Read Workings of a Happily Ever After, The Page 5


  I heard Zell step into the Infirmary as I changed into my orchid one-piece swimsuit behind one of the curtained 'rooms'. "I'm here, Zell. I'll be out in a sec."


  I heard the rustle of the curtain to the room beside mine as he stepped past to change into his swimming trunks. He looked spectacular in swimming trunks. And jeans. And his uniform...

  I giggled. "You should have seen Marshal's face when I said I asked Seifer to be in charge of security for the wedding. It was funny. Oh, and he asked if Ahndra could help, just like you said he would. Just like I hoped he would." I giggled again. "It kept me from having to ask her and Seifer. I can only handle one in a day. But Janine was there to offer moral support, thank goodness."

  I stepped past the curtain and made my way up to and in to the hot tub. Then I leaned back against the tub and closed my eyes. "Ahhhh."

  I heard the soft padding of Zell approaching the hot tub and opened my eyes as I sat up. But my smile faded when I focused on his face. Zell's expression wasn't a bright smile or a grin or a smirk. It was almost somber.

  "Can we talk about Winhill for a sec?" Zell asked as he sat a little ways to my right, which completely surprised me.

  My hopes plummeted. "Sure, sweetie."

  I knew before that he had been waiting for word on whether or not a Garden had been approved for the little town. When a Garden had been turned down by the Network because of Winhill's small size, they had approved, instead, the building of a Security Station.

  Unfortunately, the Security Station final approval had been held up because of Winhill's city council dragging their feet by making specific changes to the contract with the Garden Network. Seeing Zell's expression made me wonder if this final contract submission had been denied.

  Zell released a deep breath. He didn't meet my gaze. "The Security Station in Winhill was denied."

  "Oh no..." My eyes burned with tears as I scooted to sit close beside him. "Zell, I'm so sorry," I said as I wrapped my arms around his mid-section.

  "Yeah. Me, too." He let out another breath and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "It sucks, Sally. I really wanted to do the Garden Security thing there."

  "I know," I said softly. "So did I."

  Zell sighed again, and this time he scrubbed at his scalp. "Now I don't know what to do. I really thought I was supposed to set up a Security Station. They deserve protection as much as everyone else."

  My lips drooped. "I know, but maybe we're supposed to stay here at first?"

  "You think?"

  I sat up and focused on his thoughtful expression. "Just until Commander Squall and President Laguna change the council's mind. The Commander knows how important a Security Station would be, especially after my report and Marshal and Ahndra's investigation."

  "That's true."

  "Besides, Mom and Dad said the first year or two of marriage is really hard," I admitted, "with trying to get used to living with another person and stuff like that. Maybe we should just get a larger dorm-room here and live on campus for the first six months or year? Just until things settle down? At least then we won't have to worry about rent or the bills that come with a house."

  "Yeah. Housing is free here. Mostly." Zell smirked. "It would definitely be easier on the bank account, huh?"

  I smiled and then snuggled back against him. "Who knows? Maybe the Network will arrange to build a Security Station outside the council's limits a little later? That way they don't have to do a contract and the Network can have complete control. There's a first time for everything."

  Zell chuckled as he stroked my upper arm. "That'd be a riot, doing it anyway and telling them to go to hell."

  I yawned. "Uh-huh," I sleepily admitted as I snuggled closer.

  Zell laughed. "There ya go again. Sleeping in the hot tub."

  "Can't help it. It's warm," I mumbled. And Zell was better than a pillow.

  Zell began to twirl the end of my braid around his finger, and I smiled. "So, I guess we stay here at Garden until things get straightened out," he said, tone thoughtful. "I'll be sure to let Squall know we'll need a bigger room."

  "Okay," I sighed.

  "But what should I do with the property I bought?"

  My eyes snapped open and the 'snoozes' fled. "Property?"

  "Yeah. I had bids for building a house and everything. Now what do I do? Do I have them build it anyway? Or should I sell the property and cancel the bids until we know for sure what we're doing?"

  I sat up and focused on Zell's thoughtful expression. "Property?" I asked again. "You bought. . . you bought property in Winhill?"

  Zell smirked. "Surprise."

  My jaw gaped a moment, and then I squealed "Oh Zell!" and kissed his cheek as I threw my arms around him. Then I pushed back and happily rambled "Oh please oh please build a house It doesn't matter to me if we can't live in it right away That will give me time to decorate and buy just the right curtains and furniture Oh I could plant a flower garden and make it so pretty Oh Zell, sweetie, please have them build the house Please oh Please!"

  Zell just grinned and said, "Okay."

  "Oh thank you Thank you," I cried as I again kissed his face and hugged him tight.

  "So much for my surprises," Zell laughed. "I don't have any more. Probably a good thing. I nearly blurted the proposal I don't know how many times. And then the house and the honeymoon? Damn. I thought I was going to go insane."

  I giggled a very silly sounding giggle and pushed back. "Thank you so much, sweetie."

  He touched my nose. "Sure, kitten. I just wish I could have made the Security Station happen. It would've been great to work for Garden and live in Winhill and do those submission reviews for Combat King all at the same time."

  I snuggled down into his side again and released a happy breath. "It could still happen, Zell," I assured. After all, it seemed like the impossible was becoming regular occurrences for me.

  "I'll ask Seifer tomorrow about the details of the council's 'no'. He's got to be damned pissed that they turned us down. He hates it when people say 'no'."

  I sniggered. "'Death is answering 'no','" I quoted.

  Zell laughed. Then he snapped his fingers. "Speaking of 'no', Squall said 'no' to performing the ceremony--"

  I sat up, eyes wide. "What?" My lip trembled. "Now what are we going to do?"

  Zell pushed his hands toward me in a comforting motion. "Don't cry, Meg. He only said 'no' at first. Then I walked him through it and he said he'd do it."

  "Really?" I sniffed. "He said 'yes'?"

  One side of Zell's lips twitched upward. "He said 'yes'. It's just he hates doing new crap. Afraid of looking like an ass. That's why I went to the library and checked out a book on Garden wedding procedures, so that I could show him there was nothing to it."

  My expression brightened. "You did research?"

  His ears turned pink. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  I shook my head, still smiling. "Nothing. I just know how you hate it. You'd rather ask someone who knows." I giggled and kissed him on the cheek before snuggling mine against his, eyes closed. "You're very social."

  Zell wrapped his arms around me as he nibbled my ear. "Yup."

  I giggled out "That tickles," and enjoyed every second of it.

  "Duh." He nuzzled my neck, sending thoughts and plans completely out of my head. Then Zell released a deep breath and held me tight as he asked, "This. . . this wedding. It's really happening?" very quietly.

  My lips tilted upward in a soft smile as I sighed, relaxing into his arms and whispering, "It is, sweetie. Promise."