Read Witches Snared Page 5

The shrill sound of Dan’s alarm clock shot through his head like a construction worker’s jackhammer, the heavy-duty type they use to break up concrete on city streets. Dan threw out an arm and silenced the annoying sound. He was still tired as he lay snoozing within his warm comfortable bed. His thoughts drifted to Raj and their latest adventure. He stared at his small, bare arms and smiled that they looked normal again, his skin looked normal. It was difficult getting used to being in a totally different world - it was another thing entirely to see yourself as a totally different species. It felt weird living in another creature’s body. Dan stretched his arms skywards and yawned as Liz shouted from the kitchen, “Are you getting up sleepy head?”

  “Yes, I’m coming,” replied Dan swinging his reluctant legs over the side of the bed. He placed his feet into his slippers and forced himself to head towards the kitchen.

  “Well good morning to you,” said Liz laughing at his lethargic state. “Looks like Raj tired you out last night, not exactly sure what you boys get up to while I’m working - cruising the town, picking up girls and partying I bet.”

  Dan yawned again, “Yup that's right, that’s exactly what we do,” Dan sat at the breakfast table and began to eat his oatmeal.

  Liz ruffled his messy hair with her fingers and laughed. She moved her face close to his and stared at him, “Listen to me - because this is important.” She looked serious, the kind of look he’d seen before when he had to go to a home or something bad was about to happen to their living arrangements, he became concerned. “Do you know what today is?”

  Dan thought through the question logically for he knew it wasn't her birthday or any type of special day, “No” he said, with some uncertainty.

  “Today is the first day of deposit week for your school trip to Paris.” Liz let that important fact seep into Dan’s foggy mind. Dan sat bolt upright as it started to register, “I want you to give the organizers your deposit today while I have the money, and I want you to get registered for this trip early. I’ve put an envelope in the rear section of your backpack, its got $250 cash in it for your deposit and a letter from me authorizing you to go. I pushed it down deep but you can’t forget to give it to your teacher. If you forget - then no Paris, do you understand?”

  Dan nodded, he threw his arms around his Mother, “Thanks Mum, I know this is a lot of money.”

  “You’re welcome sweetheart, just don't let that bag out of your sight until you give your teacher the money.”

  “I won’t Mum - I promise.”

  Liz smiled and ruffled his unruly hair again, “Good, my boy’s growing up, now eat your oatmeal or you’re going to be late.” Dan’s walk to school was uneventful - he entered the main hallway and headed to the landing area near the staircase where the passage widened in the cafeteria. He did this every morning where he could meet up with his friends and share a few moments with Ally before the school bell rang. As Dan sauntered casually down the hallway he recognized Ally standing with her back to him and laughing with her friend Jen. Jen was a really pretty girl with long auburn hair, piercing blue eyes and a lean runner’s body. Jen was the captain of the girl’s soccer team, as well as a straight ‘A’ student. She had a great sense of humor, stylish dress sense, rich parents, and always seemed to find a way to flirt mercilessly with Dan.

  Standing next to Jen was Ray, desperately trying to ingratiate himself to Jen. It was obvious for the world to see but Jen remained oblivious playing along unsympathetically to Ray’s often crude and childish advances. “Hey Dan,” smiled Jen - deliberately cutting Ray off in mid sentence. Dan acknowledged her welcome.

  “Hey,” he said - immediately turning his attentions to Ally. He winked at Ally as he pushed his backpack from his shoulders and let it settle on the ground between his feet.

  Ally’s face lit up with the most beautiful smile as she flashed her brilliantly brown eyes that seemed to always make him defenseless. Ray kicked his backpack to one side making room for Dan to join them. Ally tugged at her oversized sweater trying to conceal the hole that had appeared in her t-shirt, “Hey,” she said reaching out to hold onto Dan’s forearm. Since her Mother had fallen upon hard times she really didn't feel like she belonged with her friends anymore; she felt like the uncool kid trying desperately to fit in. Jen twirled her pretty auburn hair and let it fall upon her perfectly fitted blue Lacoste sweater. Dan couldn’t help notice how sharp Jen looked today and how she smiled at him. Ally noticed it too - immediately withdrawing her affection and crossing her arms.

  The boys were oblivious but Ally flashed a dirty look at Jen that was downright territorial. Jen continued to stare at Dan with her short pleated skirt, perfectly fitted leggings, tight blue sweater and immaculately styled hair. Ally’s shoulders slumped as she stared at her own worn shoes, stained baggy black pants and ill fitted over-sized knitted sweater.

  “What were you lot talking about?” inquired Dan.

  “How great Paris is going to be,” blurted Jen in an excited tone knowing full well that Ally would not be able to afford the trip. It was Jen’s chance to get closer to Dan without pesky Ally getting in the way. She didn't think Ally deserved Dan - for he needed someone better, more in his league. She’d imagined Dan falling for her in the romantic city of lights and how they would tell that story for the rest of their lives. It would be devastating for Ally but she was not in their league and really didn't deserve Dan. Dan had dated Ally in the past but to Jen it just felt like a pity play.

  Jen indulged herself in spiteful thoughts: If Ally dressed like that on the streets of Paris then complete strangers would be coming up to her and giving her spare change. Jen flicked her hair forwards over her shoulders in defiance, “It’s going to be so romantic,” she said sarcastically.

  Ally rolled her eyes knowing exactly what Jen was trying to say, “Yeah man - it’s going to be cool, Notre Dame and all those underground crypts,” said Ray - the excitement coursing through his voice. Dan felt uncomfortable, he really wanted to go to Paris but he didn't want to go if Ally couldn't share the experience with him. He knew his Mother had worked exceptionally hard to raise the deposit money, pulling all sorts of double shifts and working the tips hard. Dan had talked to her about his fondness for Ally but Ally was in a tough spot where her family could barely make ends meet. “I’m signing up today man, I’ve brought the deposit,” Ray said patting the top of his backpack proudly, “I’m all in.”

  “I need a leak before class,” said Ray - kicking his backpack across the floor where it came to rest at Jen’s feet. “Can you keep an eye on my bag please, it’s important and I’ll be back before the bell goes - promise.” Ray didn't let Jen answer; he was gone in an instant.

  Dan felt awkward for he knew he was handing in his Paris deposit today but he didn't want to mention that in front of Ally. Ally had fallen upon desperately hard times; her mother was unemployed and had turned to alcohol as her respite. He didn't want to embarrass her, as the Paris trip seemed to be an uncomfortable subject they’d both seemed happy to avoid. Jen’s comments hadn’t helped for they seemed deliberately planted in an attempt to provoke Ally. Dan wanted to go to Paris, he wasn't going to miss this chance of a lifetime but in his heart he would have deeply preferred to go with Ally along side of him. She must have felt awful, ashamed and deeply hurt. Dan reached out to squeeze Ally’s hand in a show of support, “I need to get to class a little early; I have to talk with Ms. Claridge.” He leaned in and kissed her tenderly upon her cheek, “I’ll see you at recess.” Ally nodded and forced a reassuring smile. As Dan turned away Jen kicked Ray’s backpack along the polished tiled floor where it now rested at Ally’s feet.

  Jen sprung into life and chased after Dan, “Wait, I’ll come with you Dan; Ally can watch Ray’s stuff, she’s in his class anyway.”

  Before Ally could protest Jen had caught up with Dan and was escorting him down the hallway with her Hollywood smile and bright flashing eyes. Ally was seething mad for she knew exactly what Jen was
doing and she couldn't blame Dan if Jen had turned his head. With a deep frown etched across her stoic face she saw Ray returning to retrieve his bag. His puzzled expression said it all; he was bitterly disappointed that Jen had left. “Let’s go,” said Ally in a dejected tone as they both walked to their class. In that long silent walk she didn’t feel like Ally Tucker, the hot girl from school anymore, now she felt like a frump dressed in her sensible baggy durable clothes. She shook her head in resignation as she realized she’d been relegated from the elite status of popular girl. Ally knew she hadn’t looked her best lately, she knew her mother couldn’t afford to buy her the trendy clothes that other girls were wearing. Dan had just scurried off to class, with the perky figure of Jen following him attentively, which made her self-confidence plummet to an all time low.

  By the end of the school day Ally had whipped herself up into a foul mood so she decided to head home quickly. She had no desire to speak with Dan; she didn't want him to see her like this for she would have only picked a fight with him. She slipped away into the steady stream of students leaving the school ground and headed home successfully evading Dan’s attention. Dan had waited patiently to talk with Ally but as time passed it became obvious that she’d left without him. Jen waited too, as she moved closer to Dan she would manufacture an opportunity to touch his shoulders and arms. Dan was starting to get annoyed with Jen’s persistence he only wanted to talk with Ally.

  Dan was disappointed, his heart felt heavy and he knew she’d be upset. He’d been looking forward to meeting up with Ally at the end of the day - he would walk her home, tell her how beautiful she was and try to lift her spirits. He wanted to cheer her up by forcing her to laugh and smile at his silly jokes. She’d left without him and he felt empty. It was starting to become obvious that he needed her, missed her, wanted her and liked her company immensely. His mind wandered to Rinii forest and the golden flagon. Why was it stolen? Did the thief just want the gold or the glowing liquid? He managed to ditch Jen eventually and decided to walk home feeling sorry for himself while kicking loose stones and dragging his feet. The evening raced by as Dan immersed himself into his homework to temper his feelings of disappointment in missing Ally. After a dinner with his Mother, Dan was looking forward to his visit with Raj and resuming his adventure through Rinii forest. He was day dreaming when Liz knocked on his bedroom door, “Dan let’s go, it’s time to go see Raj.”

  Dan leapt from his bed and was standing at Raj’s door before his day-dreaming fog had fully cleared, “Come in young man, have a good evening Liz,” said Raj in his usual charming way.

  “I have to go, I don't want to be late - thanks Raj, see you later,” Liz scurried down the stairs as if her life depended on it. Dan didn't know if he should feel sad or immensely proud of his Mother’s haste.

  Dan turned his attention to Raj, his gaze fell upon the Dream Cane and he smiled. “We’ll let your mother get settled into her shift before we begin. Why don't you put the kettle on Dan, let’s have a cup of tea first and then we can talk about our plan.”