Read Within the Brass Web. Page 28

  Part 1: Battle for Paragon University.

  The Captain of the Hussar squad watched the hand gestures of his communication officer on a rooftop across from the campus through his binoculars. They could begin their attack and they were meant to make a lot of noise doing so. They broke out from the cover of the alley way beside the Franklin Science building. Twelve large soldiers, in black uniforms with brass chest, shoulder, and leg guards all baring a roaring lion’s head. The helmets were also brass with a black bristle mane running form the top down the back. They ran full speed to the front entrance where they came face to face with the students that were just starting their school day. They scowled as the student’s expressions moved from stunned silence, to out-right laughter. Catcalls filled the air as people wondered were the parade was to- Halloween was months away- to why did they wear their buckets on their heads.

  The Captain smirked as he pulled the preferred weapon of the Hussar from his back where it hung by a strap. The large brass gun had multiple barrels in a circle, much like the Gattling Machine Gun, only with a wider diameter. A second cylinder was behind this. Two handgrips were mounted on this last one. One was on the side and the other was a pistol grip off the bottom. The captain’s left hand pulled the side trigger and the barrels started rotating, then he pulled the pistol trigger. Pointing the gun at the trees above the student’s heads, the gun thundered into life in one long gun blast. Leaves, branches, and chunks of wood fell onto of the students. The captain let the trigger loose and there was a moment of silence.

  Then all chaos broke loose as students ran every which way screaming at the top of their lungs. Books and papers fell to the ground now forgotten as they fled in terror.

  The captain grinned and signaled the squad to move into the building. They could see the faces of the students looking out of the windows at the commotion. Inside the Captain walked up to a student in a letterman sweater.

  “Excuse me but I need to know where I can find Professor St. John-Smythe’s laboratory.” He said in a polite voice. The student looked at him and the gun in his hand and just pointed down a set of steps. “Thank you, now if you will be so kind as to get everyone out of this building before it catches fire.” The boy just looked at him dumbly, not really sure what to do or what was happening. “Fine, get out.” He grabbed him by the jacket lapel and half pushed half threw him back towards the door. He reached for cylinder from his belt, kicked in a supply closet door and pulled the pin. He pulled the door closed as the smoke started billowing form the canister.

  “FIRE!!!!” he yelled at the top of his lungs and headed down the steps. He was pleased to hear the thundering footsteps and shouting coming from the floor above. Room after room they checked in quick military efficiency until they of course came to the last room, by the looks it would be the size of half the building. They kicked in the doorway and rushed in spreading out to either side of the room. An arc of electricity flew across the room but missed the men.

  “Marching band practice is the next building over.” Came a tinny sounding voice from the metal armor facing them.

  The Hussar stood up as one, rifles drawn to open fire on the cocky hero. The captain’s rotary cannon roared again blowing apart everything in its way, tracing a line across the room towards Vambrace. His suit provided him with amazing speed and he raced away directly into the soldiers on the left side, taking them to the ground and shocking them. Vambrace jumped and ducked behind another shelving unit as everyone opened fire on the moving metal man.

  “Brandon, ground yourself!” Came a shout off to their right. A man in a lab coat now stood on top of a desk looking at the attackers. Not hesitating, the man reached over and pulled a large lever. To late the captain realized the floor was made up of metal plates. The captain didn’t try to warn anyone, he used his time to drop his gun and reach for another canister. As he felt the electricity race up his legs he dropped it onto the floor. The canister rolled away from him sparking from the charge. Too late the professor saw it rolling under a piece of equipment. The metal box of wiring, gauges, and switches took most of the blast and was shredded into a tangled mess of metal. The electricity now disrupted, the Hussar slowly got back to their feet.

  Brandon took advantage and threw James over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry and ran out of the room and up the steps.

  “Set the explosives,” the captain said. Each man placed a larger canister around the room and on important looking pieces and equipment and ran an electrical cord back to a center brass box. The captain turned the timer dial and turned it on. The men ran back the way they had come in. The captain was pleased to see no one was in or near the building as they exited and ran across campus. The explosion lifted the science building off its foundation and then it collapsed into itself. The squad jumped into the back of the waiting flat bed work truck and went as fast as it could go down university drive then turning north onto Freedom Avenue.