Read Wrangled and Tangled Page 30

  The men dragged over extra chairs and joined them.

  She murmured hello and half feared she’d revert to her former wallflower persona. But she’d come a long way in the last few months and there was no awkwardness at all. She found herself engaged in conversation with the guys as Breck and Celia argued in low tones and Kyle drank.

  Listening to their rodeo exploits had her laughing so hard she had to rest her forehead on Skeeter’s shoulder to catch her breath. Somehow his palm ended up on her lower back.

  “Maybe y’all better let me in on the joke, ’cause it looks awful damn funny.”

  Tierney jumped at hearing Renner’s voice. How long had he been standing behind them? “Hey. I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Obviously.” Renner looked pointedly at Skeeter. “Mind getting your hand off her?”


  “Your hand. Get it off her ass. Now.”

  “Oh. Oh! Sure. No problem, man.” Skeeter pushed away from Tierney, making room for Renner.

  Everyone already knew Renner. The conversation turned to rodeo stock, competition, and droned on. After a half hour of mind numbing shoptalk, Celia mouthed “bathroom” and they slipped away.

  Once they were in line, Celia said, “I need a cigarette. Stupid goddamn no-smoking laws.”

  “Maybe you should track down one of those smokeless tobacco girls to sate your nic fit.”

  “Ha ha. Smart-ass. Wish I never woulda started smokin’.” She let her head fall against the wall. “Look. I’m sorry. For the record, I didn’t tell Breck my plans because I wanted this to be girl time. I get so sick of his entourage. The man cannot go anywhere without his cowboy posse.”

  “Renner’s been off doing his thing all day too.” She frowned. “I didn’t tell him my plans. How did he track me down?”

  “Fuckin’ spies everywhere, that’s how. Did you notice the second they parked their Wrangler butts at our table it was all about them?”

  “I’m used to it. When Renner walks into a room of rodeo contestants, he’s swarmed and forgets I’m even there.”

  “Does it piss you off?”

  “Now that I think about it . . . maybe. A little. And what was up with his, get your hand off her ass now show of testosterone? And then he ignores me completely?”

  “Men suck.”

  They moved a couple of feet in line and she glanced up to see Celia studying her. “What?”

  “I’m thinkin’ a little payback is in order.” She smiled cheekily. “You up for some fun and games?”

  “What kind of fun and games?”

  Celia’s eyes gleamed. “The kind of fun that’ll get us noticed. The kind of games that’ll make them sweat and make them hard.”

  An odd tingle prickled in her belly. The idea of showing Renner she made her own fun . . . really tripped her trigger. “I’m in. What do you have in mind?”

  “A little girl-on-girl action.” Celia laughed. “You oughta see your expression. We’ll get friendly, but ain’t like I’m gonna stick my hand down your pants or nothin’.”

  The lady in line behind them harrumphed and stomped off.

  Tierney fought the urge to grin and to cringe—at the same time.

  “Just follow my lead. It’ll just be a dirtier type of dancin’ and drinkin’.”

  And dirtier said it all.

  After fortifying themselves with another shot, Celia dragged Tierney onto the dance floor for Lady Gaga and Beyoncé’s duet “Telephone” and taught her more sexy moves—shaking her booty, rolling her hips, swaying her upper torso to the beat—than any of the classes she’d taken.

  The DJ kept playing sexy dance tunes. When “Honky Tonk Badonka-donk” came on, Celia playfully slapped her ass. Tierney snatched Celia’s long braid, wrapping it around her hand, pulling Celia against her body in a dominant move that caused Celia’s eyes to widen . . . just for a second.

  Then Celia gyrated her hips with her arms in the air, rolling her shoulders and chest as she used Tierney’s body as her personal stripper pole. “Whip My Hair” started, and Celia bent Tierney over and used her braid as a whip on Tierney’s butt. After the dance ended, they formed a train with Celia in front and Tierney holding on to Celia’s hips. Tierney murmured, “Look at their faces,” and Celia let out a throaty laugh.

  Skeeter stood up and clapped when they reached the table.

  Davy wolf whistled.

  Michael toasted them with his beer.

  But Renner?

  Not so amused.


  Not so amused.

  Breck? Highly amused. He drawled, “Ladies, you gotta be parched after such a fine display of dancin’. Any drink you want is on me.”

  Tierney leaned her elbows on the table, zeroing in on Celia’s cleavage. “How about a . . . Slippery Nipple?”

  “Jesus, Tierney, how much have you been drinkin’?” Renner hissed.

  She gave him the cold shoulder.

  Celia took the end of her braid and slowly outlined the skin bared by Tierney’s sweetheart neckline. “Oh. I don’t know. I was thinkin’ something more sweet and tangy.”

  “And a little sticky?” Tierney asked silkily. “I know exactly what you want.”

  “Because it’s what all women want. A long tongue licking that moist section of skin. A greedy-sounding gulp as the thick liquid warms the throat. And finally,” she breathed, “a firm bite on the tender flesh until it erupts in sweet juice that flows down your mouth and chin.”

  None of the guys said a word. Tierney was pretty sure they’d stopped breathing.

  “Any of you fellas wanna take a guess on what that is?” Celia asked huskily.

  More silence.

  Tierney and Celia exchanged a haughty look and simultaneously said, “Tequila shooters!”

  Male groans sounded.

  Davy piped up, “That’s not fair. That’s not what you—”

  “Shut it,” Kyle snapped.

  Celia blinked innocently. “What did you guys think I was describing? We were talking about drinks, right?”

  Tierney swore she heard Renner growl.

  Breck waved the waitress over. “Two shots of Patron, limes and salt.”

  Then Celia and Tierney ignored the men completely. Celia straightened the laces on Tierney’s blouse, letting the heels of her hands brush Tierney’s nipples. “This is so cute. It’s tight enough you could wear it without a bra.”

  “I considered it until I stepped into a cold room.”

  Celia laughed. Then she said, “Hang on, you’ve got something on your face.” Celia’s finger wiped the corner of Tierney’s mouth.

  Tierney fought a smile at seeing Celia’s smug grin. She knew from the way Celia bent her head it looked as if they were kissing. She casually swept a strand of hair behind Celia’s ear. She fingered the long blond plait, wrapped her palm around it and slid her closed hand up and down the length. “Don’t ever cut your hair. It’s gorgeous. So long. And thick.” She stroked a couple more times and squeezed the girth. “So smooth.”

  Celia said, “You should feel it when it’s wet.”

  “I’ll bet it feels amazing.”

  “It does. Sometimes when I’m alone, I find myself fingering it because it’s so soft and damp.”

  More male groans filled the air.

  The waitress dropped off the shots and the accoutrements. Celia placed her mouth on Tierney’s ear. “Don’t chicken out now. This is the payoff. And for the record? The thing with Renner is not one-sided. He can’t keep his eyes off you.” Celia eased far enough back that every man at the table could see exactly what she was doing. She picked up a lime. “Open those pretty lips, darlin’.”

  Tierney held the lime between her teeth, letting her tongue trace the bitter rind.

  Celia dipped her index finger into the tequila, painting a line down the side of Tierney’s neck. She murmured, “Tilt your head,” and sprinkled salt over the wet streak. Celia’s hair tickled Tierney’s jaw when she put her tongue on
Tierney’s neck and slowly, oh so very, very slowly, licked away the salt. Celia held up the shot glass and knocked back the booze. As she swallowed, she pressed her lips to Tierney’s, sucking the lime from her mouth.

  Before Tierney could feel embarrassed, Celia said, “Your turn,” switching places with her.

  What if she did this wrong? What if she didn’t look sexy and free, but awkward and uptight?

  Don’t think about it. Just do it. Make it hot as sin.

  Tierney ran the pulp part of the lime over Celia’s lips before placing it between her lips. She swirled her finger into the shot glass, deciding to spread it across Celia’s chest. She chanced a look at Celia as she sprinkled on the salt, recognizing her “aren’t we bad?” smirk. That spurred Tierney to dip the tip of her tongue beneath the elastic tank top band, flattening it as she lapped up every salt granule.

  She tossed back the tequila, leaving her lips against Celia’s for a beat before she sucked the lime between her lips and bit down.

  This time, she had the guts to gauge the guys’ reactions, although her heart raced and she suspected her cheeks were as red as maraschino cherries.

  Skeeter rose to his feet for a standing ovation. “Next round is on me.”

  Kyle’s and Celia’s gazes were locked in silent battle.

  Michael was studying Breck very closely.

  Breck said, “Sister’s got game,” and fist bumped Davy.

  She didn’t see Renner. Had he left?

  Then his strong hand circled her hip. His low voice burned her ear. “We’re leaving.”


  “Right. Fuckin’. Now. Do not argue with me.”

  Holy crap, he was pissed.

  She managed to snag her purse off the table and wave good-bye to Celia before Renner clasped her hand in his and hotfooted it out of the bar.

  He didn’t speak. He didn’t slow. He dodged and weaved through the throng until the crowd thinned. Then he cut down a long hallway and opened a door into a big room with metal corrals that denoted a stock containment facility. The barnyard odor lingered beneath the sharp scent of cleaning solution, but no animals were present.

  Tierney found her back against those metal rails.

  “You like having people watch you get your freak on?”

  “Renner, it’s not—”

  “You put on that raunchy display with Celia to make me horny. Guess what? It worked. Guess what else? I will oblige your exhibitionist tendencies.” Renner’s impassioned gaze swept over her. “Strip.”

  “What?” Her eyes scanned the room in a panic. “This is a public place, Renner.”

  “So was the bar and it didn’t seem to bother you. Havin’ Celia’s hands on you. Havin’ Celia’s mouth on you.” He growled and stalked closer. “I want equal time and I want it right now, so take off your goddamn jeans, Tierney.”

  Hey, how’s that game of “let’s do a whole bunch of shots and tease our men out of their dirty minds with girl on girl fantasies” working out for you now?

  “I admit we took it a little too far. And I’ll make it up to you, however you want, but not here.”

  “Wrong. Right here, right now.”

  “Please. This is—”

  “Not up for discussion.” Renner’s blue eyes glittered like sapphires. “And sorry, you’re fresh outta tequila and salt, so we’re gonna do this my way, without props. So for the last time, take off your jeans or I will cut them off.”

  “Very funny. Stop kidding around.”

  He grinned and reached in his pocket to pull out his knife. “Oh, darlin’, I ain’t even close to kiddin’ about this. Take. Them. Off.”

  Was he testing her?

  He flicked open the blade. “Now.”

  Okay. He wasn’t testing her.

  She managed to kick off her boots and peel away her jeans while her hands shook like a junkie’s. But as the cold metal bars of the corral dug into the backs of her naked thighs, she admitted she wasn’t shaking from fear, but anticipation. He could get her so fired up with just a regal look.

  Heat emanated off Renner when he stopped in front of her. “Hold very still.”

  She did. She couldn’t take her eyes off the lust raging in his.

  He drawled, “Pity about your panties,” a millisecond before he sliced the string by her hip, and then blithely tossed the scrap of lace over his shoulder.

  She gasped, “Renner—”

  His lips landed on hers in a punishing kiss. As he owned her mouth, he placed her hands on the metal rung beside her head. He broke free to nuzzle her neck. “Hold on tight and step onto the rung behind you.” He nipped her earlobe. “Spread your legs.”

  A dizzy sensation rolled through her when Renner dropped to his knees. He framed her pussy with his rough hands, using his thumbs to hold open the fleshy folds covering her clit. He blew a cool stream of breath across the delicate tissues.

  She shuddered.

  Renner laughed. “Remind me again what a woman wants? A long tongue to lick that moist section of skin? Would it be this section?” He lapped at her slit. Once. Twice. Three times.

  “Oh God.”

  “Or this section?” He flicked just the tip of his tongue below her clit. Not on it. Flicked over and over until she whimpered with frustration. “And I love tasting all this sweet syrup. I love how I can get you so wet, and so hot, that your juice flows down my throat as thick and warm as honey.”

  Sweat broke out on her belly. Despite the fact half of her body was freakin’ naked, her skin was on fire.

  “Do I remember something about a firm bite into the flesh until it explodes? Would this be the bit of flesh?” He opened his mouth over her clit and sucked. Gently bit.

  He teased her until she squirmed, panted and finally yelled, “All right! I’m sorry I taunted you. But right now, I don’t care if someone waltzes in while you’re going down on me because you’ve made me so’ hot—”

  “And that is the answer I was lookin’ for.” Renner suctioned his mouth like he meant business, like he meant her to come within seconds and she obliged him. The orgasm slammed into her with the force of a freight train, blowing her hair back, shaking her to the rafters; she moaned his name as her clit throbbed beneath his talented tongue.

  Then he was on his feet, frantically yanking down his jeans. He hiked her hips up, wrapping her legs around his waist, holding her ass in his hands as he plunged into her. His mouth was wet and hot on the side of her neck as he urged, “Hold on. God, you make me want you.” He pulled out and slammed into her. “So ready for me. Every damn time.”

  She arched her pelvis, rocking into him, lost in his urgency. Her fingers itched to touch him, to rip open his shirt to feel the hard wall of his chest and his heated skin, but she could do nothing but hold on and enjoy the ride.

  His strokes speeded up. Renner released a guttural sound against her throat and his whole body quaked with his release.

  Before he gifted her with those deliciously sweet and possessive post-orgasmic kisses she craved, a loud clatter sounded from the doorway.

  “Shit.” Renner set her on her feet, retrieved her pants and tossed them to her.

  Tierney dressed in record time and was just slipping on her boots when a security guard walked in. His suspicious gaze moved between them. “What are you two doing in here? This area is off limits to ticket holders.”

  “I’m not a ticket holder. I’m a stock contractor and I was double-checking the size of this pen before tomorrow.”

  The security guard remained skeptical. “You need to vacate the premises. Now.”

  “No problem.” Renner held out his hand to Tierney.

  It wasn’t until they were in the hallway and Renner was hustling her to his truck that she realized she’d left her panties on the floor.

  Not that she would’ve had them on long after they returned to the hotel anyway.

  The instant the hotel door shut he’d shoved her to her knees. Impatiently unbuckling his jeans, ramming
his cock into her mouth,