Read Xavier Cold Page 17

  It’s one thing to believe in the idea of letting her go, but it’s another when the face I’m no longer the man in her life is shoved in my face.

  My nostrils flare as rage overtakes me.

  I turn toward an empty punching bag and ram a hard right hook into it and then roar, “Goddamn it!”

  I’ve fucked up.

  I take back every thought I’ve ever had about letting her go because I can’t do it. She’s mine. I will do whatever it takes to get her back.

  For the next two weeks, I try to call Anna every day, but my calls go unanswered. I guess this is payback to me for treating her the same way. She hasn’t been back to Detroit since she first left, and the only thing I know for sure is she’s been staying at Brian and Liv’s house on her down time while Tension tours the Northwest section of the country. The only way I have to check on her now is through Brian or the times I’ve seen her on television.

  As much as I hate seeing Anna with Rex in this fucking stupid anti-Phenomenal X campaign the writers have come up with to amp the drama between Rex and me, I appreciate Tension putting her in the show. It’s the only way I can gaze at her face other than in my dreams.

  One thing is clear—if I’m going to get Anna back, I need to get Tension to allow me back around her.

  Chapter 25


  Brian and Liv are amazing people. They’ve taken me in the past couple of weeks during Tension’s downtime to help me save money. I confided in Liv that Xavier and I aren’t exactly on the best terms right now.

  Liv sets a cup of coffee in front of me and slides into the seat next to me. “Are you sure you and Xavier won’t make up? He’s been ringing Brian’s phone off the hook trying to reach you.”

  I frown, knowing there’s close to a hundred missed calls from Xavier on my phone. “He should’ve answered when I tried to reach him before—back when he blew me off.”

  “Don’t get me wrong when I say this, Anna, because, believe me, I would’ve been pissed if Brian ignored my calls too, but is it possible to forgive him? He knows he’s screwed up.”

  I sigh. “I don’t know. Right now, I need distance from him. He hurt me really bad. I’m not sure I can trust him not to do it again, which is why I know I won’t be able to keep this job for much longer. I can’t work in a place where I’ll see him often and not be with him.”

  “Leaving Tension is a pretty big deal. Many people would kill to work there.”

  I take a sip of the warm liquid and then set my cup down. “I’m sure there are, but being a professional wrestler isn’t something I see myself becoming. I would quit now, but I want to save some money up and get my own apartment when I move back to Detroit.”

  The one thing I’ve decided is the first step in making it on my own is figuring out a place of my own—a place I can bring my baby home to and he or she will have their own room. Working for Tension until they lift Xavier’s suspension will allow me to build up enough money to get a modest two-bedroom place and then furnish it.

  “What will you do for money?” There’s concern in Liv’s voice, so I do my best to make her aware that I do have a plan to take care of myself.

  “My cousin told me the other night I could get my old waitressing job back in Detroit.”

  Liv sighs. “Sounds like you have it all planned out. It makes me sad that things didn’t work out between you and Xavier. The two of you seemed so in love.”

  “I thought the same thing. I was too naïve to believe we’d ever split up.”

  “Do you still love him?”

  “Of course, I do,” I answer. “But I don’t believe he loves me, or at least I don’t believe he loves me enough. You don’t abandon the people you love.”

  She gives me a sad smile and then reaches over to pat my hand. “Sometimes people get things wrong. No one’s perfect, and perhaps he’s realized his mistake. Speaking to him, hearing what he has to say, may be therapeutic for you even if you decide not to take him back. Closure is always a good thing.”

  I nod, thinking of how I finally felt better about the whole Jorge situation after we spoke. Liv could be on to something about giving Xavier a chance to explain himself.

  After our show in Portland, I’m going to fly back to Detroit. It will be good to hear what he has to say and inform him that he’s about to become a father whether he’s with me or not.

  Chapter 26


  I take a deep breath as I dial the number to the talent manager of Tension and say a little prayer this plan of mine works.

  It’s been over two weeks since I’ve talked to Anna. I don’t blame her for not answering any of my calls. I would’ve given up on me too, and as hard as I’ve tried to get her out of my head, I can’t. Even if I’m not with her, I need to be around her to make sure she’s okay. I need to get back on the road in order to do that because being here in Detroit and not being able to see her is driving me even fucking more nuts.

  A voice answers on the other end of the line on the second ring. “Seaborne.”

  I clear my throat, and for the first time in a long time, I’m nervous. “Hey, Chip. It’s X.”

  “X, my man, what can I do for you?”

  Next to Mr. Silverman, Chip Seaborne is the highest in the chain of command when it comes to what goes down at Tension as far as the talent is concerned. If I can get him on board to take Corey on and allow me off my suspension to train him, I’ll be able to be with Anna again—away from Bishop and the danger he poses to her.

  “I wanted to talk to you about lifting my suspension.”

  Chip sighs into the phone. “The boss was pretty clear about you being off the show for a while. Besides, the storyline for your rivalry with Rex has already been set into motion.”

  “I realize that, but I’m not asking to come back to get into the ring just yet.”

  “Now you’ve piqued my interest. Continue.”

  “Well, since I’ve been off, I’ve been training back at my old gym in Detroit, and I think I found a kid who has some talent. He’s still pretty green, but with the right training, I think he’s got the stuff,” I explain.

  “And how does this involve you?” he questions.

  “I’d like to help train him, but in order to do that, I need to get my formal suspension removed so I can come back into the areas Tension will be.”

  Chip’s quiet for a few moments, but then the sound of a rush of air hits the phone. “All right, I’ll make it happen, but, X, I’m sticking my neck out here, so this kid better be worth it.”

  “Thanks, Chip. I appreciate it. I’ll have him at the next show in Portland.” I grin as I hit the button to end the call.

  I turn to where Corey and Cole sit on the edge of the ring, waiting for me to give them the verdict.

  Corey leans forward, every inch of him anxious to hear the news. “Well? What’d he say?”

  My mouth pulls up into a one-sided grin, and I can’t hide how fucking happy the news makes me. “Pack your bags, asshole. We’re going to Portland.”

  Corey pumps his fist in the air before he runs over and throws his arms around me in a huge bear hug. “Thank you. This would’ve never happened without you. I promise to make you proud.”

  It feels good to help him this way. I see a lot of myself in Corey, and if it hadn’t been for people helping me out in this fucked-up world, I would probably be dead by now.

  I thump him on the back just before he releases me. “I know you will.”

  Everything from the plane ride to being in a taxi is a new experience for Corey. The kid’s never been out of Detroit, so every little fucking thing amazes the kid. I swear to God he would be poking his head out the window like an excited dog if I would allow it.

  “Wow, look at how fucking green it is here,” Corey says as he stares out the window of the cab. “All you see in Detroit is concrete and garbage.”

  I’ve traveled the world with Tension, but it was only about ten years ago when everything amazed m
e too, so I let the kid have his moment.

  We pull up to a motel about fifteen blocks away from the place where all the other talent is staying and get out of the cab. Staying in a run-down dive won’t bother Corey in the slightest because he lives much rougher than this, but it’s hard for me to go back to the roach motels after growing accustomed to the finer hotels in the city.

  We check in and toss our bags in the room so we can walk down to the other hotel and catch a ride over to the arena where Tuesday Tension will be tonight.

  When we walk up to the hotel, I spot the black Escalade that usually drives me around. I nudge Corey’s arm and point at it, pointing out which one we need to get in. “There’s Tension’s shuttle.”

  I walk over and tap the glass, and Tim, the heavyset man with a mustache unlocks the vehicle, allowing me to slide into the back.

  “Hello, X,” Deena’s voice purrs next to me. “I didn’t know you were back already.”

  The muscles in my back tense, and I hop out of the backseat, wanting as far away from her as possible.

  There’s no way in hell I’m sitting next to that vindictive bitch.

  Corey tilts his head and I jerk my thumb over my shoulder as I open the front passenger door. “You take the back.”

  Corey shrugs and gets in, having no idea that he’s about to sit next to a fucking dragon.

  I slam the door a little harder than I mean to, and then the vehicle begins to move, taking us in the direction of the arena.

  “And who might you be?” Deena asks, and I resist the urge to tell her none of her damn business and to keep her hooks out of the kid.

  “Corey Trulove,” he answers proudly, and I can tell without even seeing his face that he’s grinning.

  “That’s cute,” she tells him in the fake, flirty tone she once used on me.

  Deena has a killer body, and until you get to know the true evil that lives inside her, she has a way of fooling people to believe she’s actually a pleasant human being to be around.

  The Escalade pulls up to the back door and I get out of the SUV as fast as I can, wanting distance between Deena and me before I snap on her bitch ass.

  Freddy grins when he notices me. “What’s up, X? I saw your name on the roster today. I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay gone too long. It’s good to see you. Rex is about to get on my last damn nerve bragging on how he’s taking the belt from Brian, and now that you’re here, hopefully he’ll shut his damn mouth.”

  I laugh. “Don’t even trip, Freddy. Rex may have the belt for a minute, but you know I’ll be coming for his ass as soon as I’m allowed back in that ring. I didn’t quite get to finish the job last time.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Deena cuts in as she passes by Freddy and me with a wicked smile as she makes her way inside the building.

  “She’s such a fucking bitch,” I mutter when the door closes behind her. “Why in the fuck did I ever mess around with that?”

  “Beats me,” Freddy answers. “No piece of ass is worth her shit.”

  God is he ever fucking right about that. She’s been nothing but a fucking headache since I slipped her my dick.

  “Yo? You tapped that?” Corey asks as he flanks my side with an expression of awe on his face. “Bro, she’s a fucking ten.”

  I lift one eyebrow. “Easy, kid. That one may look good, but her bite is pure venom. Stay far away from that one.”

  Corey nods with a suddenly serious expression on his face. It’s nice to see he takes my words as gospel. While I have his attention, I feel an introduction is in order. “Kid, this is Freddy, the eyes of Tension. He knows everyone and he’s an excellent judge of character. Freddy, meet Corey Trulove.”

  Freddy chuckles as he shakes Corey’s hand. “I’m only about ninety percent right when it comes to people. Occasionally, I misjudge young punks from Detroit calling themselves Phenomenal X. I had that guy pegged as a douchebag, and he proved me wrong.”

  I laugh. “Ninety percent? You admitting Rex was your other mistake when you told me he was a good guy?”

  “He was until he got so hung up on having the world champion attached to his name.”

  I shake my head as I remember when I actually considered Rex to be a friend—until he started playing dirty, and cheating his way through matches. “He changed big time, which is why I owe him another ass-kicking to bring him down a couple of notches.”

  “Careful, X,” Freddy warns. “Don’t go fucking up your career. Mr. Silverman may have pulled some strings to make shit disappear for you once. I highly doubt he does it again. He’s not exactly known for being the forgiving type.”

  No matter what the media and the rest of the staff at Tension are led to believe about what happened in the ring back in Atlanta, Freddy knows all too well how real shit was between me and Rex. He was the guy always breaking us up.

  I pat Freddy on the back. “I’ve got myself under control now. Fighting for real—I’ve tried to tame that shit. My temper has fucked a lot of good things for me.”

  “Good,” he says and then rubs the scalp on his bald head. “I’m getting too old to keep breaking up your fights. You’re a strong son-of-a-bitch.” Freddy checks his clipboard and then allows a couple of more wrestlers who I recognize into the building as we stand there. After they pass, he turns to me. “You going inside or what?”

  I nod toward the door and even though I need to keep my distance, I can’t help asking, “Anna already in there?”

  Freddy shakes his head. “Not yet, but she typically only comes in a few minutes early—not hours like most of you others who want to get workouts in before the show.”

  I smile, knowing Anna isn’t into pumping iron with the rest of us in the weight room because of how she only sat and watched me. “Then if it’s all the same to you, I’ll wait out here with you. The kid can go in and explore if he wants though.

  Freddy nods and then pulls a backstage pass out and hands it to Corey. “Go ahead, kid. Knock yourself out.”

  “Fuck, yeah!” He doesn’t have to tell him twice. Corey slips the rope of the lanyard over his head and heads inside.

  I stand next to Freddy as I await Anna’s arrival. If I’m honest, I’m nervous as fuck about what she’s going to say when she sees me after I ignored her calls the way I did. She’s going to be pissed—that’s a given—but I pray to God that it’s not too late to earn her forgiveness and at least let me back into her life as a friend. I need her in my life some way, even though I’m not the right man to claim her.

  Freddy glances down at his watch. “I’m sure she’ll be here any minute. She’s been showing up a little early to every show.”

  I nod, knowing Freddy’s sensing my tension and attempting to calm me down, but it does nothing to curb my anxiety.

  I lean back against the wall and fold my arms over my chest as a dark blue Audi pulls up to the back entrance. At first, I don’t pay it much attention because it’s not a Tension owned vehicle that shuttles the talent to and from the hotel, but when the passenger shoves her dark brown hair over her shoulder, it immediately catches my attention.

  Anna sits inside the car, speaking animatedly with the driver. I squint my eyes to focus better on the driver, and that’s when I realize it’s guy I saw her hugging in the photo. I curl my hands into fists and march over to the car—my jealousy completely taking over and throwing my promise to myself to control my goddamn temper right out the fucking window.

  Chapter 27


  Jorge is definitely due some credit. He’s been a good friend to me since I’ve been hanging around this part of the country. He’s texted me a few times to check on me, and tonight he’s picking me up from Liv and Brian’s to take me to Tuesday Tension so he can watch the show.

  We pull up to the arena, and Jorge asks. “Am I going to see you actually wrestle tonight?”

  I laugh. “No. I’m what they call a valet. I only escort wrestlers out to the ring.”

  “Will you be with Phenom
enal X again?”

  “No. He’s actually been suspended for the past few weeks, so I’ve been assigned to Assassin.”

  “Oh, is he any good?”

  I shrug. “He’s the current champ. He won the belt when we were in Seattle.”

  “Wow. The champ? Impressive, Anna.”

  “Not really,” I mumble. “He’s an asshole. I can’t wait until Xavier comes back and kicks his butt and takes the belt away from him. I’ll be cheering like this—” I pump my arms in the air as if I’m lifting the roof.

  Jorge chuckles. “Not a fan, huh?”

  “Definitely no—” I can’t even get the words out because his driver’s door flies open and two large hands reach inside.

  “Xavier, no!” I shout, but it doesn’t seem to faze him as he curls his finger into the fabric of Jorge’s once perfectly pressed polo shirt.

  Xavier leans down in the car so he can get face to face with Jorge, who is pinned to his seat by both his seatbelt and fear. “What the fuck are you doing with my girl?”

  Jorge’s eyes widen as he holds his hands up defensively and his voice shakes as he says, “We’re friends.”

  Xavier pulls him up and then slams him back on the seat. “Don’t lie to me. I know there’s more than that going on. You fucking her?”

  “Xavier! Stop it! You’ll hurt him.” My plea for him to end this before it gets any further out of control seems to fall on deaf ears. It’s as if he’s lost in a rage haze—unable to recognize anything outside of the focus of his anger. I need to do something drastic—something to snap him out of it. “I’m pregnant!”

  That does the trick because Xavier’s eyes snap to me. “What did you just say?”

  Tears stream down my face as I lock my gaze on his. “I’m pregnant.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  My mouth drifts open as his words feel like a slap in the face, but I refuse to let him make me feel bad about this. He may not want this baby, but I do.