Read Wrong Man, Right Kiss Page 2

  “Or something,” Julian agreed, his lips curling upward.

  He knew he looked calm. Collected. But inside his head, the wheels were turning with particularly inspiring ideas. Ideas he might later regret. But they were still damned good.

  “Wh-what do you mean ‘or something’?” she asked him.

  Julian could hardly get over how adorable she looked sitting there, shocked and disbelieving as if she’d just won the Megabucks.

  Her eyes were just so wide and so damned blue you’d have to be made of freaking stone not to be willing to move mountains for her. Honestly, he’d never seen such expressive, genuinely innocent eyes in his life. It was a guarantee that Molly would lose every poker game she ever played, her expressions were so real and so clear. Hell, just the way she looked at him with those eyes made him feel like some sort of superhero. Not even his own mother gazed at him like Molly did.

  With an amused smile, one he sometimes found himself wearing when he was with her, he explained, “‘Or something’ means I don’t have girlfriends, Molly. I have lovers. And I’d be happy to pretend to be yours.”

  He’d meant to emphasize the word pretend, but somehow when he spoke, the only word he seemed to be able to emphasize was yours.

  Because obviously he would only ever do this kind of stuff for Molly.

  “You’re kidding me, Jules,” she said as she somberly scanned his face. She was not even moving, had practically become a statue on the couch.

  He might have laughed at that, except to his own disbelief and amazement, he was dead serious. Dead. As heck. Serious. And now he needed to know if she was, too. “I may like to kid around, Molls, but I wouldn’t kid you with this.”

  “So you’re prepared to pretend to be in love with me?”

  He nodded, and his hands itched to wipe away a green smudge of paint from her forehead and a red one from her cheek. “I figure I’ve probably done worse, Moo. Like that girl who just left…not really prime in the head, if you get me.”

  He tapped his forehead, but she wasn’t even paying attention.

  As though in a trance, Molly rose to her feet, all five feet of chaotic red hair and heavy turquoise necklaces and creamy paint-streaked skin, her eyes shining as his proposal finally seemed to dawn on her. “And Garrett will see us together and be madly jealous! Oh, my God, yes, yes, this is brilliant, Julian! How long do you think it will take to get him to realize he loves me? A couple of days? A week?”

  Julian stared at her in silence. She really sounded…enamored. Didn’t she?

  He thought about it for a bit, and with each passing second, he grew more and more baffled. Suddenly all he wanted was for somebody to please tell him what in the hell was going on here. Was this some sort of lame-ass joke? Molly? Dreaming about his older brother? For real?

  If the ten-year age difference wasn’t an issue, the fact that the Gages had grown up with strict codes of conduct regarding the Devaney girls should matter. And tons. Especially to Garrett, who never, ever broke a rule. Had his brother done something to give Molly the impression of being interested?

  Dammit, this just struck him as so, so wrong, he didn’t even know where to begin.

  His brother Garrett was ridiculously overprotective of the Devaney girls. The reason they’d become orphans in the first place was because their only living parent, who had been the Gages’ bodyguard, had died in the line of duty protecting Julian’s father and Garrett from an armed gang hired by the Mexican mafia to murder Julian’s father for newspaper coverage disclosing their names and operations. But the Gages’ bodyguard had died protecting Garrett, too. Though the gang members had been sentenced to life in prison, as the lone survivor of that bloody night two decades ago, Garrett had been sentenced to a life in hell.

  Now he lived with a boatload of guilt and regret. When their widowed mother had taken the girls under their wing, Garrett had been rabid to protect them, even, apparently, from Julian—who had liked to tickle the hell out of Molly and make her giggle… Well, Garrett had always ridden Julian’s goddamn back about the rules where the Devaney sisters were concerned. This annoyed not only Julian but also Molly—who loved being tickled by him.

  So now, after Molly had complained a thousand times that Garrett never let Julian and her have any fun, it was damned hard to believe that she suddenly had the hots for Garrett.

  What in the hell was that about?

  Julian and Molly were friends. Honest-to-God, die-for-you, chase-a-killer-for-you and do-all-kinds-of-strange-stuff-for-you friends.

  Julian was Molly’s one, two and three on her freaking speed dial. The first number was for his office, the second for his cell phone and the third for his home. Molly even frequently admitted that their friendship was better than a romantic relationship, and it sure as hell had lasted longer than any marriage these days.

  But after hearing her profess her love for Garrett several times today, Julian had realized that if she was serious—and apparently she was—he would have to help her.

  He was going to “help” her realize that she was not in love with Garrett Gage. Period.

  “I think we can get Garrett where we want him in about a month,” he finally assured her, gazing deeply into her eyes in an attempt to gauge how deeply in love she believed herself to be. Knowing what a romantic Molly was, he actually dreaded the answer.

  Hell, she was probably already hearing wedding bells; she looked positively love-struck. Which just hit the wrong chord with him. Oh, boy, did it ever.

  “Do you really think he’ll go for it? He’s so difficult to read most of the time,” Molly said in a dubious tone.

  “Molly, no man in his right mind would stand by and watch his brother put his paws on his girl.”

  Blushing in excitement, Molly leaped forward and hugged him tight, kissing his stubbled cheek. “You’d really do this just for me? You’re the best, Jules. Thank you so much.”

  As her slim, warm arms tightened around his narrow waist, Julian’s entire frame stiffened as if she’d just zapped him. He was naked from the waist up, and he suddenly could feel Molly everywhere he didn’t want to. Warm and smelling of sweet things.

  Worst of all was that she snuggled in comfortably, turned her face into his neck and whispered, “You’re the best part of my life, you know that, Jules? I never know how to thank you properly for everything you do.”

  Was she for real?

  Because the ideas those words put into his head were so, so wrong, Julian could’ve shot himself.

  He tried remembering his past lovers’ names, in alphabetical order, but still could not relax a single inch until Molly extracted herself.

  Letting go a long, long breath, he avoided her inquisitive gaze and grumbled, “Don’t thank me yet, Molls. Let’s just see how it goes, all right?”

  “It’ll go splendidly, Julian, I just know it. Before the month ends, I’ll probably be wearing an engagement ring.”

  He rolled his eyes because he still could not even believe this was happening. “Well, let’s not call the wedding planner yet, all right? Just remember that for this month, you’re with me, and heads up, baby, the rest of my family isn’t going to be too happy about it.”

  She frowned in puzzlement and planted her hands on her hips. “Why on earth not? Am I not good enough for you?”

  “No, Molls. It’s me.” He turned to gaze sightlessly out the window as a heaviness settled painfully atop his chest. “They think I’m no good for you.”


  “You’re jerking me around, toad, I just know it!”

  Julian leaned back in his swivel chair and suppressed a smile as he watched his brother pace across the state-of-the-art conference room on the top floor of the San Antonio Daily, a thriving business the Gage family had run since the 1930s.

  “Brother,” Julian tsk
ed, “I realize I’m younger than you, but don’t forget I am stronger and I will take you down if you keep pissing me off.”

  “So you’re basically admitting that you’re sleeping with our little Molls?”

  “I never said that. I said we’re dating and she’s moving in with me.” This last was something Julian hadn’t discussed with Molly before, but it had suddenly seemed like a good idea. And when Garrett’s complexion turned the color of a ripe cherry tomato, Julian knew he’d struck the jackpot.

  Garrett was livid.

  Julian and Molly had discussed some basic rules yesterday—like no dating anyone else, a good dose of PDA for show when around family and strangers, and how neither would ever, ever disclose to anyone that their romantic liaison had been fake. This seemed especially important to Molly, who seemed to think it of utmost importance to be convincing in their new “relationship.”

  Julian was right on board with that.

  Hell, he was on board with anything that meant pushing Garrett’s buttons.

  Not that he had anything against the guy, except the fact that he was maybe too honorable for his own damned good, and ever since Landon, the eldest brother, had embarked on a much deserved sixty-day honeymoon, Garrett seemed to think he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. Or at least, of the family business.

  There was plenty of love among the three, yeah, but Julian had been planning to exact a special brotherly revenge on Garrett for a long. Long. Time.

  A revenge made all the sweeter by the fact that Molly suddenly had it in her pretty head to get Garrett’s personal attention.

  Hell, Julian hadn’t had a wink of sleep last night just thinking about it.

  Now he took a moment to enjoy the fact that his brother’s face was taut with displeasure, his knuckles jutting out as he gripped his coffee cup. He stopped his pacing and stood across from Julian at the conference table, where they’d just wrapped up a meeting with their top executives. “Since when are you two interested in each other?” Garrett demanded.

  “Since we started sexting,” Julian returned, unflinching. Then, before Garrett could ask more, Julian lifted his cell phone and read a message. “Damn, this girl turns me on.” He pretended to text Molly back and took his sweet, sweet time about it. Though in reality he was just telling her:

  He knows. Guy’s going bananas. Tell you about it @ dinner.

  Garrett shot him a murderous glare. “Does Kate know about this sexting/moving-in…relationship?”

  “Probably, unless she’s too busy catering for her next event. She is Molly’s sister, after all.”

  Just then, Molly’s response popped up:

  No wonder Kate and Garrett get along so well.

  Julian quickly typed in:

  I suppose Kate no longer worships the ground I tread on?

  Molly replied:

  Affirmative. Be careful, lover. She has a spatula and she’s not afraid to use it as a weapon.

  Julian’s lips curled in amusement. Ahh, Molly. Light of his life.

  “So which part was it?”

  Julian gazed blankly up at Garrett, who almost had steam coming out of his ears. “Which part was what?” he asked.

  “Which part of what Mother, Landon and I have been telling you for, oh…say, two decades, did you not get? The part that Molly Devaney was hands-off? The part that you could be disowned if you harmed her in any way?”

  Julian nodded to placate him. “I heard you all. I heard you the first time, the tenth time, the hundredth time and I hear you now. Now hear this, bro.” He leaned forward across the conference table and scowled. “I don’t. Freaking. Care. Do you…get that?”

  Garrett clenched his jaw and drew in a breath that inflated his chest. The guy was so rankled, he was probably about a step away from banging his chest like Tarzan. “I’m going to have words with Molly, as I am sure it is in her best interests to reconsider this stupidity. Just know this, Julian…if you hurt her, if you so much as harm a hair on her head…”

  He didn’t know if it was the threat, or the possessive way Garrett was acting toward Molly or the simple fact that Molly fancied herself in love with the guy. Worse, he feared it might be due to the fact that Garrett wanted Molly for himself. But Julian’s cool began to fade, and it took an inhuman effort to keep the mask on his face.

  Suddenly transported back to his teenage years, he too easily remembered all those damned times he and Molly tried to get close. The special bond you forged with someone, one that is rare and precious and you’d be lucky to find in your lifetime—Julian had always had that with her. But every time their friendship threatened to develop into something more romantic, his family would panic and they’d swoop down like vultures to emotionally blackmail, harass and coerce him to keep them apart. More than once, he’d even been sent abroad for months, the first time apparently because Julian had been “looking” at Molly in a way that neither Kate, Landon, nor their mother—and especially not Garrett—had liked.

  Julian had told himself time and again that he didn’t care. And once he was an adult, they’d made him believe he was a playboy until he had no other choice but to play the part. He could have any woman—they always told him—except Kate or Molly. That was the rule.

  And every year of his life, that single, simple rule had made him feel tied up, caged like a lion, and as unhappy as a penned-up bull.

  Now the command from his brother to stay away from the only woman who truly knew him made a fresh surge of anger rise up from within him. No matter what Molly thought now, or what Garrett planned to do, this was Julian’s future on the line—and he had been planning it for years. No one was going to mess with that future. Or with his red-haired, paint-streaked little gypsy girl. Or with him.

  Especially when he intended to use this fake relationship with Molly to explore his very real feelings for her.

  Quietly and with deliberate slowness, Julian rose to his feet, came around the table and set a hand on his brother’s shoulder. Then he whispered, very mildly, but with an edge, “Stay out of this, Garrett. I don’t want to hurt you, man, and I definitely don’t want to hurt her. So just stay the hell out of this.”

  Then he grabbed his jacket, reclaimed his cool and stalked out of his office.

  * * *

  “I can’t believe it. I really can’t. I just know you’re pulling my leg, Molly.”

  Propped up on a stool by the granite island in the Devaneys’ kitchen while her sister decorated newly baked cookies, Molly focused on filing her nails, her stomach fluttering with excitement over this being her first night as Julian’s fake girlfriend. She could hardly wait to see the expression on Garrett’s dark, riveting face when he eventually saw them together. Hopefully, Julian would drape his arm around her shoulders in that aloof, sexy manner he had, in a way that said she’s my girl and aren’t I the hottest ticket around?

  “I’m not pulling anything, I swear,” Molly assured her. “You can totally call Julian and ask him.”

  Kate held up her spatula in the air, her auburn-red hair—the same shade as Molly’s—haphazardly knotted atop her beautiful face. She exuded such raw sexiness while wearing that frilly white apron that Molly could’ve hated her if she didn’t love her sister so utterly.

  If there was one word to describe Kate Devaney, it would be alive. Kate thrived doing everything and anything, which explained the rocking success of her catering business; she was a killer cook with killer curves, tall and tanned and confident and fun.

  The only thing Molly truly had that might surpass Kate in the looks department was her really nice bust, but then she went through so much effort to hide it, in the end it didn’t amount to much of an advantage.

  “Julian and you? Together? I just can’t give credit to this. His girls are always so—”

  “Don’t say it or I’l
l hate you,” Molly grumbled, smacking her nail file down.

  Kate sighed, scooped up cookies from the baking sheet and began packaging them in single decorative cellophane wraps. “Fine. I won’t say it. But you know what I mean, don’t you?”

  Molly stood and went to look at herself in the mirror by the foyer, trying not to remember how Julian’s words had hurt her yesterday morning. “You’re right, I know they don’t look like me,” she said as she ambled back with an expression of total displeasure on her face. “They’re tall and sexy and sophisticated.” But I don’t care because I don’t want Julian, I want Garrett, she reminded herself.

  Her lips still burned with the memory of his scorching kiss, the incredibly sexy rumble of him growling against her mouth, as if Molly’s lips were something to suckle on and bite on and feast on…

  Everything inside her turned hot, and Molly shook the images aside.

  Kate looked at Molly and burst out laughing. “You’ve really fallen for him, haven’t you? I love Julian, Molls, but even I admit that whoever marries him is a fool. And I don’t want you to be that fool, Moo.”

  Molly was about to assure her she would never be so stupid as to fall for Julian John. She had never seen a man so determined to sleep with so many women in her life. It was as if he had an itch he needed to get scratched and none of them seemed to cut it for him. She was about to express all of this to Kate, but then she remembered she was supposed to be his girlfriend already—or yeah, his lover, since Julian was too worldly to have girlfriends—so she clamped her mouth shut and privately thanked her lucky stars that she truly had better sense than to become notch number 1,000,340 on the mysterious and uncatchable Julian John Gage’s bedpost.

  Kate paused in her cookie wrapping and lifted two winged eyebrows in question. “So how did it happen? Did he just suddenly—?”