Read Within the Brass Web. Page 6

  Part of the complex was also a private training ground. Inside vast structures that looked like very other building on the complex, houses Nemesis’ army. Men devoted to his cause for a perfect world. Men who believed in a rule by one individual with out all of the clutter of politics. Men who believed Lord Nemesis was the man to bring about a truly unified continent. Since the civil war Nemesis had watched and learned the art of war. Picking and choosing styles and techniques from all over the world and then blended them together to form a unique unified fighting style for both hand to hand was well as with weapons. Lukas Eisenberg was one of the first and best students of this new fighting style. Men practiced all across the open floor. Some practiced commanding small units of jaegers. Colonel Tomain watched with interest as a jaeger approached a target, the crab like top split open, the top half elevating a foot, and the two morning star maces swung out to smash into the target several times in its circular path. The chains retracted and the top closed again, becoming bullet proof once.

  Their walk ended near a platform of a tall brass mechanized unit. Two massive legs supported what looked like a vertically elongated fish bowl on a hip base. The metal ran up and around the bowl and half way around. This supported two massive arms with clawed ends. An exhaust pipe rose up the back and over the top of the bowl… small wisps of steam came out as the generators idled quietly. Attached to the arms of this unit was shield unit, protecting a flame throwing device. On the other arm mount was a large circular saw blade. These of course could be interchanged with other weapons and arsenals as needed.

  “Captain Jensen, I trust the new chemical compound is better suited to the task?” Lord Nemesis asked in his soft but demanding voice.

  “It seems to be Lord Nemesis, but our tests would say for sure. Ah here comes our aquanaut now.”

  They turned to see a fit young man with a bald head coming towards them. He wore a suit that was created from one of Lord Nemesis’ ideas. Made of a rubber-covered fabric it fit the man like a second skin. Attached to the suit was a wire frame structure that followed the joints of the body. In the soldiers hands he held a helmet. The front half of it was glass to give him maximum view. The man bowed to Lord Nemesis and then saluted the officers. The glass dome released from the base with a hiss and rose upward to reveal the aquanaght’s cockpit. He climbed a short set of stairs and crouched while scientists connected his suit’s rods to internal connecting points. His helmet was secured and an umbilical hose was attached to it in the back. The solder gave a quick wave and the glass dome was lowered back into place and hissed as it was sealed shut.

  “Alright, make sure the gas vent valve is open and start filling the tank.” Captain Jensen said to the other scientist. Several wheels were turned and gauges began to move, seconds later a green fluid oozed into the cockpit. The pilot readjusted his position to center himself behind the long control rods and waited for the tank to fill. Everyone watched with interest as the aquanaut kicked himself off the bottom of the tank to crouch behind the controls. The fluid supported him easily in place as he took a bent knee position. A scientist signaled the dome was completely filled and the sealed off the vents. Captain Jensen made a circular motion with his hand and the soldier gave him a thumbs up and began moving levers and tapping gauges. There was a whine as the generators kicked in.

  “Captain Jensen, remind me later to show you the new power unit design.”

  Captain Jensen looked questioning and curious towards Lord Nemesis. The Warhulk took a lot of power to run its servonetics and any increase in power would be welcome. He turned back to the Warhulk as it extended its legs to stand upright and then stepped forward. For the next twenty minutes they watched as it went though some basic maneuvers with lumbering success.

  “I’m still not please with it movement speed. Hydraulics technologies would move it quicker but the problems out way the benefits of them. Still… Captain Jensen, lets see how well the Warhulk takes damage shall we?” Lord Nemesis said, a slight smile curled his weathered lips. “After all, the purpose of the impact gel is to help the aquanaut withstand damage to his person.”

  “With pleasure, Lord Nemesis.” Captain Jensen took up a red flag and waved it towards the Warhulk. It raised a claw in response of understanding and turned towards the testing ground and followed the path painted in red. They watched as it was hit with blunt and sharp weighted objects from all directions. All the while the aquanaut did his best to perform specific tasks. Ten minutes later the Warhulk came back to station, dented, badly beaten, the glass dome splintered in several places, but this thing still ran. It was an impressive success.

  “Very good… very good indeed. We now have a weapon that can take care of the suborn problems we may face. Excellent work Captain Jensen. Let’s get these into full production and aquanauts trained in them.”

  Lord Nemesis was in a very good mood during the trip home and insisted that they stop for hot cider and pie at a roadside diner. Once back in the car they talked over some business that needed to be decided on, but Nemesis kept coming back to the Warhulk’s movement speed.

  “You know good General; I recall a paper in the scientific quarterly that now has me wondering. There is a professor and his assistant at the university. Give me a moment to think of their names… James St. John-Smythe and Brandon Warfield is his assistant’s name. They were theorizing about an exoskeleton system and how it could adapt to read from the body’s electrical system. I remember I wrote it off because their theories didn’t match the possible outcomes. But seeing the Warhulk move I begin to understand what they are talking about. You see Lukas, I theorize that the reason their paper made no sense is because they built the suit already. Now they’re looking to understand how their invention completely works. If they don’t have the paper work to show how they came to their prototype they have no way to reproduce it.”

  “So, do you want to see the prototype?”

  “No, no… nothing that obvious. I would however like copies of their notes and schematics. The least they suspect someone has seen their work the better I think.”

  “Yes sir, I’ll get right on that when we get home. Colonel, please remind me… Just in case I forget.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “So tell me Lukas, what are your plans for Sunday?” Lord Nemesis asked with a sly grin. Lukas cringed inwardly. He knew that look on Lord Nemesis’ face and he was about to be set up for something he may not like.

  “Nothing at the moment, sir,” Lukas said wishing he could lie to the old man.

  “What a coincidence, for my Helena has nothing planned either. Two young people such as yourselves should be dancing and having a good time on Valentines Day. You will pick her up at seven and I suggest chocolates would be in order.” He said now grinning ear to ear, please with his planning.

  “Yes sir,” Lukas said residing himself to his fate. “It could be worse.” He thought to himself. He glanced over at Colonel Tomain who was doing his best not to laugh out loud.