Read Witch Trials Crimson Necrosis (Chapters 1-5) Page 2

Chapter Two: Eisheth

  "Hey wake up, this is no time to sleep!" I felt two hands pressing against my chest, air started to flow to my lungs. Water spewed from my mouth as I hunched over searching for oxygen. Looking up I noticed that I couldn't see the sky anymore instead the fog had blinded the view.

  "Thank the Creator, I thought we lost you." I look to my right, Saral and Viola faces were worried over me. All three of us were drenched, my eyes shifted around looking for the others.

  "We couldn't find everyone else, they disappeared. It's possible they floated further down the stream leading into that forest." Viola points to trees in the distance, they towered hundreds of feet above us. Multitude of colors popped from the leaves, red, orange, and brown. Some of them were green, unaffected by the weather change. The music of the wind blew and the vivid leaves danced to its tunes. It felt serene for a short time.

  We were clearly far from the mountains, the horizon was filled with endless miles of trees. The sky dipped into warm pink shades, the clouds whisked to perfection as they glided, almost as if it were cotton candy. We decided to go look for the rest of our team mates deep within the depths of the mysterious woods. Minutes turned into hours as we searched with no results. The vivid pinks present up above had soon been replaced by the everlasting night sky. Viola had brought supplies before we escaped from our base, we were forced to make camp despite our strength completely sapped. There were only two tents, meaning that Saral and I had to share. We circled the fire as we sat on the ground, our hands hovered over the brilliant red flames.

  "You think we'll ever find them?" I nervously questioned.

  "Well it hasn't been too long but I think they should be alive." Viola played with strands of her hair, twirling it in a circular motion, intensely staring into the blaze. The luster from the campfire had sat onto Violas face, her eyes radiated greater than the light from the fire.

  "Why don't we take this time to get to know each other." Saral suggested curiously but we remained silent. "

  I decided to begin. "So Saral, why'd you get kicked out? Were you accused of being a witch?" my eyes widened, I became curious about his past.

  Saral crossed his arms together, arching his back forward with a serious expression. "Actually I wasn't accused of being a witch, rather I willingly left."

  "Willingly? Why?" Viola interrogated.

  "I'd rather not say. It's a touchy subject."

  "Come one! You were the one that started the conversation! Spill!" I prodded him, almost forcing him to tell us more.

  "Shh do you here that?" Saral placed his finger between his lips, focusing on the silence.

  "Stop trying to change the subject!"

  "No seriously! Listen."

  It sounded like the grass shuffling through the wind. Branches cracked and leaves rustled but we were blinded by the darkness. We could only see as far as the camp fires light illuminated, which wasn't very far. All three of us huddled together in terror of what was to come. It darted from side to side, getting closer each time.

  "It's coming from the right!" I yelled in terror.

  "No it's from the left!" Viola nervously squealed.

  Then out of nowhere a squirrel scampered by the fire. It nibbled on a hazelnut while wiggling its bushy tail. Our nerves cooled down ten degrees, we all took a sigh of relief. But then a pale hand squashed the innocent squirrel. Squealing as it took its last breath. It hunched over the flame with its wart filled face, only wearing a bearskin skirt and holding an axe in its hand. It towered almost as tall as the trees, more foots steps encompassed us. They let out a horrific howl, and began speaking to each other in a chilling language.

  "Shit we're surrounded, draw your weapons!" Viola shouted.

  I quivered in my shoes, holding up my sword but not knowing what to do with it. They were disfigured with silver hair and deformed faces. My eyes raced around, analyzing anything that was visible. A few were skinny but most of them had humongous beer bellies. They had crocked mouths and markings all over their skin. One whipped an enormous chain, completely shattering the ground beneath it. The shockwave propelled us away. My head thumped a tree branch but I landed onto another branch. I hung on for my life, kicking the air to help me up. I climbed further up the tree and the creatures didn't take notice. They definitely didn't look like Asebises, and they were much bigger than anything I've ever seen. I was worried for Saral and Viola but even if I went back down I wouldn't do any good. Especially if I was dead, I just hoped they were able to find a hiding place like me. It was hard seeing what the monsters were doing with all the leaves and branches in the way of my vision. At one point all the grunting and heavy steps stopped and I shimmied down the tree to find out what happened. Our camp had been turned upside down, all that was left were their foot prints deep in the ground.

  "Saral? Viola? Is anyone here?" I whispered softly.

  Saral crawled from behind bushes, panting from exhaustion. I quickly assisted him up, placing my arm underneath his armpits from his pained leg. He was barely able to conjure words. "They? they took her! Viola?"

  "We have to go after her." My heart dropped to my stomach, what if they killed her already. Why would they take her? Why would they even keep her alive? So many questions, and yet so few answers. Both of us ran hurdling rocks and juking trees. Noises came from the east, our legs tiered from the endless trailing. We had endlessly been following the abyssal footprints left behind. Finally we spotted two creatures past the woods. Two demonic figures walked into a pitch black cave. We followed them inside, Saral turns on his solar powered flashlight that he found from the supplies Viola previously brought.

  "Where'd they go?" growls accompanied with cold air traveled down our spines. Compelling the hairs on our necks to stand on an end. Saral quickly turns, cutting off one of their heads with his handy sword. The other wails, almost deafening our ears. Its roars traveled deep through the caverns. We bolted through the caverns not knowing the directions. I glanced back to find out that I had lost Saral.

  "Saral?Saral where'd you do!" I continued by using the walls as my guide. I heard a scream from the right, it sounded familiar. Curiously I followed the noise to the best of my ability, water flowed from small holes on the walls. Each step I took let out a faint splash. My eyes had somewhat adjusted to the darkness, revealing two pathways, I wasn't sure which one was the right one, again, louder voices calling for help traveled from the end of the left cave. I followed them, the path led to a room. Crystals hung from the top reflecting the light. As the path sloped down, I halted, staring down. Oan, Kayden, and Will were trapped in some kind of strange cage. I slid down stealthily.

  "How'd you guys end up here?" I asked in a hushed tone. I could see Kayden on the ground, overflowing purging blood from his abdomen.

  "Those things?" Oan could barely speak, "those things tortured us, and we couldn't understand what they were saying. It was like they wanted answers to something? I don't know, I just don't understand what's happening."

  "Okay well we'll talk about this later, right now I have to get you out!"

  "Behind you!" Will warned.

  There, stood tall with pride were two of those creatures. Heavily cladded with muscles, aching to break from their skin. A blade was wrapped tightly in both of their hands, thirsting for a fight. One lugged it's sword on to its shoulder, then wind milling it at me. Successfully I ducked and the sword cracked the cage.

  "Guys! Run now while you can!"

  "What about you? We're not leaving you behind!" Oan refused to move an inch.

  "I promise I'll meet you guys up. Kayden bleeding to death, get him out of here!"

  I distracted the colossal creature's attention away from them by racing between them. They hunted after me like I was a piece of bacon. I was stopped dead in my tracks as the path ended. Now, I was cornered, staring death in the eye. My sword shattered from their metal skin along with any hope of survival. They fiercely swung at me, crushing my footing. Their movements had
gradually slowed down, giving me an ample amount of time to brain storm while dodging. Their strikes were powerful but sloppy. If I can't harm them then I'll make them harm each other.

  "Hey bone head!" I threw a stone at one of its head while I swerved between the others legs. It fell for the bait and sliced its comrade right in half, while I barely jumped out of the way. It had realized what it had done and in a fit of rage began throwing its swords aimlessly. The cave started to crumbled from the pressure of the sword. I bolted to another opening, though I wasn't sure where it led. There were multiple other trails, I took a random tunnel, hoping it wouldn't figure out which way I went. Ice grew on the top of the cave, the temperature had drop to the point of where I could see my own breath. A red light illuminated at the end of the tunnel, as I got closer I noticed it was a light from a flame. It looked to be some kind of cult prayer area. I saw Viola tied to the ground, with a large star drawn onto the dirt, candles stood at the end of each corner of the star. Mysterious writing spread across the walls, encircling the entire cave. I sneaked onwards making sure no one was around. A closer look revealed that there were drawings along with the writing.

  Her body was motionless, skin ice cold and pale. Are these things doing some kind of demonic ritual? It's almost as if it's witch craft or something. Why would these things even do such things, they aren't intelligent enough, or are they. I carried her on my back, her eyes struggle to open. "A-Adam what's happening" her voice softens.

  "Those things took you, Saral and I came looking for you. We weren't going to leave you behind. I found the others too, they should have escaped by now!"

  "Thank you" her eyes become watery as she tenses her arms around Adam. His cheeks flushed with shyness, "Now we just have to find Saral."

  "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." Saral yells running behind them. "Those things are behind me, run faster!"

  Without even turning back I darted, a horde of demonic creatures pursued us. Saral pointed towards the left, "take the left tunnel, it's a shortcut out!" We hopped from rock to rock across a stream, Saral slips dropping a hand grenade.

  "Go ahead, the exit should be straight that way. We need that grenade if we're going to stop those things. He rushed back, as the creatures rushed forward. One of them throws a chain with some kind of hook at the end wrapping it around the grenade. Simultaneously Saral unsheathes his sword severing its hold on the grenade. He seizes the grenade, turning back to follow his friends. Wind presses against our skin indicating that we're heading in the right direction. Saral unzips his bags, he releases the rest of the grenades. They scatter onto the ground as he sprints ahead, he jerks the pin off the grenade in his hand. It hurls into the air, exploding in a matter of seconds. Viola and I make it out of the cave, I could see the others ahead. We turn to see no one behind us, I could hear piles of rocks crumbling. I put Viola down as I get ready to go back into the cave. Saral leaps out the cave, rocks crumble as they block the entrance to the cave.

  "Are they dead?" Violas visage expressed doubt, her eye brows slanted towards the center. Teeth clenched rigidly, terror reflected onto her eyes.

  "I hope so, they were a pain in the ass!" Saral looked as if he was applauding, a cloud of dirt released from his hands.

  "Where do we go now Saral?"

  "I think right now we need to find a safe place to rest, we should try to look for some food on the way."

  "Wait, Kayden is bleeding to death! We have to do something!" Kayden laid on the ground, looking up towards the foggy sky.

  "You're right?" Saral pulls out his sword, aiming it at Kayden. "He'll only slow us down."

  "STOP!" I moved in front of Kayden protecting him from Saral.

  "Move out of the way!"

  "No, I can't watch you kill someone!"

  "Then close your eyes!"

  I feel a hand pulling my wrist, I turn my head to see that it's Kayden "No, Sarals right. I'm suffering and I'm only going to slow you guys down." Saral moved me aside, "It'll only hurt for a second, I promise." I couldn't believe what I was about to witness, it was nothing less than murder, or maybe assisted suicide. "Don't you have something to live for?" I quoted Sarals words, "How could you just give up, don't you have someone out there? that's worth living for?"

  Kayden looked at me and smiled "Everyone I care for is dead?"

  "Then find a different reason to live, this can't be the only way!

  "Thank you for caring for me, even though we're basically strangers to each other." He closed his eyes, readying himself for death. Saral receded his weapon readying it for the strike, I looked away, I refuse to watch someone get killed. I could hear a grunt for a second, and his body slamming onto the ground. Looking back, I could see that the sword pierced his heart, blood rapidly gushing from his left pectoral. He was in the hands of the Creator now, I sat next to his body, whispering "Sezeah illah semah fimir teyena illah ." Thereafter closing his eyes.

  Viola placed her soft hands onto my shoulder, "The words that you just said, what does it mean?" A tear leaked from my left eye, I turned my head, unable to make eye contact. "It means to the Creator we belong and to him we will return." I remember my dad said those words, when my mom died. That's why I remembered.

  "Such a deep meaning in a few words, it's beautiful."

  "Yeah? it is, isn't it?"

  Her eyes started to get watery, "Thank you, for coming back for me? for us. If you hadn't come when you did, we might have been in the same position as Kayden was. It's a debt to you that we'll never be able to pay back."

  "I hope when the time comes you'll be able to do the same for me."

  "I would within a heartbeat."

  Even though I was overwhelmed with sadness, I couldn't help but smile as I placed my hand over hers. It felt cold? but the heat from my hand made it warmer. Viola kept sobbing wiping off more tears. I noticed her arm, it had the numbers 3053701 written across her forearm.

  "Do you guys know why we have these numbers on our arms?"

  "I always thought it was just some kind of way to keep track of us. Or maybe some kind of identification code." She stared at the numbers elongated on her forearm. Will and Oan both rolled up their sleeves, Wills arms had the numbers "2039153," while Oan had "1098625."

  "I don't think it's that simple, we were thrown from our homes with no warning. Why would they need to identify us if they just wanted us dead? I noticed back in the mountains that all the villagers had numbers on their arms too. They all started with the number 2 or 1, but why is it that only three of us have a 3 in the beginning. There has to be a reason, it's not random. It's not just that but did you guys ever wonder, what caused this so called disease. It seems more demonic rather than medical."

  I faced Saral, he kept quiet as if he knew something we didn't.

  "Hey would do you think about it Saral?"

  "Well it's believed that some kind of witch started this disease. They think that anyone accused of being a witch can potentially spread the disease. I don't think that's the real reason, I think that the government is covering up the truth."

  It's clear to me that Saral knows more than meets the eye. I wanted to interrogate him more but I didn't. I didn't want to do anything that would cause arguments amongst us. We each need each other, or rather I need them. Saral glanced down, his eyes didn't look as hopeful as it normally would. It looked like he wanted to tell us more but couldn't. Our stomachs started growling like wild animals. We started searching for anything we could consume. A few apples were hanging from a tree, it hunched over as if it were handing it to us. Saral mounted the tree grabbing as many apples as he could. Six apples were found, an uneven amount for us to distribute. It would mean that one of us would have two apples to eat. We could simply cut the apple into smaller pieces but I felt like that one that did the most should get the entire apple. Saral handed us each one but he gave me two, his kind gesture spoke to me.

  "Why didn't you just take two of the apples yourself, we wouldn't know t
hat you took one, why give it to me?"

  "We're a team aren't we? We need everyone to have strength, I'm not even that hungry anyways."

  Who knew behind all that "survival over kindness", that he had a heart? I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I placed one of my apples into his empty hand.

  "I think you deserve it, you did the most work. Without you those things would have surely killed us when we tried to escape the cave. Personally I think that you're strongest out of us, and you need the most energy."

  "You praise me too much" He takes a knife out of his bag and cuts it into two pieces. "I don't think I'm the strongest here. Honestly you carried Viola all the way out the cave, you put your life at risk carrying her on your back. They could have killed you. If anything you're the strongest here." He places a piece of the apple in the palm of my head. I blushed, my face turned redder then the apple he handed me.

  "Hey what about me, I'm strong too!" Viola and the others had already guzzled down their apples only leaving a few seeds and stems behind. We all bursted out into laughter. I forgot what it felt like to laugh, to feel a sense of calmness.

  "So when I was in the caverns I found a little something." Saral grabs a map from his pocket, "it's a little burnt but we should be able to use it."

  Viola index finger points to a spot on the map. "Correct me if I'm wrong but I remember them saying we have to make it to Liberatai City. In order to prove that we're not witches, but it's nowhere on the map."

  Saral points at a position of the map, covered in forests. "We're by the Zimmerz Caverns right now. See these arrows, I think whoever had this map last was going in this direction." He stared into the map as if he was reading something. He looked lost in his thoughts.

  "Maybe these lines represent the safest way to getting to Liberatai City, looks like we'll be going to?." Oan presses his finger against the map, "There, the Gardens of Israh. Maybe we can get some food or supplies there."

  Will rubs his chin, scanning the map thoroughly. "See where the map is burned, it seems like it burned off the ocean. The lines also stop just before that, so it's possible that Liberatai City is actually across the ocean."

  Viola scratches her head as if she was searching for a thought, "So then we'll need a boat by the time we make it that far. Let's hope we find one." She rolls up the map as she hands it to Saral, "So I guess we'll be going north."

  "How do we know which way is north?" I question. Viola looks up to the sky, pointing to the stars. "At night, you can locate north by finding the North Star. First, you need to find the Big Dipper." She moves her hand, pointing towards several stars shaped like the Big Dipper. "The last two stars in the cup points directly at Polaris, so that means its right there! North is that way, let's move onward!"

  As we traveled north, we came across a narrow river. We haven't drank water for over two whole days, the last time was when we were by the caverns and Viola had a jug of water, which we all shared. I stuck both of my hands into the water curving my fingers as I carried the fresh water to my lips. I whispered the words "bismillah" under my breath. The chilly water brought life into us again. A cold sensation had dispersed through my veins, energy had surged into me again. We followed the path of the river, it led to several larger rivers. The sound of loud splashes were present nearby. Tons of crystal clear water were falling over a cliff.

  "What a beautiful waterfall, I've never seen such a beautiful site." A frigid breeze caused Viola to fold her arms seeking for warmth. My gaze shifted towards her, her long wavy hair brushed up against my face as the wind picked up. Even though we hadn't showered in days, the fragrance of her hair allured me.

  " I have?" I mumbled under my breath as her unmatched beauty paralyzed my speech, I was at a loss of words.

  "What did you say?"

  "Oh nothing!" The pitch of my voice had increased as I tried to change the subject.

  "Do you have any kind of container that we could keep water in?" Oan suggested.

  "Uh Viola should have one in her bag."

  Viola takes out the container, filling it with ice-cold water. As we continued forward, we discovered a hot spring up ahead. "We should make camp here! Viola you can take a bath while us boys go look for some food and set up camp."

  "We can finally cool down for a little while, I'm really going to enjoy this bath!"

  We divided into two groups, Saral and I were one group while Will and Oan we're another. We went different directions, hoping to scavenge for food. We thought maybe all the wild life had already exhausted all the available fruits in the area. We realized we were lost, I cupped my hands together calling out to Oan and Will, but no one answered.

  "We only split up a few minutes ago, they shouldn't be that far." Saral and I tried walking back to camp, but it seemed as if we were walking in circles. Every tree looked the same, so we had no way to tell if we we're going in the right direction.

  "Adam, see the horizon. We traveled from those mountains there, but I realized it seems like we're not getting any closer or further from them. I'm going to a little experiment." Saral grabs a rock on the ground and marks a particular tree, it was the tallest compared to the others. Most of the leaves glued on the tree were bright green. But a patch of black flowers hung from its right side. Saral draws a thick line on the center of the trunk. "If we really are walking in circles then we'll be able to tell." We continued to walk as if it were an eternity, hours and hours later we realized we came across the same marked tree. But something was different about it, the mark we drew was different. The thick line was changed into an arrow pointing up.

  "That's strange, do you think there's someone else in this forest, other than Oan and Will?"

  "Maybe, but why did it turn into an arrow? Maybe it's directing us somewhere."

  "We have been just going straight on this path, let's follow it!" Saral suggested. We strayed off the straight path, going deeper into the unknown woods. He took out the map he had in his pocket, "What's strange is that this forest isn't supposed to be here, look!"

  "That's unusual, it's supposed to be a barren wasteland, maybe this map is outdated or something."

  A small stream stretched throughout the entire forest, we weren't sure where to go so we decided to follow the stream. "We're getting nowhere!" Bizarre owls flew above us, a single pale feather glided down landing onto the water. The unique patterns on the feather formed an arrow, relentlessly it gyrated similar to a compass. A mystical breeze propelled it further down the stream. It didn't seem random, in fact it seemed a little magical. We had no choice but to follow it, it's not like we knew where to go anyways. I felt like I was going crazy, I mean I'm following a feather for the Creators' sake.

  But something in me, in my heart, was telling me that I had to follow it, I didn't understand why. I ran and ran as Saral was following closely behind me, it was as if I had lost something and I was just about to find it. A house perched behind a crowd of hunched back trees, its leaves dyed an purpuras shade. It was built on wood, colored an odd shade of red, crimson to be exact. Windows were cracked, the door knob twisted off as we entered the adobe. I could feel a sudden pressure in my ribs. The house seemed deserted but there were candles lit around the walls.

  Saral nudged me ahead, "Let's go in!"

  "Hell no, haven't you seen those movies where the dumb blonde girl goes into an abandoned house, even though there are obvious signs that she shouldn't go in? Right now, you are that dumb blonde!"

  "Not if you go in first!" He forcibly propels me into the house, falling flat onto my face. "Now that we're inside, let's do a little exploring. It'll be fun, think of it was a Halloween death trail, except we might actually die!"

  "You just made it a hundred times worse, I'm not going in any further!" It was like my comment went into one ear and exited through the other as he dragged me further in. Each step wailed from the old rickety wooden floor. Paintings were glued to the walls, they stood elegantly crafted. The owner of the house had quite a un
ique taste in art. Soon we approached the kitchen, water boiled within a pot.

  "Wait if something is cooking then it means that?" Tiny strides slithered inches behind. "It means that I'm preparing tea? hoodlums." A young women veiled in a lengthy dark skirt leaned against the counter. "What say you hmm? Burglar? I can assure you there is nothing of value within this house! Or are you an art patron, spectating the crude artwork my mother relishes?"

  Saral sheltered behind me, "Witch! She-devil! Heretic! Spawn of the devil!"

  "'Tis not wise to make such claims, especially not to someone who you would call a witch. Is that not why you are here in this morass in the first place, what do they call it? the witch trials?"

  "How do you know that Heretic!"

  "I think I should be the one insulting you with colorful names, you are the ones intruding my house, monkey."

  "She has a point Saral?"

  "You, the handsome lad. Let's be diplomatic and exchange names." Her ebony hair waved ever so slightly, it was braided into a bun. She sipped a burgundy juice from the glass in her hand, she tapped it with the golden ring on her finger. The petals of sunflowers were embodied within her eyes, emphasizing her soft caramel skin. Her lips were full of body sitting beneath her sharp pointed nose. Her manners were charming, almost as much as her bitter sweet old English accent.

  "Katil, Adamis Katil but I go by Adam? and may I know yours?"

  "Ah such refreshing courtesy. You may call me Eve."

  "Such a beautiful name to match such an alluring face."

  "Handsome and a tease? I would allow you to go on but I suspect you didn't come to flirt."

  "My friend? Saral and I." I shifted my body away, revealing him. "We're kind of lost?and hungry? and filthy? did I mention hungry?"

  "Well? if you please to have your stomach filled than you require patience. My mother will return shortly. For now I can only offer you tea, Adamis. Would your pet dog enjoy a treat?" She dawdle facing the kitchen. We sat on the chairs that surround a round table, her home seemed dark, only being lit by candles. But it wasn't dark because of the lack of lights, rather it was the atmosphere. It felt a bit lonely.

  "Damn I didn't know you were so smooth with your words Adam!" He pestered me with his continuous nudging. "I didn't know either, it kind of just came out of me, without warning."

  Saral gave me perverted look, awkwardly winking. "Hehe came out of!"

  "What are you 13? That's not even funny."

  "Why so serious," He twisted his head clockwise. "Lighten up a little, yeah?"

  "You're right, I have been a little tense."

  Eve positioned a tray in the middle of the table. Crystal clear teapots and tea cups were on top. Crimson in color, I was a little tiered of that color, it made me sick just by looking at it. I didn't want to be rude so I drank regardless.

  "Crimson tea. This will have to suffice for now."

  "Thank you!" Both of us said.

  "So? are you potty trained, dog?"

  Saral's lips primed, "I take it that's directed at me."

  "Do you see any others about that resemble a mongrel? I'm just curious, I don't want to see any droppings on the carpet afterall!"

  "I do not look like a dog!"

  "Sorry, did I hurt your manly feelings? Shall I rub your tummy until you are pleased?" She rested on the chair crosswise. Delicately sipping her tea as she watched us for a critique. Firstly, I sampled a taste only to be frozen in awe. The gnarled strain within my stomach had faded. It was exquisite, steadily savoring every zest that caressed my tongue.

  "My condolences to the chef, I've never tasted anything like it."

  "It's fashioned from the herbs found in the gardens nearby. They are? rare."

  A perspicuous sign of distrust was displayed on Sarals face. "And how do we know you're not poisoning us?" His eye lids narrowed while his eyebrows raised in question. "Perhaps you're readying two handsome men for a soup in the cauldron?"

  "One. And with a face like yours? it makes me desire permanent blindness! An to answer your ridiculous accusation, I'm consuming the same tea. It would be foolish to consume my own poison." She resumed the consumption of her tea, pouring even more in her cup. "If I so pleased I would've eliminated you in the light of day. 'Tis no point to do it within the shadows, there are no authorities to apprehend me after all?"

  "But what if you only poisoned our cups?"

  "I would sooner decapitate your head from your body before I poison you! I've no motivation for killing you or your friend? cretin."

  "Point taken? heretic!" Before they chop each other's heads off I decided to intervene.

  "So Eve, tell us about your mother."

  "She's an imperious old crone." There was an awkward silence, it was interrupted by the songs of crickets. "Oh you meant positive comments. There's not much to say? nonetheless she's still my mother. I do apologize in advance, provided that she misbehaves. She's not one to welcome guests with open arms." Her arms crossed as her legs laid on top of the other.

  "As long as she has a better demeanor than you then I'm sure we'll be fine."

  "She also has a deathly allergy against animals, you'll have to leave your pet outside, Adamis."

  Saral's lips pursed like he's been chewing on a lemon rind, "Isn't that where you sleep?"

  The door creaked open, "Mother, you've finally returned. We have guests, so do try to be polite."

  "I've astigmatism not blindness girl? ah two guests, delightful." Her wise voice creaked more than the door, she seemed surprised, raising her eyebrows revealing deep dents on her forehead. A sack drooped from her arm, filled with fruits and vegetables. A black cloak embraced her body, she removed her hood revealing her wavy silver hair.

  Saral stood up and sought a chance to insult Eve, "you're Eve's mother, are you sure it's not the other way around? You're much prettier than her."

  "Haha such a gentlemen, its pleasant meet a well-mannered man again."

  Eves hands clenched into balls as she gagged at the compliment. "I hate you?" she mumbled under her breath.

  "I'm assuming two young men don't just enter strange houses without reason?" Eve's mother said.

  "Actually we were hoping to pack some supplies, then we could be on our way."

  "Nonsense you must stay the night! You must be weary from you're travels. Eve, be a dear and set the guest rooms."

  "No, they must be on their way." Eve seemed suspicious.

  "That's no way to treat your guest child! I've taught you better than that, girl. But in return I must ask you fine gentlemen for a favor."

  "Of course, anything you need." Saral responded.

  "There are a few hooligans that keep taking the fruits from a nearby garden, they don't leave any for us. If you would be so kind and get rid of them, I would forever be in your debt."

  "Mother?" Eve groaned.

  "Hush child? but of course that will have to wait until tomorrow. For now you boys should take a shower, there's a bathhouse out back. By the time you're done, supper should be ready. Eve, fetch them some new clothes, you'll wash their dirty clothes, won't you child."

  Eve rolled her eyes to the back of her head in frustration, "Ugh fine. I'll return soon."

  "Take your time? please." Saral teased. He turned back to Eve's mother, "So I'm guessing she got the heretic gene from you?"

  "Haha! Polite and a comedian. You've changed."

  "I've chan-."

  "Heretic? Is that what they call us nowadays?" She held her nose in the air. "Such ignorance. They will always demean what they don't understand."

  "Yeah? so how long have you and your daughter lived in these woods?"

  "Ah! Too long in my opinion. But I have a feeling that we'll be leaving soon." I analyzed the paintings around the house.

  "You fancy art I suspect?"

  "Yes. I enjoy the aspect of its everlasting beauty. Especially preserved beauty. Something that is untouched since its creation. That's something very difficult to encount
er in this day and age. Man loves to adjust. Anything they do not like they will change."

  "But change isn't always bad. Sometimes change is needed."

  "You are correct. But striving to change something that was already faultless will only tarnish its true beauty. Do you not agree?"

  "You have a point there?"

  Eve's hips rolled and undulated as she reentered the room. "Here. Clean clothes for you to borrow. Though 'twas from the bodies of dead men."

  "Uh thanks I guess?"

  After Eve handed us new clothes Saral and I headed to the bathhouse out back, it was colored a light tan shade. I could see spirals on the wooden logs used to make it. Inside, it looked much larger than it did outside. Stars with unique spiraling patterns spreaded across the floors. Four columns surrounded the main bath with one in the middle, shooting out warm water into it, steam flew to the top. Hundreds of candles were watching us as they encompassed the bath and ceiling. There were four steps circling the center, leading into the water. It was kind of romantic, but weird for two men to take a bath together. Speedily I mumbled words trying to avoid taking a bath together. "So I guess you can take a bath first, so I'll wait outside." He grasps my shoulders, forcing me back.

  "What you've never taken a bath with another person before? It's not like I'm going to rape you?unless of course you're into that." Saral factiously said.

  "Oh well that makes everything better." Sarcastically I rolled my toungue.

  "Come on. Stop being a little shy girl!" He wrapped his arm around my neck, trapping me in a tight choke hold as he dragged me towards the bath. He was too strong for me to resist, I could actually taste the hair from his arms, which was gross!

  "You better get naked or else you're going to be drowning in your own clothes. Or I could just strip your body for you?"

  "Okay, now it's starting to sound like rape?" After giving it a few seconds of thought as Saral bicep started to make it difficult to breath, I finally came to a conclusion. "Fine, fine I'll do it! Just get your hands off me!"

  We both undressed, exposing our bare skin, it felt shameful. But I couldn't help notice Sarals tattoos, I've never seen the entire thing until now. It covered his entire back, it looked like a cobra of some sort, but more artistic. Part of it was on the right side of his chest, it slithered down to his right leg, warping around everything in-between. His body was no less than a Greek god, bulging muscles ripping from underneath his skin. Veins protruding from beneath his arm hair, entangling him as if it we're a snake suffocating its prey. I couldn't help but envy every inch of him, inside and out. He's everything that I wanted to be and more, and to make it worse, he had a perfect stubble. Something that I can barely grow even if I tried. He even had a bigger... um?. feet.

  "Well after you're done drooling over my good looks we should probably take a bath. You could drool over me while we bathe, yeah?"

  "I wasn't drooling!" I rub the unexpected drool from the bottom of my lip.

  Toe by toe I dip into the bone relaxing waters. It felt refreshing, being able to soak my soul in a nice warm bath after ages.

  "So Adamis? are you popular with the ladies? You seem the type that would be an undercover freak, eh!"

  "Um I guess? I've never been with one. As in dating wise."

  "What? How could an adorable teddy bear like you not date a women?"

  "I've never seen the point in it. I mean you invest so much time and emotional energy in to it, but you might not even end up with that person."

  "That's why you date them. To see if you are compatible."

  "Well you can be friends and if you're compatible then you can get married."

  "Point taken. I like your views, it's? unique. I for one have been many women. Never in a relationship, just for fun if you know what I mean."

  "Why have you never been in a relationship?"

  "Women are all the same. Just in different packages. There hasn't been a women that's been able to stimulate? my mind"

  "Maybe cause their too busy stimulating your? second mind."

  "They're terrible at that too. Maybe? you'd-."

  "Nope, nope, nope! Did I mention nope!"

  "It's just a suggestion." He stretched his arms to the ceiling and then rested them behind his head. He sat in an angel so his feet laid on the side of the bath, crossed over. "You were the one who was? molesting me with your eyes after all?"

  My head drooped into the water a few times. "I wasn't molesting? I was spectating."

  "Oh spectating. Well you were being very thorough about it."

  After a few diverse conversations and awkward moments we decided to return to the house. Two plates of food were set on the wooden table. Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, and carrots, along with a giant glass of water to drink. Our eyes ate before out empty stomachs did, the appetizing smell made me frolic internally, and Saral was no different. No one was in sight so we decided to dive in.

  "Wait. What if the heretic poisoned it?" Saral questioned with a fearsome glare.

  "Then I'll die a happy man."

  "You've got a point!" In agreement we devoured to our heart's content.

  "Was the food to your liking?" Eve lurked behind Saral, purposely being stealthy without alerting us.

  "Ahh!" Saral let out a girlish shriek, his chest quivered. He took exaggerated deep breaths while placing his hand over his bosom. "For God's sake women! Can't you be a little more? apparent with your presence?"

  "If I was, then I wouldn't have gotten this uproarious reaction from you. You've successfully downgraded from a mongrel to a female puppy. Oh and this time I did poison your food."

  "What?" Saral raced out of the house and attempted to force himself to vomit. Eve cackled at the sight.

  "Is it really poisoned?" I worriedly inquired.

  "Of course not! It just gives me great pleasure in torturing the poor puppy."

  "Oh that's good because it was fantastic. I've never tasted anything this exquisite," I said as I took my last bite. "Who made it?"

  "You're looking at her," her smile made the surrounding candles appear faint. "I'm glad that it was to your liking." Saral hobbled back into the room.

  "I think I threw up everything."

  "Then I'll be pleased to let you know that there was no such poison within the meal."

  "What? You?you damn heretic playing tricks on me!"

  "Yes, 'twas quite amusing. Shall I lead you boys to your resting chamber?"

  "Chamber? Is it a torture chamber? With various painful metal trinkets and such?" A frightening expression danced on Saral's face. He again hid behind me in horror.

  "Why yes. Perchance, you'd rather prefer a more? particular environment. A dog house perhaps?"

  "Wouldn't want to intervene in your space, now would I?

  She led us upstairs, holding a candle in her hand. The shadows of the unknown reached to us closely, "We only have one guest room, so you'll have to share a bed."

  Sharing a bed with Saral was probably the best thing to do, since I'm afraid of the dark, or at least the darkness in this house. "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." Grinning as she left, shutting the door behind her. Gently, I tried to shut my eyes, but I guess it was foolish of me to think I could sleep right away. Saral attempted to snuggle with me, which I quickly denied.

  "Uh I can't breathe with you all over me!"

  "Don't lie, you're enjoying it!"

  I twisted and turned, there just wasn't enough room on the bed for the both of us. The multiple attempts of slumber was futile, no matter what, I couldn't lay to rest.

  "Hey, Adamis! Wanna do a little exploring around the wicked witches house?" It took me a second to think about it, but since I couldn't go to sleep I had thought it would've been a good choice.

  "Why not!" I said.

  Softly we tip toed to the door and gently cracked it open. We carefully traveled downstairs to where we were eating earlier. There was an obscure door that I took notice of earlier but didn't pay any
attention too.

  "Oh it probably leads to a dungeon. So exciting?" Saral clenched his jaw while pushing me forward towards the door.

  "Why do you always make me go first? This was your idea in the first place!" I slid back.

  "Because I'm so much prettier, you don't want this handsome face to get damaged if some kind of monster pops up, now do you?" My eyes whirled around searching for logic in his statement.

  "Whatever. Let's just do this." As I open the door I could see candles lit on the wall. The stairs were descending and every step bursted into annoying squeaks. We got to the bottom. It was dark, cramped, and damp. There was a light trail of puddles elongated across the narrow hall. Dirty walls and cobwebs were all around. We each grabbed a candle so we could illuminate the dark abyss. Further and further we went and the light shinned onto a long row of paintings on the wall. There were on both sides, they seemed to be ancient.

  "Snooping around, I see?" Eve snuck behind us, causing us to leap in terror. She held a torch in her hand, the flames casted an intimidating shadow over her face.

  "Holy shit! Again, heretic?" Saral used me as a human shield. "Is this going to an everyday thing?"

  "Perhaps. So shall we proceed further into the ominous corridor?"

  Her comment baffled us, "You're okay with us snooping around?"

  "No. But strangely the door was open. 'Twas always locked till now. I've never been able delve into this part of the house."

  "Then onwards! Um Eve you can go first." I shoved her from her back, pushing her ahead of us.

  She pushed onwards, "Strange paintings. I've never seen them before. It looks like the further we travel, the older the paintings become."

  The paintings started to look increasingly demonic. It felt like the tunnel started closing in. It seemed like it was twisting, actually it appeared like the walls were alive. I placed my hands on the wall and I could feel vibrations. Like a heartbeat, pulsating. We were so deep that the entrance couldn't even be seen.

  "Adamis?" Saral shook me from the back.


  "Do you hear that? Those sounds. Are they? people?"

  "Twould be sensible to turn back. I don't think this? cave, is welcoming us."

  There were footsteps coming from the darkness ahead. They were wet and mushy. Sinister hums bounced off the walls. I wanted to see what it was, but Eve insisted that we turned back. Saral had no objections.

  "We are leaving? now!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

  She escorted us back to our rooms, we didn't discuss what we saw. Probably because we didn't know what it was? Or even what it was doing there. But by the time I laid on the bed, I actually felt exhausted to the point that my legs were shaking, or maybe it was from fear. Within a blink of an eye I was transported somewhere else. Nine coffins laid in front of me, four stood at each of my sides while one was right in the center. Each of them had a symbol, it was familiar for some reason. I wasn't even sure how I knew that, but I just knew it. The Eternal knot, the Winged Solar Disk, the Ankh, the Black Sun, the Ouroboros, the Eight Edged Star, the Triskele, and the Twirled Rays. There was one symbol in particular on the center coffin, The Udjat symbol was surrounded by a triangle. The Eternal Knot was the same symbol that was on the doctors' coat, and that curtain from before I was persecuted. A man appeared from the shadows, in a dark cloak, chanting in demonic tongue. The coffins to my sides trembled, the tops slid off. The coffin in the center seemed unaffected. The man's face appeared from the darkness of his hood. I awoke from my slumber, inhaling a deep breath. Saral slept next to me, uncomfortably spooning me. Golden rays phased through the windows kissing my forehead.

  "It's already morning?" Hours of sleep felt like seconds, that dream gave me an unusual weariness upon waking up. Two toothbrushes, one green and the other blue were at my side.

  There was a clock hanging above the bed, "9:45 AM" it read. I shook Saral hoping that he'd wake up. "Wha? what's happening, ARE WE UNDER ATTACK?" He leaped from the bed as if he'd seen a spider in it.

  "Calm down, I woke you up because breakfast is being served in about 14 minutes, we should wash up first!"

  After thoroughly brushing our teeth, we climbed down stairs, following the aroma of fresh food. Eve carried a tray of blue berry pancakes, drenched with maple syrup and ghee.

  "I can help you with that!"

  "Oh no, it's fine."

  "I insist!" The tray was heavier then it seemed, I had to carry it with both of my hands. "I thank you for your assistance, I'll return with milk and fruits." After we set up everything, the three of us started to converse as we begun eating. Desperately I begun the conversation in order to avoid an awkward silence.

  "So how you are able to make all these food, isn't it hard to find all he supplies in this forest?"

  "We manage, you'll be surprised with what you can find here."

  She eyed her pancakes, ripping a piece off with her fork. "'Twould be smart if you proceeded with caution, 'Tis not wise to trust her hospitality?"

  "I mean all she's asking is for us to get rid of a few guys because they're taking her fruits, I don't see any harm in that."

  "Nothing is simple, there's more to it than meets the eyes."

  Eve's mother opened the door, "Oh you're awake, did you have a good meal."

  "Yes we did." Saral responded, "So when do you want us to go get the job done?"

  "Whenever you guys are ready."

  "Then we should go now." Saral pushed back his chairs, standing in front of the table with his hands on it.

  "Eve child, won't you go with them."

  "Strange, why would you want me to go with them?"

  "To show them where the garden is of course."


  "It was not a suggestion child. You two should change into your clean clothes, Eve go fetch it for them."

  She sighed with a coarse look in her eyes, "Yes mother."

  Eve gave her mother a suspicious stare as we left her home. Eve strapped a long wooden stick to her back while holding a book close to her heart. Crows perched on top of the roof, observing us as we left. There was one in particular, it wasn't a crow. It was bright yet shady. It was a bearded vulture, its beard was an electrical blue bleeding into a deep red. It had six horns on its temple, two curved to its pale, red spotted face. Two stuck out straight, and the last two were the largest curved to the top. It soared to the sky stretching its pitch black wings, stalking our movements.

  "'Tis not far, we should be there shortly."

  The gardens extended for miles, plentiful amounts of fruits and vegetation we're available. Saral and I gathered as much as we could into our bags.

  "I'm not sure what my mother was talking about, there seems to be plentiful amounts."

  We searched and waited for the thieves to come. Countless hours passed by, with no results. Saral suggested we head back to Eve's house, but I continued to look. Growls from my stomach roared, I spotted trees and bushes a few meters ahead. Bright yellow bananas hung from the top of the tree, each ripe enough to eat. Berries of many different colors extended from the thin branches of the bushes. It was like the Creator had led us to the Gardens of Eden. I grabbed a few berries in my palm, admiring its rich colors.

  "Hands off of our fruits." Four men approached with weapons attached to their sides and back. The leader wore a black t-shirt, his hair was combed backed and he had a scar on his nose. The other men behind wore black masks, concealing their identity. Each of them wore a loose jacket with ripped bags hanging from their shoulders.

  "We can share, you can take half of them and we'll take the other half. You shouldn't be so selfish."

  "Pshh I'm not negotiating, were taking all of them."

  Saral didn't even show the slightest sign of mercy, slashing his blade like it was a toy. He manically laughed as the leader squirmed bloodily away. Subsequently, He punted his severed head at the terrified subordinates like he was in a soccer game.

  "Lighten up!
Let's play a little game of soccer with your leaders head. If you lose then you die and if you win then I might consider sparing you." Saral sauntered at the subordinates, holding the head in his arms.

  "Wait, we give up! Have mercy on us? we were just following orders!" They held each other

  "You threaten to kill my friends and that heretic! I mean you can take the heretic but not my friend. Now you're going to pay.

  Saral plodded in the direction of the men. He drops the head then unsheathes his sword, it scrapes the floor as he steps over the leaders headless body.

  "Be honest." He crouched down to eye level and twirled his sword. "You wouldn't have given us mercy if the situation was the other way around." His mischievous expressed flipped into a humorless one. They coward in silence. "I'll take that answer as a no." The men looked in horror as Saral raised his blade.

  "Oh god, oh god!" They squealed horridly.

  "God? Say hi to him for me."

  Severed heads fell to the ground, rolling away from their bodies, one by one, blood gushed out forming a small pool. Saral turned to me, his eyes weren't the same. His face stained red, his clothes discolored from the blood. The odor of dead bodies emanated from his body.

  "Why didn't you spare them? They were defenseless, they gave up!"

  "Do you think they would've let you go free or something? No, they wouldn't have hesitated to cut you down. I'll cut down anyone who threatens any of us."

  "How could you be so heartless? What if they became our allies if you spared them?"

  "How could I be so heartless? I don't know what world you live in but this isn't some kind of game. You either kill or get killed no other way around it. You wouldn't understand, you've never witnessed someone killing someone you love. It changes you, this is reality and you need to accept it before it's too late."

  I've never witness this side of Saral, he was cold it felt like there was nothing inside him. Then again could you blame him, he was right after all. Those men would have killed us if we hadn't killed them. It doesn't mean it was morally right! I refuse to lose my humanity, I won't kill people. Surprisingly, Applauds came from behind us, a senile croak praised us. "Well done."

  "Mother? You were following us?"

  "Why yes, I came to make sure the job was done. I can see you did an excellent job!"

  She scavenged the corpse's belongings. As she tugs her hand from one of the bags, a black fruit was locked in her palms. Her sinister gaze sent chills down my spine, her wrinkled fingers encased it as she devoured it whole. Leaving the residues of the red juices splattered on her cheeks like it was blood. She dragged her gaze till we met eye to eye. She slid her two fingers across her lips, smearing the blood-like juice onto her nails. Her crow's feet vanished, youth had returned to her face. Strands of her grizzled dead hair started to breath, transforming into the shade of the night sky.

  "Ah it's been so long since I've felt alive!" The surrounding land fearfully shuddered, the once everlasting gardens turned into ashes, a barren wasteland replaced the serenity of the bed of greenness. The three of us stepped back, positioning ourselves for a battle.

  "There will be no need for that, I am no threat to you, at least not yet. In fact I will reward you with answers for freeing me. Come, ask me anything you wish."

  "What happened to the gardens, why is everything dead now?" Saral questioned, pointing his sword at her as it quivered in his palms.

  "Nothing died, we merely shifted dimensions. Previously, we were in a special garden. A garden that our common ancestor once dwelled within, presently we've returned to earth. Now, for your reward I will answer questions, any question to your liking. Go on, ask."

  "Why were we persecuted? Why us?" Saral lowered his blade, assuming that he was in no danger.

  "Simply they presume witches are the cause of this plague, yet they do not know in reality it was man's greed the led to this."

  "Man's greed? What do you mean?"

  "Some things are better understood through? experience." A light grin crept from her face, partially revealing some of her teeth.

  "Is there any way that we can avoid this plague. Maybe somewhere that the plague hasn't reached?"

  "Saral is it? Is that the name you use now? Haha! You've no need to worry about it infecting you. But there is land, a kingdom not far off. The Crimson Plague has yet to penetrate its great walls. There you will find serenity within its corruption."

  "Why hasn't the disease penetrated the kingdom yet?"

  "On the contrary a disease does dwell within the kingdom, but it is one quite common to man. The disease that lurks within their hearts. Greed. But that was not what you were referring to, no? It is said that the kingdom is settle around a sacred mausoleum, within it lies the Goddess Revekah's body. Specifically it is located in the capital, Liberatai City."

  Eve cuts off the conversation, "Revekah? You mean that women belonging to that rubbish religion?"

  She started cackling uncontrollably, "Ah my dear daughter. Insulting a person that you know nothing about. You should hold your tongue girl, we have a strong connection to her." She looked over to me, making direct eye contact. "You, boy. Your friend asked me questions, do you have any that you would like answered."

  I swallowed my fear, gathering my courage that hid at the bottom of my feet, "Yes, I had a dream last night about 9 coffins, each having a symbol. I would explain it, but I have a feeling I don't need to. Tell me, what does it mean?"

  Her eyes shut tight, her lungs expanded while her breathing darkened. Faint voices hissed in the surrounding winds "Metheva gheem colliw nose hteyen ihtiwd nilb." We all heard them, the voices. Were they human? Or were they demons? "That was not just a dream child, but a vision from the Creator himself. Those symbols represent the coming of the Enlightened Age. Beware, a new era is approaching. One that will unite the world in malfeasance. A malfeasance that even I would not want to witness. "

  "How do we stop it?"

  The amber within her iris met with mine. Releasing a villainous smirk through her expression. "Iqra."


  "Iqra? read. Read and you will realize the answer has always been at your fingertips."

  Eve's head quivers in disagreement, she unsheathes her wooden staff and threatens her mother with it, aiming it at her head. "Read? What type of crazy poetic advice is that? What do we read? What is there to read? Why not just tell us what to do?"

  "Sometimes those who sound insane speak the truth, and it is those who sound sane that utter lies. Why should I tell you an answer that is in your possession?"

  "Wait, you didn't even say your name."

  She twisted her head, her hair flopped onto her back, and half of her face was only visible, one of her eyes made contact with mines. "I have many names in many languages, I've lived before the times men were even able to crawl on this world." A sensation of needles pricking my body overcame me, I was facing fear itself.

  "So then what is your name?" Saral questioned.

  Eve interrupted, "Eisheth? that's what she calls herself."

  "Always with the interruptions girl? you're just like her?Revekah."

  "And you know her mother? Was she one of your friends? Did you kill her with your humdrum tales?"

  "Haha, always hold on to your wits girl you'll need it."

  "And why is she so highly regarded hmm? Is she some kind of prophetic women? Did she wave her wand, and poof the world became peaceful?"

  "Precisely? some say she was a Goddess, others say she was just a pious women. She came to this world, to send a message from the Creator. To bring peace to this savage world. But also in her possession were unique abilities. Abilities that many sought to steal!" She waved her hand just as much as her head, it was apparent in her eyes that Revekah was someone she did not like. "Dare I say, she was one of the most powerful humans that ever came into existence. That staff and book that you're holding also belonged to her, guard it with your life child? many people would do anything to
get their hands on it, even I."

  Eve treaded closer, "Then why didn't you?"

  "I didn't want to take your toy away from you? and its brawn is no use to me, for now."

  "Enough! I don't want to hear your ridiculous folklore. Now tell me if you're not my real mother then who is."

  She scowled from Eve's statement, grinding her teeth so fiercely that it could be heard from the outside. "How could you say such things about the one who raised you, I am your real mother."

  "So I was born from you? Lies! I don't believe it, not even for a second!"

  "Believe what you want girl. Do you think I would plot against my own daughter?"

  "Hah such a fabricated word, does it have any meaning to you? You call me a daughter but what you did? to Freya and Aamirah. Did you consider them to be your daughters, tell me what you did to them! I sat by quiet for years and never asked questions, but no more. Tell me, you? you? demon!"

  "Silence child, enough of your whining. All I did to them was give them? freedom."

  "Freedom? Such a broad term. And how exactly did you give it to them? Or do you consider death to be the same? Answer me!"

  "Well that part is a secret, it would be no fun if I told you everything now would it, dear? But let's just say they were? Enlightened. Just as Revekah had become enlightened."

  "Revekah, Revekah, Revekah? that's all you keep saying. I could care less about her! Why mention such as religious name, if you do not believe in any religion?"

  "Do not speak of her name in an adverse tone girl, you after all resemble her in character and features. And to answer your question, there is currently no authentic religion on the earth. Everything has been twisted and spun in the favor of man, so there is no point in believing in it."

  She looked over to me, making direct eye contact. "It is time for me to depart, but we will meet again? Da'am." The ground cracks shuffled in terror as black fire blazed from below her. It slithered in circles around her body, her entire body shrunk. Bird like features replaces her once human face. A thunderous caw rings as raven wings stretch , flapping her dark wings into the distance, scattered black feathers we're left behind. One fell onto Eve's hand, she gazed at the crow as it approached the sun, dipping into the horizon.