Read Wizard Will, the Wonder Worker Page 26

  THE "O'ER LAND & SEA" LIBRARY.--_Continued._

  =40. Rocky Mountain Rob, the Roadagent=; or, the Vigilantes of HumbugBar

  =41. Kentuck the Sport=; or, Dick Talbot at the Mines

  =42. Injun Dick, the Death Shot of Shasta=

  =43. Velvet Hand=; or, the Iron Grip of Injun Dick

  =44. Gold Dan=; or, the White Savage of the Great Salt Lake

  =45. Captain Dick Talbot=; or, the Black Hoods of Shasta

  =46. The Pirate Chief=; or, the Queen of the Isle

  =47. The "Spotter" Detective=; or, the Girls of New York

  =48. The City Sharp=; or, the Flash of Lightning

  =49. The Cretan Rover=; or, the Secret Signet Ring

  =50. Always on Hand=; or, the Sportive Sports of the Foot-Hills

  =51. The Human Sleuth-Hound=; or, Who Holds the Winning Hand?

  =52. The Prairie Mazeppa=; or, the Madman of the Plains

  =53. The Wolf Demon=; or, the Red Arrow of the Far West

  =54. The Gunmaker of Moscow=; or, Vladimir, the Black Monk

  =55. Death Trailer, the Chief or Scouts=; or, Life and Love in aFrontier Fort

  =56. The Pilgrim Sharp=; or, the Soldier's Sweetheart

  =57. The Wild Riders of the Staked Plain=; or, Jack, the Hero of Texas

  =58. Seth Slocum, Railroad Surveyor=; or, the Secret of Sitting Bull

  =59. Wild Bill, the Whirlwind of the West=

  =60. White Beaver, the Exile of the Platte=; or, a Wronged Man's RedTrail

  =61. The Wizard Brothers=; or, White Beaver's Red Trail

  =62. The One-Arm Pard=; or, Red Retribution in Borderland

  =63. Gold Spur, the Gentleman from Texas=; or, the Child of the Regiment

  =64. Red Renard=; or, the Gold Buzzards of Colorado

  =65. The Corsair Queen=; or, the Gipsies of the Sea

  =66. Black Plume, the Demon of the Sea=

  =67. The Sea Cadet=; or, the Rover of the Ricoletts

  =68. Double Death=; or, the Spy Queen of Wyoming.

  =69. Gold Bullet Sport=; or, the Knights of the Overland

  =70. The Vigilante Captain=; or, the Haunted Ranche

  =71. The Black Pirate=; or, the Mystery of the Golden Fetters

  =72. The Dead Shot Nine=; or, My Pards of the Plains

  =73. Tiger Dick, the Faro King=; or, the Cashier's Crime

  =74. Fire Feather, the Buccaneer King=

  =75. Iron Wrist, the Swordmaster=

  =76. Old Benzine=; or, Joe Bowers' Racket at Ricaree City

  =77. Personal Reminiscences of Buffalo Bill=

  =78. The League of Three=; or, Buffalo Bill's Pledge

  =79. Buffalo Bill's Grip=; or, Oath-Bound to Custer

  =80. Buffalo Bill's Secret Service Trail=; or, the Mysterious Foe

  =81. Darkie Dan, the Coloured Detective=; or, the Mississippi Mystery.

  =82. Shadowed by a Showman=; or, the Mad Magician

  =83. Milo Romer, the Animal King=

  =84. Fighting Tom, the Terror of the Toughs=

  =85. Phil Hardy, the Boss Boy=; or, the Mystery of the Strongbow

  =86. The True-Heart Pards=; or, the Gentleman Vagabond

  =87. Detective Dick=; or, the Hero in Rags

  =88. Konrad, the Swordmaker=; or, the Masked Emperor

  =89. The Lost Captain=; or, Skipper Jabez Coffin's Cruise on the OpenPolar Seas

  =90. Buffalo Bill, the Buckskin King=; or, the Amazon of the West

  =91. Buffalo Bill's Swoop=; or the King of the Mines

  =92. Buckskin Sam=

  =93. The Tiger Tamer=; or, the League of the Jungle

  =94. Yellowstone Jack=; or, Trappers of the Enchanted Ground

  =95. The Mad Mariner=; or, Dishonoured and Disowned

  =96. The Kid-Glove Miner=; or, the Magic Doctor of Golden Gulch

  =97. Red Lightning the Man of Chance=; or, Flush Times in Golden Gulch

  _Continued on page 3 of cover._

  =98. Queen Helen, the Amazon of the Overland=

  =99. Buck Taylor, the Saddle King=; or, Buffalo Bill's Chief of Cowboys

  =100. The Winning Oar=; or, the Innkeeper's Daughter

  =101. Tracked from the Rockies=; or, Injun Dick, Detective

  =102. The Fresh of Frisco=; or the Heiress of Buenaventura

  =103. Bronze Jack, the Californian Thoroughbred=; or, the Lost City ofthe Basaltic Buttes

  =104. Cloven Hoof, the Demon Buffalo=; or, the Border Vultures

  =105. Seth, the Dumb Spy of Iowa=; or, the Demon of Des Moines

  =106. The Pirate Priest=; or the Planter-Gambler's Daughter.

  =107. Cutlass and Cross=; or, the Ghouls of the Sea

  =108. The Sea Owl=; or, the Lady Captain of the Gulf

  =109. The Lasso King's League=; or, the Tigers of Texas

  =110. Captain Ebony=; or, Bound by the Golden Fetters

  =111. The Cowboy Clan=; or, the Tigress of Texas

  =112. The Swordsman of Warsaw=; or, Ralpho the Mysterious

  =113. Don Diablo, the Planter-Corsair=; or, the Rivals of the Sea

  =114. The Scarlet Schooner=; or, the Nemesis of the Sea

  =115. The Texas Tramp=; or, Solid Sam, the Yankee Hercules

  =116. Alligator Ike=; or, the Secret of the Everglade

  =117. Buffalo Bill on the War-path=; or, Silk Lasso Sam

  =118. Old Pop Hicks, Showman=; or, Lion Charley's Luck

  =119. The Chevalier Corsair=; or, the Heritage of Hatred

  =120. El Rubio Bravo, King of Swordsmen=; or, the Terrible Brothers ofTabasco

  =121. Buffalo Bill's Blind Trail.= A Story of the Wild West

  =122. Fire-eye, the Sea Hyena=; or, the Bride of a Buccaneer

  =123. The Czar's Spy=; or, the Nihilist League

  =124. Buffalo Bill's Buckskin Brotherhood=; or, Opening Up a Lost Trail

  =125. Buffalo Bill's Body Guard=; or, the Still Hunt of the Hills

  =126. Dark Dashwood, the Desperate=; or, the Child of the Sun

  =127. Mourad, the Mameluke=; or, the Three Swordmasters

  =128. The Swordsmen Hunters=; or, the Land of the Elephant Riders

  =129. Buffalo Bill's Scout Shadowers=; or, a Romance of the Forts andMountain Trails

  =130. Dashing Dandy, the Hotspur of the Hills=; or, Pony Prince'sStrange Pard

  =131. Buffalo Bill Baffled=; or, the Deserter Desperado's Defiance

  =132. Keen Billy, the Sport=; or, the Circus at White Gopher

  =133. Buffalo Bill's First Trail=; or, Will Cody, the Pony Express Rider

  =134. Red Rapier=; or, the Sea Rover's Bride

  =135. Revello=; or, the Rival Rovers

  =136. Buffalo Bill's Bonanza=; or, the Knights of the Silver Circle

  =137. Corporal Cannon, the Man of Forty Duels=

  =138. Joe Phoenix's Shadow=; or, the Great Detective's MysteriousMonitor

  =139. Montebello, the Magnificent=; or, the Gold King

  =140. Death-Notch, the Young Scalp Hunter=


  ALDINE PUBLISHING CO., 9, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, LONDON.

  Transcriber's Notes:

  This book was originally published as _Beadle's Half-Dime Library_ #450:_Wizard Will, the Wonder-Worker; or, The Boy Ferret of New York. ARomance of Mysteries in Metropolitan Life._ This electronic edition isderived from the later reprint in Aldine's _Tip-Top Tales_ series, whichomits credit to the author, Prentiss Ingraham.

  Underscores are used to represent _italics_; equals signs are used for=bold=.

  Changed oe ligature to oe for text edition; ligatures retained in HTMLversion.

  Added table of contents.

  Normalized some inconsistent punctuation in chapter headings.

  Some inconsistent punctuation retained (e.g. gripsack vs. grip-sack, Ed.Ellis vs. Ed Ellis).

  Page 2, changed "as the reply" to "was the reply."

  Page 3, changed ? to , after "I wish to see Jerry, the Night Hawk."

  Page 4, changed "sportm
an's" to "sportsman's" for consistency.

  Page 5, changed "miller Raymond's" to "Miller Raymond's" forconsistency.

  Page 6, changed "Mr Cluett" to "Mr. Cluett."

  Page 7, changed "Mrs," to "Mrs." and added missing comma after "lay in aswoon."

  Page 8, changed "and and" to "and."

  Page 9, changed "villany" to "villainy" for consistency.

  Page 13, changed "Reportres" to "Reporters" and "of of" to "of."

  Page 14, changed "and kept she it" to "and she kept it."

  Page 17, changed "a agile" to "an agile."

  Page 19, changed punctuation to question mark in "Your brother at work,and at night?"

  Page 21, changed "address of my young friend here will give you" to"address that my young friend here will give you."

  Page 22, changed "on old friend" to "an old friend." Added missing"they" to "joy that they had not known."

  Page 24, changed "hostilites" to "hostilities."

  Page 25, changed "yatchsman" to "yachtsman."

  Page 26, changed question mark to period in "To accomplish just what youhave done."

  Page 28, changed "than had arrived" to "that had arrived."

  Page 30, changed "surrounding" to "surrounded" in "surrounding byspacious."

  Page 31, changed "Mr Cluett" to "Mr. Cluett."

  Page 32, added missing close quote after "make short work of him."

  Page 43, changed "voyrge" to "voyage."

  Page 44, changed "had had" to "had."

  Page 47, changed comma to period after "he got away."

  Page 48, changed "Hurcules" to "Hercules."

  Page 51, changed "Chistmas" to "Christmas" and removed stray quote after"returned Hercules."

  Page 52, changed commas to periods at ends of two paragraphs.

  Page 55, changed "attack Indians" to "attack by Indians" and "Rosmore"to "Rossmore." Added missing comma after "went to the shelter."

  Page 59, changed colon to semi-colon after "suffering."

  Page 61, changed "anthing" to "anything" and added missing "gave" to"Jerry gave him that blow."

  Page 63, removed unnecessary comma after "tears."

  Page 64, changed "living her" to "living for her."

  Back cover, fixed "Magnificent" typo in #139.

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