Read Witch Page 6

Page 6


  She opened the cab of the truck and leapt from it. Her flip-flops slapped against the hard pavement, as she fled from the huge house and the truck with the frozen boy.

  Chapter Six


  He felt her eyes on him, they hadn’t left since she’d met him.

  “Can you just ask her to try to not to stare?” He whispered into Lucas’s ear.

  Lucas laughed, “On your own there man. I don’t get involved. ”

  “Pretty sure Ari is going to feel the full strength of my Siren gift when I get home. I might just show you what unleashed really is. ”

  Lucas’s back straightened. He bit into the chicken thigh he was gnawing on. He crunched the chicken bone and licked his fingers. He glanced back at the woman, “Janine can you do me a favor?”

  “Sure Sugar, whatever you need. ” Her eyes never left Sam.

  Lucas frowned at Sam and then looked back at Janine, “Just stop okay?”

  She didn’t even bat an eyelash, “No. ”

  Lucas looked back at Sam, “I tried, you even think about messing with Ari and I will kill you, cook you and eat you. ”

  Sam grinned, “Try. ” He flashed from the room.

  The moonlit night was peaceful and cool in Maine. He couldn’t believe the size of the moon. He could feel the pull of the oceans as he stood under it. His Siren appeal was always stronger under the full moon. The wolves knew that no doubt. Fae knew a lot about the supernatural world. They stayed in groups and educated their offspring. Not like the rest of the supernatural world. Most were rogues who wandered the world alone. Except Siren's who all lived on the Island in Greece. With no actual skills beyond their sex magic they stayed where they were the strongest.

  His mother had been one until she met an angel and gave him her heart, the other Sirens had shunned her. Sam had grown up with his mother and the Wiccan's. He had always told everyone his father was alive. He never wanted anyone to know whose son he actually was.

  His phone vibrated in his pants. Hanna had finally messaged him.

  She answered his question, ‘At Lydia’s’

  ‘I want to see you’

  ‘Where r u?’

  He sighed and looked around, ‘Butt eff nowhere with Luke’

  ‘ewww try to behave ;-)’


  ‘I have to leave tonight. Lorri is sending me to Greece to see my fam’

  Panic filled him, ‘NO’


  ‘I’m coming to you’

  ‘Leaving now with Aims. Text when I know where I am.
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