Read Within the Brass Web. Page 13

  Chapter 11: A welcome vacation.

  Things seemed to settle down, and actually Lord Nemesis found it quite funny that Lukas’ “hero” was the man that was annoying him.

  Two weeks later Lukas headed to Lord Nemesis’ office with what he thought would surely be disturbing news. He didn’t know how Lord Nemesis would take the news because he knew how much the next step depended on it. He opened the door and braced himself for what he anticipated to be a nasty response. Although an old man, he could be very unpleasant when upset.

  “Lukas did you’re hear!” Lord Nemesis’ tone wasn’t quite as upset as he thought it would be, in fact it almost sound cheerful.

  “Yes sir I just heard this morning, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, I only heard this morning myself. Still it is stunning isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know about that sir, but it is a bit of a worry.”

  “A worry? Nonsense, this is the greatest advancement known to man. Just think of the possibilities.”

  Lukas looked at the excited expression on Nemesis’ face and he began to wonder if they were on the same topic. “Sir, how is your friend’s election loss a great advancement?”

  “Pardon? What election are you talking about?”

  “I’m referring to the election in Germany.”

  “Oh really? Well that was to be expected, but it will work in our favor in a few years. No I’m talking about Cockcroft and Walton over in Cambridge… They split the atom! Can you imagine!”

  “Excuse me? They split a what? And if you expected him to lose then why did we just send him over some prototypes of our long rifle?”

  Lord Nemesis sighed but smiled. “I think we need to break this down to the two events that they are. Yes, I didn’t expect him to win the election the first time around. But if we look carefully at the overall events I think we will find that his political party has grown to occupy more seats in his government. This momentum and his magic with words will win the day and our plans will continue… time will yield our desired results. Now the second event is more important. They actually split an atom. That wasn’t supposed to be possible but they figured out how! I have to travel to England and talk with them, to see how it is done… this is greatest discovery since fire.”

  “I’ll take you word on that, but I still don’t see how it’s important.”

  “Don’t you? The theories clearly state that splitting a single atom will release more power than all of the power plants in the United States combined! Imagine, if we could harness that single action to supply power to our units, or to create a weapon with that power!”

  “If it means rebuilding the jaeger power plants again, I say forget it. Now if you’re talking about building new and better weapons, I’m all for it. But are you sure now is a good time to travel to England? That would put you out of the country for at least a month. I don’t think that’s a smart thing right now.”

  “Nonsense now is a perfect time to travel. There is nothing pressing here right now so let’s take advantage of this while it is still safe to travel. Besides, Helena has spent way too much time here in the city taking care of me, she deserves a trip don’t you think?”

  “Indeed, you’ll have to send me a postcard.”

  “Nonsense, you’re coming with us. After all I can’t have Helena wandering around London un-chaperoned. I can’t ask her to come with me; she finds the talking of science very dull, much like you in that respect. I think having you along will be the best thing for both of us.”

  “Sir I can’t leave at the same time as you.”

  “Nonsense, I didn’t pick Colonel Tomain as the second in command for his dazzling smile. He can handle the mundane items until we get back. If it makes you feel better, cancel anything you feel is too important for him to handle alone.”

  Lukas knew this test, if he said Colonel Tomain couldn’t handle something it would be contradicting Lord Nemesis’ decision to have him in charge.

  “No sir, if we must leave, now would indeed be a good time to do so.” Lukas smiled thinking of a cruise and private time away from the city with Helena, and the possibility of no one shooting at them. It really would be relaxing to be somewhere where no one cared who you are. Unlike some people Lukas preferred the quiet life.

  Traveling with Lord Nemesis was always an adventure. For this one he resumed an old favorite disguise of Wilhelm Roentgen retired but still respected German physicist. To free Helena up for her little vacation he also hired a translator for himself. This proved interesting as Lord Nemesis, from that moment on, only spoke German or Latin. To Lukas’ thinking, this would only make the trip more difficult, but he knew Lord Nemesis found it amusing. Everything that anyone would say will have to be translated, because Lord Nemesis would refuse not to play the part. So Lord Nemesis would sit there in his wheelchair and he will poke someone’s leg with his bumbershoot until someone did translate…even though he had understood it perfectly. Much to everyone’s delight Nemesis or Roentgen had managed passage on the Graf Zeppelin out of New York to Paris. From there they traveled by train to Calais then across the channel to England. The airship was a marvel and floated well about the clouds. It was especially beautiful during sunset from the main lounge area.

  “You know sir, a floating fortress might be an interesting idea.” Lukas said in German as they enjoyed glasses of brandy. Helena had already retired to her cabin for the evening. Although the rooms, food and service were excellent, the size of the zeppelin limited the entertainment possibilities. Here in the gentlemen’s lounge they sat and watched the moonlight reflect off the waves of the Atlantic far below them.

  “It would make for an interesting command center if nothing else. Someday, when we control the skies I will have to revisit this idea. I’d rather not be shot down in my sleep.” He replied laughing.

  They made their connecting train with out a problem, and even had time to have lunch in a small café before boarding time. The ride was not as smooth as the airship, but the food was good. The gentle countryside rolled pasted the train. Some areas still showed the horrors of the last war. Darkened fields where no crops would grow. Lukas even point out some areas that he had marched through with her great uncle. An evening in the smoking car with Lord Nemesis proved to be the most pivotal point of Lukas’ life. He was used to the Nemesis the scientist, Nemesis the military genius, Nemesis the ruthless businessman, but Nemesis the adoring uncle was a new side to the man. The men had ordered cognac and cigars for after dinner and settled back to enjoy the passing French countryside.

  “If I may be so bold, my young friend, but I couldn’t help but notice that you and my niece are getting along quite well.”

  Lukas rolled his eyes and prepared himself for the manipulation into his personal life to begin. “Yes sir, she is truly a wonderful woman. I really do enjoy her company.”

  “If I’m not mistaken, and I must admit understanding a woman’s thought process can even perplex me. I do believe that she feels the same for you.” He said with a slight smile. “Smart, pretty, and a joy for life that you don’t see these days, could anyone find a better person?”

  “Not that your view of your great niece is bias in anyway sir, but better person for what?” Lukas knew what might be brewing in the back of his leader’s mind, but he wasn’t going to make it easy on his mentor. It was seldom that he got to see him at a loss for words and even a bit awkward in handling this matter.

  “I am concerned about Helena, I won’t be around that much longer and it would be easier when the time comes to die…”

  “… knowing she’s taken care of… in good hands… safe with a terrific handsome man, worthy of your praise?” Lukas finished for him and laughed.

  “… Yes, since you put it that way. I don’t know if those are the words I was thinking about though, but they’ll do. I would be pleased to know she was with a man I respect.”

  Hhmmm…. “If I didn’t know better I might accuse you of those personal
attacks on our lives just to bring us together.”

  The old man laughed and waved a dismissing hand. An old gesture he would do when he would neither confirm nor deny something. Just leaving it opened ended to make you wonder. He reached into an inner pocket of his smoking jacket and pulled out a blue velvet pouch and handed it over the table to Lukas. Lukas set his cigar down and gingerly opened the pouch into his open palm. A gold ring slid into his hand. Its gold band was plain, but the stones were not. A sizable miner’s cut clear diamond sparkled even in the smoking car’s hazy light. Surrounding the diamond were green emeralds, thirteen stones in all.

  “That was my mother’s ring, and her mother’s before her. I think it would only be fitting that you give it to Helena as a token.”

  “It’s a beautiful ring sir, but I need to know something first…”

  “No fear my friend, if you don’t want to I will not hold it against you. I myself could not bring myself to commit to such a task. I would understand if you choose not to get married. I just thought I’d offer the ring in case the thought had crossed your mind.”

  Lukas nodded his head and looked at the ring.

  It was beautiful on Helena’s finger as they exchanged wedding vows in a small chapel in Calais, beginning the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Reese. The rest of the trip was a honeymoon for the young couple, while Wilhelm Roentgen and his interpreter immersed themselves in the ways of splitting atoms. Lukas and Helena spent their time exploring London and surrounding areas.