her life. As much as she cared for him, she wanted a husband and children of her own at some point in the future.

  So, straightening her spine, Zoe took Dana’s hand and gave it an enthusiastic shake. “Let’s do this,” she said bravely. Please let Dylan be the one, she thought to herself as she listened to Dana’s plans for their first steps. The next twelve months might not go as Zoe wanted, but they certainly wouldn’t be boring.

  Chapter Two

  It had been a hell of a long week and Dylan Jackson was looking forward to kicking back and relaxing. He usually had dinner with Zoe at least one evening a week, but thanks to a business trip to one of the other Oceanix Resorts, it had been closer to two since he’d seen her last and he missed her. He’d even missed her birthday, which he tried never to do. He’d texted her earlier and she’d suggested they meet in one of the resort restaurants since neither of them had felt like cooking. Dylan lived in the penthouse so it was a simple matter for him to take the elevator back downstairs at seven. He’d figured Zoe was working late at the coffee shop as she usually did, but when she responded to his text she’d already been at her condominium a few miles away from the hotel.

  He walked into the restaurant and automatically headed for his usual reserved table in the corner. It was both private and had an amazing view of the gulf. He’d been so busy looking around that he was abruptly brought up short when he realized that his table was occupied. A woman with long, dark hair cascading down her back sat in one of the chairs sipping a glass of wine. Dylan stifled a surge of irritation. Even though the woman looked stunning from behind, now he’d have to deal with the aggravation of either asking her to move or finding somewhere else to sit himself, which would be no small feat as the restaurant was packed.

  As he stood uncertainly pondering his options, the woman turned, seemingly sensing him behind her and he froze. He blinked a few times thinking he was imagining things. Then she smiled and it hit him with the force of a sledgehammer. “What are you waiting for, an engraved invitation?” She laughed as she motioned him closer.

  Dear God, what was going on here? The woman with the short, clingy dress, amazing legs, and plump breasts sounded like his best friend. If he looked closely, her features were the same. But everything else was wrong—very wrong. Zoe wore her hair in a ponytail and dressed in sensible clothing. Half the time she had a coffee stain on her white polo. She didn’t make his mouth go dry—or his cock go hard. She was his buddy, the one constant in his life that never changed.

  “Did someone die?” he finally asked, thinking maybe she’d been to a funeral or something. Why else would she be wearing a dress?

  She wrinkled her nose, as she was prone to do when she was thinking before shaking her head. “Er . . . no.” Giving him a look of concern, she reached out and put a hand on his arm. “Are you alright? You look rather pale. Would you rather we just go upstairs to your place and order in? I’m fine with that if you’re tired.”

  “NO!” He protested loudly, causing people at nearby tables to look over at him. Great, he was making an ass out of himself. But there was no way he was going somewhere more private with Zoe looking like . . . that. He needed to get to the bottom of this, preferably in public with lots of people around. So, he took a breath and made an effort to collect himself. He stepped forward and took his seat. He was saved from making conversation while they placed their orders, but after the waiter had gone, an unusually awkward silence settled between them.

  This type of thing never happened between them and he found he wasn’t sure how to handle it. Should he go ahead and ask her why she looked the way she did? Or ignore it and hope it never happened again?

  She moved closer to him, putting her new and improved breasts only inches from his hand. “You seem a little stressed out,” she said softly. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  To his utter horror, he heard himself blurting out, “What’s happened to you?” He pointed to her outfit, and then quickly gulped down a drink of his water. Maybe he was getting sick. His throat was so parched.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked, looking at him as if he’d lost his mind. Hell, he was beginning to think she was right. He needed to look into his family’s health history a little closer.

  He knew he sounded nuts, but he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “The dress, and the hair. You’re even wearing high heels. You know those make your feet hurt.”

  “Oh, I’ve got a date later,” Zoe shrugged. She gave him a bright smile, and then began filling him in on what he’d missed at the resort while he was away. She appeared to have no clue that he wasn’t an active participant in the conversation. Making small talk seemed impossible for him right now because all he wanted to do was demand to know who she was going out with. He’d figured they’d
watch a movie after dinner as they normally did, but apparently that wasn’t going to happen. Dylan had never been one for change and this transformation was almost more than he could wrap his head around. He knew Zoe though. This was just a one-time thing. She’d go back to looking the way she usually did tomorrow and then his world would be back in balance once again. Otherwise, he was going to have to face the fact that somewhere along the way his best friend had turned into a very desirable woman. And that he was afraid could only spell disaster for the relationship that he’d always valued above all others in his life.

  Sydney Landon is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Danvers Novels, including The One for Me, Watch Over Me, Always Loving You, and No Denying You. She lives in South Carolina with her husband and two children, who keep life interesting and borderline insane, but never boring. When she isn’t writing, Sydney enjoys reading, swimming, and being a minivan-driving soccer mom. Visit her online at,, and

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