Read Wrong All Along Page 23

  why didn’t you tell me!?!?!? i should’ve dropped jewelry!

  you prolly still can. go down during srt

  good idea! when do you have adv comp? this same period?


  awesome. i’ll try to get in it.

  what are you doing tonight?

  i dunno, why?

  i think bennett’s having some people over. like kels, and maybe some of her friends, and prolly dirk and hillary.

  oh, that’s cool. yea i’ll prolly come.


  Jill went straight from computers to the guidance office. She didn’t want to take the off chance of her SRT teacher not giving her a pass.

  She had to wait for about ten minutes, and she was getting really impatient. She knew Hilton was probably wondering where the hell she was, and SRT was shorter today because of finals schedule, so this was totally cutting into her and Hilton’s story time.

  “Hi,” she said when she finally got in to see Mrs. Weber. “I need to change my schedule for next semester.”

  “What’s the problem?”

  “Well, it’s not really a problem, but I really liked my computers class, so I wanna take advanced computers instead of jewelry.”

  “Okay, well let me look it up and see if that’ll even be meeting the same period. Otherwise we might have to change your whole schedule around, and you wouldn’t have all the same teachers.”

  “Okay,” Jill said, even though she already knew it met the same period.

  “Yep, it looks like that would work! It actually meets the same time. You’re lucky!” Mrs. Weber smiled at Jill, and Jill smiled back, trying not to laugh. “Oh, we actually have both Mr. Baker and Mr. Kraft teaching it that period. Is there one you’d prefer?”

  “Um,” Jill said, trying to sound like it wasn’t really a big deal. She didn’t know who Todd had! “Well, I have Kraft now, and I really like him, so I guess I’ll stay with him.” Todd probably would’ve done the same, right?

  “Okay, let’s get you added in there. Now, this section is actually full, but I’m just gonna go ahead and put you in there, because I’m sure some people will drop after the first day. If no one does, we might have to switch you to another section. But for now, this one should work.” She looked at Jill and smiled pleasantly. “Well, your new schedule should be printing at the main desk right now. You can pick it up from Ms. Lappell on your way out. I’m glad you’re enjoying computers!”

  Jill smiled back as she stood. “Thanks.”


  Since SRT on this last day before break was just used to make up finals or study, and Brooke’s last final this afternoon was going to be a blow-off, she decided to get on the computer. She hadn’t been on during SRT in almost two months, ever since she’d stopped sleeping with Brady. It was too hard, knowing he was probably online, because she knew she’d be dying to email him, or if he was online and didn’t email her, she knew she’d feel hurt. She’d deleted all his emails too, to keep him off her mind. But today Lindy was making up a final, and the movie Mr. Grayson was showing was some Christmas cartoon that Brooke didn’t find funny at all.

  Even though she knew she shouldn’t, the first thing she did when she opened her email was check the Who’s Online list. There he was...Brady Cash. She sighed. She debated sending him an email just to talk, but she couldn’t decide.

  One day in Spanish, the week after fall break, he’d leaned over and whispered, “So how’s the sex with Matt?”

  “It’s good,” she’d whispered back offhandedly, trying not to put any emotion in her voice. He hadn’t responded, so the conversation had ended there. They still made small talk and said hi to each other every day, but Brooke almost felt like they’d broken up or something. It was so hard to be around him and think about what they used to have. But, she kept telling herself, this is only temporary.

  She didn’t think he’d found anyone else to replace her; at least she didn’t see him with any girl besides Lorylyn at school ever, and he didn’t really have any other close female friends besides her, so it’s not like there would’ve been some other girl who would’ve naturally taken her place. That made her feel better, because she must not have just been a piece of ass to him.

  And the sex with Matt had gotten better. It still wasn’t near as good as with Brady, because she didn’t love Matt, but it was at least enjoyable. Still though, she was desperate to start things up with Brady again. She had been debating when to break up with Matt and what reason she should give for doing so for a while now. She’d just decided this week that she’d stay with Matt through Christmas break and then probably break up with him after that. Then, once they were back in school, she could let Brady know she was ready to start hooking up again.

  All of a sudden her computer beeped. When she saw it was from Brady, she was instantly nervous and had to take a deep breath to slow her racing heart. Jeez, Brooke, calm down, she told herself. She opened the email.

  Can we please hook up over break? I’m getting nowhere w/ L.

  Brooke’s heart raced again. She couldn’t believe it. This definitely proved he hadn’t found a replacement for her! And it meant he was still getting nothing from Lorylyn; Brooke had worried that if he didn’t replace her, he might pressure Lorylyn harder, and Lorylyn might give in; then Brady would have no use for Brooke anymore when she was ready to take him back.

  What do I say?! Brooke wondered now. She wanted to do it more than anything. But then it’d be like as soon as he’d asked, she’d gone running back to him.

  I’m still w/ Matt.

  She prayed that would encourage him, since she hadn’t actually said the word no, and he’d keep trying.

  So? He can’t possibly be as good as me :)

  If only you knew, Brooke thought with a shake of her head.

  he’s pretty good

  Come on Brookie. Anything. Just once?

  well...he’s going skiing with his fam for a week, between christmas and new years. call me then.

  She quickly signed off before he could reply, her heart still racing. But she was grinning from ear to ear. She’d played it perfectly. He thought she was only agreeing because Matt was going to be gone. So she’d get what she wanted, and so would he, and then right after New Year’s she could break up with Matt, and now she wouldn’t even have to be the one to suggest to Brady they start things up again, because they’d already have started. It was going to be a great Christmas break.


  Todd was so glad he hadn’t listened to Landon at Homecoming. He was also glad he hadn’t kissed Jill that night after the dance. Things were still exactly the same between them, and Jill hadn’t given any sign that she thought Todd liked her. He hated to think what would’ve happened if he’d kissed her and completely pissed her off or humiliated himself. Then they wouldn’t be able to hang out like they were tonight.

  He studied her as she sat across Bennett’s basement on the floor playing euchre with Kelsey and Hillary and Rachel. We have the perfect relationship, he decided. ‘Cause when neither of us is dating anybody, we have each other to hang out with. And she’s totally cool. But if she was dating somebody, like if she started dating Bennett again, I wouldn’t care. And she wouldn’t care if I started dating somebody either. Todd thought some girls were so dumb, how they acted jealous all the time. Hillary acted like that if Dirk even mentioned another girl’s name. But he couldn’t imagine Jill ever doing that. That’s why she was the perfect best friend; she knew exactly what was going on and didn’t have all these issues like, Oh, does he like me?, or, Oh, he’s mine, and I won’t let anybody else have him. Todd felt lucky to have found someone who saw eye-to-eye with him on all that stuff and who understood him without having to have long drawn-out discussions about what their relationship meant.


  “You really are a good friend, Jill. I know I always say that when I’m drunk, but I’m glad we’re such good friends,” Todd said later on the way home.

thanks, me too,” Jill said, happily surprised. He really did only normally say stuff like that when he was drunk.

  “I don’t know, I was just thinking about it tonight, it’s weird.”

  “What is?”

  “Just like how good of friends we are. You know, it’s just cool ‘cause you’re like a really cool girl; most girls I don’t think I could be that good of friends with.” His tone was a little aloof, which told her he meant what he was saying, but he was trying to sound a little tough or something to counteract being so open with her. She thought it was adorable.

  “Yeah, it is really cool. I’m glad you think I’m a cool girl.” She imitated his aloof tone to tease him a little.

  Todd smiled at her then and grabbed her knee, causing her foot to kick out. “There’s no one else like you, Jilly.”

  “Ahh! Stop it, Todd, I hate that!” Jill laughed.

  He smiled, and then he was silent the rest of the way to her house. But she felt warm all over and pleased after what he’d said.

  “Night!” she said as she hopped out of his truck.

  “Night, Jilly.”


  Christmas break was nice because of not having school, but it was also somewhat lonely and depressing. Jill hung out with Hilton every other day or so, and sometimes with Hillary and Lorylyn too, but it sucked when they were all with their boyfriends and she had to sit at home by herself. She rented a lot of movies and wished she had more Nora Roberts books to read.

  She looked forward to gymnastics practice because sometimes the basketball players practiced at the same time. On Saturday, the second night of break, there was an away basketball game, and Jill got her dad to drive her and Kelsey to it. Kelsey was a diver, so she wasn’t doing basketball cheerleading either. Jill had hoped Lorylyn might go too, but she was at Brady’s family Christmas in Indianapolis, which wasn’t actually on Christmas this year because Brady’s brother had to spend Christmas Day with his in-laws in Texas. There was another away game on Tuesday though, and Lorylyn went to that one.

  Jill was having a lot of fun, and it was especially cool that Hilton had her license now and they could go shopping in Logan on their own, without parents. It was just that this was where her pseudo-relationship with Todd lacked, because when all the real couples were going on dates, Jill was sitting at home.

  When Jill and Hilton went shopping on Thursday, Jill spent two hours trying to find something perfect for Todd. Finally she picked out a deck of playing cards with nude women on them. She thought it’d be a really cool gift, not something stupid like a girl might normally get a guy, plus they played cards all the time when they hung out at Bennett’s.

  “It’s perfect,” Hilton agreed. “I love it!” She’d made Landon sugar cookies, his favorite, and a coupon book for different sexual things. Jill thought that was the perfect gift, and she wished Todd was her boyfriend so she could’ve done the same thing for him.

  Jill had spent so long picking out Todd’s gift that by the time she and Hilton got home, she barely had time to shower and get ready for her family’s annual pre-church Christmas Eve dinner at the Brinkley House with Hillary’s family.

  Dirk was with Hillary, just like last year, but it was still fun, and Jill and Hillary and their parents spent a lot of time talking about spring break. Everyone was excited to be flying, and Hillary’s parents hadn’t hesitated to pay for her plane ticket because it was so much safer and more convenient. Jill decided she was glad Hillary was still going, and she and Hilton and Hillary would probably have a great time.


  Jill had decided to wait until the day after Christmas to call Todd, since she hadn’t bought his present till Christmas Eve and she didn’t know what his family plans were.

  On Christmas afternoon, she was curled up on the couch in the living room reading one of her new Nora Roberts books when the phone rang.

  “Jill!” her mom called. “I think it’s Todd,” she whispered as Jill took the phone.

  “Hello?” Jill said, not wanting to get her hopes up that he was actually calling her on Christmas.

  “Hey, Jill, guess what? My parents told me today that they’re done going to counseling, and they’re gonna stay together!”

  “Oh my gosh, Todd! That’s so awesome!”

  “Yeah. Well, I just wanted to call and tell you. I gotta get goin’, ‘cause we’re goin’ to my cousins’ house.”

  “Okay. Well, thanks for calling! Oh, hey, I have a present for you. When do you wanna get together so I can give it to you?”

  “Um...well tomorrow I have another family Christmas; could we do it like Sunday?”

  “Sure, that’s cool,” Jill said, a little disappointed she had to wait two more days.

  “Okay, well, I’ll give ya a call. I gotta go now though. See ya.”

  “Bye.” Jill hung up, a little bummed he’d been in such a hurry to go, but still, he’d called her on Christmas! And his parents were staying together, and he’d wanted to tell her right away. She was happy for him, and for his parents, who were so cute and nice, and for herself too.


  Brooke had been absolutely confident the last day of school that Brady would call her. But now it was two days after Christmas and she hadn’t heard anything. She was starting to worry he’d changed his mind or forgotten when she’d said Matt would be gone. She didn’t want to look desperate and call him, but this had to happen, or she would be so upset she didn’t know what she’d do. Maybe he’s waiting till Wednesday, she thought, ‘cause that’s the night my parents usually go out to dinner. But that was the night before New Year’s Eve, and Matt got back the next day. She didn’t think she’d be able to stand waiting that long and not knowing if he was going to call. She wished he was on the basketball team so she’d see him at cheerleading practice. There was a home game on Tuesday night; maybe he’d be there and she’d be able to talk to him then. But if he was there, he’d probably be with Lorylyn. Agh, this sucked!


  “Hey, what time do you have practice tomorrow?” Brady asked Lorylyn later that night as he was getting ready to leave her house.

  “Um, six to nine. Then on Tuesday it’s twelve to 2:30, ‘cause of the basketball game. So we could hang out tomorrow afternoon if you want, or tomorrow night late. I wanna go to the game on Tuesday; are you going?”

  “Yeah, I’ll go. That’s cool. Um, how about I’ll just call you tomorrow afternoon and we can figure out when we’re gonna hang out. Is that cool?”

  “Sure, that’s fine.” Lorylyn stretched lazily. “Just call me whenever. I’m gonna sleep in though.”

  “Okay, I’ll give you a call tomorrow afternoon. Bye, babe.” He leaned down and kissed her, then grinned his charming grin and stroked her cheek before heading to the front door.


  “Brooke, some boy called for you tonight,” her mom said with a frown as Brooke came in shortly after midnight from being at the movies with Lindy. “It didn’t really sound like Matt.”

  “Really?” Brooke said, her breath quickening. “He didn’t leave a name?”

  “No, were you expecting a call from anyone?”

  “No,” Brooke said hastily, already halfway up the stairs to her room. Shit! He’d called, and she’d missed it! And now it was too late to call him tonight...she hoped he hadn’t wanted to hook up tonight! She ran back down the hallway. “Do you remember what time it was, Mom?”

  “Kind of late...10:30, eleven?”

  “Huh,” Brooke said, pretending to be mystified. “Okay, just wondered.” Thank God, he probably hadn’t wanted to do it tonight. He’d probably just called after being out with Lorylyn. Hopefully he’d call back tomorrow. If he doesn’t call by three, I’ll call him, she decided.


  He called at one.

  “Hey, Brookie. You still up for it?”

  “Yeah, sure,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant. “Matt’s gone, so why not, I guess.”

  “Well, Lorylyn has
practice from six to nine tonight. Would that work for you? I haven’t made plans with her for today yet, ‘cause I wanted to make sure we could still do this if you’re busy tonight.”

  “Um...” Brooke said, thinking quickly. If she had a chance to stop him from hanging out with Lorylyn, she’d take it. It felt good to know she was his first priority today. And she didn’t want to do it when it was most convenient for him, because she didn’t want him to think she was just available for him anytime. “I’m actually supposed to go out to dinner with Lindy,” she lied. “So I probably couldn’t do it till like eight or nine.”

  “Okay, well that’s fine, I’ll just tell her I’m too tired to hang out after her practice. Hey,” he said suddenly, excitement in his voice, “you wanna meet like at nine at Landon’s cottage? Shit, I just realized, last time I was there with him he didn’t tell his parents he was going, so he had to use the key they keep hidden up there, so I know where it is.”

  “Yeah, definitely!” Brooke said. It was risky, but it’d be exhilarating too, sneaking into someone else’s house. Plus they’d have a bed there, and complete privacy, without worrying about how soon her parents would be home. Every Wednesday that he’d come over, she’d been afraid to risk more than an hour.

  “Sounds good. See ya then. I’m so glad we’re doing this.”

  “Me too.” Brooke smiled. “See ya then.”


  “Guess what?” Jill asked Lorylyn at practice that night, practically bubbling with excitement. “Todd came over last night!”

  “Oh, really.” Lorylyn raised her eyebrows and giggled.

  “Yeah, so I could give him his Christmas present. When I called him, he was like, ‘Oh, shit, I don’t have anything for you. Can we do it another day?’ But I was like, ‘No, it’s fine, I don’t expect you to get me anything; you got me a birthday present and I didn’t get you one.’ So he came over and we watched a movie.” She grinned. “And he loved his present.” She saw Coach Tanner looking at them and turned to push herself up onto the beam.