Read Workings of a Happily Ever After, The Page 25


  I needed to stretch my legs, so I walked the distance from Balamb to Garden, chuckling and shaking my head as I remembered the so many other trips to and from that Sally and I had made. The kiss, the concussion, the silence just holding hands, the carriage rides... They made the entire Sorceress Ultimecia thing worth it. Not that it hadn't been worth it before. I mean, we were saving the world.

  I was just glad to know Sally had been a part of that world all along.

  My smile faded when I remembered how she'd been so badly hurt during that fight between Balamb and Galbadia Gardens. And though I'd been there, I didn't do anything to help her. I couldn't. I hadn't known about her back then. She'd only been a passing face. Someone who'd given me a Mega Phoenix. Someone who I'd occasionally seen in the library between SeeD missions before all hell broke loose.

  I kicked at a rock and shoved my hands in my pockets. While I'd been trying to save Rinoa from falling off a cliff, Sally had been lying hurt under a bunch of fallen rubble. And I hadn't even been able to save Rinoa! I had to go back and get Squall--

  I blinked and stopped as a memory began to tickle at the back of my brain...

  A SeeD ran up to me as I held my position at the front gate, hoping against hope that Squall would get to Rinoa in time to save her. I focused on the SeeD as he motioned behind him. "There's been a collapse in the Library and we can't get one of the candidates out!"

  "What? Damn it!" I looked to the others as they stood waiting for the next wave of attacks from Galbadia Garden. "I'll be right back." I turned back to the SeeD, grabbing his arm as I headed toward the Library. "Come on!"

  "She's hurt bad," the SeeD went on. "We've got to get her to the Infirmary fast!"

  "What happened?"

  "Sally was helping get the junior classmen out when one of the bookcases toppled at the last attack."

  I swore and picked up the pace as I turned to run down the side corridor toward the Library. "Are the kids okay?"

  "Yeah. She pushed the last one out of the way. The little guy only got hit with a couple books as it came down."

  I entered the Library and skidded to a halt to see one of the huge wood bookcases laying on its face, books scattered all over the place. Only a small hand showed from under the bookcase as two other SeeD tried to lift it.

  "Shit." I ran forward, skidding to my knees to take hold of the small hand. It was warm to the touch, the pulse weak but steady. I released a quick breath of relief and then looked to the other SeeDs. "She's alive. I'll cast Float and then you guys help me lift and push. Ready? One-Two-Three!"

  The bookcase moved, settling on the other side of the Library to reveal a petite candidate with brunette braids. I knelt beside her and cast a low-level Cure spell as I carefully turned her onto her back. Her face twisted with pain and her hands tightened into fists. There was blood in her hair and trickling down the side of her face. She more than likely had internal bleeding, too, because when I lifted her into my arms and stood, she shuddered and cringed with a low moan.

  "Sh-sh-sh. I've got ya." I sprinted out of the Library, holding her close against me while shouting "Tell the doc I'm on my way to the Infirmary and to get her butt over there!"

  "You've got it!"

  I glanced down to her pale face, twisted in pain and stained with blood. One side was already darkening with a bruise. "Hold on, girl."

  Dr. Kadowaki wasn't in the Infirmiry, but a SeeD in training for the medical section was. I hurried inside. "She was trapped under a bookcase. She's hurt bad." I set the candidate carefully down onto the bed in one of the exam rooms. The girl grabbed my hands and held tight, voicing a pain-filled cry as her face twisted yet again.

  "Do something!" I said, voice a little panicked.

  The SeeD stepped forward and began examining her. "Broken ribs. . . Damn. One of her lungs has collapsed. Move." And he pushed me aside.

  The girl opened her eyes as my hands left hers and whispered, "...Zell..." And then her eyes closed again as she shuddered.

  I leaned close. "It's okay, girl. You just hold on. They'll fix you up--"

  "Zell!" came a call from outside the Infirmary. I looked up to see a group of SeeD entering. "They need you!"

  "Right there!" I focused again on the candidate and gave her chin a gentle chuck. "Fight on, girl. Garden needs more SeeDs like you." I looked to the SeeD working on her.

  He sent me a somewhat forced smile. "She'll be okay." He motioned toward the door with a tilt of his head. "Hurry."

  I nodded and sent the candidate one last look before leaving the Infirmary at a run.

  I took a staggered step backward. ...the hell?

  But memories still did that sometimes, coming back from the fog the GFs had made in our head. Finally making their way out of the hole. The doctors on staff had said that some memories took longer to return than others, being triggered by heavy emotions or stress. That's why so many candidates and SeeDs were still enrolled in weekly sessions. To help them deal with all the misplaced memories.

  But this one? I... I saved her life...? I picked up the pace, heading toward Balamb at a near run. The memory felt damn good to have back. And now I had to tell Sally.