Read Wonderland Page 1

  Wonderland – the story of robots by saitanaydesaraju

  Copyright 2012 by saitanaydesaraju

  1. The City

  Once upon at time there was a child in America called Williams. He was fond of dogs and played with his dog daily. He used to study well and would score good marks. One day, his father Adam got a message that he was transferred to Andaman and Nicobar islands as islands as his project at this office has been completed. Then he informed about his transfer to his wife. She readily accepted to go to Andaman and Nicobar islands. She even told her child Williams about the transfer. He also started imagining about their stay at Andaman and Nicobar islands. Very soon, they packed their luggage to set off to Andaman and Nicobar islands. They booked flight tickets to India and ship tickets to travel from India to Andaman and Nicobar islands.

  They went to the airport and passed all security checks and they were waiting for the flight. Soon the flight arrived and they boarded the flight and started their journey. Williams had pizzas in the flight and enjoyed the journey.

  Soon their flight landed in India and they went to the harbor to board their ship to Andaman and Nicobar Island. The ship started and all were enjoying their journey. Williams met David in the ship and both of them became good friends and also shared the same room.

  2. The Cyclone

  At 2 O Clock in the midnight, they heard a big Crackling sound. Then they were shocked to see water coming inside the ship and even into the room of Williams and David. Williams woke up his roommate and both ran out of the room and shouted for help. No one came to their help except his dog. The dog came there running with fear and held Williams tightly. Williams and David both swam out of the room and came outside. There were no people on the ship. Then they jumped into one of the emergency speed boats and helped his dog also to join them. David, Williams and the dog travelled in the speedboat and they went far away from the ship. They thought that their parents died in the ship accident and felt sad about their parent’s death. As they were exhausted, fell asleep while the speed boat was running.

  Fortunately, Williams parents saved their lives by a life boat. They searched

  for this kid and the dog. Since they could not find them, they had informed the head of zeo ship to search for their kid in the ship. Meanwhile, Williams and David found an island after travelling for 2 days. They wanted to stay

  there with a hope of finding something to eat as the island was full of trees. The fuel was exhausted in the boat so they had to row it. They reached the island and tied their boat and walked into the island. There they saw many trees and to their surprise they saw lots of fruits hanging on the trees. As they were very hungry, they started to eat them. When they were eating they heard loud noises but realized that it was some announcements. They thought there will be some human beings and they went there.They saw an auditorium over there. When they were eating they heard loud noises which were like announcements coming from a side. They thought there will be some human beings and they went there. They saw an auditorium over there.

  3.The Robots

  They were astonished to see a robot inside. A robot was announcing “Dear Robots, I am happy that we are celebrating the completion of 10 years of our Robot life. As part of this celebration, we are going to play a game Treasure hunt. Please participate and enjoy the game. The person who wins gets a prize money of Rs 50 lacs. But the entry fee is Rs 10,000 every one should pay the fee to play the treasure hunt. The game will be started tomorrow early morning. Thank you” All felt happy and with in few minutes everyone dispersed from the town hall but 3 Robots informed the head that they were going for site seeing and cannot attend the game. Then head said `ok, no problem’. They went away…David and Williams also wanted to play the game. After few days one day morning, The chief told all Robots to come to the town hall. David and William also came and peeped through the window to see what was happening. The Robots divided into groups and the head of the Robots gave sonic transmitters for each member of the group for communication. David found transmitters left in the basket and they stole those transmitters. After walking some time Williams and David found a big forest. They slowly went into the forest and found so many birds and harmless animals. They thought to build a small house with sticks, branches and leaves. There were no Robots there and they thought that was a safe place for them. They sat freely and comfortably in their house and they tried to know more about the transmitters.

  4.The Treasure hunt

  The next day morning, David and Williams spoke through transmitters and started their game. They looked inside the trunks of trees, near leaves and all other surroundings. They searched near their assembly place, their warehouse and there is nothing there except all crops and other resources and they could not find the treasure. There found a big banyan tree and they searched the tree for the treasure. But they found a clue inside the tree. On that clue it was written that it was a four lettered area. They were happy that they found the clue. Then nearby they saw a place in the forest which was like a small lake. They thought it might be the four letter area and David and Williams went swimming inside the lake. They searched for the treasure everywhere but they did not find anywhere. Then a big aquatic fish which is like a whale came near them to eat them. Williams saw the whale and tried to escape. Luckily they escaped by hiding near a boat wreckage under the water. They found a suitcase inside the wreckage. Then they became curious to open the suitcase. When they opened, they were elated to find the treasure. Automatically an announcement came in the transmitters “PRIZE CLAIMED” and in their head quarters the robots started firing

  crackers. But the foolish Robots didn’t know who the winner was.

  Williams and his friends ran away from the place leaving their transmitters. Robots identified the location of the transmitter and ran towards the

  transmitter taking the medals and certificates. But when they reached the place they found nothing except transmitters. A Robot came there running

  and informed that the three transmitters of the robots who went for site seeing were not found. Steveson (the head of the robots) shocked

  and replied “I think someone had entered our island and had stolen the treasure”. Remaining Robots kept blank faces. The head of the robot

  (steveson) became sure about the entrance of someone because everyone was present there except the three Robots who went for site seeing. The transmitters belonging to the robots who went for site seeing were left there and the three foreigners (Williams and David including dog) had stolen those three transmitters. He became angry that the foreigners stole Rs 50 lacs. He ordered the Robots to start searching for them as they should be executed and killed as what they did was against the laws of Robot land.

  5.Escape from the Robots

  David -: The Robots searched all areas, now they went home for charging their batteries. I overheard the conversation of the robots saying that tomorrow early morning they will search the headquarters and the big…big forest.

  Williams-: I had listened that they appointed army

  at the boundaries of the island and near the headquarters. I think they may surround the forest also because we stole Rs50 lacs.

  David -: Presently, there is nobody surrounding the forest and only 1hr time is left for us and if we delay, they start searching in the forest and it is

  difficult for us to escape.

  Williams -: Yes!!

  They started planning about their escape from the Robotland. After walking few miles, soon, their time(1hr) elapsed. They saw security guards surrounding the forest. There was no other way to escape from the island as there was 24 hr security there. Then Williams got an idea on how to escape from the forest. He sent his dog little far from them and he asked his dog to bark so that the do
g would draw the attention of Robots. When the Robots

  were running in the direction of the dog, Williams and David ran away faster near the shore. Williams left the treasure there as they could not run fast with the treasure. All the Robots who surrounded other areas started running for them. But they were not able to reach them because Williams and David ran fast near the shore. They went to the shore of the island. As these Robots

  could not catch, they informed NAVY to catch them. Robots also started chasing Williams and David. The Robots were more than 1 km from Williams and David. The dog barked indicating the danger of the Robots. They came forward deep in to the ocean to catch David and Williams. Then David and Williams went deep and deep in to the ocean and started swimming. The Robots who tried to catch David and Williams were falling in the water and no one is able to catch them as their circuits are getting short- circuited due to salty water. David and Williams felt that they were lucky and felt happy about this. Now, they were swimming towards the boat which they tied when came to this island. They went near the boat and started rowing the boat.. They sat peacefully in the boat They heard a sound of a boat following them. Williams turned back and saw a gang of Robots following them with boats. They rowed faster and faster as they could. Far away they saw a boat and then they shouted HELP! HELP! Loudly. The boat driver heard the voice and when these people waved their hands, he understood they are in trouble and he slowly came nearer to him and these people rowed their boat nearer to the boat driver. Then they went inside the boat and requested the driver to save them. The driver said that the fuel in the boat is less and it would finish if they travel for more than half-an- hour. Is there any island nearer to it?’ Williams asked. Driver said” Yes. I forgot telling you about that. I will drop you in that island and I will continue my work. But what for you came here deep into the ocean? Williams asked. Then they replied that the head of Zeo Company sent them to search for 2 people as they escaped with a speed boat. So they should find them. Five more boats are travelling and searching for those people. That`s the purpose for coming deep into the ocean.

  6.The Chimpanzees

  After some time, David and Williams slowly walked into the island and they found some animals which were like chimpanzees. Soon it was afternoon they were so hungry but they had nothing to eat. Hours passed by…. They

  thought that they may die due to starvation. Slowly they walked deeper and deeper into the island thinking they can find some food

  somewhere. Then they found some trees with so many blackberries and cherries. They ran near the tree and started eating those. After eating they got sleep and for their safety they climbed the tree and slept on the branches of the tree. It was uncomfortable but they adjusted. They slept whole night peacefully after few months. Soon it was morning. Williams and David woke up and they started talking about their adventures in Robotland. David suddenly observed that there is a harbor near to them. Then he told his friend and their faces turned bright. They also took some blackberries and cherries as they can eat them when they feel hungry. Afterwards, they started going near the harbor as they can escape from the island. When they are walking near the harbor, they saw a Robot standing in front of them they were shocked and they ran as fast as possible. But the robot chased them and caught them tightly in his hands and said “You cannot escape from my hands. Thought that you escaped from our land?

  This is our neighboring land and these chimpanzees are our friends. Bye Bye loosers” {now he is going to kill them} suddenly the dog found a red wire which is out from the Robots body. He thought that this is the chance and bit the wire with his teeth. The wire was cut and the Robot could not move his hands and legs. Robot shouted “You are not the true winners. You won by biting me otherwise you will be killed. Cheating!” he shouted. But the children didn’t listen to the robot’s words and they went into the boat. Then the Robot called a chimpanzee to catch them but it was too late.

  7.Back home once again

  They started their journey. After travelling some time, they ate the food that they took from the trees and afterwards they slept in the boat. At morning 7:30 A.M, the dog woke up first and it barked loudly “bow….bow…bowbow…” these children woke up due to the sound and when they opened their eyes, they found themselves in a big luxurious boat. A waiter served them breakfast. “Surprised? We are from Zeo ships. Do you know how we came to know about you?” ‘How?’ Williams asked. Then she said ‘The ship driver who jumped into the water was rescued and after

  his cure, it struck to his mind that they might be the 2 children and the dog. He also said that he left you in the chimpanzee’s island and they may

  be somewhere around the chimpanzees island.

  When we searched there, we found you. Now we will take you near your parents. Their eyes burst into tears and they thanked her for saving them.

  within few weeks, the boat reached India and their parents picked those children and those children told about their adventures on their way.