Read Wolves at the Door Page 4

  Zack, really? I asked. He slowed to a trot and I caught up, eyeing him. Gross. Maybe you don’t think so right now, but when you’re human again, you might regret eating raw meat. Not that I was one to talk since I’d almost snagged it for myself.

  He spun to face me. You’re probably right.

  I moved alongside him, rubbing my fur against his.

  Zack licked my ear and I nuzzled against him. Why did that feel so good? Made me wonder what else would feel different as a wolf…

  If we were both in our wolf form, then technically we were the same species. At least for the moment. Would the mixing species thing still apply? I nudged him with my shoulder and he nipped the fur at my neck.

  I turned into him, my tongue whipping out to lick his muzzle, then I rolled over onto my back. He stalked closer, his eyes dark as his throat rumbled. With a paw on my chest, he nuzzled my neck, his breath coming faster.

  Zack froze, hovering over me. He waited a beat as if contemplating his next move, then he slowly backed away. Fooling around like this is a terrible idea. When I almost ate that rabbit, didn’t I just prove I couldn’t be trusted in my wolf form?

  Yes, and obviously, so had I.

  † † †

  On the drive home, I didn’t say much. I was too shocked at how close we’d come to having wild wolf sex. Zack was quiet too, which made me wonder if he was holding back again.

  I swiveled in the passenger seat to face him. “Is there something you need to tell me?”

  “Well…” He looked at me uncertainly.

  Oh, geez, how bad was it? I inwardly groaned. “You promised no secrets.”

  His gaze left the road, long enough to eye me. “Time’s running out. Only a few weeks until graduation. I need to start planning my escape. Charles would see it as a red flag if one day I suddenly left my house with luggage. He would see that. Renzo, too. I’d never get away.”

  My stomach pinched before I stared out the window, not wanting to have this conversation.

  “I was thinking of bringing something over to your house every day, just one item I could hide in my pocket or under my shirt,” Zack continued. “Eventually, I’d have a decent amount of stuff there. When it’s time to go, I’ll just pull my Jeep all the way into your driveway, so I’m right next to your bedroom window, then load up where they can’t see and get to the freeway as fast as I can.”

  I wanted Zack to be safe, even if it meant him being nowhere near me. But to help him leave? It was unbearable. “You can do that easier from your own house.”

  “Not really. My aunt and uncle park their cars in the driveway, so I’d have to carry my stuff to the curb. Charles could be watching two blocks away and I wouldn’t sense him. He’d be all over me long before I made it to the car.”

  At least when we went to the woods, we could ensure we weren’t being followed. At his house, we couldn’t possibly know when Charles was around. “Maybe there’s a cave in the woods or somewhere we could hide your stuff?”

  “If my clothes give off a scent and they find my stash, then they’ll know what I’m up to,” Zack explained.

  “Why not just hide things in your Jeep?” Anywhere but at my house. That would be a constant reminder. I gazed out the window, hoping the topic would die. At least for the next few weeks, I wanted to live in denial.

  “I can put a few things in there,” he said. “But if I fill up a duffle bag, Charles will ask questions. That’s strictly for just a few emergency getaway items, in case I can’t get to your house and have to leave with whatever I have on me.”

  A burning sensation started behind my eyes and a lump formed in my throat. The inevitable was coming, deep down I knew that, but talking about it….

  Still, I needed him to be safe, even though I didn’t want him to leave. “What if my parents really are shifters and not human? How will I explain the werewolf scent in my room when they pop in for one of their random visits?”

  “Still think they’re human. But in case I’m wrong, we’ll seal everything in bags and hide them really well,” he said.

  I was about to suggest sealing the bags for the woods, but we’d risk animals tearing into them and letting loose Zack’s scent. “Good thinking.”

  I squeezed my eyes against the burning tears. Being involved in his plans made his leaving all too real.


  Chapter Four

  Zack, Maya and Trevor beat me to our usual spot at lunch the next day. After I slapped a sandwich onto my tray, along with an apple and a fizzy peach drink, I headed to our table.

  When I glimpsed John waving me over, I detoured. As soon as I got close enough, he snatched the tray from my hands, grinning as he placed it in front of his own.

  “Sit for a minute,” John demanded.

  I obliged, but glanced over my shoulder at Zack. I just got hijacked. Be there soon.

  “What are you doing with your old car?” John asked.

  “Selling it. Haven’t got around to posting an ad. Why?” I bit into my apple.

  “You could sell it to me.” John grinned.

  He was out of his mind to want my old, decrepit car. A full blown frown crimped my forehead as I chewed hurriedly and swallowed. “You should hold out for something better.”

  Zack’s scent wafted into my nose and my tummy did a little flip as he rested his hands on my shoulders.

  “No denying it’s seen better days,” Zack said from behind me. “But I can attest it’s been well maintained.”

  “How much are you selling it for?” John asked. Apparently, Zack’s endorsement trumped my bashing.

  Zack’s thumbs gently dug into my shoulder muscles and my lids sagged in ecstasy. “My boss always says that any running car is worth a thousand minimum.” The tips of his fingers traced my spine.

  “Sold!” John slammed his palm onto the table.

  “What?” I jolted, wondering if Zack had distracted me on purpose. I couldn’t believe he’d just sold that piece of crap to a friend. “No, John, you don’t want it. Trust me.”

  “If he doesn’t want it, I’ll take it,” Ashley said.

  Oh, just great. Having another potential buyer upped the car’s market value. No chance of talking John out of it now. But I’d try. “I’ll feel horrible if it breaks down on you. You guys should save up and get a real car.”

  “That is a real car.” John’s tone sounded a little desperate. “You know how hard it is to find something cheap that actually has an engine? Look, I’m working part time and taking the bus is sucking the life out of me. I need something now and yours is in my budget.”

  “See? You’re doing John a favor by saving him from the horrors of public transit,” Zack whispered at my temple.

  “Fine.” Obviously, I was outnumbered. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  As much as I hated burdening John with my old car, prom was fast approaching. I needed a few things for that night and now I had some extra money.

  † † †

  Instead of waiting for Zack by the curb after school, I dashed to my car to avoid Gina. She must have spotted me, though, because she made a beeline towards me. Damn.

  “It’s the Virgin Princess.” She smirked. “Have that chat with Zack yet?”

  “Actually, yes.” I gave her a tight smile. “Sorry to break it to you, but we’ve never been better. Now you’ll just have to go away and get a life of your own.”

  Her smile faltered, but she bounced back with a snicker. “It’s not like he’ll tell you how much fun we had together. Guys always lie about the girls who came before.”

  The possible truth of her words roared through my brain like a chain saw.

  “I don’t know what Zack told you,” she went on with a sympathetic smile, “but if he said it was his idea to stop seeing me, he’s not telling you everything. I’d already lost interest in Zack when Daniel dumped you and—”

  “Daniel broke up with me?” I exhaled with a half snort. “Are you insane? Gee, that must’ve been
your evil twin kissing Daniel in the bathroom just before I dumped his sorry ass.”

  Gina scoffed. “You’re such a drama queen.”

  Zack draped an arm around my shoulder. I’d been so aggravated by Gina, I hadn’t sensed him approaching.

  “Hey, Gina, you’re good friends with Natalie, right?” Zack asked her. “Jeff’s her boyfriend, which makes him perfect for you.”

  She glared at us and stomped off.

  “She bugging you again, babe?” Zack asked, turning to face me.

  “It’s what she does best.” It hadn’t escaped me that Zack didn’t deny anything Gina had said. Whatever. I didn’t want to know.

  As I was about to climb into the driver’s seat, I spotted a dark blue sports car beyond the gate several cars down. I straightened. That was the second time I’d seen that car there. Had to be Renzo. Why would he be watching Zack at school?

  “Blue sports car parked at eleven o’clock.” I gave a slight jerk of my head toward the car. I hoped Charles would notice the new werewolf and still be protective of Zack. Maybe he’d even force Renzo out of town like he did my ex and the other werewolf.

  “Yeah, I saw him when I was walking over.”

  I slid behind the wheel. “What took you so long, anyway?”

  “Had to finish something up in my last class, then go to my locker.” He checked the time on his cell phone. “It’s only been five minutes. In a hurry?”

  “No, but I don’t enjoy my run-ins with Gina. I always feel so dirty after dealing with her.” I reached for the driver’s side handle. “Are you taking your mom to the doctor today?”

  He shook his head. “I want to wait one more day.”

  “She shot you down, huh?”

  Zack snorted. “Stubborn as hell. And bossy.”

  “Why don’t I drop you off at work, then come get you later? I have some errands to run.”

  “What kinds of errands?” Zack’s seatbelt clicked into place.

  “Clothes shopping.” I started the car. “I need more natural fibers.” Zack may have been content with his synthetic fabrics not morphing with him, but I hated changing back totally nude and having to scrounge for my clothes. Incredibly inconvenient.

  By the time I’d rolled the Mustang to the gate, the blue car had disappeared. I didn’t see any sign of it on the way to the auto shop either. Maybe Renzo had taken off. If only he’d stay gone.

  After I dropped Zack off at work, I stopped at the bank to withdraw some cash. The balance printed on the receipt had more digits than my checkbook register.

  Everything had seemed normal when I’d talked to my parents. But why the large deposit? Maybe they planned to be gone a while longer and wanted to make sure I had plenty of emergency money.

  It made me wonder if there was some other reason they hadn’t come home. I missed them. But since it was my fault they’d left — I’d gotten tired of their hovering and blackmailed them into leaving — I had no right to complain. They could be cool, though. At this point, I’d gladly take them back, over-protectiveness and all.

  † † †

  After the mall, I stopped by the auto shop to get Zack, then took him home. I promised to meet up with him later and headed to my house to unload my loot. When I parked against the curb, I noticed an unfamiliar car in the driveway. Last time I’d come home to a strange car, it had been a rental when my parents had returned unexpectedly. What if it wasn’t them this time?

  I thought about calling my mom, but if the car out front didn’t belong to her and she knew about the stranger at my house, then she and my dad would worry. I could find out who it was without involving them or putting myself in danger.

  Staying in my car, I tapped the horn on my steering wheel and hoped my guests would show themselves. I waited a beat and the screen door opened. I abandoned my bags in the car and bolted across the lawn.

  “Mom!” I leaped into her waiting arms, hugging her every bit as tightly as she hugged me. What felt like minutes later, I’d finally gotten my fill and released her.

  “Still can’t believe you picked a convertible.” She nodded toward the Mustang. “Thought you didn’t like the wind messing up your hair.”

  I didn’t want her to think I’d shopped frivolously or that I’d changed drastically since she’d been gone. She’d only worry. “It has modifications, which according to the mechanic make it special. So I put up with it.”

  She chuckled. “You love it, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” I grinned. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  Her face grew solemn. “Let’s go inside. I have something to discuss with you.”

  Once through the front door, my eyes scanned the living room. “Where’s dad?”

  “He couldn’t get away.” She sat and leaned back against the dining room chair. “Actually, we saw no point in him making the trip since you’re flying back with me.”

  I blinked. “What?”

  “We’ve decided our family’s been apart long enough.” She gave me her firm look. “We’ll be in New Mexico for a while, which is what you wanted. To stay in one place for a long period.”

  Setting my purse on the table, I dropped into a chair thinking of all the lame things I could say when there was only one thing I wanted to know. “Mom, level with me. Why do you guys move around so much? Dad could work from just about anywhere and you guys would save so much money in travel expenses.”

  She studied me. “You’ve never complained before.”

  “Actually, I have. You just weren’t listening.” My tone lowered an octave. “Let me be clear. I don’t want to move again.”

  She reached out to take my hand. “Once we’re all settled in New Mexico, you won’t have to worry about that for a while.”

  I pulled my hand away. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You can even keep the Mustang,” she went on as if she could replace my friends, a high school diploma and the entire life I’d built in Southern California with a car. “We’ll drive out tonight, once we’re packed.”

  “Mom, we went through this a couple weeks ago. I told you how I felt about being uprooted.” My blood began to boil. It was as if the conversation had never taken place. I sucked in a deep breath, then fixed my gaze on her and stretched my shoulders back. “Sorry. I’m staying right here.”

  She stared at me, like she still didn’t quite believe me. “Alone?”

  “Mom, I love you both and I really miss you guys, but I can’t do the gypsy thing anymore. If you leave and sell the house, I’ll understand. I can get a job and figure it out. I’d rather do everything on my own than move again.”

  “What’s so important that you have to stay?” She narrowed her eyes. “Did you meet a boy?”

  My mouth gaped. “You’re still not listening. I want my diploma and I want to go to prom. I hate moving. And I don’t think you and dad have been truthful to me.” Oops. I hadn’t meant for that last bit to slip out.

  “What do you mean?” Her brows pulled together. “We’ve never lied to you.”

  No, but an omission amounted to the same thing. If my parents were shape-shifters, then they should’ve told me that I would be turning into one, too. If they were human, then that meant I was adopted. Again, they should’ve told me.

  I was dying to just tell them I was a shifter and find out either way. But if they were human and I revealed my true nature to a mortal, I’d be breaking the most important law of the supernaturals. I could get killed for that. I was already breaking serious werewolf laws. I didn’t want to press my luck breaking more. Besides, what did werewolves do with humans who knew their secret? I had no idea, but I couldn’t take the chance that they were human and Charles or Renzo would kill them.

  On the other hand, if they were shifters and I spilled the beans, I wouldn’t be breaking any laws. But if they were shifters, wouldn’t they have said something?

  “Whatever.” I wrapped my arms around my waist. “I’m staying and this conversation is over.”

  “You’ll be on your own.” Her voice softened. “How will you get through college and make enough money to get an apartment? You’ll need to eat. Or do you plan to sacrifice your education and make minimum wage the rest of your life?”

  “My education? Seriously? If you cared about that, you wouldn’t be giving me an ultimatum. Come with me or cut me off? What kind of parenting is that? You guys make no sense at all.” I exhaled loudly and lifted one shoulder. “I’ll work it out, maybe stay at Maya’s for a bit.”

  My mom was silent for a moment and I wondered whether she’d given up or was about to try a new angle. I caught a glimpse of the clock on the fireplace mantel, knowing Zack would be expecting me for dinner shortly.

  “I’ll be right back.” I grabbed my purse and paused. “How long are you staying this time?”

  “If you’re not coming with me, I’m leaving right away.”

  “Meaning minutes, not hours?” I asked, unsuccessful at hiding my apathy.

  She nodded.

  “Why don’t you guys just come back and stay?”

  “Sweetheart, your father can’t not work. We have rent to pay, your private school and—”

  “Never mind.” I’d heard it all before. I spun and hurried up the stairs to my room. After closing the door, I rooted through my purse for my phone and texted Zack with trembling fingers to tell him I’d been delayed.

  Damn! Why had they forced me to make a choice? God, was I even making the right decision? Phone still in hand, I slapped it against my palm as I paced near the foot of my bed.

  Staying and struggling to make ends meet scared the daylights out of me, but I loved my life here. Except Zack would be leaving in just a few weeks and then I’d lose him too. But I still had Maya and Trevor — until they went away to college, at least.

  But that wasn’t the point. I didn’t want to move again. I was done starting over. Eventually, I’d be forced to leave when the wrong werewolf discovered me, but until then, I intended to live my life on my terms.

  My parents would always love me. I knew that. And I could visit them. With that realization, my body began to calm and my breathing steadied. I quit pacing and ran downstairs, quickly locating my mom who held a phone to her ear. She eyed me, then said good-bye and hung up.