Read Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War Page 10


  On entering the Scottish Soldier, Hector found that, as he hoped, thecabaret was deserted, for it was the hour at which the regiment wasassembled for drill. It would have been a little embarrassing for himas a colonel to come upon a number of private soldiers at the cabaret.Separately he might have chatted with each, but a general greeting whena number of them were there together would have been embarrassing.

  The old sergeant as he entered ran up to him. "Well done, my lad, welldone! 'Tis a delight to me indeed to know that you have so grandly madeyour way, and already won the rank of colonel."

  "Why, how did you know, MacIntosh?"

  "The guard at the colonel's was changed just after you went into hisquarters, and you may be sure that they lost no time in spreading thenews that you had returned, and returned a colonel. In ten minutes thisplace was as full as it would hold, and there was such a crowd outsidethe door that a sergeant-de-ville came in to inquire what was thematter, thinking, perhaps, that the regiment was in mutiny. I was rightglad when I heard the trumpet sound the assembly a few minutes ago, andthey had to rush off in a hurry, for I felt that it would be awkward foryou were you to come in when they were all so excited."

  "Yes, I was glad myself when I found that they were gone. I regard everysoldier in the regiment as my friend, and would shake hands with themnow as heartily as I did when I went away near four years back, but Imyself felt that it would be somewhat embarrassing were I greeted bythem wine cup in hand. Here are twenty pistoles; say that I left themhere for them to drink my health on my promotion, but that I shall beso busy during the day or two that I remain in Paris that I shall not beable to pay another visit here. Now let us have a quiet talk together,and give me all the news of the regiment."

  "Perhaps, colonel--"

  "Oh, you need not call me colonel, MacIntosh, when you and I aretogether alone. I am what I was--Hector Campbell, the lad to whom youshowed so much kindness for his father's sake. Yes, I will tell you oneor two of my adventures, and you shall come round to me tomorrow morningat seven o'clock at the Hotel Conde, and we will stroll out together,and sit down in the gardens of the Palais Cardinal, and you shall thentell me about the regiment, who have gone, and what changes there are."

  "That will be best," the sergeant said. "We did hear something of howyou were made captain. Turenne was good enough to tell the colonel, andso some of it came down to us, but of course it was very little. Themen would like to hear all about it and about this battle at Rocroi, atwhich, of course, you must have in some way distinguished yourself to beappointed colonel at your age."

  Hector gave him a full account of the battle. "The special thing forwhich I was promoted," he said, at the finish, "was that, the nightbefore, it struck me that there might be an ambush set in the copsesin the hollow between the two armies. So far as I could see, no effortswhatever had been made either to occupy the woods or to find out if theenemy had done so; so I went with my servant, who is a capital fellow,and we made our way into them, and discovered a regiment of musketeershidden there. Of course I reported the fact to General Gassion, andhe told the prince. So, before attacking the enemy's lines, the princecharged right along the wood and destroyed the musketeers there. If hehad not done so, they would have taken him in rear when he was hotlyengaged with the Spaniards, and might have changed the fate of thebattle."

  "Certainly they might," the sergeant said. "A volley from a thousandmuskets from the rear would well shake even the best cavalry. It was ahappy thought of yours indeed."

  "Any merit there is in it was due to Turenne, who had carefullyinstructed me in everything that could be of importance when two hostilearmies faced each other; and as he would never have dreamt of retiringto rest before having every place where an enemy could conceal himselfcarefully searched, it seemed to me a matter of course that it should bedone. However, General Gassion and the prince were both good enough toconsider that the service was a vital one, and as soon as the battle wasover the prince gave me my promotion."

  "And it was well earned, lad, well earned. And now about that affair atTurin."

  "It could not have been better done, Hector," the old soldier said inhigh delight when the story was told. "I used to think that you spentmore time than was necessary in reading over accounts of battles andsieges, but I see that the time was well spent. You may be sure that Iwill be with you at seven tomorrow morning," he added as Hector rose toleave, "though I expect I shall have a heavy night of it here, for therewill scarcely be a man in the regiment who won't come round and stay tohear the news. I warrant that by this evening there will not be a souremaining out of the money you have left for them."

  Hector arrived at the hotel just in time for the midday meal, and waspleased to find that Conde himself was not present. He and his twocompanions were placed at different points at the great table, so thatas many as possible could hear the story of the battle. After the mealwas over, Hector was glad to leave the salon, and in company with agentleman of the household, who had volunteered to be his guide, spentthe afternoon in visiting the principal sights of Paris, of which he hadseen but little when a boy in barracks. The hotels of the nobles, each afortress rather than a private building, interested him greatly, asalso the streets in which the principal traders lived; but he wasunfavourably impressed with the appearance of the population in allother parts, and could well understand what his guide told him, that itwas dangerous in the extreme for a gentleman unattended to pass throughthese quarters.

  At six o'clock he sat down to the evening meal at Conde's, after which,having attired himself in his new suit, he repaired with de Penthiereand de Caussac to the Louvre. It was eight o'clock when they entered,the reception rooms were already full, and the brilliancy of theattire, both of the courtiers and ladies, seen by the light of greatchandeliers, was impressive in the extreme to one who had never seen anygathering of the kind before. There was a little pause in the buzz ofconversation as the three officers entered, and Hector's two companionswere at once surrounded by friends, while he himself was joined byColonel Maclvor and the other two officers.

  "You are the heroes of the evening, Campbell," the former said with alaugh. "A dozen ladies have already asked me to present you to them."

  "Well, please don't do so just now, colonel; let me look round first."

  "That is but fair, Campbell. First, though, I will tell you a piece ofnews that I have just heard. The queen sent off a messenger two daysago to Turenne, and it is believed that he is to have the command of thearmy on the Rhine."

  "That is good news indeed," Hector exclaimed. "It is high time that heshould be given a command, instead of being always put under men lesscapable than himself. Still, it is unexpected at the present moment."

  "I know that the queen always had the greatest liking for Turenne," thecolonel said, "but of course until now she has had no power. Moreover,I fancy that the appointment is to some extent dictated by policy. Condeis already dangerously powerful; Enghien's victory will, of course,largely add to his influence. No doubt some large estates will be givento the latter, such a service cannot be ungenerously rewarded, butit will be thought unadvisable to give him at present furtheropportunities. Conde is old, and his son, who is certainly ambitious andhotheaded now, will be even more powerful than his father has been. Werehe to win more victories, and to become a popular idol, his power mightwell overshadow that of the throne. Therefore it is likely enough thatmy news is true. Turenne has proved that military duty is with himsupreme, for he held aloof from all the troubles in which his brotherthe duke has involved himself, and he may act as a counterpoise toEnghien. I fancy that the latter's plan, which, as you have told me,would lead to a conquest of Flanders, will not be adopted. It would nothave been so in Richelieu's time. The red cardinal would not have lost amoment in ordering him to march into Flanders, thinking only of the goodof France, and disregarding the fact that continued successes might leadto his own power being shaken."

  "And you
do not think that Mazarin will act in the same way?"

  "I think not. Of course at present not much is known about him. Heaffects the greatest humility, is almost obsequious to the great nobles,and even professes to be anxious to return to Italy as soon as hisservices here can be dispensed with. But I expect that he will in timeoccupy as great a position as that of Richelieu, but that he will holdit by craft rather than strength is, from the look of the man, likelyenough. For myself I should say that it is infinitely better for Francethat an ecclesiastic like Richelieu or Mazarin should be at the head ofaffairs, than that the great nobles should all struggle and intrigue forpower, ready as they have shown themselves over and over again to plungeFrance into civil war for the attainment of their aims. Ah, here comesthe queen!"

  The door at the end of the salon opened and Anne entered. By her sidewalked the young king, a little behind were Orleans and Conde, Beaufortand Bouillon, while, following them, with an air that was almost humble,came Mazarin. The queen and the young king were dressed in violet, themourning colour of the court, and the ladies present all wore shades ofthat colour relieved by white. All present formed themselves intotwo lines, through which the queen walked. She acknowledged the deepreverences, and the little king bowed repeatedly. Anne of Austria wasone of the most beautiful women of her time, and although the charm ofyouth had disappeared, her stateliness of bearing made up for this loss,and Hector thought that he had never seen so lovely a woman.

  As soon as they had passed into an inner apartment known as the audiencechamber the lines broke up, and a buzz of conversation and lightlaughter followed the silence that had reigned as the procession passed.The court, indeed, felt a general feeling of relief at the death ofLouis. Although well meaning and desirous of doing good, the life of themonarch had not been a happy one. His health had never been good, andalthough he had the wisdom to see that in supporting Richelieu, and inevery way adding to his authority, he was acting for the good of France,the knowledge that he himself was little more than a cipher galledand irritated him. His disposition was a jealous one, and as the greatminister knew that Anne of Austria was ever his opponent politically, heworked upon this feeling, and embittered the lives of both the king andqueen, and the latter was the constant victim of the king's jealousy andcaprices.

  These things, combined with the ascetic temperament of the king, hadrendered the court of France a dismal one, and the royal salons formeda strong contrast to the brilliancy of those of Richelieu. Now the kingwas gone, and there was a general feeling of relief among the noblesand ladies of the court. It might be that stormy times were ahead, andindeed it was no secret that Conde, Beaufort, and many other nobles werealready united against Mazarin. They called themselves "The Importants,"a term well suited to their own idea of their power, and of the positionthey aspired to as the natural leaders of France.

  "Madame de Chevreuse wishes you to be presented to her," Colonel Maclvorsaid to Hector. "Everyone knows her reputation; she is the cleverestwoman in France, and one of the most intriguing. She is the queen'sgreatest friend, and has been her mainstay in her struggle withRichelieu. Of one thing we may be sure, that she will not tamely seeMazarin step into his place, and she has, it is whispered, alreadythrown herself into the arms of 'The Importants,' and if anyone canpersuade the queen to throw over the cardinal it is she."

  With a slight shrug of his shoulders Hector followed the colonel to agroup of three or four ladies seated upon some fauteuils.

  The colonel stopped before one of these, and bowing deeply said,"Duchess, I have the honour to present to you my compatriot, ColonelCampbell, who arrived here this morning with despatches from the Ducd'Enghien."

  Madame Chevreuse, like the queen, was still a beautiful woman. She waspetite, and possessed a face whose fascination few could withstand.She was the most restless of intriguers, and was never so happy as whenengaged in conspiracies which might cost her her estates and liberty.

  "Why, Monsieur Campbell," she said with a smile, "I had looked to seea fierce warrior, and, lo and behold I find one who, by his appearance,will be far more in his element at court than in the field."

  "Then appearances must greatly belie me, madame," Hector said; "forwhile I may say that I am at home in a military camp, I feel sorely illat ease here, and I feel I would rather face an enemy's battery than somany beautiful faces."

  "That is not bad for a beginner," the lady said with a smile, "butmethinks you will soon get over that fear, for there is nothing verydangerous in any of us. The Duchesse de Longueville," and she motionedto the lady next to her, "is as desirous as myself that you should bepresented to her, and that she should hear from your lips somewhat moreof the doings of her brother than she has yet learned."

  Hector again bowed deeply. The sister of Enghien was as ambitious forher brother's sake as he was for his own self, and she was his potentally in the troubles of the times.

  "Enghien was wounded," she said. "Monsieur la Moussaie left the fielddirectly the battle was won, and could tell me little about my brother'sinjuries."

  "He received three wounds, duchess, but happily none of them weresevere, and he was on horseback on the following morning. It seemedmiraculous to us all that he should so escape, for he rode ever ahead ofus in the charges against the Spanish square."

  "You were acting as one of his aides-de-camp? I do not remember havingseen your face before."

  "No, madame. I have been for the past four years on the staff of theViscount de Turenne, and have not left the army during that time. Thegeneral had the goodness, seeing that there was little doing in thesouth, to send me to learn what I could from the operations of theduke against the Spanish. He sent me a letter of recommendation to yourbrother, who kindly appointed me to the same position under him that Ihad occupied under Turenne."

  "Did you find the ladies of Italy very lovely?" Madame de Chevreuseasked suddenly.

  "In truth, madame, I had but small opportunities of judging, seeingthat, unless when sent with some message from the general to the Duchessof Savoy, I do not think that I exchanged a single word with a womanduring the whole of my stay there."

  Madame de Chevreuse, and the Duchesse de Longueville, and all the ladiessitting round, smiled.

  "Then you have very much to learn, Colonel Campbell," Madame deChevreuse said. "You will find plenty of ladies in the court here whowill not object to give you lessons."

  "I trust, madame," Hector said bluntly, "that there will be littleopportunity for me to take lessons as to the manners of the court, for Ihope that my stay here will be short indeed."

  "That is a most ungallant speech," the younger duchess said, laughing,"and shows indeed the truth of what you have said as to your ignoranceof women. Do you not know, sir; that it is an unwritten law at courtthat every gentleman here must be at the feet of one fair lady?"

  "I suppose that, had I been brought up at court," Hector said, "I shouldnot be more insensible than others; but when one passes three-quartersof one's time on horseback, and that under a commander like Turenne, whosets us all an example in the matter of endurance and watchfulness, onehas small leisure indeed for aught else, and indeed is glad enough toseek one's bed as soon as the day's work is done."

  "If you are another Turenne," Madame de Chevreuse laughed, "I give youup. He is the most insensible of men. His head contains but one idea,and that is duty; and as to us poor creatures, he is as insensible aswas St. Anthony."

  At this moment the door that separated the salon from that of the queenopened, and the names of Monsieur de Penthiere and Monsieur de Caussacwere called. The two officers at once passed into the inner room.

  "You are either left out in the cold, monsieur le colonel, or you willhave the honour of a separate audience," Madame de Chevreuse said.

  "As I have been rewarded far above my merits for any service that Ihave rendered," Hector said quietly, "it is probable that the queen hasnothing to say to me. She was pleased to receive me very graciously thismorning, and gave me her hand to kiss, a
nd I assuredly have no right toexpect any further favours."

  In a few minutes the two officers came out, both looking radiant, thequeen having graciously presented them with the titles to two estates. Aminute later Hector's name was called, and he went off, with a deep bowto the ladies and a murmured apology for leaving them.

  "A loyal spirit, surely," Madame de Chevreuse said; "bizarre, of course,and at present simple as a child. Moreover, I should say that theatmosphere of the court will not infect him as it has the others. Itis refreshing to meet with one who, although he must have distinguishedhimself vastly, is still modest and simple, without a shadow of conceitor of self consciousness. He spoke as frankly to us as if we were twowaiting maids at a cabaret. However, men of that stamp may always bemade useful, and I would rather have the devotion of a young officerlike that, who is, I should say, likely to rise to high rank, than thatof half a dozen men ready to lay their hearts at the feet of the firstcomer, and who are as ready to change mistresses as sides."

  By this time the door had closed behind Hector. The queen was sittingon a sofa, with the little king by her side. Mazarin stood a pace behindher. Conde and Orleans had a short time before gone out, and had mingledwith the crowd in the antechamber, and the courtiers present, who wereall members of her council, stood some distance in the rear.

  "We have had time, Colonel Campbell, to read our despatches, and can nowestimate the service that you rendered the Duc d'Enghien and our army.General Gassion, or I should say Marshal Gassion, for he has today beenraised to that rank, speaks of the value of that service in terms of thehighest eulogy, and indeed says frankly, that had it not been for yourvoluntary expedition and the discovery by you of the Spanish ambuscade,it is probable that we should have suffered a defeat instead of avictory. The duke speaks no less strongly in your favour. I can rememberthat when the Viscount Turenne was here three years ago, he told us howa young Scottish officer on his staff had saved Turin to us by a mostdaring enterprise, by which he informed the garrison of the citadel thathelp would soon reach them, and mentioned that for that service he hadappointed Monsieur Campbell a captain. You are Scottish by birth, areyou not?"

  "I am, your majesty, by birth and descent. My father was a captain inthe Scottish regiment, and fell at the siege of La Rochelle. I was, Imay say, adopted by the regiment, and had the good fortune to be trainedin arms from a child, and the still greater fortune to attract theattention of the Viscount de Turenne, who, young as I was, obtained acommission for me and appointed me to his staff."

  "Well, young sir, the viscount rewarded you for the great service thatyou rendered him at Turin; the Duc d'Enghien has similarly rewarded youfor your service to him at Rocroi; but it is ours to reward you foryour services to France; and Cardinal Mazarin will, in my name, hand youtomorrow the estate of de la Villar, in Poitou, which carries with itthe title of Baron de la Villar. A soldier who has rendered such serviceto us cannot be allowed to remain a soldier dependent on his pay, andI am sure that should need arise you will do me as good service as youhave rendered to Turenne and Enghien."

  "Your majesty is too good and gracious," Hector stammered, overcomeby this sudden and unexpected reward; "but be assured, madame"--and herecovered himself, and his voice was steady--"should there be need, Iwill willingly lay down my life in your majesty's service, and in thatof the king, your son."

  "Which means also," the queen said gently, "in that of my minister, whomay need faithful friends even more than we do, and under whose advicewe have now acted."

  "Assuredly, madame. Cardinal Mazarin is your minister, and as long ashe possesses your confidence he represents France in my eyes, and I willrender as faithful service to him as to yourself."

  "Well spoken, baron," the queen said graciously. "Henceforth I shallcount you as among my friends." She held out her hand for him tokiss, as did the little king, and after a deep bow to them and to thecardinal, Hector left the audience chamber still almost bewildered bythe honours bestowed upon him.

  Hector made his way through the crowd to the side of Colonel Maclvor,the general verdict of those who watched him being that he had not metwith the same good fortune as those who preceded him, but that for somereason or other he had been reprimanded.

  "Well, lad," the colonel said, "what fortune have you met with? Judgingby your face, either the queen or the cardinal have failed to recognizethe service that you have rendered."

  "Upon the contrary, colonel, they have so heaped favours upon me thatat present I can scarcely realize my good fortune, and feel almosthumiliated that so much should have been given for what was a merematter of duty and attended by no great peril."

  "What have they done, then, Campbell?"

  "Well, colonel, absurd as it seems even to myself, the queen hasgraciously bestowed upon me the estate of la Villar, by which gift shesays I become as its owner the Baron de la Villar."

  "That is fortunate indeed, my dear Campbell," the colonel said, heartilyshaking him by the hand. "It shows that the duke and Gassion were ofthe same opinion that we expressed, namely, that your discovery of thatambush was the chief factor in bringing about the victory of Rocroi."

  "But it was such a simple thing," Hector said. "It was merely areconnaissance, such as I have made scores of times in Italy."

  "No doubt, Campbell; but you see the other reconnaissances did not leadto any results, while this did. My dear lad, it is by results thatmen are judged. That you, a young officer on Enghien's staff, shouldunbidden, and, as you say, as a matter of duty, have undertaken such abusiness, shows how thoroughly you have profited by your teaching underTurenne; and as such you deserve what you have gained, though I donot say that you would have obtained your desserts had not yourreconnaissance saved Enghien from defeat. Now I will take you to Madamede Chevreuse again. She beckoned to me after you entered the audiencechamber, and told me to bring you up again when you came out, as she andthe Duchesse de Longueville had taken a great fancy to you. Now, mydear boy, your position is changed. You have become a French noble, and,however unwilling, may find yourself mixed up on one side or the otherwith the doings of your court. Both these ladies have power, and it iswell to keep in with them, for either of them might prove a valuablefriend and protector, and the first rule here is make as many friends aspossible, for no one can say when you may require them."

  Hector again followed the colonel to the group of ladies.

  "Madame," Maclvor said, "I have the honour to present you--"

  "Why, have you not presented him to us already?" Madame de Chevreusesaid with a laugh. "Your memory must be singularly short, colonel."

  "My memory is not short, madame, but it is a somewhat differentpersonage that I have now to present to you. Madame, I have the honourto present Colonel Campbell, Baron de la Villar."

  Both ladies uttered an exclamation of surprise.

  "Why, what has he done, colonel?" the duchess exclaimed. "It must havebeen some remarkable action, surely, for him to be made colonel by mybrother and Baron de la Villar by the queen."

  "In the opinion of the Duc d'Enghien and General Gassion, duchess, heperformed a service that to a large extent brought about the victory ofRocroi. My young friend is at present not beyond the age of modesty,and therefore if you will allow me I will state the circumstances. UnderGeneral de Turenne he was in the habit of constantly visiting the postsat night with the viscount or alone, and endeavouring to discover theposition and intentions of the enemy. The night before the battle hestarted voluntarily to perform the same duties, and, accompanied onlyby his servant, he crept into a wood that lay between the two armiesand there discovered a thousand musketeers who were lying in ambush. Hereported the discovery to General Gassion, who on his part informed theduke of this most important intelligence, for it was evident that, hadthe ambuscade been unsuspected, they would have taken the cavalry inthe rear at the critical moment of the battle, and would have opened soheavy a fire that even the bravest of cavalry, thus surprised andshot down by an unsuspected foe in their re
ar, might have fallen intoconfusion. Being forewarned, the duke directed his first charge uponthe wood, took the musketeers by surprise, and annihilated them, beforecharging and routing the enemy's horse. Thus you see, ladies, that wehave another illustration of the mouse saving the lion, and the lion wasgenerous and noble minded enough to give the mouse full credit for theservice that he had rendered him."

  "Then we have good reason to be grateful to you, monsieur le baron,"Madame Chevreuse said, laying aside the bantering tone in which shehad before addressed the young Scot, "and her majesty has done wellto reward your loyalty, for the estate is a fine one, and has remainedwithout a master since Richelieu brought its last owner to the blockfor having, as he affirmed, conspired against the king--that is tosay, against himself. You have begun well indeed, sir. Henceforth theDuchesse de Longueville and myself may be counted upon as your friends.And now," she said, changing the subject abruptly, "as you say that youare anxious to be off, with whom will you serve, with Turenne or withEnghien? For I hear that Turenne has been sent for to take the commandof the army of the Rhine."

  "I belong to Viscount Turenne," Hector said. "It is to him that I oweeverything. He picked me up a rough boy, with no recommendation savethat my father died fighting for France, and that I was more addicted tomilitary study than most lads of my age, and that, as he was good enoughto say, I reminded him of his own boyhood. It was owing to his kindnessand his tuition that I have now made my way, and it was still further toincrease my military knowledge that he sent me for a time to serve underthe Duc d'Enghien. Therefore, much as I admire the glory that the dukehas gained, and recognize his extraordinary genius, I feel that duty andgratitude alike bind me to my great master."

  "Quite right," the Duchesse de Longueville said warmly. "I am sure thatmy brother will approve of your decision. He admires Turenne as much asyou do, and regards him as his master in military science, and it may beperhaps that one of these days you will take part in a battle in whichmy brother and Turenne will both have command."

  "If it be so, madame," Hector said, "there can be little doubt ofvictory, for with the two greatest military geniuses France has producedduring the last hundred years it would be hard indeed if victory did notattend their united banners."

  The news of the honour that had been bestowed upon this young colonelcirculated rapidly through the salon, and many gentlemen came up andbegged Colonel Maclvor to introduce him to them. One who had receivedso marked a proof of the queen's favour, and who had won the praise andgoodwill of both Turenne and Enghien, might well become in time a man ofmark, and so many compliments were showered upon Hector that he was gladindeed when the queen again passed through the room on her way to herapartments and he was at liberty to retire. He walked slowly back toConde's palace, went up to his room, changed his court suit for thatwhich he had worn during the day, and then went out again, feelingthat it would be hopeless to attempt to sleep. He paced backwards andforwards for some hours on the quay, thinking of the changes that threedays had brought about.

  He could scarcely realize even now, that he who a week ago was but acaptain with nought but his pay, was now not only a colonel but a nobleof France, with an estate of whose value he was ignorant, but as itcarried with it a patent of nobility it was evident that it must be oneof dimensions sufficient to support the title. The change excited nofeeling of exultation. His whole thoughts so far had been directedsolely to his career as a soldier. He had hoped that some day he mightwin a colonelcy; more than that he had never thought of. High commandsin France were matters of birth, interest, and connection. Gassion, whohad just earned his marshal's baton, was the sole exception to therule. Hitherto generals, and still more marshals, had always been menbelonging to the first families of France. It had been a matter ofcourse that when an army went to the field it was under the command ofa prince of the blood, and the utmost an outsider could look for was thecommand of a regiment. The promotion had delighted him, not for the sakeof the pay or position, but because, if he obtained the command of oneof the regiments that were rapidly being formed to meet the dangers thatthreatened France, he would have opportunities of doing good serviceand of earning the esteem of such men as Turenne. His civil dignity,however, oppressed rather than gratified him. He would have heavyresponsibilities. When not on active service he would be expected toshow himself at court, and would have a difficulty in holding himselfaloof from its intrigues and conspiracies. His thoughts turned toScotland. He had relations there, it was true, both on his father's andmother's side, but they were strangers to him. Moreover, Scotland atpresent was torn by a civil and religious war. In England a civil warwas raging, and the extreme party in Scotland, having got the upperhand, had allied themselves with the English parliamentarians, and thecause of the king was well nigh lost.

  The Scottish officers and men in the French service had for the mostpart left their homes owing to the bitter religious differences of thetimes, and, under the easier conditions of the life in France, had cometo look with disgust at the narrow bigotry of the Scottish sects, afeeling heightened perhaps by the deep resentment that still prevailedin France at the insolence with which Knox and the Scottish reformershad treated their princess, Queen Mary. Among the French officers thefeeling was wholly in favour of the royal cause in England. The queenwas French, and had France herself not been engaged in warfare numbersof the young nobles would have gone over and drawn their swords in hercause, and Hector would gladly have done the same.

  For the time, at any rate, he had no idea whatever of returning toScotland. If better times came he had often thought that, if successfulin winning a competency, he would return to his native land, for hisclose connection with the Scottish regiment kept alive in him hisfeeling of nationality, and he always regarded himself as a stranger inFrance. The estates and title now bestowed upon him seemed to put thishope further away than ever, and to fix him permanently in France, acontingency more disagreeable to him the more he saw how completelyFrance was dominated by faction, and how unstable were the conditions oflife there. His musings, therefore, as he walked up and down for hours,were very different from those which most young men would have felt atso great and sudden a change in their fortunes.