Read With Frederick the Great: A Story of the Seven Years' War Page 19

  Chapter 18: Engaged.

  On the following day, Sir John Mitchell handed to Fergus theofficial documents respecting the restoration of the estates and,after taking copies of the same, Fergus wrote a long letter to hismother, inclosing the official papers, Mitchell having offered tosend the packet home with his despatches. Fergus was glad to getthe documents sent off in this way--by which, indeed, he had sentthe greater part of his letters to his mother--the post being souncertain and insecure that there was no trusting it; and althoughhis mother's replies were always sent to the care of theambassador, a large number of them were lost in the transit.

  Early in April Fergus suddenly broke down. His work had been almostincessant. The cold in the tent had, at night, been extreme; and,having been wetted to the skin one day, when a sudden thaw came on,his clothes had been frozen stiff when, at nightfall, the frostreturned with even greater severity than before. In spite of thecloaks and blankets that Karl heaped upon his bed, he shivered allnight, and in the morning hot fits came on. The king's surgeon,coming in to see him, pronounced that the chill had resulted inwhat was probably rheumatic fever.

  He was at once carried to a hospital, some miles in the rear. Thiswas crowded with officers and men, suffering from the effects oftheir hardships; but a room was assigned to him in a house closeby, that had been taken for the use of officers of distinction.

  Here for two months he lay helpless, and at times delirious. Karlsat up with him almost night and day, taking two or three hours'sleep occasionally on the floor, but starting up whenever hismaster moved or spoke. Sir John Mitchell rode over several times tosee him, and the king's own surgeon went over twice a week. Thesevisits, however, both ceased three weeks after he entered thehospital, the king's army having rapidly marched away.

  At the end of June he was out and able to sit in the sun in thegarden.

  "How long shall I be before I am fit for duty again?" he asked thesurgeon, two days later.

  "Six weeks or two months. It will be fully that time before you canregain your strength. In a month, no doubt, you will be able to sita horse; but I should say that it would be quite twice that time,before you will be fit to perform the work that falls to your loton the king's staff. You want to have quiet, and at the same timeyou need pleasant company. The worst thing you can possibly do isto worry and fret yourself. Instead of bringing things aboutsooner, it will only delay them. What you have to do is to bask inthe sun, eat and drink as much as you can, and take lifepleasantly.

  "There is one thing, you have nothing to grieve about that you arenot with the king. He is marching hither and thither with wonderfulcelerity but, do what he will, he cannot induce either Daun or Lacyto give battle; though together they are three to one against him.Whenever he approaches they simply shut themselves up inimpregnable places, erect palisades and batteries, and hope that hewill dash himself against them; which he is not likely to do."

  Fergus found that Frederick, when he marched, had left behind aforce sufficient to check any attempt that the Austrian garrison ofDresden might make, towards the north; but that at present all wasquiet, the enemy venturing on no aggressive movements, neverknowing when the king might suddenly pounce down upon them. Hefound that there was no attempt made to blockade the town. No cartswith provisions were allowed to pass in from the north side, but onthe west there was free ingress and egress, there being no Prussiantroops in that direction. Fergus therefore hired a peasant to carrya letter for him to Count Eulenfurst, explaining how it was that hehad been unable to get leave during the winter; and that, for thelast two months and a half, he had been laid up in the hospital.

  Three days later a carriage drove up to the house. The counthimself leapt out, and hurried across the garden to where Ferguswas sitting.

  "This is indeed kind of you, count," Fergus said, as he rose.

  "By no means, Drummond. I only wish that we had known yoursituation before. You should have got someone to write, if youcould not do it yourself. We were not surprised at your notvisiting us in the winter, for with both armies on the alert weknew that, in the first place, you were busy, and probably not ableto get leave of absence; and in the next place, you could hardlyhave got in.

  "You can imagine the concern we felt when your letter reached us,yesterday evening. Of course, I determined to start at once. Youmust indeed have had a hard time of it, for you have fallen away somuch that I should hardly have known you."

  "I have picked up very much in the last fortnight, count; and Ihope, in another month, to be something like myself again; thoughthe doctor insists that I shall not be fit for campaigning work fordouble that time."

  "Well, I have come to take you back with me. The countess asks meto tell you that if you do not come at once, she will drive hitherwith two or three of her maids, and establish herself as yournurse. It will not be a very long drive, for I am well known to theAustrians, and have a pass from the governor to go through theirlines when I please, and to visit a small estate I have, thirtymiles to the north. And no doubt you can get a similar pass for usto leave your lines."

  "I should like nothing so much, count; but might I not get you intotrouble, if it were known that you had one of the king's officersat your house?"

  "In the first place no one would know it, and in the second place Idon't think that I should get into any trouble, were it found out.It is not a Prussian officer that I shall be entertaining, stillless a spy, but a dear friend who is an invalid and needs care. Aseveryone knows what you did for me, the excuse would be ample.

  "Moreover, it happens that Governor Maguire is a personal friend ofmine, and I shall call upon him and tell him that I have a sickfriend staying with me and, without letting him know who you are,say that I give him my word of honour that you will, while with me,remain in the grounds, and will make no inquiries concerning hisfortifications and plans of defence. He will understand what Imean, and if anyone should make a report to him it will, at anyrate, cause no trouble; though I do not say that he might not feelobliged to give me notice that you had best go.

  "Well, for today I will remain here and rest my horses; andtomorrow morning we will start, early.

  "Ah! I see you have your henchman still with you. He, likeyourself, has escaped both Austrian and French bullets.

  "Well, Karl," he went on as the soldier came up, "you don't seem tohave managed to keep your master out of mischief."

  "No, count; but it was not my fault. It was the fault of thosehorses you gave him."

  "Why, how was that, Karl?"

  "Well, sir, the colonel was the best mounted man on the king'sstaff and, however hard he worked the horses, they always seemed tokeep in good condition. So that whenever there was anything to bedone, it was sure to be, 'Colonel Drummond, please go here or gothere.' He was always on horseback, and so at last he broke down.Anyone else would have broken down months before, but he neverseemed to know what it was to be tired."

  "What, have you got another step, Drummond?" the count said,smiling at the soldier's tone of discontent.

  "Yes, count. It is not for anything particular this time, but forwhat I may call general services.

  "You are going to have an easy time of it now, Karl. CountEulenfurst is kindly going to take me off and nurse me for a bit;and you will have to stay here and look after the horses, until Ireturn. It would not be safe for you to accompany me, and I thinkyou want a rest as much as I want nursing.

  "Why, for two months, count, this good fellow never took off hiscoat; and I don't think he ever slept an hour at a time. I havenever once called when he was not there to answer."

  "I did what I could," Karl growled, "but it was not much. Thecolonel has always looked well after me, and the least I could dowas to look after him, when he wanted it.

  "I am very glad he is going with you, sir. It is dull enough forhim here; and I am sure he will get on much faster, under your careand the ladies', than he would do moping about in this place."

  Fergus wrote a note to the general of the div
ision, and Karlreturned with a pass authorizing Count Eulenfurst's carriage topass through the lines, at any time.

  "There is one difficulty I have not thought of, count. I have nocivilian clothes. Those I brought with me were left in the magazineat Dresden, when I first marched away; and there they have been,ever since. But indeed, even if I had them, I do not think thatthey would fit me; seeing that I have grown some four inches inheight since I came out, and at least as much more round myshoulders."

  "I thought of that," the count said, "and have brought with me asuit from Dresden that will, I think, fit you as well as aninvalid's clothes can be expected to fit."

  The next morning an early start was made. No difficulties wereencountered on the way and, although sundry detours had to be made,they reached the count's house after a three-hours' drive. Thirzaran down to meet them as the count drove up; and she gave a littlecry of surprise, and pity, as the count helped Fergus to alight.

  "I shall soon be better, countess," he said with a smile, as heheld out his hand. "I am quite a giant in strength, compared withwhat I was a fortnight ago; but just at present I am a littletired, after the drive."

  "You look dreadfully bad," the girl said. "Still, I hope we shallsoon bring you round again. My father said you would be back withhim about this time, and we shall begin by giving you some soup, atonce."

  As they entered the hall, the countess herself came down.

  "Welcome back again! I may say, I hope, welcome home again, MajorDrummond!"

  "Colonel Drummond," the count corrected. "He is one of Frederick'scolonels now."

  "I congratulate you," she went on, "though just at present, youcertainly do not look a very formidable colonel. However, we willsoon build you up; but don't try to talk now. I see the journey hasbeen almost too much for you.

  "In here, please. I thought you had better take something beforeyou climbed the stairs."

  A meal was laid, in a room leading off the hall; and after a basinof soup and a couple of glasses of Rhine wine, Fergus felt muchbetter.

  "That is right," the count said. "You have now got a tinge ofcolour in your cheeks.

  "Come, Thirza, you must not look so woebegone, because our knightis pulled down a bit. Invalids want a cheerful face and, unless youbrighten up, I shall not intrust any of the nursing duties to you."

  Thirza tried to smile, but the attempt was a very forced one.

  "It has been a surprise," she said quietly, but with an evidenteffort. "You see, I have always seen Colonel Drummond looking sostrong and bright. Though I knew that he had been very ill, somehowI did not expect to see him like this."

  "But I can assure you I am better," Fergus said, laughing. "I didfeel done when we arrived, but I can assure you that is not mynormal state; and being here among you all will very soon effect atransformation. In a very short time you will see that I shallrefuse altogether to be treated as an invalid, and my nurse's postwill be a sinecure."

  "Now you had better go and lie down, and get a sleep for two orthree hours," the countess said, decidedly. "You will have your oldbedroom, and we have fitted up the next room as a sitting room. Weknow a good many of the Austrian and Confederate officers, and ofan afternoon and evening they often drop in; and although we arenot afraid of questions, it will be more pleasant for you to have aplace of your own.

  "Still, I hope you will be able to be out in the garden behind thehouse, the best part of the day, under the trees. You would be assafe from interruption, there, as if you were a hundred miles awayfrom Dresden. We have arranged that Thirza shall have chief chargeof you, out there; while the count and I will look after you whileyou are in the house."

  Fergus obediently lay down and slept for some hours. As thecountess had arranged, he rang his bell on waking and, hearing fromthe servant who answered it that there were no visitors downstairs,he went down. The count had gone out, but the countess and Thirzawent out into the grounds with him; and he found that, in a quietand shady corner, a sofa had been placed for his use, with a tableand two or three chairs.

  The countess remained chatting with him until a servant came out,to say that three Austrian officers had called; and she went in,leaving him to the charge of Thirza. For two or three hours theytalked together, and were then joined by the count and countess;when Fergus told them the piece of good fortune that had befallenhim, by recovering his father's estates. They were greatly pleasedand interested.

  "And are they extensive?" the count asked.

  "They are extensive," he said, "if taken by acreage; but ifcalculated by the revenue that they bring in, they would seem smallto you. But at any rate, they suffice to make one wealthy inScotland. The large proportion of it is mountain and moorland; butas the head of my clan, I shall hold a position far above what isrepresented by the income. Two hundred men were ready to drawsword, at my father's orders, and to follow him in battle.

  "I don't know that, here in Germany, you can quite understand theties that bind the members of a clan to their head. They do notregard him as tenants regard a lord; but rather as a protector, afriend, and even a relation. All disputes are carried to him forarbitration. The finest trout from the stream, the fattest buckfrom the hills, are sent to him as an offering. They draw theirswords at his bidding, and will die for him in battle. To them heis a sort of king, and they would obey his orders, were he to tellthem to rise in rebellion.

  "The feeling is to some extent dying out and, since Culloden, thepower of the clans has greatly abated. Nevertheless, some of theHighland regiments in our army were raised by chiefs wholly fromtheir own clansmen.

  "In many respects this restoration of my inheritance changes myposition altogether. As I told you the last time I was here, Ishall stop until this terrible war is over. The king has been mostkind and gracious to me, and to leave before the struggle is over Ishould feel to be an act of desertion. Once the sword is sheathed,I intend to return to Scotland; for I should not care to remain inthe service, when there is nought but life in garrison to lookforward to. Moreover, the strength of the army would, of course, belargely diminished, at once.

  "What I should do afterwards, I know not. Perhaps I might obtain acommission in our own army, for there are always opportunities ofseeing service in America, India, or elsewhere, under the Britishflag. More likely I shall, at any rate for a time, remain at home.My mother has no other child, and it is a lonely life, indeed, forher."

  "Do you not think of settling here?"

  "What is there for me to do, count, outside the army? I could notturn merchant, for I should assuredly be bankrupt, at the end ofthe first month; nor could I well turn cultivator, when I have noland to dig. Now, however, my future is determined for me; and apoint that has, I own, troubled me much, has been decided withoutan effort on my part."

  The conversation was continued for some little time, the countasking many questions about Fergus's ancestral home, the scenery,and mode of life. Fergus noticed that Thirza took no part in theconversation, but sat still; and looked, he thought, pale.

  The days succeeded each other quietly and uneventfully, and Fergusgained strength rapidly; so that, in the middle of July, he beganto feel that he was again fit for service. One evening he wassitting alone in the garden with the count, when the latter said tohim:

  "You remember our conversation on the first evening of our cominghere, as to the impossibility of your doing anything, did youremain out here after leaving the army. There was one solution towhich you did not allude. Many Scottish and Irish soldiers, both inthis country, in France, Austria, and Germany, have married well.Why should you not do the same?"

  Fergus was silent for a minute, and then he said:

  "Yes, count; but they continued in the service, rose to the rank ofgenerals and, as in the case of my cousin Keith, to that ofmarshal."

  "But you might do the same, if you remained in the army," the countsaid. "You are assuredly, by far, the youngest colonel in it. Youare a favourite of the king's, and might hope for anything."

am afraid, count, I have too much of our Scottish feeling ofindependence; and should not, therefore, like to owe everything toa wife."

  "The feeling is creditable, if not carried too far," the countsaid. "You have a position that is a most honourable one. You havemade your name famous in the army, where brave men are common. Youpossess the qualities of youth, a splendid physique, and--I don'twish to flatter you--a face that might win any woman's fancy. Thereare none, however placed, who might not be proud of such ason-in-law."

  "You judge everyone by yourself, count," Fergus said slowly. "Youoverrate my qualities, and forget the fact that I am, after all,but a soldier of fortune."

  "Then you never thought of such a thing?"

  Fergus was silent for a minute, and then said:

  "We may think of many things, count, that we know, in our hearts,are but fancies which will never be realized."

  "Let us suppose a case," the count said. "Let us take a case likemine. You did me an inestimable service. You certainly saved mylife, and the lives of several others; including, perhaps, those ofmy wife and daughter. The latter has constantly heard your nameassociated with deeds of valour. Would it be improbable that sheshould feel a depth of gratitude that would, as she grew, increaseinto a warmer feeling; while you, on your part, might entertain aliking for her? Would it be such an out-of-the-way thing for you tocome to me, and ask her hand? Or an out-of-the-way thing that Ishould gladly give her to you?"

  "It may not seem so to you, count," Fergus said quietly; "but ithas seemed so to me. I understand what you are so generously sayingbut, even with such encouragement, I can scarce dare to ask whatseems to me so presumptuous a question. For four years, now, thishouse has been as a home to me; and it was but natural that, asyour daughter grew up, I should have grown to love her. I have toldmyself, hundreds of times, that it would be, indeed, a base returnfor your kindness, were I to try to steal her heart; and never haveI said a single word to her that I would not have said, aloud, hadyou and her mother been present. During the month that I have beenhere, now, I have struggled hard with myself; thrown with her, as Ihave been, for hours every day. But I have made up my mind that noword should ever pass my lips; and if it has done so, now, it isbecause you have drawn it from me."

  "I am glad that I have done so," the count said, gravely. "For thelast two years I have hoped that this might be so, for in no otherway could I repay our debt of gratitude to you. I cannot tell whatThirza's thoughts are; but there have been three suitors for herhand this year, any of whom might well, in point of means andcharacter, have been considered suitable; but when I spoke to hershe laughed at the idea and, though she said nothing, I gatheredthat her love was already given.

  "As my only child, her happiness is my first consideration. As tothe question of means, it is absurd to mention them; for did shemarry the wealthiest noble, she could desire no more than she willhave. I told you, the first time you came to us after that terriblenight, that we should always regard you as one of ourselves. Wehave done so; and I can assure you that her mother and I desirenothing better for her.

  "For your sake, I am glad that you have come into this Scottishestate; but for my own I care nothing for it, and indeed, am in onerespect sorry; for you will naturally wish that, for a part of thetime each year, she should reside there with you.

  "Now, that has not been so dreadful, has it?"

  "Not in any way, count; and I thank you, with all my heart, foryour kindness. My feeling for your daughter has grown up gradually,and it was not until I was last here that I recognized how much Icared for her. I then, when I went away, resolved it would bebetter for me not to return; at any rate, not to stay here again,until I heard that she was married. It is true that I talked ofpaying you a visit, even were Dresden captured; but I knew thatwhen the time came I should be able to find excuses for not doingso. During the time that I was laid up with fever, she was ever inmy mind; but the necessity for my remaining away from here onlyimpressed itself, more and more strongly, upon me.

  "Then you appeared, and carried me off. I could not refuse to come,without giving my reason; but I fully determined that in no way, bylook or word, would I allow her to see that I regarded her otherthan as the daughter of my kind host. I have had a hard fight tokeep that resolution, for each day my feelings have grown strongerand stronger; and I had resolved that, before I left, I would ownto you, not my presumption, for I have not presumed, but myweakness, and ask you to press me no more to come here, until yourdaughter was married."

  "You have acted just as I should have expected from you, Drummond.The great hope of the countess and myself has been to see Thirzahappily married. Fortune or position in a suitor have beenaltogether immaterial points, excepting that we would assureourselves that it was not to obtain these that her hand was sought.From the first we have regarded you, not only with gratitude, butwith deep interest. It seemed to us only natural that, after sostrange and romantic a beginning to your acquaintance, Thirzashould regard you with more than ordinary interest. To her youwould be a sort of hero of romance. We watched you closely then,and found that in addition to your bravery you possessed all thequalities that we could desire. You were modest, frank, andnatural. So far from making much of the service you had renderedus, you were always unwilling to speak of it; and when that couldnot be avoided, you made as little of it as possible.

  "I spoke several times of you to Marshal Keith, and he said that heregarded you almost as a son, and spoke in the highest terms ofyou. We saw, or fancied we saw, in the pleasure which Thirzabetrayed when you returned after each of your absences; and in theanxiety which she evinced when battles had taken place, until Icould ascertain that your name was not among the lists of killedand wounded; that what we had thought likely was taking place, andthat she regarded you with an interest beyond that which would beexcited by gratitude only.

  "As to yourself, and your thoughts on the subject, we knew nothing.We never saw anything in your manner to her that showed that yourheart was affected. You chatted with her as freely and naturally asto us and, even since you have been here this time, we haveobserved no change in you. And yet, it seemed to us well-nighimpossible that a young soldier should be thrown so much with agirl who, though it is her father who says so, is exceptionallypretty and of charming manners, and continue to regard her withindifference; unless, indeed, he loved elsewhere, which we weresure in your case could hardly be. I had however, like yourself,determined to speak on the matter before you left us; as, had younot felt towards her as we hoped, the countess and I agreed that itwould be better, for her sake, that we should not press you to cometo stay with us again until she was married.

  "I am truly glad that the matter stands as we had hoped. I can onlyrepeat that there is no one to whom we could intrust her happinessso confidently as to you."

  "I will do my best to justify your confidence, count," Fergus saidwarmly.

  "Now I will go into the house and tell my wife, and then we canacquaint Thirza. It is the custom here, at least among people ofrank, for the parents first to acquaint their daughter with aproposal that has been made for her hand, and of their wishes onthe subject. Parental control is not carried to the point, now,that it used to be; and maidens sometimes entertain differentopinions to those of their parents. Happily, in the present case,there is no reason to fear that Thirza will exhibit any contumacy.

  "Fortunately we are alone at dinner, today. Therefore do you comedown, a quarter of an hour before the usual hour, and we will getthe matter formally settled."

  When Fergus went into the drawing room, the count was alreadythere.

  "Thirza shows no unwillingness to carry out our commands in thismatter," he said with a smile, as he held out his hand to Fergusand shook it very heartily. "I pointed out to her that you wouldnaturally expect her to accompany you every year to Scotland, andto spend some months among your people there. She did not seem toconsider that any insupportable objection.

  "In one respect, Fergus, I think that it is well for you
that I amcomparatively a young man; being now but forty-four, while thecountess is six years younger; thus it may be a good many yearsbefore you will be called upon to assume the control of my estates,and the position of one of the great landowners of Saxony. One ofthese estates will, of course, be Thirza's dowry at once; but thatwill not tie you so much, and you will be freer to come and go asit pleases you."

  Two or three minutes later the door opened, and the countessentered, leading Thirza by the hand. The girl advanced withdowncast eyes, until her father stepped forward and took her lefthand, while he held the right of Fergus.

  "My daughter," he said, "your mother and I have chosen for yourhusband Colonel Fergus Drummond. We consider the match to be in allways a suitable one. We esteem him highly, and are convinced thathe will make you happy; loving you, as he says, tenderly and truly.In this room where you first saw him, I need not recall to you theservices he rendered to us; and I exhort you to obey this ourorder, and to be a true and loving spouse to him."

  The girl looked up now.

  "That will I, father and mother, and most willingly; and willalways, to my life's end, be a true and loving wife to him."

  "Take her, Drummond, you have won your bridefairly and well"]

  "Take her, Colonel," the count said, putting her hand into that ofFergus. "You have won your bride fairly and well, and I know thatyou will be a worthy husband to her."

  "That I swear to be," Fergus said, as he stooped and kissed her. "Ifeel how great is the boon that you have given me; and shall, to mylife's end, be deeply thankful to you both for the confidence whichyou have placed in me, in thus intrusting her to my care.

  "And to you, Thirza, do I swear to be a loving husband, to the endof my life."

  "And now," the count said, "we will leave these young people tillthe bell rings," and taking the countess's hand, he led her intothe next room.

  The ten minutes that passed, before the signal for dinner wasgiven, sufficed to do much to lessen the awkwardness of theoccasion; and Fergus was heartily grateful to the count for havingleft them to themselves for that short time. The dinner passed offas usual, the count chatting gaily; while Fergus attempted, withindifferent success, to follow him. Thirza was very silent, but hercheeks were flushed, and her eyes radiant with happiness.

  It did not escape the attention of the servants who waited thatinstead of, as usual, leading down the countess while the countbrought down his daughter; this time the count and his wife hadcome down first, followed by Fergus and the young countess. Norwere they slow to notice Thirza's flushed face.

  The count's household had been deeply interested in the visits ofFergus. The women had always been unanimous in their opinion thatthey would all have been murdered by the marauders, had it not beenfor his interposition; and had also agreed that the most properthing in the world, after what had happened, would be that theyoung countess should someday marry this brave young officer. Eachtime that he had come, during the last four years, they had watchedand hoped that they should hear that this was coming about; buthitherto they had been terribly disappointed, and had almost agreedthat, if nothing came of this long visit, nothing would ever comeof it. The news, therefore, brought down by the menservants exciteda lively interest.

  "I said all along that it would be so some day," one of the womenexclaimed. "The countess would never have allowed our young lady tobe out in the garden, every afternoon, if she and the count had notbeen willing that there should be a match; and I am sure I don'tsee how he could help falling in love with the young countess."

  "Nor she with him," another woman added. "He is thepleasantest-looking young gentleman I have ever seen, and we knowthat he is one of the bravest; and though he is a Prussian officer,there is not a bit of stiffness about him. Well, I only hope it istrue."

  "I would not count on it too much," one of the older women said."You never can take menfolks' opinions on such matters. I am sureany of us would know with half an eye, if we saw them together, howmatters stood; but as for men, they are as blind as bats in suchmatters. Still, the fact that he took the young countess down,instead of our lady, goes for something."

  The next morning, indeed, the news was confirmed. The countess toldher tire woman, who had been Thirza's nurse, what had happened; andin a few minutes it was known all over the house, and even theparties most concerned scarcely felt more pleasure than the womenof the count's establishment.