Read Wrong All Along Page 25

  Jill giggled and had to catch herself before she fell off her bleacher. She managed to do so without having to stop jumping up and down. Every time Reed was introduced, Jill just thought about why Hilton had broken up with him. She followed his T-shirt as it flew through the air. Someone just across the aisle from the student section caught it.

  Suddenly Jill did a double-take. She thought she’d seen Kara Darson a couple rows back. She’d spent half the JV game watching Todd and the other half looking for Kara, but she hadn’t spotted her. But now…yep…there she was. Jill glared at her, even though Kara wasn’t looking. Who the hell did she think she was? What a little bitch!

  Jill looked for Brooke. She was just coming down from her lift; she held the banner for Carl Litschfield, the center. Hilton had told Jill about Brooke’s threat to kick Kara’s ass, and neither Hilton nor Jill doubted for a second that Brooke would start something. Jill couldn’t wait to go tell Hilton Kara was here.

  The basketball team huddled together in the middle of the floor, then they all threw their hands in the air and shouted, “CHARGERS!”

  BC’s five starters moved into position around the ref to prepare for the tip-off. The drumming ended and Jill joined the rest of the student section in pointing toward Logan North’s players and screaming, “We’re gonna beat the HELL outta you! Yeah, you! Yeah, you! Yeah, you, you, YOU!” She smiled as she lowered her finger. That was so fun. Then the ref tossed the ball, and Kara was temporarily forgotten.


  “She’s here, she’s here!” Jill said breathlessly after the game. She’d rushed down to tell Hilton, trying not to lose sight of Kara. “Look, she’s on her way out!” Jill pointed.

  Hilton followed Jill’s finger, then looked around for Brooke. “Oh, shit! She already saw her!” Now Hilton pointed.

  Brooke stormed purposefully after Kara, shoving through the gym door and out into the front lobby.

  Hilton and Jill raised their eyebrows at each other, grinning in half-guilty anticipation.

  “Come on, let’s go!” Hilton grabbed Jill’s arm, and they rushed after Brooke.

  They caught up with her outside. It was freezing. Jill shivered and rubbed her hands up and down her arms. Her coat was in the coat check.

  Brooke didn’t even glance at Jill and Hilton but jogged a couple steps ahead to catch Kara and grabbed her arm from behind. “Hey!”

  Kara turned around in surprise.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” Brooke snapped, a hard glint in her eyes. Jill could see her face clearly in the lights framing the gym entrance.

  “What?” Kara glanced away, trying to look confused, but Jill could tell she was panicking. Jill didn’t have any classes with Kara this year, and for the first time she noticed how much prettier Kara had gotten since last year, now that she’d lost the glasses and gotten a cute haircut and started wearing makeup.

  “What?” Brooke imitated loudly and rudely. “Don’t even fucking pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

  “I-, I don’t,” Kara stammered.

  Jill felt someone come up behind her and Hilton, and she turned to see Hillary and Ashley, out of breath and looking eagerly at Brooke and Kara. Some other cheerleaders, including Tiffany, Stacy, and Blake Bishop, had come out too. Jill turned back to the fight.

  “Oh, you don’t? Did it slip your memory? ‘Cause it seems to me like you’re pretty desperate for people to know you hooked up with my best friend’s boyfriend. You wanted to get caught, didn’t you? So everybody would know that you, a fucking pathetic little loser, hooked up with a hot guy who would never date you in ten million years. Did you even think about what you were doing? Lindy’s the nicest girl you’ll ever meet, and one of the most popular girls at this school. Do you know what you fucked with? Not only will everyone at this school hate you even more than they already do, but when you mess with Lindy, you mess with me. And she may be nice, but I’m a bitch.” Brooke stepped closer to Kara, practically spitting out the words in a low, nasty hiss. “I will make your life a living hell. Let me give you a little preview. I’ll probably start by telling everybody that Andy told Matt you were the worst kisser ever, and you stuff your bra and he went home laughing.” Then Brooke reached back and slapped Kara across the cheek.

  The sound echoed through the still night as Jill stared in disbelief. Brooke turned and walked back into the school, her head held high. Kara took off running across the parking lot.

  Jill stared after Kara a moment, then looked at Hilton. No one had moved since the slap. Hilton was holding back a laugh. When Jill’s eyes met hers, they both lost it. Then all the other cheerleaders did too.

  “That was fucking hilarious!” Blake said.

  “She so deserved it!” Hillary agreed. “Brooke was awesome.”

  chapter 8) landon’s... new year’s

  “Do you think Andy’s gonna come?” Lorylyn asked in a hushed whisper. She and Jill were standing around in Landon’s garage, sipping from their keg cups and surveying the scene.

  “I don’t know if he’d even dare, like, show his face here,” Jill said doubtfully. “I mean, his friends are mostly the soccer team...Landon is Lindy’s friend. They like grew up together. So Andy would know she was gonna be here....Do you really think he’d come?”

  “I don’t know, that’s a good point. I guess he’s not that close with Landon. I didn’t think about that. How do Lindy and Landon know each other anyways? ‘Cause she’s from Brinkley and he’s from Caldwell?”

  “Hilton said they took swimming lessons together when they were kids. I feel so bad for her,” Jill said, motioning in Lindy’s direction with her keg cup. Lindy was standing on the other side of the garage, surrounded by Brooke, Tiffany, Stacy, Blake Bishop, Ashley, Amy, Cassidy, Sam, and several other girls. It looked like they were all trying to comfort her…or suck up to her. Suddenly Lindy broke out of the circle and walked to the keg to refill her cup. Brooke followed her.

  After filling her cup, Brooke raised it to Lindy’s. “Fuck boys,” she said. Lindy gave her a weak smile, and they touched their cups together.

  “Hey!” Matt said in alarm, overhearing as he approached Brooke from behind and put his arm around her waist.

  Brooke rolled her eyes at Lindy and pushed his hand away. “Oh, Matt, leave me alone!” She grabbed Lindy’s arm and led her back toward their group of girls.

  “What’s that about?” Jill looked at Lorylyn in confusion. “They’re still together, aren’t they?”

  “Yeah, and they better stay together!” Lorylyn looked a little worried.

  “I’m sure she just wants to be with Lindy and doesn’t want him bothering them,” Jill said to reassure Lorylyn. “Plus, her and Brady don’t even email anymore, right? Didn’t you check his email awhile ago?”

  Lorylyn shrugged. “Yeah, I’ve checked it like three or four times. There hasn’t been anything in like two or three months, but I don’t check it that often, so he could probably be deleting them.”

  “Yeah, but if he liked her, why would he still be with you? He doesn’t act any different, does he?”

  “No...things have actually been really good lately. For a while it seemed like he was kinda upset I didn’t wanna have sex – I mean like he didn’t pressure me or even say anything, but he just seemed bummed whenever I stopped things that it was never gonna go farther – but just the last couple days actually, he’s seemed a lot better. Like last night we barely even did anything, ‘cause we were at my house, and he was just being all goofy and cute, and I didn’t get the impression he was upset I wouldn’t do more. ‘Cause sometimes, you know, he’s like, ‘Lorylyn, your parents and Ethan are in bed, why can’t we do more?’ But I just never feel comfortable doing stuff at my house.”

  “Yeah, that makes sense. That’s good that he seemed cool with it. See, Lor, he likes you so much he doesn’t even care about that stuff.”

  Lorylyn smiled happily. “Well, he cares...”

  Jill laughed.
“Well, but not that much.”



  A couple hours later, they were playing spin the bottle in the garage when Lindy suddenly burst into tears, stood up, and ran into the house. Hilton and Landon looked at each other uneasily.

  Brooke went running after her.

  “Let’s go make sure she’s okay,” Hilton whispered to Landon.

  When they got inside, Brooke was pounding on the bathroom door. “Lindy! Let me in!”

  No response.

  Brooke looked helplessly at Hilton and Landon. “She’s so upset.”

  “We shouldn’t have played spin the bottle,” Hilton said.

  “No, it’s fine. She’s just drunk, and I thought it would keep her mind off Andy. That was stupid of me; it’s my fault. Lindy!” She pounded on the door again. “Come on, hon, let me in!”

  “You should go talk to her,” Hilton said to Landon.

  “What? Why should I go talk to her?”

  “ ‘Cause you’re her friend. And you’re a guy. All her girlfriends have been telling her Andy’s a jerk; it might mean more coming from a guy.”

  Landon looked doubtful.

  “Oh, please, Landon, please!” Brooke chimed in, folding her hands together as if she were praying.

  “All right, I can try, I guess.” Landon stepped forward and knocked tentatively on the door. “Lindy? It’s Landon.”


  “Hey, babe, listen to me, okay? Andy’s an asshole. You shouldn’t even be upset over a guy who would cheat on you. You deserve so much better than that. Especially you. But if that doesn’t make you feel better, I can kick his ass for you. Actually, maybe I’ll do that anyway. It sounds kinda fun.”

  Lindy’s sobbing had stopped, and they heard a stifled giggle.

  Brooke and Hilton grinned, and Brooke nodded eagerly and gave Landon a thumbs-up.

  “So why don’t you come out, and I’ll make you a nice big drink. The Landon Special. I’m not really sure what that is, but I’ll make it just for you.”

  Lindy giggled again, and finally she opened the door and stepped out, wiping her eyes. “Thanks, Landon.”

  “Hey, no prob.” He pulled Lindy into his arms and hugged her tightly.

  She held on a moment, then backed away, wiping her eyes again. She smiled sheepishly at Hilton and Brooke. “Sorry you guys have to deal with me.”

  “Oh, don’t feel bad,” Hilton said. “I’m sorry you had to deal with Andy. But Landon’s right. You’re so much better than him.”

  “Thanks.” Lindy smiled and came over to hug Hilton.

  Then Brooke took Lindy’s arm and led her into the kitchen. “Let’s go get that Landon Special, okay?”


  “Are you kissing Jill at midnight?” Bennett asked Todd.

  “Um, if she draws me.” Todd gave him a puzzled look.

  “Oh, so you’re gonna put your name in the hat? I thought you might just kiss her so you don’t get some nasty chick.” He laughed.

  “Oh.” Todd wrinkled his nose. “Dude, I didn’t even think of that.” He looked around, surveying the garage to see who all was here. “There’s some cute single chicks.”

  “Yeah, dude, that’d be sweet if you got like Cassidy Nichols. Or Blake Bishop.”

  “Eh, I kissed her last year. Not that great. Cassidy’d be pretty tight though.”

  “I don’t know, I heard she gets around.” Bennett looked at Todd, laughter in his eyes.

  “Dude, shut up.” Todd laughed and punched Bennett’s shoulder. “You know that’s not what I meant. She’d probably be tighter than Kelsey though.”

  “Oh, not cool.” Bennett swung at Todd jokingly, and Todd laughed and ducked out of the way.

  “I don’t know though,” Todd said more seriously, looking around again. “Do you think I should just kiss Jill?”

  “I don’t know, man. Do whatever you want. Do you like her?”

  “Well, I mean she’s hot and everything, but I don’t like her like that.”

  “Well, then I’d just take my chances. You could get somebody you like better.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t like anybody else either.”

  “Well, it’s like 11:30, so you’re gonna have to decide soon.”


  Lindy’s idea that Jill kiss Todd at midnight had been on Jill’s mind all night, but she’d been too afraid to suggest it to Todd. Instead, at about 11:40, she went to find him, hoping that if they were together when they went inside for the drawing ceremony, he might think of it and suggest it.

  “Hey, Todd,” she said, walking up and sliding her arm through his.

  “Hey, Jilly.”

  Just then the door to the house opened and Landon called, “It’s time for the drawing ceremony. Tell anybody who’s out in the driveway.”

  Jill followed Bennett and Kelsey and Todd inside, thanking God for her perfect timing and praying Todd wouldn’t put his name in the hat. She was nervous as hell. She wanted this so badly, and she knew she’d be totally bummed if it didn’t work out.

  Bennett and Kelsey sat down on the couch, and Todd and Jill squeezed in next to them.

  “The slips of paper are right here,” Landon said, pointing to the coffee table. “I need all you single guys up here.”

  Todd put his arm around Jill. “Wanna be my date, Jilly?” he asked. “I’m too lazy to get up.”

  “Sure, I guess so,” Jill said, trying to sound casual. Her insides were dancing and bouncing all over the place. She couldn’t believe this was actually happening.

  As the boys put their names in the hat and the girls got in line to draw, Jill realized how stress-free it felt to be part of a "couple" and not to have to worry about whom she would draw. It was relaxing. She sighed contentedly and leaned back against Todd’s arm, watching the girls draw and thinking how glad she was to be right here. She noticed Lindy wasn’t in line and looked to see where she was. She was standing by Brooke and Matt. Hilton caught Jill’s eye across the room and gave her an excited look. Jill tried to ignore her, not wanting Todd to notice, but she couldn’t help grinning a little.

  By the time everyone had drawn, there were only a couple minutes left till midnight. Jill was starting to get nervous about the kiss. Did Todd expect it to just be a peck? Or was he really going to kiss her? Should she just kiss him quickly and pull away so as not to end up humiliating herself? But then she might miss out on a really good kiss. But if she didn’t pull away right away, he might be like, “What the hell are you doing, Jill?” So much for this being stress-free!

  As the ball dropped, somebody sprayed Silly String into the middle of the room. It got all over Landon and Hilton and some other people. Jill laughed, then turned to Todd. She was afraid to look him in the eyes, so she focused on his lips.

  He reached behind her head and pulled it to his, making a loud smacking sound as he touched his lips to hers. He was grinning as he pulled away. “Happy New Year’s, Jilly.”

  Jill giggled, feeling thrilled and disappointed at the same time. She’d gotten to kiss him at midnight, but it hadn’t been the kiss she’d hoped for…

  As she looked around at the actual couples, most of them were still kissing. Bennett and Kelsey, Dirk and Hillary, Hilton and Landon, Lorylyn and Brady....Lindy was laughing, and Brooke and Matt kissed quickly, no longer than Jill and Todd had kissed. Jill realized Brooke had probably told Matt to kiss Lindy first.

  Aww, that’s cute, she thought. Brooke really is being a good friend to Lindy. She’s really not so bad at all.

  And neither was this New Year’ beat last year’s by a landslide.

  chapter 9) so naive

  “It’s so weird driving to school!” Jill said on Monday, the first day back, when she met Hilton in their usual spot by the commons before school.

  “Yeah, it was weird not picking you up!”

  “I know! I’m gonna miss our story time!”

  “I know!” Hilton made a pouty face. “You
should still ride with me.”

  “Okay…I guess I could just drive if we have a different practice schedule, or if I like have a meet and wanna go home for a while after school or something.”

  “Okay! Sounds good! Hey, have you heard people talking about Lindy and Andy and Kara? It’s all over school already. Everyone’s calling Kara a total bitch. I heard some guys saying they heard she was a horrible kisser too.” Hilton giggled. “Brooke kept her word.”

  “Good. Kara deserves it. I’d hate to be her right now!”


  “So guess what I might be doing this summer?” Brady asked Lorylyn the second day back to school when he met her in the hall after first period. He slung his arm around her neck as they headed for her locker.

  “What?” Lorylyn asked, putting her arm around his waist and giving him a curious smile. He seemed really excited, and she wondered what could’ve come up since before school, when they’d all sat outside the coat check room by the commons and talked like normal. Brady hadn’t mentioned anything about this summer then.

  “Going to Spain.” He grinned down at her.

  “What?” Lorylyn pulled back. “For the whole summer?”

  Brady laughed and drew her close again. “No, just for like two or three weeks. The Spanish Club’s going. Mrs. Martin just told us today in class.”

  “Oh...well I guess that’s cool. Who’s all going?”

  “Oh, I have no clue. It’s open to anybody in Spanish Club. She can take a bunch of people. It’s like open to parents and stuff too. That’s like the whole reason I joined Spanish Club though. ‘Cause they took a trip a few years ago. She just didn’t know when she’d be able to go again, ‘cause of the money and stuff, but she said she was able to pull it all together over Christmas break.”

  “Oh.” Lorylyn wasn’t even close to thrilled. But you can’t get upset yet, she told herself. You don’t even know if Brooke’s interested. She may not even be considering going. And Brady might not go either. It probably costs tons of money, and he’s not the richest. It’ll be fine. Just wait and see what happens.


  “Dude, that girl is hot,” Todd said. He and Jill were sitting in advanced computers, waiting for class to start.