Read With the Allies to Pekin: A Tale of the Relief of the Legations Page 11



  As Rex was returning to breakfast in a state of exceeding bad temper,he met Sandwich, who said: “Sir Claude?s secretary has been round. Hewishes to see you.”

  Rex swung himself round with a grunt of dissatisfaction, and made hisway to the residency. Sir Claude, with four other gentlemen, had justsat down to breakfast when he was shown in.

  “Have you breakfasted, Mr. Bateman?” he asked.

  “No, sir, not yet.”

  “Sit down and take it with me, then; we can talk while we eat.”

  Rex would much rather have gone through his examination and made off tobreakfast with his chum, but as he could not refuse the invitation, hesat down in no very good temper. Sir Claude smiled a little.

  “I can understand,” he said after a minute or two, “by what you saidlast time I had a conversation with you, that you don?t like havingyour good deeds talked about.”

  “I don?t like being talked about in any way, sir.”

  “But in that case, Mr. Bateman, you should not do things thatnecessitate your being talked about.”

  Rex, after a little struggle to maintain his serious face, laughed.

  “Well, sir, I can assure you that if I had my own way I should preferto go about and do what I like and to keep it entirely to myself.”

  “Well, now, you see, the thing has come out, Mr. Bateman, certainly notfrom what you said about it, but from the report made by Mr. Graham,when you applied to him for thirteen Chinamen to be put on rations.I have just been telling these gentlemen of the manner in which yourescued your cousins, and they, as well as myself, want to hear thissecond chapter of adventure. Please tell us all about it.”

  “There is very little to tell, sir.”

  “Excuse me, Mr. Bateman, there must be a good deal to tell, and asyou must be perfectly well aware that you ought not to have left theLegation without permission, the least you can do is to give us a fullaccount of your reasons for doing so, and of the manner in which youcarried out your adventure. Now, please, begin at the beginning andtell us how you learned that the people were in hiding.”

  Beginning, therefore, with his meeting with the Chinaman, Rex told thestory, ending with: “There, sir, I said at the beginning that therewas really nothing to tell, and that it was the simplest thing in theworld.”

  “I do not quite agree with you. Mr. Bateman. I think my friends herewill all join with me in saying that it was an admirably planned andwell carried out scheme, and it cannot, I am sure, be otherwise thana matter of intense gratification to yourself that you have savedthese twelve poor people from a terrible death. It does you verygreat credit, sir, but I hope that you will not undertake any moreenterprises of this kind without speaking to me beforehand. I amcommander–in–chief of the forces here, and before any of my officersundertake enterprises that might deprive me of their services they musthave my consent.”

  As soon as the meal was over, Rex ran back to his quarters.

  “Is there anything left to eat, Sandwich?” he asked.

  “Yes, we put some by for you.”

  “That is a comfort. The governor asked me to breakfast with him, and Ihad scarcely got down two or three mouthfuls when he asked me to tellhim all about that affair last night, and as a fellow cannot talk andeat at once, I fared very badly. What have you got?”

  “There is half a pot of jam and boiled rice.”

  “That will do first–rate. Where are you going to work to–day?”

  “We are going over to the Fu, and are just starting.”

  “Well, I will come across when I am done, and so get out of the way ofbeing jawed at. I suppose we shan?t come back till dusk. That will suitme admirably, for there is sure to be something else fresh during theday, and by to–morrow this business of mine will be forgotten.”

  On the way down to the Fu Rex was captured by a party on the search forvolunteers to drive a hole through the south walls, in order that awatch could be placed there to see that the Chinese were not mining inthat direction. The day was tremendously hot, and as the wall was wellbuilt the labour was extremely exhausting. It was therefore a reliefwhen they were called off to take any measures that might be necessaryat the stable–house. The Chinese had mounted a gun at the barricade ontheir side of the Mongol Market and opened fire on the stable–house.Four shells crashed, one after another, into the stable–house, andthe marines had to evacuate the upper story, and the whole buildingwas so damaged that it was in danger of falling. Several shells alsoburst over the hospital. One entered it, and another killed a pony justoutside it. The marines kept up a steady musketry fire on the Chinesewho were working the gun, and soon managed to drive them off. In theevening the gun again began firing, this time aiming at the door ofthe stable–yard. As, however, the newly–built wall behind it was tenfeet thick they effected no serious damage, and the next morning thegun was removed; and it was not again brought into play.

  This cessation of fire was singular, as, though it had failed to breachthe wall behind the door, it could certainly have destroyed with afew shot the old wall beside the door. Half a dozen guns placed herewould have brought the whole wall down in a very short time and laidour defences open. All sorts of explanations were suggested, but thegeneral idea was that the Chinese officer commanding at that point musthave been secretly in favour of the defenders of the Legation, andanxious that total destruction should not be effected, either becausehe was favourable to the Christian doctrine or feared the vengeancethat would follow by the united powers of Europe.

  While the fire on the stable–house was continuing, a strong attackhad been directed against the barricades of the French Legation. TheChinese lines had been pushed up so close that the fighting was almosthand to hand. M. von Rosthorn, the Austrians? chargé d?affaires, wasfighting here, with his brave wife, a lady who had taken more than hershare in the defence. She endeavoured to destroy the Chinese barrier bythrowing upon it straw dipped in petroleum. The Chinese retorted withshowers of stones, by one of which M. Rosthorn was somewhat severelywounded. Throughout the siege this lady evinced an amount of couragethat was the astonishment of the troops. When Rex went back in theevening from the Fu he looked into the hospital to see the girls. Theyran up to him eagerly, crying breathlessly: “Oh, Rex, everyone istalking about your going out and bringing in a party of men and women!”

  “Well, then, I wish to goodness they would find something better totalk about. There is nothing in the thing at all. A Chinaman who hadcome in told me that the party was in hiding, and guided Ah Lo andme to the place. Of course they were glad enough to come out, and wehad no adventure at all on the way, except that three Boxers came upand interfered with us, and we had to cut two of them down. The otherbolted, and we then got over the wall, made a circuit through thefields, and climbed back over the wall behind the American Legation. Iam quite sick of hearing about it, as if there was nothing else to talkabout. It is quite ridiculous.”

  “Well, people must have thought it was something out of the way,because a notice about it was posted up on the tower early in themorning, and another report that Sir Claude was praising your actionvery much. Lots of people have come in to tell us about it.”

  “It is a pity they hadn?t something better to do,” Rex grumbled. “I amquite sick of the subject; let us talk about something else.”

  “This is the first time I have seen you cross, Rex,” said Jenny.

  “Well, it is enough to make one cross, having such a fuss made aboutnothing. Now, how are you getting on here?”

  “We are all right, though some shells burst over the house thisafternoon, which made us fairly jump.”

  “Yes, I know; they gave us quite a start, but we could see that nogreat harm had been done.”

  “The heat has been awful; we have knocked out all the panes of theupper windows to try and get a little air in, but we have all beenfeeling it very much, and of course you must have felt it more. Ireally don?t know how we should get o
n if we were not allowed off dutyfor two hours each evening, when we can go out and enjoy the cool air.”

  “Yes, it must be terribly trying,” Rex said. “It must be worse for youin that stifling room inside than it is for us, even working in thesun.”

  That night a small party of marines and volunteers went out andendeavoured to capture the gun on the other side of the market–place,but the Chinese stood firm, and they were obliged to retire withouthaving effected anything. They were very well satisfied in the morning,however, when they found that the gun had been removed during the night.

  The next day, the last of June, the fight raged round the FrenchLegation, and although all men, not otherwise employed, who could usea rifle went to the assistance of its defenders, things went badly. Aconsiderable portion of the Legation was burned, and the defenders weredriven back step by step; but when the Chinese were distinctly gettingthe best of it their fire ceased, without any apparent reason, and thewearied defenders and the Chinese coolies had time to put up freshbarricades.

  At nine o?clock a very heavy thunderstorm burst over the city, andat the same time firing was renewed with fresh vigour. Cannon,machine–guns, and rifles added their roar to the rumble of the thunder,and their puny flashes to the vivid sheets of lightning. The firingceased by daylight, and the day passed without any serious disturbance.The next day, however, began badly. The Chinese concentrated theirattempts against the German and American barricades on the wall; theyhad advanced their works to within a hundred yards of the Germans andmounted a gun there, from which they maintained a constant fire. It wasdifficult to send up reinforcements, for there was no shelter betweenthe Legations and the foot of the wall, and several were killed asthey tried to cross. The American barricade on the west was very open,as the Chinese guns at the Chien Mên gates commanded it. On the nightof the 30th of June the enemy threw up a new barricade within two feetof the American one.

  On the 2nd of July, at daybreak, the Chinese stormed the Germanbarricade and drove its defenders from the wall. The Americans, seeingtheir own rear open to attack, hurriedly left the defence and randown to their Legation. This was a grievous misfortune. The Ministersall met at the British Legation, and decided that the wall must beretaken at whatever cost, as the Chinese were placing guns upon itthat would sweep the whole position. No time was lost. A body ofmarines, Americans, British, and Russians, were collected, and, ledby Colonel Myers, dashed boldly forward and drove the Chinese backalong the wall. The enemy had taken no steps whatever to strengthentheir position, or even to mass any body of troops capable of holdingit against a determined attack. The moment the position was regainedeveryone who could work a sewing–machine or a needle was called uponto make sand–bags. Every sort of stuff was called into requisition forthe purpose; ladies cut up silk and cotton dresses, men contributedspare pairs of trousers—which only required sewing up at the bottomof the legs and again at the top after being filled. With these thebarricades were strengthened. Nevertheless, although the position wasre–established, a general feeling of depression was felt. The Germanshad not worked well, their resistance to the attack had been feeble,and none of their marines had joined in recovering the wall.

  The feeling was deepened by events at the French Legation. Here Mr.Wagner, an officer of the customs–house, was killed and the Frenchguards were driven back. Later, however, they recovered the positionand returned to their barricades.

  In the afternoon there was another misfortune. An Italian officer,Captain Paolina, proposed to attempt the capture of a gun in thenortheast, facing the Fu, which had caused considerable annoyance. Hesuggested that the Japanese should proceed along the side of the canal,and then, working round a large block of houses, come down upon thegun from the north, while he, with a mixed party, should make his waybetween two of the blocks of houses against which the gun was directed.His own party of Italians was a small one, but they were supported by afew Italian marines and some Austrian and British volunteers. Among thelatter were the students of the Consular College.

  “It seems to be rather a hare–brained scheme,” Sandwich said. “I do notknow whether this Italian officer has any particular means of findingout the lie of the land, but we certainly seem going at it in rather aheadlong way, and without taking any precautions whatever. However, aswe have not been called upon for much work, it is our turn for a fight.I suppose you are coming, Bateman?”

  “Of course I am. I regard myself as a consular student at present, andam certainly game to take part in whatever is going on, though, as yousay, it seems wiser to gather in the part of the Fu that remains in ourhands, and go straight from that to the gun.”

  They started along the side of the canal. When the Japanese had gone onahead, the rest of the force rushed up the little lane at the cornerof the Fu. Here they found themselves suddenly face to face with abarricade, eight feet high and loopholed. It was impossible to assaultit. The Italians, who were ahead, made a mad rush for the hole leadinginto the wall to the Fu. They almost fought their way in, for it wasbut wide enough for one man to pass at a time. The officer was wounded,and two of the marines were killed. While the struggle was going on,the volunteers stood with their backs against a wall which was alittle out of the general line of fire, and when the Italians were outof the way they made a dash for the door, one by one. The first fourgot across in safety, but the last was hit in the shoulder and leg.The Japanese, meanwhile, had forced their way some distance north,but after having one man killed and two wounded, finding themselvesunsupported, they fell back.

  The failure of the affair excited much indignation in the Legation. Ithad been attempted without any knowledge of the ground, without anypains being taken to ascertain the enemy?s position, and in a hasty andhaphazard manner. Their success, however, gave great encouragement tothe enemy.

  The next day the Chinese gun again opened fire against the Fu, andunder its cover a furious attack was made on the building. TheJapanese, who had already suffered heavily, were forced back, fightingstoutly; and they must have been driven out of the building had itnot been for a company of Christian Chinese whom their colonel hadassiduously drilled, and who now fought as bravely as the Japanesethemselves. With their aid the Japs recovered their lost ground by theend of the day.

  The Chinese had shown particular animosity towards this company ofconverts, hurling curses against them and hitting them with stones.This was the result of an imperial proclamation which had been issuedon the previous day, ordering that all missionaries and converts whodid not repent of their former error should be slain.

  The position at the American barricade was becoming more and moredangerous. The Chinese attack had increased in vigour, and they hadbuilt another barricade diagonally across the bastion, and almosttouching that of the Americans. The consequence was that they could atany moment from their barricade pour into the bastion, and then make arush over the American barrier. It was evident that if they were notdriven out the wall must be abandoned. At daybreak, therefore, theAmericans, strengthened by a reinforcement of British and Russians,gathered noiselessly behind their barricade, and, with the first gleamof light, dashed over it. They found most of the Chinese behind the newbarricade asleep, and bayoneting them, drove the enemy also from thebarrier on the other side of the wall. The Chinamen rallied, however,behind a barricade farther along the wall, and again opened fire,killing two of the American marines, and wounding Corporal Gregoryof the British marines, and Colonel Myers, who had all along been incommand. This was a serious loss to the defence.

  By this time life in the British Legation had become smooth andregular, with the exception that a number of Chinese men and women,for whom no houseroom could be found, had to be accommodated in rudeshelters in the square in front of the British envoy?s house. All weresettled down, and every crevice through which a musket–ball could enterhad been closed up. The chapel had been divided into compartments, andsome fifty people were lodged in it. The library had been thrown opento the use of all within the Legation. The
wells were fortunately full,and the health of the whole company was excellent.

  Communication was opened with the Fu, as a sloping passage had beendriven down into the canal and a strong barrier erected at the lowerend, so that it was possible to pass along it without risk of sufferingfrom the fire kept up from the north bridge.

  From another quarter, however, the enemy were giving a great deal oftrouble. Owing to the burning of the museum the space between ouroutposts and the Imperial wall was clear. The Chinese had now builtbehind that wall a strong platform and mounted several cannon upon it,only one of which, however, was of foreign make. The parapet of thewall, heightened and loopholed, served as a breastwork, and as theyput an iron shutter before the larger gun, they could with perfectsafety bombard the Legation below, only three hundred yards away. Thebesieged could make no reply to the fire. The wall itself could not bebreached unless by heavy cannon, and had the Chinese placed upon thewall some of the modern cannon, of which they had abundance, and addedto their number, they could easily have destroyed all the Legations.But, strange to say, they contented themselves with only firing anoccasional shot, which did a certain amount of damage no doubt, butnothing serious.

  Why the Boxers should not have utilized this commanding position isa mystery, and as inexplicable as their failure to use the gun onthe opposite side of the market. This question was, too, a fertilecause of argument. In many respects the Chinese showed a good deal ofintelligence in their attacks, and it was simply astounding that theyshould almost entirely neglect two points from which they could havedone us more harm than from all others together. Some asserted thatit must be due to officers in Ching?s force, men who, like himself,absolutely disapproved of the attack upon the Legations. But whateverthe reason, all agreed that had the enemy utilized these two positions,the defence of the Legations must sooner or later have broken down.

  “They are a curious mixture,” Sandwich said. “Sometimes they seem tofight very pluckily, and then when they have really got the best ofit they seem to hesitate in an unaccountable manner. Twice, you see,it has really been open to them, if they had made a push, to takepossession of the American and German Legations and they might alsohave captured the French; then all of a sudden their attack ceasedwithout any apparent reason. Again, when they had captured the walls,which really placed us almost at their mercy, they let themselves bedriven off by less than a hundred men. Considering the force that theyhave at their disposal, they ought to have repulsed the attack withease. Then they did actually repel our attack on the other side ofthe market, but the moment they had done so they withdrew the gun andceased to harass us. They have any number of guns at their disposal,and might have planted a score of them there, in which case they couldhave battered down the whole length of our wall on that side in a fewhours. Now they have stuck those guns up there and play right down intothe residency, yet they leave unworked the one formidable piece theyhave at that point.”

  “It almost looks, Sandwich, as if they were divided into two parties,one using some sort of activity in order to take the place, the otherthwarting them at every turn. That is the only explanation I can thinkof. It is a pity that one can?t get at some of the leaders. I don?tmean, of course, that Prince Tung could be bribed, but there must besome smaller princes and mandarins who would be amenable to a handsomeoffer, and who would go round to the side of Prince Ching, who we doknow is dead against the Tung party. The best plan, though I don?t fora moment suggest that it is possible, would be to kidnap the Empress,and bring her in here in a sedan–chair.”

  Sandwich laughed.

  “That certainly would be a grand move, but, short of the power ofmaking invisible the Empress, the chair, and its bearers, I am afraidthere is no way of doing it.”

  “No, I am afraid not. Certainly it could only be done by someone whoknows the palace and its ways perfectly. We may take it for grantedthat all the approaches are guarded, and that it would be absolutelyimpossible for anyone who is not perfectly familiar with the place tomake his way in. That is the difficulty. I suppose that if a man couldonce make an entrance and hide up, he would be able to get at theEmpress. She must be alone sometimes, and if he could get at her atsuch a time and put a pistol to her head, he might be able to get herout. I don?t suppose she would be less amenable to persuasion of thatsort than other women.”

  Sandwich burst into a fit of laughter.

  “You are a curious fellow, Bateman. I do believe you would be madenough to try it if you could see the slightest possibility of success.”

  Rex joined in the laugh.

  “I am not sure that I wouldn?t. It would be well worth risking one?slife to save the occupants of these Legations, but I confess I do notsee a possibility of carrying out the idea, at any rate without theassistance of someone who knows every in and out of the place, wherethe guards are placed, what are the habits of the Empress, how sheoccupies every minute of the day, and all that sort of thing. If aman had learnt all that, and had got such a guide, I should say thatit would be possible. In case of failure, however, he would have tobe prepared to put an end to himself, so as to avoid a very much moreunpleasant form of death. But it is useless to think of it, as I haveno idea whatever of the geography of the forbidden city, or the routineof life there. It is a pity, for it would really be worth trying.”

  “It is a pity,” Sandwich laughed. “Can?t you suggest any other plan?For instance we might make a balloon, anchor it over the palace, andkeep up a rain of Greek fire till we have destroyed the palace and allits occupants.”

  “I am afraid that could not be done,” Rex said, “there are many reasonsagainst it, but it is a thousand pities that we have not a good stockof iron here and a smelting–furnace.”

  “What would you do with that?”

  “Well we might make a big mortar, say a two–foot mortar; it would notneed to be very strong, because a small charge of powder would besufficient for our purpose. If we could but drop a half a dozen shellsinto the Imperial Palace, I should think the Empress would be inclinedto come to terms speedily if she did not want the palace and all itscontents burned.”

  “That is a more feasible idea than the last,” Sandwich said gravely;“but, as you say, we haven?t got iron or a smelting–furnace, norpowder, nor skill. If we had all these things we might manage it.Try again, old man. If you keep on inventing things you may hit uponsomething good some day or other.”

  “My opinion is,” Rex said sturdily, “that where there is a willthere is a way. I have no doubt that when a certain ingenious fellowsuggested making a wooden horse to capture Troy he was tremendouslychaffed at first, but nevertheless you see he succeeded.”

  “So he did, Rex, therefore clearly there is a chance for you.”

  “I am afraid not,” Rex said, shaking his head gravely.

  “Well, I would go on thinking, Bateman, if I were you. For myself I ownthat I see no way at all, but I do think that you would be more likelyto invent a way than anyone else, considering the manner in which yourescued your cousins from the Boxers, and your success in getting inand out of this place, to say nothing of the convoying of those nativeChristians into the Legation. I believe that if a plan could be hitupon, you would be the fellow to do it, and to carry it out; but I amafraid that this is beyond you.”

  “I am afraid so; still, I shall keep on thinking the matter over. I ama great believer in the saying that where there is a will there is away.”

  The next morning there was quite a stir. The Chinese had discoveredan old iron cannon in one of the shops of Legation Street. It wasan old Chinese gun, and it was a question whether it could be firedwithout bursting. The Russians had brought up some shell with them, butno gun, and after cleaning out the gun, they found that these shellwould fit it moderately well. With some trouble the gun was mountedon the wheels of a hand carriage. Some of the charge was then removedfrom one of the Russian shells, and, the onlookers having retired toa safe distance, it was pushed home and fired. The result was grand;the gun turned over a
nd over, the wheels went into fragments, but asthe spectators ran up, a cheer broke from them, for they found that,contrary to all expectations, the gun had not burst. The one–pounderItalian gun was then brought up, and the Chinese gun mounted upon it.This suggested the happy idea of utilizing the Italian gun, which waswithout shell. A quantity of leaden candlesticks was therefore broughtin by the coolies, melted down, and cast into shot, and thus theLegation received the addition of two guns to its armament. Both provedvery useful. They were brought up to assist in the defence of any pointseriously threatened, and evidently created a considerable impressionupon the assailants.

  On Sunday, July 8th, the Chinese made a heavier attack than usual.The British and French Legations and the Fu were all subject to thisattack. On the spot from which they had set fire to the buildingsbehind the Chinese secretary?s house the enemy now planted a gun,and proceeded to shell the house and the fort on its roof. This didconsiderable damage, and caused much excitement, but after firingfor some time they stopped in the same unaccountable way as they haddone at other points. The defenders had begun to make a slide for thepurpose of hauling their new gun up to the roof, but this was abandonedas soon as the Chinese fire ceased, as the gun was urgently wanted toaid the Japanese to repel a serious attack upon the Fu.

  The attack there was a very sharp one, the Chinese keeping up a heavyfire of shell, and setting some more of the buildings in flames. TheJaps, however, were in the end successful in driving the enemy off.The defenders of the French Legation were very hardly pressed for atime, but the attack was finally repulsed. At this point the Austriancaptain, who had a fortnight before ordered the troops out of theRussian, French, German, and American Legations, was killed fightingbravely. The Germans and Americans had also to fight hard to repel theattacks made upon them.

  Rex always looked forward greatly to his hour?s chat with the girlsevery evening. He had, early in the siege, introduced Sandwich andthree or four of the other consular students to them, and one or moreof these generally accompanied him on his visits, so that they madequite a merry party, as there were generally many amusing incidents ofthe day to be related. As a rule, however, they chatted upon generaltopics—life in Tientsin, the prospects of relief, and other matters.Sandwich had caused great amusement, the evening after he and Rex haddiscussed the latter?s projects, by gravely detailing them to thegirls, who, however, at first seemed a little alarmed lest Rex shouldendeavour to carry them into effect.

  “You need not be afraid, girls,” Rex said. “One must think of somethingwhile one is standing on sentry for hours; and I can assure you thatit helped me very much through the long hours to imagine the variousways in which one might do service. I do not intend to take Sandwichinto my confidence in the future. I consider that his retailing theseideas to you is nothing short of gross treachery. In future he will nothear of these matters until they have been accomplished. When I bringthe Empress into the Legation, tied on my back in a sack, he will beobliged to own that there is method in my madness.”

  “But really, Rex, you have no idea of carrying out any of these madschemes?”

  “I have no idea of carrying out any mad schemes, Jenny. Schemes areonly considered mad when they are not carried out; when they areaccomplished, everyone says how simple and easy they are. However,whether mad or simple, I have no idea of attempting to execute any ofthem at present. Possibly some day I may require your assistance. Ido not say that I shall, because I have not at present fixed upon anyplan, but when I do, I may put your devotion to the test.”

  “I will do anything that I can do, Rex,” Jenny said seriously. “Afteryour rescue of us from the yamen at Chafui I don?t think I shouldconsider anything that you might suggest as impossible.”

  “Very well. I am afraid, however, that I shan?t be able to ask foryour assistance, Jenny, for my brain really doesn?t seem capable ofinventing anything. I am always thinking of things when on sentry, butI have never managed to hit on a satisfactory scheme. It is horriblyannoying. I came back into this place on purpose to be of some good,and yet I don?t seem to be doing any good at all.”

  “Why, my dear Bateman, you are doing as much good as anyone else,”Sandwich laughed. “Nobody else performs any out–of–the–way feats, andwhy should you be called upon to do so? You do as much as anyone else.”

  “Yes, I know all about that; but, you see, every day our position getsa little worse. The French, the Americans, and the Germans are all hardpressed; the Japanese, the Italians, and the Austrians are graduallylosing ground in the Fu; and I feel that something ought to be done,if I could but find out what that something is. If we had had someinventive sort of chap up here—a man like Edison, for instance—hewould have hit upon fifty plans for annoying the enemy. He wouldhave invented special electrical machines for startling them, wouldhave contrived substitutes for cannon, would have peppered them withpneumatic machines; in fact there is no saying what he would not havedone.”

  “But even an Edison would have required a workshop. We haven?t amachine of any kind, not even a simple lathe.”

  “Well, he would have done without them,” Rex said positively. “It vexesme very much that no one here seems to have an inventive genius. Lookat Archimedes, what wonderful dodges he invented for the defence ofSyracuse!”

  Sandwich and his two companions laughed loudly.

  “I am afraid there is no Archimedes here, Bateman, and you must put upwith the ordinary means of defence, which do not, after all, succeedso badly. We have held out for a month now, and at the end of anothermonth we shall still be in possession of a good deal of ground; butby that time I should think relief must be at hand, even allowing forthe fact that there will be troops of half a dozen nationalities inthe relieving column and the consequent delays, for it is not to beexpected that the different sections will work well together. Besides,it is evident, from the desultory manner in which they attack, thatthe Chinese are very much divided among themselves. Look at the waythey get guns into good positions to annoy us, and then fail to usethem. If they were to plant cannon all round us and keep up a steadyfire, they could knock all the Legations to pieces in the course of aweek. This must be due to disputes among the leaders, for we know thatthe Chinese soldiers are obedient as well as brave, and that if theguns are not used it can be from no fault on their part. I feel veryconfident, therefore, that even without the assistance of an Edison oran Archimedes we shall manage to hold out till relief comes.”

  A day or two after this, Sandwich and Rex were chatting together intheir own quarters, when the former said: “Those cannon will soon bringthe whole place about our ears. They have already done terrible damage.To–day three men have been killed, and the house is little better thana ruin; it is impossible for men to stay in the upper floor.”

  Rex sat silent for some little time, and then, without making a remark,got up and went to find Ah Lo.

  “Ah Lo,” he said, “you know the damage those guns across the markethave been doing?”

  “Yes, master, very serious. Other guns not do so much harm; those verybad.”

  “Well, I am thinking that I might go out and silence them.”

  Ah Lo looked at Rex by the light of a lantern, which was hangingoverhead, to see if he were speaking in earnest.

  “Master would get killed,” he said, shaking his head.

  “I don?t think so, Ah Lo. Of course there is some danger in it, but Ithink that it might be managed.”

  “Ah Lo is ready to go with his master, if he chooses to kill himself,”the Chinaman said; “but killed he would be for sure.”

  “I don?t think so,” Rex said. “Anyhow, it is worth the risk. They willhave that house down, and the wall behind it, if they are allowed to goon much longer. Then there will be a fierce rush and all will be over.”

  “But how will master do it?”

  “Well, I shall take a hammer and a long spike with me, and if you gowith me—but mind you, Ah Lo, I don?t ask you to go——“

  “You must take me too.??

  “Very well then, as only two guns are worrying us, you take one andI take the other. We can do it in half a minute. Of course you mustmanage to get me some native disguise, for we shall have to mix withthe enemy to some extent, they are sure to be sitting and talking roundthe guns. And then we must run for it.”

  “Can?t run across the market. We know that there are lots of them inthe houses on this side of it.”

  “No, I quite see that, Ah Lo. We must run the other way. I think I canrun faster than most Chinamen, and if we get a start of a few yards,which is likely, as they will not at first realize what has been done,we ought to be able to escape and find a secure hiding–place. Thenthe next day we can work our way back at some point the enemy are notwatching.”

  “Very well, master,” Ah Lo said in a more hopeful tone; “when do yougo, sir?”

  “I will go to–morrow night, as we shall require some time to make ourpreparations. Mind, you are not to say a word to anyone of what we aregoing to do, for if he heard of it, it is possible that Sir ClaudeMacdonald would stop us.”

  “Ah Lo will tell nobody, master. It is all the same to him whether heis killed outside or starved inside.”

  Rex went to bed, and lay awake for some time thinking how the affairhad best be managed. He came to the conclusion that the only way wouldbe to lower himself by a rope from the end of the burnt library, thenmake his way round and come up to the guns from behind. It struck himthat it would perhaps be advisable to tie knots in the rope as a helpto them when they were climbing back again, but in the end he decidedto make a rope–ladder, for he had a strong idea that neither Ah Lo norhimself would be able to swarm up a rope. When morning broke he wentdown to the store, which he unlocked, and after rummaging about forsome time found a long rope, two hammers, and some long spike–nails.He hid the hammers and spikes in his bed, and then, retiring toan unfrequented corner of the Residency, he soon manufactured arope–ladder, cutting some boughs to form the rungs. This ladder heconcealed near the spot where he intended to get over the wall.

  Later in the day Ah Lo brought him a Chinese dress.

  “We take guns with us, sir?”

  “No, Ah Lo, they would only be in our way when we wanted to run. Wecan, however, hide our swords under our clothes, and I will get arevolver and ammunition for you. I can borrow them from Mr. Sandwich,telling him that I am going on guard, and that my own weapon hassomehow got out of order.”

  The day passed off quietly, except that the guns across the marketstill continued to batter the house and to make a breach in the wallbehind it. Soon after midnight Ah Lo joined his master. Rex?s disguisehad been laid down by the rope–ladder, and as soon as he got there hechanged and prepared for a start. They got safely over the wall andthen struck off in a direction opposite to the market. For some timethey saw no one in the streets, but as they got farther away they hereand there met people hurrying along, evidently fearful of being withinthe range of the firing from the wall. When they had gone some distancethey turned and made a sweep towards the market. Now they came upongroups of soldiers. Firing had ceased for the day, and would not beginagain until two or three hours before daybreak. An occasional bulletwhistled overhead, showing that the garrison were on the alert; foralthough the firing generally ended with the day, yet fierce attackswere often made during the night.

  Rex and Ah Lo sauntered quietly about among the soldiers, graduallygetting nearer and nearer to the spot where the guns were placed.

  “I suppose we can look at them,” said Ah Lo, who with several otherswas standing near them.

  “Certainly you can,” the man said. “They are doing good work. Inanother couple of days we shall have the wall down, and then we shallfinish off with the white devils.”

  “That is good,” Ah Lo said.

  “They have been here too long as it is, and ought to be cleared offwithout delay. When we have got rid of the last of them we shall be ourown masters again. They are always meddling in our affairs, just asif they were our masters instead of only living here by permission ofthe Empress. They even venture to tell us what we should do, and theirbishops get made mandarins, and then, if their people commit crimes,they will not have them punished. We have put up with it too long; nowwe are going to make an end of it once and for all.”

  “Quite right!” Ah Lo said, as he lounged up to the gun, for at that?moment Rex moved towards the other. While they pretended to beexamining the guns, they quietly inserted the points of the spikes intothe touch–holes. Then Rex looked round. The moment seemed favourable.Eight or ten soldiers were standing close to them, talking overthe fighting of the day, and the prospect of making a breach in themorning. Farther back other soldiers were laughing, talking, andcooking their rice. He waited a minute, and then signalled to Ah Lo.On the instant two heavy hammers fell on the heads of the spikes. Withthree quick strokes they drove them up to the head in the touch–holes,then, throwing down the hammers, they started off at full speed.

  The soldiers shouted as they saw the spikes being driven in, butthe strikers had gone some thirty or forty yards before they hadsufficiently recovered from their surprise to think of pursuit. Rex andAh Lo increased their lead to fifty yards before their pursuers hadfairly got up their pace. They turned down the first lane they came toand then down another. Glancing back, Rex saw that so far they wereholding their own, except that two Boxers, swifter than the rest, weresome yards ahead of the main body of their pursuers. The Chinamen, asthey ran, set up a perpetual shouting, which did not improve theirspeed.

  “We must get rid of these two men,” said Rex, speaking for the firsttime since they started. “Slacken your speed a little and let them comeup to us, then suddenly turn round upon them.”

  “All right, sir!” Ah Lo said.

  “I shall use my revolver, Ah Lo, you can use either your revolver oryour sword, whichever you like.”


  A minute later the two foremost of the pursuers came rushing upon them,but the sudden pause of the fugitives had left them no time to drawtheir swords. Rex?s revolver cracked out, laying one of them low, andAh Lo, using his sword, struck the other with such force that he nearlydecapitated him. There was a shout of rage from the party behind. Rexand his companion, needless to say, did not stop to listen, but at onceturned and continued their flight. They ran down till they were broughtup suddenly at the end of a lane where a house rose straight in frontof them. It was too late to retrace their steps.

  “What is to be done, master?” Ah Lo asked.

  “We must break in the door, if it is not open.”

  The first door they tried, however, was unfastened. They entered, shotthe bolt to, and ran to the back of the house. They were disappointed,however, for there was no opening through which they could escape.Without wasting time they turned and ran upstairs to a terrace on thetop of the house. Here a number of clothes flapped in the wind; it wasevidently the family drying–ground.

  “We can defend this ladder for a bit, Ah Lo, but they must beat us inthe end. Let us scramble up to the other end of the street.”

  Looking down they saw that the lane was now full of soldiers, someof whom carried lanterns. It was no easy matter getting along on theroofs, as the houses were irregular in height. Sometimes they had tojump down ten or twelve feet, at others to help each other up walls ofequal height. They were some distance along when they heard a suddenshout, and knew that their pursuers had broken down the door of thehouse and had entered, and another that told that the enemy had gainedthe roof and found that it was deserted. In a short time lanternsappeared on the roofs of some of the houses, but the fugitives werealready within a house or two of the end of the lane.

  “The streets are full of people,” Rex said, peering over. “We can?t getdown here. We must jump upon the house behind; it is four or five feetlower than this, so we shall have no difficulty.”

  Without hesitation he stood upon the parapet behind and leapt. Ah Lofollowed his example.

bsp; “Now,” said Rex, “let us run down. The house will probably be empty, asthe family is sure to run out to see what the row is about.”

  There were, indeed, some women standing in the lower room, and thesegave a cry of astonishment when the two fugitives rushed past themthrough the open door and joined the people who were hurrying up to theother end of the lane. Now that they were mixed up in the crowd, Rexfelt that there was little fear of being detected. Only the soldierthey had been talking to would know their faces, and as he had beenamong the first to take up the pursuit he must now be down at thefarther end of the next lane, or more probably on the roof of the housethey had entered. As the crowd was already very dense, he could notpossibly make his way back.

  Suddenly flames broke out from one of the houses they had crossed,and soon it was seen that other houses were on fire also. A cry ofdismay broke from the Chinese standing near. They were accustomed tohigh–handed proceedings, for many houses had been burnt by the Boxersin the pursuit of plunder or in their indignation at failing to findany. They had now evidently fired the houses as the easiest way ofdestroying the fugitives, who had shown that they would sell theirlives dearly.

  Gradually Rex and Ah Lo withdrew themselves to the edge of the excitedcrowd. Many of the people were already moving off to carry their goodsfrom the houses in the adjoining lanes, for the wind was blowingstrong, and there was no saying how far the conflagration would spread,as the houses were but flimsy erections, being composed chiefly ofbamboo and mud, which would catch like tinder when attacked by theflame. They moved away from the scene gradually, and without anyappearance of haste. The alarm had evidently spread some distance, forthey met a fire–brigade of men carrying tubs of water slung on poleshurrying towards the spot. People were standing at their doors watchingthe blaze, and calculating whether, if it spread, it would come theirway.

  “Well, Ah Lo,” Rex said, “you see it has not been a very dangerousbusiness after all, and if those two soldiers we killed had not been sofast we might have got away without being pressed at all.”

  “It was very unfortunate for them,” Ah Lo said quietly, “and I don?tsuppose they knew what they were running for. Very few of them couldhave known that we had spiked the guns. It was lucky that those twohouses were so close to each other that we were able to leap across,otherwise they might have had us.”

  “I don?t think they would, even in that case, Ah Lo. We might reallyhave gone down through that last house and joined the crowd there.”

  “We might, master, but I don?t think we could. Everyone had run to thestreets by that time, and doubtless many were standing at their doors,and would have noticed two strange men running behind them.”

  “At any rate we are well out of it, Ah Lo. We can now walk quietlyround and go up our ladder; but mind you do not say a word to anyoneabout this affair.”

  “Why not, master?” Ah Lo asked in surprise.

  “For two or three reasons. In the first place, the governor might blameus for undertaking a business of that sort without asking permission.You see, although I did not think so at the time, any Chinaman comingalong there and seeing that ladder might have gone and reported thefact, and by its means a large number of the enemy might have crossedthe wall before they were discovered, and the safety of the garrisonwould then have been endangered. That is one reason. The next is,that I don?t want everyone to be making a fuss now that it is over.Some might blame me for my recklessness, while others might pat meon the back because of my success. That is a thing that I shouldspecially hate. We did not do it for praise, but to be of service tothe garrison. For these reasons I want you to hold your tongue, and notwhisper a word to anyone. We are quite content that we have renderedgood service to the Legation, saved many lives, and put the garrison ina position to repair damages unmolested. That ought to be satisfactionenough for anyone.”

  “Very good, master; Ah Lo will keep his mouth shut if master wishes it.He is not a talker, and now that he knows what master wishes he will doit.”

  Half an hour?s walking brought them to the foot of the ladder, andhaving climbed over the wall they coiled up the rope again, and Rextook it to the magazine and put it where he had found it. Then,satisfied that he had done a good piece of work, he went and lay downuntil it was his turn to go on sentry.

  The next morning there was considerable surprise when it was found thatthe two troublesome guns were silent. It was some time before there wasany thought of making good the damage, but as the hours went by, andthere was still no firing, a strong body of men was put on to repairthe defences as fast as possible.

  Many were the surmises and conjectures circulated through the Residencyas to the cause of the change. Some said that the Peace party had againgot the upper hand, and that fresh terms had been offered. Othersasserted that fresh cannon had been planted round the Residency, andthat the others were to hold their fire till these were ready foraction, when an overwhelming fire would be poured in. Some again wereof opinion that the soldiers had mutinied on account of the heavylosses they had sustained without making any appreciable progress,while a few maintained that the relieving army must be near at hand,and that every fighting–man had been sent out to oppose them. The nextmorning Sandwich came into the room where Rex was eating his breakfastafter being relieved from guard.

  “You know, Rex,” he said excitedly, “about those two guns beingsilenced.”

  “Yes. I suppose everyone in the Residency knows about it,” Rex repliedquietly.

  “I have just heard a report that your servant asserts that it was yourdoing.”

  Rex jumped up with an angry exclamation.

  “The rascal! I will break every bone in his body. He promised mefaithfully that not a word about it should pass his lips.”

  “Then it is really true?” Sandwich said in surprise.

  “True! Yes, but I was particularly anxious that it should not be known,so that I should escape the fuss that people are always ready to makeabout every little thing. I will go out and talk to Master Ah Lo. Ican?t think how he can have spoken about it after his promises tome, for he has always proved himself a most faithful fellow. I can?tbelieve he did it to get a reward, but I don?t see any other motivethat he can have had.”

  So saying he hurried out of the room, followed by Sandwich, who invain attempted to get some of the particulars from him. He found Ah Lostanding with the Provost Marshal?s hand on his shoulder.

  “Your servant has been making a row,” the latter said, “and thrashing aservant of the Belgian embassy.”

  “Yes, sir, and I would thrash him again,” Ah Lo blurted out.

  “What has he done?” Rex asked, calming down instantly on seeing his manin this predicament.

  “It was like this, sir. The Belgian man came up to three or four of uswho were standing together, and he said, ?Do you know who did it?? Sowe all said ?No,? and I said it as loud as any of them. Then he said?I did.? We all stood astonished, one as much as the other; and hewent on: ?I crept out of the Russian Legation and made my way throughthe market and got up to the guns and silenced them!? Then, sir, Iwas furious, and I shouted, ?You are a liar! my master did it,? and Iseized him by the throat and beat him. I know I was wrong, master, tosay anything about you, but my rage was too great for me to think whatI was saying. Then others ran in, and of course the Provost Marshalcame, and having once said it, of course I repeated it.”

  “You were wrong, Ah Lo, but at the same time I can make allowances foryour indignation. Now that the thing has begun it must be gone throughwith. Provost, will you take this man before Sir Claude Macdonald? Wewill go too, and I think between us we will get at the truth of thematter.”

  “I am ready,” the Belgian said, “you both wish to win my honour andreward from me, after my risking my life. Sir Claude Macdonald willsoon see which story is true.”

  “I have no doubt he will,” Rex said. “We had better go at once,Provost, or we shall have the whole of the Legation here,” for a crowdwas rapidly gathering round them.

  When they reached the ambassador?s quarters the Provost went in firstto acquaint him with the cause of the dispute, and then the othersentered. Sir Claude acknowledged Rex?s salute, and then, turning tothe Belgian, said: “As you seem to have made the first claim to thishonour, I shall be obliged if you will give me the account of how youmanaged it.”

  “I went out through the back of the Russian embassy,” the man said;“there is a little tower close to the corner.”

  “But that is known to be full of Chinese.”

  “It was full,” the man said, “but they were all asleep. Then I passedthrough the market–place unobserved.”

  “How was that?” Sir Claude asked. “Only the night before we made asortie, and found the place held in great force.”

  “They must all have gone out,” the man said; “I saw none of them.Then, creeping very cautiously, I got to the guns,” he continued.“The soldiers there were also asleep, and I silenced the guns withoutdifficulty.”

  “And how did you do that?” Sir Claude asked.

  “I,” the man hesitated, “poured some water into the touch–holes fromthe pitcher I had brought with me. Then I returned the way that I hadcome.”

  Sir Claude waved his hand with a gesture of contempt.

  “Water could only have silenced the guns for five minutes,” he said.“You know of no better way of silencing them?”

  The man hesitated.

  “I might have thrown them off the carriage,” he said, “but I was afraidof doing this, as it might have awakened the men.”

  “I should think it would,” Sir Claude said quietly, “and if you had hadthe strength of ten men you could not have got them over. Mr. Bateman,will you kindly give me your account of the affair?”

  “I am sorry, sir, to give any account at all, for I had particularlyordered my servant not to open his lips on the subject. Enraged at thisfellow?s preposterous claim, however, he lost his temper and blurtedout the truth. It was a very simple affair, sir, though not so simple,I own, as this gentleman?s exploit, for I did not find the whole of theChinese army asleep.” He then related the steps they had taken, theirpursuit and escape.

  “You agree in every particular with what your master has said?” SirClaude asked Ah Lo.

  “He tell it all right; just so, that just how it happen.”

  “Provost Marshal,” Sir Claude said quietly, “take that man out and givehim three dozen well laid on for his infamous attempt to gain creditand reward at the expense of others.”

  The Provost bowed and left the room with his prisoner, who began tohowl for mercy.

  “Now, Mr. Bateman,” Sir Claude said, turning to Rex, “I hardly knowwhether to praise or blame you. This is the third dangerous expeditionyou have made on your own account, and, like the others, it has beensuccessful. Still, as I told you on the last occasion, while shut uphere, you, although a civilian, are subject to military rule, and itis strictly forbidden for anyone to leave the circle of the defenceswithout permission. For doing this I cannot but speak severely. On theother hand, the advantages which have been attained by your silencingthose guns are quite inestimable. Their fire menaced our defences mostseriously, and if it had continued many hours longer we should havebeen exposed to a desperate attack by that half–frenzied mob. Thatattack we might have repulsed or we might not, but assuredly it wouldhave taxed our strength to the utmost, and even if the first had beenunsuccessful, the second might not have been. I thank you, sir, in thename of the whole of the garrison, foreign as well as British, for theservice you have rendered us. Already the defences have been so farrepaired as to enable us to withstand any sudden attack; very soon theywill be still stronger. If we succeed in winning our deliverance andholding out till the relieving column arrives it will be to no smallextent due to your courage and pluck. It must add considerably to yourpleasure to know that your cousins are among those who will benefit byyour bravery.”

  “I am greatly pleased and honoured by your approval, sir,” Rex said,“but I would very much rather that the affair had not been known atall. I carried it out assuredly without any wish of gaining credit, butsimply for the good of the garrison, and I should very greatly havepreferred escaping the talk and congratulation that I shall now have tosubmit to.”

  Sir Claude smiled.

  “My dear lad,” he said, “it is only right that the great deeds men doshould be known, if only as an example to others. If we all shrank fromdanger there would be few great deeds. You know the old saying, ?to thevictor is the wreath,? and it is only right that it should be so. It isone thing to glorify yourself and another to be glorified by others.Ah Lo, here are fifty guineas from me as a mark of my approbation ofthe manner in which you assisted your master in carrying out thisundertaking.”

  In a very short time the story was known throughout the Residencies,and Rex received so many congratulations and so much praise that hedetermined to leave Pekin as soon as possible and try to join therelieving column.