Read Wrong All Along Page 10

  Brady’s gaze slid down to her legs and back up again. “Too bad you’re already dressed for the party, I was hoping I could help. It is my birthday party.” He grinned and then laughed.

  Lorylyn giggled and slapped him lightly on the arm. “Oh, stop it! I already gave you your present on Monday.” She’d gotten him boxers and a gift certificate to SportWorld, a store in the Logan mall he always said was his favorite. “Come on, I just have to put my hair up, then I’ll be ready. We can go early if you want, or whatever.”

  “Okay, that’s cool.”

  “Or…maybe we could stay here a little longer.” Lorylyn flashed a flirtatious smile over her shoulder as she led him up the stairs. “My parents aren’t home.”


  When Brooke and Lindy arrived at Landon’s, Lindy spotted her boyfriend Andy sitting on the stone wall down by the lake and headed in his direction. Brooke followed, scoping out the scene as she walked. She touched Lindy’s arm as they neared the wall.

  “Hey, I see Matt. I’m gonna go talk to him.”

  “Okay,” Lindy said with a grin. “Have fun.” She winked.

  Brooke winked back. “Oh, you know I will.” She smiled to herself as she approached the patio, where Matt was sitting with Landon and Kevin and a few other guys. It’s so working, she told herself. Lindy totally thinks I like him.

  And she had to admit, Matt was pretty hot with his shaggy brown hair and green eyes and athletic build. She’d picked the best-looking guy she could. If she was going to have to date someone to ward off suspicion and convince Lindy she was over Brady, Matt had been a good choice. Landon was cute too, of course, and she had hooked up with him at his Valentine’s Day party last winter, but she was more into dark-haired guys. And she thought Landon and Hilton might be hooking up now; they had looked pretty into each other when they were dancing at the last party. They would be like the ultimately perfect couple…the all-American blond athlete and the golden girl…just like she and Brady would be the ultimately perfect dark-haired couple….She shook that thought away. She and Matt would look good together too. She was glad she’d chosen him. She congratulated herself silently and caught Matt’s eye as she approached. He so wants me too, she thought as he flashed her an appealing grin.

  She smiled back and walked right up to him, sitting down on his lap. “Hey, hottie,” she said flirtatiously. “What’s up?”

  Matt grinned and put his arm around her waist. “Not much, babe. Glad to see you too.”

  “Hell yeah, Allan,” Landon said, using Matt’s last name. “I wish I got a hello like that from a hot girl.”

  Brooke raised her eyebrows at Landon and gave him a small, teasing smile. “Yeah, well, I don’t think Matt appreciates it too much, ‘cause he hasn’t even asked me out on a date yet.”

  “Oooooohhhhhh,” all the guys teased. “Jeez, Allan, you pussy.”

  Brooke grinned in satisfaction and put her arm around Matt’s shoulder as he bounced her on his lap.

  “All right, all right, you got me,” he said with a good-natured grin. “Do you wanna go out sometime?”

  Brooke stood up and offered Matt her hand. “Maybe. But what I want right now is for you to get me a drink.”

  “Oooooohhhhhh,” all the guys said again. “She got you, man!”

  Brooke grinned sassily over her shoulder at them as Matt stood up and took her hand.

  “Shut up, guys,” Matt said, still grinning.

  As Brooke led Matt toward the keg, making sure to sway her hips as she walked, she flashed a haughty smile in Lindy’s direction, knowing she’d be watching. Lindy grinned back and raised her cup slightly in a toast. Ashley was standing by Lindy, and she was grinning at Brooke too. Even better. Ashley had known Brooke liked Brady a lot last winter. Now everybody would see she was over him.

  Yep, so far, so good, Brooke thought.


  “Damn, Hill, you’re drinking fast tonight,” Lorylyn said a couple hours later. She and Brady had ended up getting to the party half an hour later than they’d planned. They’d taken advantage of the time alone in Lorylyn’s room, and she was now in a fabulous mood. He hadn’t tried anything more than making out, and she had to admit she’d been a little disappointed…but it had been so nice to be in a bed again, like at Cedar Point, instead of on a couch or in his car somewhere.

  Hillary had told Lorylyn she’d already had two beers before Lorylyn and Brady got to Landon’s, and now she was on her second since Lorylyn had been here.

  Hillary’s eyes flashed to Lorylyn’s, then quickly away. Her long normally-straight blonde hair hung in messy waves almost to her waist. “Not that fast. I got here way before you did.”

  They were sitting on the stone wall waiting for Brady and Dirk, who’d gone to get more beer. Lorylyn was kicking her feet against the wall; she had tons of energy and couldn’t stop moving.

  “Are you okay?” Lorylyn asked, looking at Hillary more closely. Hillary’s eyes had a strange, sort of wild look in them.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Hillary was silent for a moment, then looked back at Lorylyn. “So, what’s up with you? You’ve been all bouncy tonight.”

  Lorylyn grinned. “Oh, Brady showed up early and we had some alone time. No one else was home.” She looked at Hillary and giggled, knowing Hillary loved hearing about that kind of thing. To her surprise, Hillary looked away again.

  “Oh,” was all she said.

  “Hill, are you sure you’re okay?” Lorylyn touched her shoulder and peered around to look her in the eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Here come the guys.” Hillary moved away from Lorylyn’s touch and smiled at Dirk. “Hey,” she called.

  “Hey, where’s Jill and Hilton?” Lorylyn asked suddenly, glancing around in surprise. “It’s almost dark; it’s gotta be like nine or so. They’re usually here by now.” She scanned the crowd. “There’s Cassidy and Sam, up by the grill. Didn’t they come with them tonight?” She frowned.

  Hillary gave no response.

  “Hill? Do you know where they are?”


  “Have you talked to Jill all week? I tried calling her like on Wednesday, but no one answered, and I left a message, but she never called me back. That’s weird, she always calls back. And why would Hilton miss? Especially with what’s going on with her and Landon...”

  “No, I haven’t.” Hillary beckoned to Dirk as he approached. “Where’s Todd? Do you know if Jill and Hilton are with him?”

  “I guess he’s in California,” Dirk said, hopping up beside Hillary and taking a drink from his cup. “Didn’t you guys know?”

  Lorylyn and Hillary gave Dirk curious looks. “Know what? Why’d he go to California?”

  “He went with Jill, I guess.”

  “Jill’s in California?!” Hillary whipped her head around to look at Lorylyn in confusion.

  Lorylyn shrugged, bewildered. “I have no clue. I guess that’d explain why she never called me back. Why would she go to California? Did Hilton go too?”

  “Oh, Hilton’s in the Bahamas, remember?” Hillary said.

  “Oh, yeah, duh. I knew that.” Lorylyn shook her head, surprised she’d forgotten. “But Jill’s in California? What for? Why wouldn’t she have told us?”

  “Her aunt died or something,” Dirk said. “Todd didn’t show up for the baseball game the other night, so I called him afterwards, and his mom said he went to California on Tuesday or something with Jill ‘cause her aunt died.”

  “Oh my gosh!” Hillary exclaimed. “Her Aunt Marcy?” She slapped Dirk on the leg. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

  Dirk raised his hands as if to say, Sorry! and rolled his eyes at Brady, but Hillary didn’t see because she was already talking to Lorylyn again, a shocked expression on her face.

  “I know her! She always used to be in Schaumburg when I went there with Jill for Thanksgiving!” Ever since they were little, Hillary had spent Thanksgiving in Illinois with Jill’s family, until last year, when Dirk had in
vited her to his family Thanksgiving and Jill had taken Hilton instead.

  “Are you serious?” Lorylyn asked. “I’ve never heard her talk about an Aunt Marcy.”

  “Yeah, well Marcy hasn’t come for like, a long time,” Hillary said, taking a sip of beer. “I think her and Jill’s grandma like had a fight or something. It was her grandma’s sister. Yeah, I remember, ‘cause Jill was really bummed about it, and she tried to get her mom to go out to California to visit her aunt, and she wanted me to come too. That was like, third grade.”

  “Huh,” Lorylyn said. “That’s so crazy. I can’t believe she just left and none of us even knew!”

  “Yeah, it must have been really sudden. That totally sucks,” Hillary said.

  “Wait, so Todd went with her?” Lorylyn asked, just now fully grasping what Dirk had said. “To the funeral and stuff?”

  Hillary looked at Lorylyn with wide eyes, and Lorylyn could tell it’d just clicked in her brain too.

  “Yeah, why?” Dirk asked, giving them quizzical looks.

  “Nothing,” Lorylyn said, and she had to turn away and grin into her shoulder. This was huge! Jill’s aunt had died, and Todd had gone all the way to California with her for the funeral?! Lorylyn couldn’t wait to talk to Jill. She hoped there was something going on between the two of them!


  An hour and three beers later for Hillary, Landon shouted that it was time to go skinny-dipping.

  “Yay!” Hillary said, jumping off the wall and stumbling when she landed off-balance. Brady reached out and steadied her before she could fall.

  “Hey, hon, I don’t think you need to go in the water right now,” Dirk said, jumping down beside Hillary and putting his arm around her.

  To Lorylyn’s surprise, Hillary shoved him away forcefully. “Get the fuck off me!” she shouted, her hair swinging as she whirled around. “Don’t tell me what to do! Come on, Lorylyn!” She grabbed Lorylyn’s arm and started in the direction of the water.

  Lorylyn shot a shocked glance at Brady and Dirk, then tripped after Hillary, who was still pulling on her arm. “Hill, what the hell?! Wait up!”

  “Dude, what the fuck’s up with her tonight?” Brady asked Dirk.

  “Don’t ask me. Probably just drunk.” Dirk shrugged. “I guess I should go after her, before she pulls Lorylyn in.” He jogged after the girls, and Brady followed.

  “Hey!” Dirk called, grabbing Hillary’s arm as he caught them. “What’s wrong, babe?”

  Hillary wheeled around to face him, her hair hanging in her face. “I told you to leave me alone!” she said fiercely. “I’m not in the mood to be around you right now!”

  “What the hell did I do?” Dirk asked. “We were just sitting up there talking, and you were fine.”

  “No I wasn’t! I haven’t been fine all night! Didn’t you realize I’ve barely been talking to you?!”

  “Is this all ‘cause you’re pissed at me for not telling you Jill and Todd were in California? How was I supposed to know to tell you? Jill’s your best friend; I figured you knew. Sorry, okay? It just didn’t cross my mind.”

  “No, it’s not ‘cause of that! Ugh!” Hillary turned and stormed in the direction of the house.

  Lorylyn gave the boys a helpless shrug, then turned and ran after her. “Hill, wait!”

  Hillary didn’t stop, and Lorylyn followed her through all the people on the patio into the house. “Hillary!”

  Hillary didn’t look back. She headed straight for the bathroom and went in, but she left the door partially open behind her. Lorylyn took that as an invitation and followed her in. Hillary had sunk to the floor and had her knees up to her chest. She was sobbing.

  “Hill, what’s going on?!”

  Lorylyn got only more sobbing in response. She looked behind her to see if anyone else was around, then closed the door. She squatted down beside Hillary and gently pushed the wavy blonde hair out of Hill’s eyes so she could see her face. “Come on, talk to me.”

  Hillary shook her head, but the anger seemed to have gone out of her, and she was just sitting there helplessly.

  “Hill, are you just drunk? Or did something happen with Dirk?”

  “You don’t even wanna know.”

  “Of course I do. Come on, you’ve gotta talk to me about it. I don’t think Dirk has any clue why you’re mad at him.”

  “I’m not mad at him.”

  “Then are you just way too drunk?”


  “Then what’s wrong?” Lorylyn felt like they were talking in circles.

  “It’s probably nothing. I’m probably just being stupid.”

  “What’s probably nothing?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just scared.”

  “Scared of what?” Lorylyn was completely lost.

  “ ‘Cause in health last year we learned that two weeks after you start your period is the time you’re most likely to get pregnant…”

  “Ooohhh.” Lorylyn’s head cleared. Now she understood. “So it was two weeks after yours when you guys…?”


  “Well, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. I mean, that was like exactly two weeks ago, right? So you’re not even late yet.”

  “I know.”

  “So see, it’s fine. I’d probably be freaked out too though. It’s natural. But I’m sure you’re not pregnant.”

  “Yeah, probably not.” Hillary still wouldn’t look up, and she didn’t sound convinced.

  “So just try not to worry about it. You’ll probably start your period in a couple days and you’ll be fine.”

  “Yeah, probably.”

  “Hill, is something else wrong?”

  “No.” Hillary wouldn’t look at her.

  “Oh my gosh, you guys didn’t use a condom, did you?” Lorylyn’s eyes widened in shock.


  Lorylyn pulled herself together quickly, not wanting Hillary to realize what she was actually thinking…How dumb can you be?! “Well, I’m sure you’re still fine,” she said quickly. “I mean, I seriously doubt you’re pregnant. I wouldn’t worry about it till you’re actually late.” She reached out and touched Hillary’s arm. “Okay? Have you said anything to Dirk about it?”

  “No, but it’s weird being around him, ‘cause I’m like, freaking out about it.”

  “Yeah, well I’d just wait a couple days and see what happens, and then I’m sure you’ll find out you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Hillary finally looked up. “Can you hand me some toilet paper?” She took it and wiped her eyes. Finally she sighed and gave Lorylyn a pitiful look. “All right, I guess I’m ready. Help me up?”

  They walked arm-in-arm to rejoin the boys.

  “Are you okay?” Dirk asked.

  “Yeah, I just threw up and I feel a lot better,” Hillary lied.

  “You ready to go skinny-dipping?” Brady asked Lorylyn. She’d always been too shy last year, but had gone for the first time at Landon’s last-day-of-school party this summer.

  “Yeah.” She took his hand, and as they walked off toward the lake, she glanced back at Hillary, who stood there with Dirk’s arm around her. Hillary’s pained eyes met Lorylyn’s, and Lorylyn made a sympathetic face.

  “Is everything okay with her?” Brady asked, following Lorylyn’s gaze.

  Lorylyn turned back to him. “Yeah. She’s fine.”


  “So where the hell are our favorite three people?” Lorylyn said sarcastically to Hillary when she and Brady came out of the lake awhile later. She wished Hillary would’ve come skinny-dipping with them, but she hadn’t, and now she and Dirk were sitting on the stone wall again. Hillary had a faraway look in her eyes, and Lorylyn wanted to do something to cheer her up. She thought a little badmouthing people they didn’t like might help; Hillary normally loved that.

  Hillary looked at her distractedly. “Who?”

  “You know, Blake and Tiffany and Stacy,” Loryl
yn said in a fakely sweet upbeat voice. Then she giggled, hoping Hillary would laugh too. “I think they missed out on skinny-dipping; I can’t believe it. They didn’t get to act like sluts in front of all the boys!”

  “Oh, I dunno,” Hillary said dully, looking away. “I saw them going into the house like awhile ago.”

  Lorylyn sighed silently, bummed and worried for Hillary.


  Brooke had been hanging out with Matt most of the night, and when she returned to her seat by him after kissing Kevin during spin the bottle, Matt leaned over so his mouth was almost touching her ear. “I’m jealous,” he whispered.

  His hot breath felt sexy on her skin, and she turned her head so their noses were almost touching and looked him right in the eyes. “Maybe you’ll get your turn later.”

  As she turned away, she glanced slyly in Brady’s direction and saw he was looking her way. She quickly moved her eyes on around the circle, pretending not to have even noticed him, but there was a slight smile on her face. The plan was definitely working.

  Later when they were dancing on the patio, Matt got his turn. She made out with him energetically for several songs, and she wasn’t really even faking her enthusiasm. He was a good kisser. Good choice, Brooke, she congratulated herself again.

  A couple times, though, she opened her eyes and glanced surreptitiously around for Brady, keeping her mouth on Matt’s the whole time. She didn’t see Brady, but she did see Lindy, who looked at her questioningly. Brooke smiled with her eyes, then quickly closed them again and moved her hands from around Matt’s neck to his cheeks, pretending to be completely caught up in him.

  Matt responded eagerly, kissing her harder, and Brooke decided to forget about looking for Brady for a little while and just enjoy this. She was sure Brady would see them anyway…she knew they were making quite a scene. The thought pleased her, and she put even more energy into the kiss. Better for Brady to see her looking like she was having the time of her life than to see her looking around like she was bored.

  chapter 7) i won’t tell...

  On Monday, Jill invited Hillary and Lorylyn over to go swimming. They arrived at the same time, and as they walked around the house to the pool, Lorylyn met Hillary’s eyes in a silent question.

  Hillary gave a slight shake of her head, and her eyes told Lorylyn the answer before she said it. “Nope, not yet.”