Read Without Care Page 21



  I lean against my car bonnet and stare at the house in front of me. I had put all my faith in her being here, but nothing. The house is empty, all the doors and windows are locked. I run a hand through my hair and try to let out a breath. It’s beginning to get difficult to breathe, my heart is racing and I am on the edge of breaking down.

  She’s gone, a voice in my head constantly says. Tucker comes running from behind the house and up to me. “Nope, nothing behind there” he says, taking a seat next to me. “Where do you want to try now?”

  My mind goes blank. “I have no idea” I sigh. Even though we have spent almost the last month together, I don’t really know anything about her. I don’t know her favourite book, colour or TV show. Is it possible to fall in love with someone without knowing all that information? My heart bleeds a little and the guilt creeps over me. I should of never had of gotten close to her. There was something that couldn’t keep me away. The first moment I saw her beautiful face in that careen, I was hooked. The more I avoided her, the more I wanted her.

  My mind thinks back to the kiss we shared in front of Natalie – was that real? Did she feel that intense wanting that I did? I close my eyes and cringe at my next thought. Will I ever get to find out? No, I mustn’t think like this. I am going to find her and I am going back sure all those bastards get what they deserve. Each one of them is going to suffer and rot in prison for threatening a sweet young woman.

  “Do you think she just headed to a mall?”

  My eyes fling open and I look over at Tucker. He is now puffing on a cigarette staring at the house. A beautiful house, that is full of Jen’s child hood memories. “No,” I grunt. “I doubt she slipped off to go shopping.”

  “Hey,” he growls. “Don’t start on me. I’m here….” He points his cigarette at me. “And I’m trying to help. I am thinking logically. After all she isn’t 21.”

  “Says who?”

  He gives a little chuckle and pushes himself off the bonnet of my car. He stands in front of me, smiling. “Don’t insult me, Forbes” he takes another drag of his cigarette and drops the butt on to the floor. “I knew when you said it the other day you returned. You can see she’s a high school kid.”

  I jump to my feet and come face to face with him. “She isn’t a kid” I hiss through my teeth and both my fist clench. I have never wanted to hit someone so much. “And you know nothing about anything.”

  He holds his hands up and takes a step back. “Whoa, chill! I wasn’t saying anything bad. I can see how much you care about her and I am willing to do what ever it takes to help you.” He takes a pause and runs a finger across his broad nose. “Let’s think about it from a professional’s point of view….”

  My hand slowly unclenches and I can see the logic in what he is saying. Jen blinds me, my feelings for her take over everything else. He is right, its time to get professional. I give a little nod.

  “See,” Tuckers hand pats my back. “You know I’m right.”

  “I won’t admit it though” I smile back at him.

  “Come” he walks round to the driver’s side of my car. “We’re check out all the top hang out points. She could have met up with old friends.”

  Just as I am about to the car my phone begins to vibrate in my pocket. I quickly pull it out and press the answer the button. “”Forbes,” I say sternly.

  “Forbes, we’ve managed to track Jen’s whereabouts. Her phone was used at 2367 Spring Avenue. We have sent armed men. It’s going to take at least another ten minutes. Get there now” the chief booms down the phone. My mouth drops open in shock and my eyes look back towards the house. “Forbes!” He yells again.

  “It’s okay, chief. We’re already there…” I end the call, placing my phone back in my pocket. I run back to the house.

  “Ayden!” Tucker yells after me.

  I turn back to him and place a finger over my lips. Then head gesture for him to follow me. He rolls his eyes and slams the car door. It feels like forever till he finally gets to me.

  “Keep your voice down” I warn.

  “Why?” He looks confused. “We have already looked around here. It’s empty…” I stop listening to him and head back round to the back of the house. I walk towards the sliding doors, but just as I thought they are locked. How can she be here if there is no sign? I bow my head and place my hands in my pockets. Maybe we are too late, maybe she’s been moved on. “Fuck!” I hiss, kicking a stone next to my foot.

  I have spent all my life being an underachiever. Nothing has ever worked out they way I have wanted it to. I even thought at one point I would fail my training and end up working in a burger joint. I thought this job would show everyone what I was capable of, once again I have messed it up. Why did I bring her here? One reason, I wanted to spend time alone with her. I followed my heart instead of my head. I will never be doing that again. Love is a mugs game and I don’t intend to be getting stuck in that trap again.

  “Hey, Ayden” Tucker calls out. I look up to see him squatting on the other side of the house. He’s smiling, a big 100 watt smile. “I’ve found something…” I walk towards him and look down at what he is pointing at. It’s some wooden hatch buried into the ground. “Do you know what it is?”

  “No,” I groan, I am beginning to feel tired and my mind is doesn’t want to thinking. I need to call the chief and tell him I can’t do this.

  Tucker jumps to his feet and wipes dirt off his hands. “It’s a door, stupid” he shakes his head and gives me a little push. “This means these guys have a basement. All these fancy houses do...” He pauses and scratches his head. “We just gotta think how to get in…”

  “FREEZE” says a voice. “Put your hands in the air and turn round!”

  A wicked grin hits Tuckers face and he winks. “I think my question was answered.” He raises his hands in the air and we both turn to look at whose talking to us.

  It’s a smallest man; he wouldn’t stand at chance with me and Tucker. He looks as if he’s been dragged through a hedge backwards. His dark hair is overgrown and so his beard. His eyes are a deep brown and there’s a scar just above his lip. I’ve seen him before, he works for Mario Lopez.

  “What are you doing?” His voice is slightly high pitch and his Spanish accent makes it hard to understand what he is saying. My eyes focus on the gun he is holding up at us. Obviously he’s not that smart either. Its broad daylight in a suburban area and he’s waving a gun.

  I take control of the situation. “We’ve come to repair the leak.”

  “Leak? We have no leak.”

  “Course you do” Tucker says casually. “Your neighbours have water creeping up through their drains. We’ve checked it all out and the problem must be here.” The man looks slightly confused. “You see,” Tucker brings his hands down and places them in his pockets. “All these old houses water pipes are connected. There must be a blockage in your basement.”

  The man’s eyebrows shoot up. “Basement!” he slowly brings his gun down. “We don’t have no basement.”

  Tucker hilts his head to the side and gives another smile. “Look man,” he begins to walk over to the man, who seems a little preoccupied with something. “If we don’t get in there and sort this problem out. The whole house will be flooded and I doubt your insurance will pay out.”

  I laugh quietly to myself, he’s good. The poor man is looking more and more confused and is slowly letting his guard down.

  Tucker continues to move towards him. “Do you know if they found out you were offered help and refused. God,” he tuts. “You could be in seriously trouble. I wouldn’t want insurance Freud on my conscience.”

  “Freud” the man says in an anxious tone.

  “Look man” Tucker throws his hands in the air. “I haven’t got time for this shit. All I want to do is check out your basement and get out of this place. I’m a very busy man…”

  Before the little man can answer, Tuckers hand grips hold of the man
’s wrist, twisting his arm behind his back. Tucker uses all his weigh to push the man to the ground. I hear a slight crack as the man’s arm breaks, making him scream out in pain and dropping the gun. “Go!” Tucker yells, as he pressing his knee in the man’s back to keep him firmly on the ground.

  I race past them, knowing Tucker is safe on his own. Running back towards the front of the house, the front door is open and I step inside. I pull my gun out from its hoist from beneath my t-shirt and slowly begin to search each room. Nothing, each one is empty. Something clicks in my head.

  That day when we visited Mel and Jen’s father returned there was a door closing. It sounded too light to be a front door. The sound came from within in the house somewhere. I back track into the hall, the same hall we found him in.

  My eyes look around and fall on the stairs, a door. I walk towards it and try to open it, but it’s locked. This has to be the way to the basement and there is only one way to open it. I stand back, raise my foot and boot it in.