Read Within the Brass Web. Page 17

  Chapter 15: Uninvited guest.

  Saturday May twenty-first came along and Helena was like a whirling dervish checking on everything for the reception. Lukas found the best thing to do was stay out of her way and gave her a crew to direct. There was still no word about Anthony and that bothered him. So much so that he passed along a request to Marcone and his Family to keep an eye out for anything odd around the docks, a body that big just didn’t disappear. Lord Nemesis still wouldn’t let them attack the Kings even though they had shot up one of Southern United’s construction sites. The men were dangerous to everyone and everything and they needed to be stopped. He grabbed a car and driver and headed towards Baumtown to pick up his new tuxedo. He had several really nice suits but Helena wanted this to be a special event. Lukas figured that since they had, had a small chapel wedding he would give her this much.

  Towards Baumtown a new tailor had opened shop and Lukas, always one to support a local business thought he would stop by there first. A thin man with dark hair and olive colored skin greeted him at the door of the little shop. He introduced himself as Sergio and had only come to the United States from Milan Italy at the beginning of the year. Lukas sat and drank coffee, while they made the alterations to the tuxedo. Lukas didn’t see it as being any better than a well made suit.

  “So do you think that woman will make it?” Came Sergio’s broken English.

  “What woman is that?” Lukas said picking up a copy of the Times from the chair next to him.

  “The woman flying across the ocean.” Came his reply just as Lukas read the headline of Amelia Earhart taking off on a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

  “Well I wish her luck, but I don’t understand the need for it. It’s not like I would fly with a woman pilot.”

  “No woman I know would even think of such a thing… but Americans are odd.” Lukas could only shake is head in agreement.

  There were three nightclubs in Baumtown, of them, The Palms was by far the most elaborate. Car after car pulled up to the white stucco entrance. The entrance portico was held up with four posts carved to look like palm trees. A short walk past the coat checkroom, which saw little use on this warm evening, opened onto the hall itself. To the right was the stage where the band was setting up. The raised area curved gently in a serpentine meant to look like a wave and it helped to define one edge of the dance floor. The mural behind the band area showed more palm trees and distant waves. The dance floor was made of a light colored wood and polished to a mirrored finish. Tables sat opposite the bandstand on four different rises, giving everyone a good view. Looking up towards the ceiling showed a vast night sky, the stars lit and twinkled in a field of dark midnight blue that faded to shades of purples and reds of a Caribbean sunset around the edges of the circular room. The tables were covered with white linen and dressed with silver with gold filigree tableware. Helena and Lukas stood by the entrance and greeted their guests.

  Lukas couldn’t stop looking at Helena. She had picked out a pure white gown. The dress was sleeveless and started high in the front was and draped from her shoulders loosely over her chest to her waist. The skirt hugged every curve down her legs only to flair outward at the bottom. There simple was no back to the dress as it was open down to her waist. A pair on long white opera gloves covered her arms to finish the outfit. “There isn’t a movie star alive that looks as good as my wife,” Lukas thought to himself.

  Everyone took their seats with the bride and groom and special guests, like the mayor and the police commissioner, off to one side and Marcone and his family towards the other. Everyone who was anyone in Paragon City was invited to the event and champagne flowed freely. Seated with Lukas and Helena was an older gentleman also dressed in a tuxedo but he sat in a wheel chair with what everyone took to be his nurse next to him. He was introduced as Helena’s great uncle, but most didn’t ask, as he didn’t seem to talk. He watched the proceedings with a gentile smile. There was some clapping as the piano player finished up his dinner set and the band began to take their seats for the evening. The owner of The Palms, Timothy Dolan stepped on the stage and approached the microphone.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, The Palms would like to say congratulations to a wonderful couple. Everyone join me in a toast to them.” He raised a fluke of champagne and waited for everyone to do the same. “To Mr. and Mrs. Lukas Reese, may you know only joy and happiness in your life to come… Cin cin!” Everyone stood and drank to happy couple. As they settled down Mr. Dolan addressed them again.

  “And now if we can get the Mr. and Mrs. Reese to step onto the dance floor to begin our evening...” He waited as Helena had to coax her husband onto the dance floor. “For your entertainment tonight, The Palms is thrilled to present Mr. Paul Whiteman and the Paul Whiteman Orchestra. There was a round of applause as the famous band leader stepped onto the stage and bowed. He turned to his orchestra and started the evening with a slower number so that the couple could have their first dance. There was a polite round of clapping as the song finished. With a motion from the couple, more people joined them on the dance floor and the party started in earnest. The orchestra increased the temple and the couples moved and turned around the dance floor in a tuxedos and ball gowns.

  No one heard the exchange of words at the doorway between the entrance guards and a single man. It wasn’t until the two men came crashing into the ballroom that people took notice. It was under extreme threat that not a single weapon was permitted into the ballroom. Lukas cursed this decision, but with the place surrounded by his men and Marcone would have his own men within striking distance, help wouldn’t be that far away. That is if Lukas couldn’t defuse the situation first. The fact that there wasn’t any gun fire was a good sign that it wasn’t The Kings or any other such would be thugs. Baumtown wasn’t known for criminal activity, mainly because of the night clubs and restaurants that entertained so many.

  Following the two guards was a lone figure in a red and blue outfit with stars up the arms and a metal plate mask over his face. His long cape nearly touched the floor and was designed the same as his suit. The outfit left very little of the muscle mass underneath to the imagination. Most of the women either gasped or blushed; most of the men stood straighter and stepped between this intruder and their dates, as if to keep him from dancing with any of them.

  Lukas knew the man, took a deep breath and stepped towards the man, keeping his calm. He noticed that Gerald had taken up his right flank while out of the crowd Marcone’s son stepped up to take the left. Behind them came the Mayor and Police Commissioner with the other men unconsciously spreading out behind them.

  “I’m sorry, but this is a private party.”

  “What I need to say can’t wait.” The deep voice replied

  “I don’t believe we have met, so what could you possibly have to say that is so important, that you have to interrupt my wedding reception?” Lukas kept his voice even, but his eyes flared.

  “You know who I am, just as I know who you are… who you really are.” The man’s voice was low, so only those close at hand could hear him.

  “Statesman… What is the meaning of this? I tolerate your antics because you seem to have the city’s best interest in mind, but this is inexcusable.” The Mayor said stepping forward. He made no effort to hide his anger. The Statesman’s eyes stared at the mayor and Lukas could have sworn something like lightening flashed across them. The Mayor also seemed to see something too, because he stepped back behind the line of fire.

  “It’s alright Mr. Mayor, Mr. Statesman seems to believe he has something important to tell to me.” Lukas made a gesture to Gerald to stay back and stepped forward, moving past The Statesman and went towards the entrance where eight men now stood waiting for a sign from their leader. He stopped in an area away from everyone and Statesman joined him and the two men faced off. Both men where the same height and looked each other squarely in the eyes. The Statesman crossed his arms in front of him and spread his legs evenly, a defensive
stance Lukas noted. Lukas on the other had kept one hand on his hip and dropped the other into his jacket pocket to fiddle with some marbles he placed there. An old habit to keep his fingers distracted in stressful moments.

  “So, what is so important that you can’t just catch me at the office?” His tone was even and calm… deadly calm.

  “I know all about Southern United, and what it’s hiding.”

  Lukas didn’t reply, in fact he made his best, I don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about look.

  “You may have the public fooled, but the truth will come out, and I will enjoy breaking your hold on this City. Of all the crooks in this City you are the worst.”

  “Excuse me? What do you mean crooks? Southern United not only works with law enforcement, but we support their efforts one hundred percent.”

  “As long as they leave you alone, you mean. I have an idea what it is your company is hiding, all I need it the proof. When I find even the smallest verification of what you’re up to, I will be coming for you personally. Do you understand me?”

  Lukas shrugged, “not really, but if you are finished I’d like to finish my evening with my guests. I’d invite you to stay, but this is black tie party and well…” Lukas made a gesture towards Statesman, “You seem lacking a jacket let alone a tie.”

  The Statesman gave him a smirk. He reached out his hand and placed something into Lukas’. Without a word, he turned and walked back towards the entrance. Lukas gave his men a look and they let him pass by them without any trouble.

  There were a lot of comments throughout the crowd. The Mayor and Police Commissioner agreed they needed to do something about these vigilantes thinking themselves above the law. Lukas called Mr. Dolan over and had him get the orchestra started again and then a new round of champagne to go with the cutting of the wedding cake.

  “Lukas?” Helena said hurrying over to him, taking his arm. “What did he want, why was he here?”

  “He’s misguided is all. Don’t trouble yourself over it, I know I’m not going to. All you need to worry about tonight is my dancing skill.” He laughed and led her over to the wedding cake to cut it. When he had a second he pulled the metal object out of his pocket to look at it, in was a brass and silver pin of a Chasseur Infantryman. Well at least he knew who had Anthony. A look towards an unmoving old man in wheelchair didn’t reveal too much, but the look in his eyes told him the truth behind the calm surface.