Read Workings of a Happily Ever After, The Page 13

  Chapter Five:

  Misplaced Blame

  Zell knocked on SLC Seifer's door while giving my hand a collection of tender pressures. I bit my lip and fisted my free hand, the dream still too bright in my mind to believe it was anything but real. Queen of Gods. I swallowed hard as I heard the door click, clunk, and then open to reveal Seifer, groggy and grumpy, dressed in a black robe while towering in the doorframe.

  He scrubbed at his scalp of close-cropped hair. "Dincht, it's two in the mo--" When he focused on me, standing a bit behind Zell, he stepped back and motioned inside.

  Zell gave me an encouraging smile and then guided me inside. Seifer moved to close the door to his bedroom. Then he motioned for us to sit at the small table in the small dining area off the small kitchen. He turned a chair and straddled it as I slowly sat beside Zell, my eyes never leaving their focus of the floor at my feet.

  "So, what happened that couldn't wait until morning?" he prompted.

  "Remember two weeks ago and that GF summon?" Zell began.

  I cringed.

  Seifer glanced to me a moment before focusing back on Zell. "Go on."

  "Well, I had a feeling Sally wasn't okay sleeping by herself, so I followed her and snuck in once she fell asleep. Good thing, too, because the GF paid Sally another visit."

  Seifer momentarily clenched his jaw. "Report."

  "I guess the radicals we've met so far are trying to get a lot of power and killing a lot of people to get it done. Asura doesn't like it, so she's decided to kill them."

  Seifer focused on me. I twitched but didn't look up. I couldn't. If I looked up he would have seen how much I blamed myself. I mean, it was my job to patrol the Inter/Intranet for news of radicals and security breaches. It was my job to report dangers to civilians and SeeDs alike. It was my job--my throat tightened--and I hadn't done it.

  "I don't know if what she told Sally was meant as a warning for us to 'stay out of the way' while the problem's dealt with," Zell continued, "but it scared the hell out of her."

  "Damn straight it did."

  I twitched and lifted wide eyes to watch Janine Larabie come out of Seifer's bedroom, tightening the belt of one of his robes around her.

  Seifer frowned and pointed at the now open bedroom door. "Larabie, didn't I tell you--Oh hell."

  He gestured her forward, even though she was already moving to his side. In fact, she shocked me and made Zell smirk and shake his head when she moved to stand beside Seifer, leaning against him with one hip as she rested a hand on his back.

  "You okay, Sal gal? I bet she scared you shitless."

  I flushed and lowered my gaze, confusion at the unexpected pairing pushed aside by the terror and the guilt. "I'm okay," I whispered.

  "What did she say exactly, Regal?" Seifer pressed, not nearly as harshly as I would have expected, either.

  "I..." An unexpected tear escaped and I quickly wiped it away, receiving Zell's assuring squeeze with a returned one. "I don't remember exactly, sir," I whispered.

  Seifer tapped his fingers along the back of the chair before saying, "Just give me what you got."

  I tightened my hold on Zell's hand. "She... She said that I knew why she came that time. That..." and my mind couldn't help but remember what she'd said and how she'd said it. It was as if the message were burned into my brain. "The evil hearts of these men has begun to infect the innocent. They thirst for power and lust for my throne. My throne! Until this avarice is curbed and the blood-lust is halted, I will come and bestow judgment. And their judgment is death without mercy. So decrees Asura, Queen of Summon. Queen of Gods. So it will be done.'"

  I covered my face with both hands and began to cry again.

  "Damn it, Seifer," Zell complained, gently rubbing my back.

  "It isn't Seifer's fault, lover-boy," Janine said firmly, "and you know it." She looked down at Seifer. "Babe, I'm going to take her to my place. I've a rollaway cot she can use. It'll be better than sleeping by herself." Janine stepped toward me and took my hands from my face. "Come on, kid. Let's get you to bed." She pointed at Zell. "Stay. Good boy."

  Zell smirked and watched us go. Then he focused on Seifer. "So now what?"

  Seifer released a quick breath and scrubbed at his scalp. "Beats the hell out of me."

  "What do you think she meant by that 'My throne' crack? I doubt she meant Sally because Fujin got the goods first. You think she means her real throne? And what the hell would that get the radicals? Maybe it's some artifact that gives power?"

  Seifer frowned and swore a blue streak. "I didn't need this right now, damn it!"

  Zell kicked back in the chair and tightly crossed his arms, expression serious. "Tell me about it. I mean, I'm getting married in two months!"

  Seifer pushed to his feet. "Come on. We better report this to the Commander."

  Zell stood and gestured to Seifer's robe and bare feet. "You going like that?" he asked, smirking. "I'd hate your secret life to get out."

  Seifer scoffed and said "Go to hell," but he turned and slammed into his bedroom just the same.

  Zell sniggered.