Read With Wolfe in Canada: The Winning of a Continent Page 14

  Chapter 14: Scouting On Lake Champlain.

  One morning, Colonel Monro sent for James.

  "Captain Walsham," he said, "there are rumours that the French aregathering at Crown Point in considerable force. Captain Rogers is stilldisabled by his wound, and his band have suffered so heavily, in theirlast affair with the enemy, that for the time they are out of action.It is important that I should learn the truth of these rumours, for, ifthey be true, I must communicate at once to the general, in order thathe may get together a sufficient force to relieve us, if Montcalm comesdown and lays siege to the fort. Will you undertake the business?"

  "I will do my best, sir," James replied. "Do you propose that I shouldtake all my company, or only a picked party?"

  "That I will leave to you, Captain Walsham. I want trustworthy news,and how you obtain it for me matters little."

  "Then I will take only a small party," James said. "Fifty men would beuseless, for purposes of fighting, if the enemy are numerous, whilewith such a number it would be hopeless to attempt to escape detectionby the Indians. The fewer the better for such an enterprise."

  On leaving the commandant, James at once summoned the two hunters tohis hut, and told them the mission he had received.

  "I am ready, captain, that is if you, and I, and Jonathan makes up theparty. As to going trapezing about round Crown Point with fiftysoldiers, the thing ain't to be thought of. We should be there no morethan half an hour before the Indians would know of it, and we shouldhave no show either for fighting or running away. No, captain, the ladsare good enough for scouting about round camp here; but, as for anexpedition of that sort, we might as well start with a drove of swine."

  "That is just what I thought, Nat. One canoe may escape even the eyesof the Indians, but a dozen would have no chance of doing so."

  "We might get up the lakes," the scout said; "but the mischief would bein the woods. No, it never would do, captain. If we goes, it must bethe three of us and no more. When do you think of starting?"

  "The sooner the better, Nat."

  "Very well, captain, I will go and get some grub ready, and, as soon asit gets dusk, we will get the canoe into the water."

  "I suppose you can't take me with you?" Lieutenant Edwards said, whenJames told him of the duty he had been requested to perform. "It isdismal here."

  "Not exactly," James laughed. "What would become of the company, if itwere to lose its two officers and its two scouts at a blow! No,Edwards, you will command during my absence, and I think you will soonhave more lively times here, for, if it be true that Montcalm willhimself command the troops coming against us, it will be a differentbusiness altogether from the last. And now, leave me alone for an hour.I have some letters to write before I start. They will be for you tosend off, in case we don't come back again.

  "Don't look serious, I have no intention of falling into the hands ofMontcalm's savages. Still, there is no doubt the expedition is a riskyone, and it is just as well to be prepared."

  Just as the sun was setting, Nat came into the officer's hut.

  "Everything is ready, captain," he said. "I hope you have made a gooddinner, for it's the last hot meal you will eat, till you get back. Ihave cooked enough meat for the next four days, and that's about aslong as it will keep good; after that, dried deer's flesh will have todo for us.

  "I expect, I tell you, we shall have to be pretty spry this time. Ifthey are coming down in force, they are sure to send a lot of theirIndians through the woods on each side of the lake, and the water willbe swarming with their canoes. Jonathan and I have been talking itover, and trying to settle which would be the safest, to foot it allthe way, or to go by water. We concluded, as there ain't muchdifference, and the canoe will be the quickest and easiest, so we hadbest keep to that plan."

  "I would certainly rather go that way, Nat, if you think that thedanger is no greater."

  "No, I don't think there's much difference, captain. At any rate, wemay as well go that way. Like enough, we shall have to tramp back bythe woods."

  Half an hour later, the canoe put out. Although they had little fearthat any of the Indian canoes would be so far up Lake George, there wasscarce a word spoken in the boat for some hours after starting.Jonathan was always silent, and Nat, although talkative enough when incamp, was a man of few words when once embarked upon a seriousexpedition. As for James, he had little inclination for conversation.

  The enterprise was, he knew, one of extreme danger. Had it been only aFrench force he was about to reconnoitre, or even one composed ofFrench and Canadians together, he would have thought little of it; buthe knew that the redskins would be roaming thickly in the forest, aheadof the army, and, much as he relied upon the skill and experience ofthe two scouts, he knew it would be difficult, indeed, to elude theirwatchful eyes. He thought of the letters he had been writing, andwondered whether he should return to tear them up, or whether theywould be read at home.

  All the time he was thinking, he worked his paddle vigorously, and at ahigh rate of speed. The light canoe bounded noiselessly over the water,impelled by three vigorous pairs of arms.

  When they approached the narrows connecting Lake George with LakeChamplain, the boat's head was directed towards the shore, for theycould not get past Ticonderoga before daylight broke; and it was likelythat a good watch would be kept, in the narrows, by the enemy; and itwould be dangerous to try to effect a landing there. The canoe wascarried ashore, and hidden in some bushes, and all lay down to sleep.

  When day broke, Nat rose and went down to the water to see that, inlanding, they had left no mark upon the shore, which might betray themto the eye of a passing redskin. Going down on his hands and knees, heobliterated every sign of their footprints, raised the herbage uponwhich they had trodden, cut short to the ground such stalks as they hadbruised or broken in their passage, and then, when confident that allwas safe, he returned to his camp. When it again became dark, the canoewas carried down and replaced in the water, and they continued theirpassage. James had, at Nat's request, laid by his paddle.

  "You paddle wonderfully well, captain. I don't say you don't; but for adelicate piece of work like this, one can't be too careful. It ain'toften I can hear your paddle dip in the water, not once in a hundredtimes, but then, you see, that once might cost us our scalps. We havegot to go along as silent as a duck swimming. Speed ain't no object,for we shall be miles down Lake Champlain before daylight; but, if theFrench know their business, they will have half a dozen canoes in thesenarrows, to prevent us scouting on Lake Champlain; and, you see, theyhave got all the advantage of us, 'cause they've got just to lie quietand listen, and we have got to row on. As far as seeing goes, I canmake them out as soon as they can make us out; but they can hear us,while they won't give our ears a chance.

  "I tell you, captain, I don't expect to get through this narrowswithout a chase for it. If it come to running, of course you will takeyour paddle again, and we three can show our heels to any canoe on thelakes, perviding of course as it's only a starn chase. If there arethree or four of them, then I don't say as it won't be a close thing."

  James accordingly lay quietly back in the boat, while his companionstook the paddles. It was not necessary for him either to look out, orto listen, for he knew that his companions' eyes and ears were quickerthan his own. It had been agreed, before starting, that they should goalong close to the trees, on the left-hand side of the passage, becausethe keenest lookout would be kept on the right-hand side, as that wouldnaturally be chosen by any boat going up, as being farthest from theFrench fort.

  "There is no fear, whatever, of our being seen from the land," Nat hadsaid. "The redskins would know that so well that they wouldn't troubleto look out. It's only canoes we have got to be afraid of, and, as tothem, it's just a chance. They might see us out in the light waters, inthe middle; but, under the trees, they can't make us out thirty yardsoff. They will be lying there, quiet, if they are there at all, and weshall either get past them safe, or we shall pretty nigh r
un into them.It's just chance, and there's nothing to do for it but to paddle asnoiselessly as fish, and trust to our luck."

  Having crossed the lake to the left shore, they entered the narrows.The paddles were dipped so quietly into the water, that even Jamescould scarcely hear their sound. Every few strokes the scouts stoppedpaddling altogether, and sat listening intently. They were keepingclose to the trees, so close that, at times, it seemed to James that,by stretching out his hands, he could touch the bushes.

  After an hour's paddling they stopped longer than usual.

  "What is it?" James whispered in Jonathan's ear, for Nat had taken thebow paddle.

  "There are men ahead," the scout whispered back. "We heard them speakjust now."

  Presently the boat began to move again, but so quietly, that it wasonly by looking at the dark masses of the boughs, that stretched outoverhead, that James knew the boat was in motion. Jonathan now crouchedin the bottom of the boat, and placed his hand on Nat's shoulder as asign for him to do the same. The time seemed endless to James, as helay there. It was too dark, under the trees, for him even to see theoutline of Nat's figure. The boat was, he was sure, moving; foroccasionally, as he lay on his back, it grew lighter overhead, as theypassed under openings in the trees.

  Suddenly his heart gave a bound, and he nearly started, for a gutturalvoice spoke, seemingly within a few feet of the canoe. He placed hishand on his rifle, in readiness to sit up and fire, but all was stillagain. It was a passing remark, made by one redskin to another; in acanoe, for the sound was to his right. Another long period passed, andthen Jonathan sat up and took to his paddle again, and James judgedthat the danger was over.

  Raising his head, he could see nothing except the vague light of thesheet of water on his right. The boat was still keeping close under thetrees, on the left shore of the lake, and he lay back again, and dozedoff to sleep. He was awoke by Jonathan touching his foot.

  "You can take your paddle now, captain."

  He sat up at once, and looked round. They were far out now, on a broadsheet of water. There were some faint lights, as of fires burning low,high up to the left behind them; and he knew that they had alreadypassed Ticonderoga, and were making their way along Lake Champlain.They paddled for some hours, and then landed on the right-hand side ofthe lake.

  "We are not likely to be disturbed here," Nat said, as they lifted thecanoe from the water. "The Indians, coming down from Crown Point, wouldkeep on the other side of the lake. They will all make for Ticonderoga,and will not think of keeping a lookout for anyone, as far down thelakes as this."

  "That was a close shave with that canoe, Nat. It startled me, when Iheard the voice close to us. They must have been within ten yards ofus."

  "About that," Nat said. "It was lucky they spoke when we were comingalong. I expect they had been watching for some nights, and hadn't muchidea anyone would come, or else they wouldn't have spoken. As it was,it was easy enough to pass them, on such a dark night. Of course, theywere looking outside, and I just kept along as close as I could to thebushes, only just giving a light stroke, now and then, to take heralong. Being inside them, I got a sight of 'em some distance away, butI knew they couldn't see us, sharp as their eyes are. The only chancewas their hearing, and, as there was no noise for them to hear, I feltsafe enough after I had once caught sight of 'em, and saw they werelying out at the edge of the shadow.

  "If they had been close under the bushes, as they ought to have been,we should have been in for a fight; for we mightn't have seen eachother till the boats touched. Let that be a lesson to you, captain.When you are on the lookout for a canoe, at night, lie in among thebushes. It must pass between you and the light, then, and as they can'tsee you, you can either grapple or shoot, just as you like.

  "If they had a seen us, we should have had a hot time, for I could hearby their calls, right along the other side, that they were looking outfor us in earnest, and, if a rifle had been fired, we should have hadhalf a dozen canoes down upon us in no time; and, like enough, shouldhave had to leave the boat, and take to the woods."

  "How far is Crown Point away?"

  "Not more than ten miles," Nat said. "It is thirty miles fromTiconderoga. It lies out on a point, just where Champlain widens out. Ireckon our safest way, tonight, will be to scout along this side, tillwe are well past the point; then to paddle out well across the lake,and come up again, and land to the left of Crown Point. We shall thenbe in the track of boats coming up from the lower end of the lake, andcan paddle boldly on. No one would be keeping any lookout that way. Ourdanger won't begin until we get ashore; in course, then we must actaccording to sarcumstances."

  This manoeuvre was carried out. They started as soon as it became dark,and, after paddling along the eastern shore for nearly three hours,struck out into the wide lake till they approached the opposite shore,and then, heading south again, paddled boldly down towards the spotwhere, at the end of a sweep of land, which seemed to close in thelake, stood the French fort of Crown Point.

  Before starting, the two scouts had stripped to the waist, had laidaside their caps, and, fastening a strip of leather round their heads,had stuck some feathers into it. They then painted their faces andbodies.

  "You needn't be particular about the flourishes, Jonathan. It's onlythe redskin outline as one wants to get. If we run against any othercanoes coming up the lake, or they get sight of us as we near theshore; so as we look something like redskins, that's near enough. Ofcourse, we can both speak Mohawk well enough to pass muster, and thecaptain will lay himself down in the bottom.

  "Captain, you will do well enough for a Canadian when we have oncelanded. There ain't much difference between a hunter one side of thefrontier and the other, but it's as well that you shouldn't be seentill we land. The less questions asked, the better. Our Mohawk's goodenough with any of the other tribes, but it wouldn't pass with aMohawk, if we got into a long talk with him."

  Fortunately, however, these precautions proved unnecessary. No othercanoes were seen on the lake, and they landed, unnoticed, at a spot amile and a half to the west of Crown Point. Before starting from FortWilliam Henry, James had laid aside his uniform, and had dressedhimself in hunting shirt and leggings, similar to those worn by thescouts. He had adopted various little details, in which the Canadianhunters differed from those on the English side of the frontier. Thelatter wore their hunting shirts loose in Indian fashion, while theCanadians generally wore a leathern belt outside theirs, at the waist.

  His cap was made of squirrels' skins, which would pass equally well onboth sides of the frontier. The fire bag, in which tobacco, tinder, andother small matters were carried, was of Indian workmanship, as was thecord of his powder horn and bullet pouch. Altogether, his get-up wassomewhat brighter and more picturesque than that of English scouts,who, as a rule, despised anything approaching to ornament.

  He knew that by disguising himself he would be liable, if captured, tobe shot at once as a spy; but this could not be considered, under thecircumstances, to add to the risk he ran, for, in any case, he wascertain to be killed if detected, and it would have been out of thequestion to attempt to approach the French camp in the uniform of aBritish officer. Could he have spoken Canadian French, the missionwould have been comparatively easy, but he knew only a few words of thelanguage, and would be detected the instant he opened his lips.

  The canoe was hauled up and carefully concealed on land, and then theylay down until daylight; for no information, as to the strength of theenemy, could be gained in the dark. In the morning, the two scouts verycarefully made their toilet. They had brought all necessaries withthem; and soon, in their Indian hunting shirts and fringed leggings,and with carefully-painted faces, they were in a position to defy thekeenest scrutiny.

  When, after a careful survey of each other, they felt that theirdisguise was complete, they moved boldly forward, accompanied by James.After half an hour's walking they emerged from the forest, and thestrong fort of Crown Point lay before them.

sp; It was constructed of stone, and was capable of withstanding a longsiege, by any force which could be brought against it. Round it was thecamp of the French troops, and James judged, from the number of tents,that there must be some 1500 French soldiers there. A short distanceaway were a large number of roughly-constructed huts, roofed withboughs of trees.

  "Them's the Canadians," Jonathan said. "The redskins never buildshelters while on the war path. There are a heap of redskins about."

  These, indeed, even at the distance of several hundred yards, could beeasily distinguished from their white allies, by their plumedheaddresses, and by the blankets or long robes of skins which hung fromtheir shoulders.

  "I should put them down at three thousand."

  "It is a big army," Nat said. "I should think there must be quite asmany Canadians as French. How many redskins there are, there ain't noknowing, but we may be sure that they will have got together as many asthey could. Put 'em down at 4000, and that makes 7000 altogether,enough to eat up Fort William Henry, and to march to Albany--or to NewYork, if they are well led and take fancy to it--that is, if thecolonists don't bestir themselves smartly.

  "Well, so far you have found out what you came to seek, captain. What'sthe next thing?"

  "We must discover, if we can, whether they mean to go up the lakes inboats, or to march through the woods," James replied. "They will have atremendous job getting any guns through the woods, but, if they aregoing by water, of course they can bring them."

  "Very well," Nat replied. "In that case, captain, my advice is, youstop in the woods, and Jonathan and I will go down past the fort to theshore, and see what provision they are making in that way. You see, theplace swarms with Canadians, and you would be sure to be spoken to.Redskins don't talk much to each other, unless there is some need forwords, and we can go right through the French camp without fear. Theonly danger is of some loping Mohawk coming up to us, and I don'treckon there are many of 'em in the camp, perhaps nary a one."

  Although James did not like his followers to go into danger, withouthis sharing it, he saw that his presence would enormously add to theirrisks, and therefore agreed to their plan. Withdrawing some distanceinto the wood, and choosing a thick growth of underwood, he entered,and lay down in the bushes, while the two scouts walked quietly awaytowards the camp.

  Two hours passed. Several times he heard footsteps in the wood nearhim, and, peering through the leaves, caught sight of parties ofIndians going towards the camp, either late arrivals from Montreal, orbands that had been out scouting or hunting. At the end of the twohours, to his great relief, he saw two figures coming from the otherway through the woods, and at once recognized the scouts. He crawledout and joined them, as they came up.

  "Thank God you are back again! I have been in a fever, all the time youhave been away."

  "I wish I had known the precise place where you were hiding. I shouldhave made a sign to you to keep quiet; but it ain't of no use, now."

  "What's the matter then, Nat?"

  "I ain't quite sure as anything is the matter," the scout replied; "butI am feared of it. As bad luck would have it, just as we were comingback through the camp, we came upon a Mohawk chief. He looked hard atus, and then came up and said:

  "'The Owl thought that he knew all his brothers; but here are two whosefaces are strange to him.'

  "Of course, I told him that we had been living and hunting, for years,in the English colony, but that, hearing that the Mohawks had joinedthe French, we had come to fight beside our brothers. He asked a fewquestions, and then passed on. But I could see the varmin was notsatisfied, though, in course, he pretended to be glad to welcome usback to the tribe. So we hung about the camp for another half hour, andthen made a sweep before we came out here. I didn't look round, butJonathan stooped, as if the lace of his moccasin had come undone, andmanaged to look back, but, in course, he didn't see anything."

  "Then you have no reason to believe you are followed, Nat?"

  "Don't I tell you I have every reason?" Nat said. "If that redskin, theOwl, has got any suspicion--and suspicion you may be sure he's got--hewon't rest till he's cleared the matter up. He is after us, sureenough."

  "Then had we not better make for the canoe at full speed?"

  "No," Nat said. "If they are behind us, they will be watching ourtrail; and if they see we change our pace, they will be after us like apack of wolves; while, as long as we walk slowly and carelessly, theywill let us go. If it were dark, we might make a run for it, but thereain't no chance at present. If we took to the lake, we should have ahundred canoes after us, while the woods are full of Indians, and awhoop of the Owl would bring a hundred of them down onto our track."

  "Why shouldn't the Owl have denounced you at once, if he suspectedyou?" James asked.

  "Because it ain't redskin nature to do anything, till you are sure,"the scout replied. "There is nothing a redskin hates so much as to bewrong, and he would rather wait, for weeks, to make sure of a thing,than run the risk of making a mistake. I don't suppose he takes us forwhites. He expects we belong to some other tribe, come in as spies."

  "Then what are you thinking of doing?" James asked.

  "We will go on a bit further," Nat said, "in hopes of coming acrosssome stream, where we may hide our trail. If we can't find that, wewill sit down, before long, and eat as if we was careless and in nohurry."

  For a time, they walked on in silence.

  "Do you think they are close to us?" James asked, presently.

  "Not far away," the scout said carelessly. "So long as they see weain't hurrying, they will go easy. They will know, by this time, thatwe have a white man with us, and, like enough, the Owl will have sentback for one or two more of his warriors. Likely enough, he only tookone with him, at first, seeing we were but two, and that he reckoned ontaking us by surprise; but, when he saw you joined us, he would sendback for perhaps a couple more."

  "Then what I would suggest," James said, "is, that we should at oncestroll down to our canoe, put it in the water, and paddle out a fewhundred yards, and there let down the lines we have got on board, andbegin to fish. As long as we are quiet there, the redskins may notinterfere with us, and, when it gets dark, we can make off. At theworst, we have a chance for it, and it seems to me anything would bebetter than this sort of wandering about, when we know that, at anytime, we may have them down upon us."

  "Perhaps that is the best plan," Nat said. "What do you think,Jonathan?"

  Jonathan gave an assenting grunt, and they turned their faces towardsthe lake, still walking at the same leisurely pace. Not once did any ofthe three look back. As they neared the water, James found thetemptation very strong to do so, but he restrained it, and saunteredalong as carelessly as ever.

  The canoe was lifted from its hiding place and put in the water. Asthey were about to step in, the bushes parted, and the Owl stood besidethem.

  "Where are my brothers going?" he asked quietly.

  "We are going fishing," Nat answered. "The noise in the woods will havefrightened game away."

  "There is food in the camp," the Owl said. "The French give food totheir brothers, the redskins."

  "My white brother wants fish," Nat said quietly, "and we have told himwe will catch him some. Will the Owl go with us?"

  The Indian shook his head, and in a moment the canoe put off from theshore, the Indian standing, watching them, at the edge of the water.

  "That's a badly puzzled redskin," Nat said, with a low laugh. "Hisbraves have not come up yet, or he would not have let us start.

  "There, that is far enough. We are out of the range of Indian guns.Now, lay in your paddles, and begin to fish. There are several canoesfishing further out, and the redskin will feel safe. He can cut us off,providing we don't go beyond them."

  The Indian was, as Nat had said, puzzled. That something was wrong hewas sure; but, as he was alone, he was unable to oppose theirdeparture. He watched them closely, as they paddled out, in readinessto give a war whoop, which would have br
ought down the fishing canoesoutside, and given warning to every Indian within sound of his voice;but, when he saw them stop and begin to fish, he hesitated. If he gavethe alarm, he might prove to be mistaken, and he shrank from facing theridicule which a false alarm would bring upon him. Should they reallyprove, as he believed, to be spies, he would, if he gave the alarm,lose the honour and glory of their capture, and their scalps would fallto other hands--a risk not to be thought of.

  He therefore waited, until six of his braves came up. He had alreadyretired among the trees, before he joined them; but the canoe was stillvisible through the branches.

  "The men we tracked have taken to the water. They are fishing. The Owlis sure that they are not of our tribe; but he must wait, till he seeswhat they will do. Let three of my brothers go and get a canoe, andpaddle out beyond them, and there fish. I will remain with the othershere. If they come back again, we will seize them. If they go outfurther, my brothers will call to the redskins in the other canoes, andwill cut them off. The Owl and his friends will soon be with them."

  "There is another canoe coming out, Nat," James said. "Hadn't we bettermake a run for it, at once?"

  "Not a bit of it, captain. Dear me, how difficult it is to teach men tohave patience! I have looked upon you as a promising pupil; but thereyou are, just as hasty and impatient as if you had never spent a day inthe woods. Where should we run to? We must go up the lake, for we couldnot pass the point, for fifty canoes would be put out before we gotthere. We couldn't land this side, because the woods are full ofredskins; and if we led them for ten miles down the lake, and landedt'other side, scores of them would land between here and there, andwould cut us off.

  "No, lad; we have got to wait here till it's getting late. I don't saytill it's dark, but till within an hour or so of nightfall. As long aswe show no signs of going, the chances is as they won't interfere withus. It's a part of redskin natur to be patient, and, as long as theysee as we don't try to make off, they will leave us alone. That's how Ireads it.

  "You agrees with me, Jonathan?

  "In course, you do," he went on, as his companion grunted an assent. "Idon't say as they mayn't ask a question or so; but I don't believe asthey will interfere with us.

  "There is a fish on your line, captain. You don't seem, to me, to beattending to your business."

  James, indeed, found it difficult to fix his attention on his line,when he knew that they were watched by hostile eyes, and that, at anymoment, a conflict might begin. The canoe that had come out last hadshaped its course so as to pass close to those fishing outside them,and a few words had been exchanged with the occupants of each--awarning, no doubt, as to the suspicious character of the fishing partynear them. Beyond this, nothing had happened. The Indians in the canoehad let down their lines, and seemed as intent as the others upon theirfishing.

  The hours passed slowly. Under other circumstances, James would haveenjoyed the sport, for the fish bit freely, and a considerable numberwere soon lying in the canoe. Nat and Jonathan appeared as interestedin their work as if no other boat, but their own, were afloat on thelake. Never once did James see them glance towards the canoes. They didnot talk much, but when they spoke, it was always in the Indian tongue.

  The time seemed endless, before the sun began to sink beyond the lowhills on their left. It was an intense relief, to James, when Nat saidat last:

  "The time is just at hand now, cap. The redskins are tired of waiting.At least, they think that they had better not put it off any longer.They know, as well as we do, that it won't do to wait till it getsdark.

  "Do you see that canoe, that came out last, is paddling down towardsus? It looks as if it were drifting, but I have seen them dip a paddlein, several times. The others are pulling up their lines, so as to bein readiness to join in. Get your piece ready to pick up, and aim themoment I give the word. They think they are going to surprise us, butwe must be first with them. Go on with your fishing, and just drop yourline overboard, when you pick up your gun."

  The canoe approached slowly, until it was within thirty yards. Jamesand his companions went on with their fishing, as if they did notnotice the approach of the other canoe, until one of the Indians spoke.

  "Have my Indian brothers caught many fish?"

  "A goodish few," Nat replied. "One or two of them are large ones.

  "See here," and he stooped as if to select a large fish.

  "Now," he said suddenly.

  In an instant, the three rifles were levelled to the shoulder, andpointed at the Indians. The latter, taken completely by surprise, andfinding themselves with three barrels levelled at them, as by oneaccord dived overboard.

  "Now your paddles," Nat exclaimed.

  Three strokes sent the canoe dancing up to that which the Indians hadjust left. It struck it on the broadside, and rolled it instantly over.

  "Those redskin guns are out of the way, anyhow," Nat said. "Now we havegot to row for it."

  He gave a sharp turn to the canoe as he spoke, and it bounded awaytowards the right, thereby throwing those outside it on their quarter.Simultaneously with the upset of the canoe, half a dozen rifles rangout from the shore, an Indian war whoop rose at the edge of the woods,and, a minute later, half a dozen canoes shot out from shore.