What were the clues that led Mosom to believe that the dead man’s death was a murder and not an accident?
Read Exodus 20:13 Have you ever know someone who was murdered? How did the murder make you feel? Did it change your life?
How did the possibility of murder in this story make people act and feel? How did the murder change Jackson and Jessie’s lives?
Read Matthew 15:19 Where does Jesus say that murder comes from?
Read Matthew 5:21, 22 (Jesus often uses the word ‘brother’ when he means ‘everyone that you know’) According to Jesus, what is just as bad as murder?
Read 1 John 3:15 According to this verse, who is a murderer?
How does hate make people feel and act? How is the result of hate the same as the result of murder?
Read Matthew 5:23, 24 What should we do if we know someone is angry at us? Why?
Mosom said that one of God’s names is ‘Truth’. Read John 14:6
Read John 16:13 Who guided Mosom and Jackson to the truth about what happened to the dead man?
Read 1 John 1:9 Does God forgive murder?
Will Jackson be in trouble with the police for not reporting what he knows to the police? Will he get grounded once again for sneaking out to run in the race? Who is the dead guy anyway and what does he have to do with Luci’s family?