Read Worthy: A Chapbook of Christian Poems Page 3

  *Matthew 6:26 says, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?

  Romantic Love


    Romantic love, how silly,

    childlike, balmy, witless…but

    if you were not a compass,

    I would still be lost.




  Head spinning, breathless, bleakness,

  All goes black, nauseousness, weakness,

  Get me to the infirmary,

  Oh God, be merciful to me.


  Sterile smells, white sheets, ugly tiles,

  Little pricks of blood in viles,

  There’s a mistake; it cannot be,

  Oh God, be merciful to me.


  There’s a time to fight and be still,

  Get the insurance and find the will,

  Don’t fret; the Lord I soon shall see,

  Oh God you have been merciful to me. 



  God mines raw diamonds

  In darkest nights of the soul;

  We retain wonder

  When questions go unanswered;

  Burnished trust gives birth to faith.

  A Hollow Bottle


  A hollow bottle floats amiss in an infinite sea,

  A sea teaming with vibrant colors and wondrous life forms,

  Yet the bottle says to himself, “I am so all alone.”



  Upright, holy

  Deserving ardent praise

  Behold my heavenly father



  Farmer’s Seed


  You are the salt of the earth,

  Farmer, we say that to you,

  You are hardworking and true,

  We recognize your worth,

  To the crop you give birth,

  The soil, you subdue,

  Cornstalks breath through,

  To avert famine and dearth.


  But where is your son?

  He’s not learning how,

  He won’t be outdone—

  Living the life of high brow,

  He forfeits his work in the sun,

  Renounces his seed and the plow. 

  A Servant’s Heart


  I know you think life’s easier,

  Because you’re not me,

  I’m the custodian or waitress,

  Never the manager or maitre d.


  I may seem low and simple,

  Earn a meager salary,

  I have no one to impress,

  So the money’s fine with me.


  I’ll open your door,

  And buff your floor,

  Make you feel like a queen,

  Cause it lights my smile,

  And gives me joy awhile,

  Serving brings blessing.


  Do you have a servant’s heart?

  Be the first to congratulate us,

  For Jesus said the least

  In his kingdom is greatest.


  If you are normally honored,

  Look down on me if you wish,

  I only speak the truth when I say,

  The servant’s heart is a gift.

  Note to Readers

  Maybe you have never officially given your life to God. Even though Jesus died on the cross for all the sins of mankind, you must personally accept the free gift of salvation. If you have never made this choice and would like to accept Jesus’ blood as payment for your salvation so that you can be in a good relationship with God, pray this prayer with me right now:

  Lord, I confess I have sinned against You. I claim Jesus’ blood as payment for my sins. I believe Jesus is the Son of God and my Savior. I believe He died and rose again. Send the Holy Spirit to teach me and guide me in the way I should go. Thank You that I am now reconciled to You, Father. In Christ’s Name, Amen.

  Congratulations on making such a wise decision! I pray you will maintain this close relationship with God by attending church and reading your Bible. Thanks for taking the time to read Worthy: A Chapbook of Christian Poems. I look forward to meeting you in heaven one day!

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