Read Witch to Choose (Heart of a Witch #1) Page 14

I heard a familiar sound in the bathroom. It was my cell phone going off. It hardly ever rang. No one ever called me on the weekdays, then I thought about how I gave Paris my number.

  I grabbed the phone and I looked down. It was Robert. He waited one day to call me? Most guys waited three days. I can’t believe I was obsessing over some stupid arbitrary dating rule that originated from some mid 90’s flick.

  I thought if you got out and if you generally liked someone, why not call them the next day if that’s what you feel like doing?

  “Hello,” I said.

  “Hi, Sahara. This is Robert.”

  “Hi, Robert,” I said, more excited than I wanted to. I wanted to come off as if I had plenty of options, even though I didn’t, and I’m sure Robert probably knew as well.

  “Hi,” he said again, stammering and fumbling his words somewhat. It was rather cute. I stayed silent and waited for him to get everything out.

  “I...I was just calling,” he said, “to tell you hi, and umm, wondering what you were up to.”

  So cute.

  “Well, Robert,” I said. “I was going to watch a little TV and head to bed, but probably toss and turn for a few hours before eventually falling asleep as I usually do.”

  “Why do you have a hard time falling asleep?” Robert asked. “You got insomnia?”

  “No, it’s just that something crazy happened, but nothing I couldn’t handle. It all kinda happened after our date the other night.”

  “Did you go see someone else?” Robert asked.

  “No, a woman kind of imposed herself on my life. It’s a long story, and I might tell you about it another time. I’m still trying to digest everything that has happened to me.”

  “It sounds serious,” Robert said. “Like a scam artist or something?”

  “It is,” I said, “but it’s not a scam or anything like that, well, I hope she’s not scamming me or anything.”

  “That’s good. Let me know if you need anything,” Robert said as genuine as anyone could be. I believed him. I knew it wasn’t just lip service. This was a really good guy.

  “Well, the reason why I called you is, I was wondering if you like to do something this weekend. We don’t have to do anything crazy like go to an amusement park. I was thinking dinner and either a movie or we could head out to Brea and see some stand-up comedy if you’re into that kind of thing. Two of the last Last Comic Standing finalists are headlining but I’m not sure which ones. But I remember all those guys being extraordinarily funny.”

  “I like that show. I watch it whenever they have a season. They skip a lot of years. You never know when that show is coming on again.”


  “Let me ask you a question. If we could go out and do anything you want, what would you like to do?”

  “Pretty much what I asked you to do with me this weekend,” Robert answered. “I love good comedy and I love great food. Not a bad night.”

  “But if you could take me anywhere, and knew I’d be excited no matter what, where would you take me?”

  Robert said, “I’m not going to drag you to a sporting event if you’re not a fan of the team or the sport. I learned my lesson the hard way with that one.”

  “Are they playing the Lakers?” I asked. “That’s my team.”

  “No, they are playing the New Orleans Pelicans.”

  “Is this professional basketball?” I asked. I wasn’t ignorant to sports names. My dad was a huge sports fan before he passed. I always knew which teams were good, but I never quite followed any team like I did whenever the Lakers were in the play-offs. I had never heard of the Pelicans in any sport. I thought Robert might be messing with me. I’d check the internet tonight.

  “It’s not a brand-new team. It’s just a brand-new name. Don’t worry, I won’t take you to a Clippers game just yet.”

  “You really are a sports fan?” I asked.

  “I usually don’t talk sports too much on a first date. I used to think it made me look manly. I realized all it made me look like was an oaf who only talked about sports. I am well-versed in a lot of subjects. I just like sports more than those subjects, but I’m not an idiot.”

  “I think you’re an extremely smart and insightful man,” I said. “You recognized it and changed,” I said. “I think that takes a lot of growth.”

  “Thanks,” Robert said. “I do love sports, but I also love plays and musicals. I love all types of movies. I’m willing to try and do new things, even if at first thought they’re scary.” Robert laughed and took an extremely long pause on the phone. Robert was selling himself as if he was car dealer trying to get me into a deal that was too good to be true. He didn’t have to do it. All I was really ready to do was take him up on his initial offer of a calm, easy, and long test drive.

  “I think dinner and a show is great, but I also think going to the Staples Center and watching a Clippers game is great.”

  “So, you’re saying you’re going to go?” Robert asked.

  “I have some things already planned this weekend, and let me see if I could fit us in and I’ll get back to you. Is that okay?” I asked.

  “Of course it is. I’m the one asking you out on a date inside a week. I have to assume you have other plans, too.”

  “I’m glad you did,” I said.

  “I thought it was worth a shot.”

  “I’d love to go. Look, I’m tired and I think I might need to go to bed now, just to ensure I don’t have a restless night before another maddening day at work.”

  “Of course, “Robert said, “we’ll talk later.”

  “Of course,” I said.

  “Okay, goodnight, Sahara,” Robert said in a sweet, deep, sexy voice.

  “Goodnight, Robert,” I said.

  I ended the call, rolled over and began to think about Robert and his ability to grow on me—so quickly.

  Thinking of him was pleasant, in fact, it was so pleasant, that as soon as I laid my head on the pillow, before I knew it, I was in dreamland.

  Chapter Thirteen