Read Wolves Abound: A Short Story Page 1

olves Abound: A Short Story

  Copyright 2012 Leslie M. Joyner

  Written and Published By Leslie M. Joyner

  Edited By Kym Goodell

  The darkness began closing in and the sea air began to crispen with the freshness of the night. Quickly the fog covered the island's low lying terrain. Only the roof of the cottage and the lighthouse remained untouched by the bleak desperation of the encroaching fog.

  Inside the smell of steaks wafted up the stairwell. Belinda was setting supper on the table as Harry came down from the lighthouse tower, making sure that all was in working order.

  "How about putting another log on the fire Harry?" Belinda asked as she removed the last of the steaks from the skillet.

  "Sure thing. Don't want to let it die out, supposed to get down in the 30's on the mainland tonight. Which means it'll hit 15 at least out here." Harry reached in the wood box and found a good sized log and placed it on the already roaring fire and sat on the couch gazing at the flames.

  "If you're through daydreaming, go wash up, supper is ready." Belinda removed the blueberry pie from the oven and Harry washed his hands and toweled them dry.

  Together they sat at the kitchen table. With it only being the two of them in the cottage they heated only the essential rooms. Their son Dennis had been killed last year and their grandson Jamie had left last week on a journey for answers.

  After supper and dessert were finished Harry washed the dishes while Belinda folded the laundry. When they finished they joined each other on the other side of the Kitchen, "the study." They had added on an extension to the kitchen a few years ago when Dennis and Jamie had come to live with them. It had two recliners and a sofa that made into a bed, as well as a desk for a computer. Since they had moved in Harry and Belinda were introduced to the computer world. Harry used it to track the weather and read whatever he was interested in at the moment. Belinda had transposed her young adult stories to the computer and was very close to having a series of 6 books complete. She was searching via the net for a suitable publishing venue.

  They both used email and instant messaging now to keep in touch with friends and family on the mainland. For Jamie's trip they had bought him a laptop so that he could chat and email them whenever he wanted. While Harry was reading the NY TIMES online addition the email chimed. He finished the article and checked the messages. It was from Jamie...

  "Hi Pops & Grams, I've finally arrived in Ireland. I am sorry that I haven't checked in before now, but traveling by ship took awhile to get to the mainland and a few more days on bus to get to this small village. And I've been 'frugal' and slept on the bus or at the station until I arrived. I've gotten a room at a boarding house right across the street from the local library and court house and constables, and everything else. Let's just say that it is smaller than Covington. Everything is within a 10 minute walk.

  Tomorrow I will begin my research at the library. Even though the town is small it is reported to have the best Occult Library in the country. The librarian is some local philanthropist that has a fascination with all matters of the occult and has purchased most of the books here and donated them to the library for everyone to use. I've also been told that he had the three story library built and donated it to the town with the stipulation that it always remain open to the public. He also has a trust set up to ensure its future for several years.

  The country is quite beautiful and the people most cordial. Guess I'll write more tomorrow. Right now I'm going to enjoy sleeping in a bed for a change.

  Love you both-- Jamie"

  ”I'm glad he arrived safely." Belinda smiled as she got up to stoke the fire.

  "Yep, I hope he finds some leads. It'd be nice for us all if he finds a cure. These talisman's help but sometimes you just can’t control it. Harry stared out the window as his right hand clutched the silver round talisman on his chest.

  Meanwhile in New York City, Rachel was saying goodbye to her son William, who was only 19 months old...

  "Are you sure he won’t be to much trouble?" She asked her Aunt Lynda again while they hugged one last time.

  "I raised you didn't I?"

  "Yes and you did a wonderful job. I just wished I could stay, but considering what's happened I think that I should go. I've got to find out what's going on and until I find a way to return to normal or control what's happening, I can't risk hurting William or you. You both mean to much to me. Thanks again Aunt Lynda." Rachel walked out the door before they both started crying.

  Rachel sat in the airport anxiously awaiting her flight. "Now boarding flight 674 to Heathrow Airport, London, England Gate 19." Perhaps she would find her answers...

  Jamie woke early and went for a run through the town before the library opened. He was trying to work off his extra energy, so that he could give all his attention to his research... to his quest for what was happening to him, and had happened to every male member of his family as far back as anyone could remember. By 8 o'clock he had returned to his room, showered, dressed, and gathered his notebooks. He was waiting in front of the library going over his notes, when the librarian finally arrived and opened the doors.

  "Good day young man, you must be Jamie, I'm Mr. Sheehan. I hope your trip here was pleasant. I know you’re anxious to get started." He offered his hand and gestured for Jamie to come with him inside.

  You'll find this to be the most extensive Occult Library in, I dare say, the world."

  "That is what I've heard, sir. I just hope that perhaps I will find what I need." Jamie hastily shook the man's hand and walked through the doors.

  "The section ‘Animal Transfigurations’ I believe you are going to find of the most help will be on the second floor, to the far left as you go up the stairs. There is a computer on each floor, with an index of all the books and documents here and where they can be located. There are tables and desks scattered throughout the library. If you need any assistance, I will be downstairs at the front desk until the other librarians arrive."

  “Thank you sir,” Jamie practically sprinted to the stairs anxious to get started.

  Rachel took the pillow that the Flight Attendant offered. It was after all going to be a long flight and she had not been sleeping well. Since the attack last month her nights were filled with fleeting images... images of blood, images of death. Upon awakening she would be filled with both a powerful hunger and a horrible disgust. She prayed that she could find answers in Ireland. One of her religious and philosophy professors had spoken highly of a library that specialized in books dealing with the occult. While Rachel did not really believe, or at least had not believed, in the supernatural. The attack in April buy that rabid dog was not in the least natural. She really didn’t even believe it had been a dog. The animal’s muzzle was much different from any breed she had ever seen, even if it was a mutt, and the eyes. There was something almost human staring back at her.

  She was shaken awake by the attendant. “Miss, are you okay?” the flight attendant was bent over whispering to her.

  Rachel looked up at her through blurred sleepy eyes. Her first urge was to tear the woman’s throat out, and with that she became wide awake. “Um, yea yea I’m fine why, are we about to land?”

  “No there is about an hour left in the flight, but you began making noises in your sleep, like growling. I thought perhaps you were having a nightmare.”

  Growling? Rachel didn’t remember having a nightmare, and why would she be growling?

  The plane landed leaving Rachel two hours before her connecting flight to Ireland. She grabbed a sandwich and chips from one of the over priced airport snack shops and found a relatively quiet garden area to sit in and relax for a bit. The flight to Ireland was uneventful, e
ven though she wanted to sleep, she refused to. What if she began growling in her sleep again?

  She only had the one bag, that she carried on the plane, so baggage pickup could be skipped. She after all had no time to waste. Rachel made her way through the airport to the car rental. While she waited in line she stared at the various maps... “I had better ask for a G.P.S... I’ll never find my way with any of those.”

  Keys in hand, Rachel made her way outside to the parking area and headed north. If she didn’t have so much on her mind, she would have loved to stop by the road and taken some photos, or even some pastel paintings. She knew that she would want to do that, so she left her camera and her pastels at home. There was no time for art, when something was changing in her. Something that she had to find an answer for. The green pasture lands slowly became hills, and the hills quickly turned into mountainous terrain. The sun sinking down,