Read Yakima Nights Page 3

her into a conversation, so she starts talking to him about her back story. She revealed herself to him again but while he was listening he felt that he should do the same. They both kept looking at the clock as if it was a speed date. She talked for 30 minutes and he got the last 30. Before they knew it time was up. They were there, finally arrive to Yakima. Most of the drivers quickly park the trucks and sit to eat lunch. Taylor sat with the officers and Andre with the other drivers. Meads had come over to talk to Riddick and Taylor. Unbeknownst to Andre, Taylor confronted Riddick about the pic he took. He didn’t hear what she said but it was enough for Meads to interfere in the argument. Afterwards Taylor left and all the officers went into the building for a meeting. Andre and the other drivers knew it was going to be a long time so they started to rest for the night.

  It was dark and both of them wanted to be near each other. Capt. Meads took pre caution not to have her around other guys. Taylor was to ride back with him and the other officers and Andre was to leave on the bus. However, the buses were late and the officers’ meeting had ended. Within a couple minutes they had found each other. Both eventually talk about the past weeks of silent feelings towards each other, which all seem like an afterthought. They were quiet before they touch on the subject. Moonlight set the mood for them with an ominous glow. Darkness had engulf the sky, Andre been to Yakima before but it was never like this. The night was warm and the spotlight of the moon was on them. Taylor lean over slightly in asks Andre “Why”? He fell silent; he made a face that anyone could tell was a “thinking man’s face”. Andre decided to tell her the truth. As he looking in her eyes he said “I love my wife and you are in a relationship. No matter how much love I have for you, I will never be able to give 100 percent to you and vice versa”. Taylor buried her face down in her hands but didn’t cry she realized that he was right. Her answer was a kiss under the night. With that kiss she put it all on the line, because he never was the one who made the first move. This was the third time she kissed him, but it didn’t matter. Looking at him with so much love, she confessed “I have you for 30 days and you have me. I know that this is messed up, but I know you are right for me, you are. “Andre was confused but before they could start the conversation again the transportation arrived. They looked at each other before getting on.

  While riding back they decided to think about it. Andre thought about his wife and Taylor thought about her life. Although, both were in relationships they were ready to put it on the line. Andre was around Tyler and Dustin when he asks them for advice. He looked at them playfully and said “If you guys were married, would you still be looking for Ms. Right.” They look as if they were experts on the subject. Dustin spoke first “Sure because what if the person you need is not the person you are with? And Tyler quip” Yeah do you suppose to let that person past you by. I say take the chance!! Tyler and Dustin high fived each other after stating their opinion, but Andre was convinced. Yakima was the chance to find her and find himself. Mentally, he told his self, “He’s in”. 30 days together was going to be tough, but they both knew they could not help how they felt. Yakima was going to be it.

  Au de `but

  The day was upon them to finally leave as a group. It was no more one on one time it was the entire battery. While leaving they said their goodbyes to their families which was more frustrating than bittersweet. Tony decided to drive Taylor to the battery, so he could see her off. Taylor was talkative but also anxious to get going. Tony knew that there was something different about her today. While toting her bag, he met a lot of the people she work with including Capt. Meads. Although Tony knew of their previous relationship, he could tell she didn’t like him. Taylor look at Tony in ask “What’s Wrong” with a bright smile on her face. Tony was quiet and apprehension to respond, but after long silent ask her “Are you coming back”? Taylor was puzzled because Tony didn’t know what was going on but as close as they were he could tell something was wrong. Taylor with apprehension looked at him “Uhh Yes, it’s not like I’m going to Afghanistan.” Tony still with a dead face was about to say something but before he could he was bump and almost knocked down by Andre. Taylor eyes lit up with joy and her heart race with fear. Her lover and best friend had just for three seconds met. Tony said nothing and Andre looks at him and said “excuse me, I’m so sorry: let me help you with those bags”. Tony smile at him “No problem", but then he looked up at Taylor and saw her face. She was fixed on Andre, and even though Andre said nothing to her Tony knew what was happen. Taylor looks at Tony with sadness but Tony didn’t let on. He gave no sign of weakness or inly of the situation. He just looked at her in said “have a good time” in kissed her. Even though she returned the favor it was finally out. Tony didn’t know what was going to happen but he didn’t care because the Taylor he knew was still there. He knew she would make a decision and nothing was going to change her mind.

  Earlier, Andre was saying goodbye to Anne. She decided to stay home because this was not her first time going through a 30 day field problem. Anne was too busy to see anything different in Andre. However, if she did she still would have not because he was skillful at hiding feelings. He gave no sign that anything special was going to happen. However, he knew how Anne was. She likes to pursue anything she was interested in. Andre look at Anne with a big smile on his face, “Bye bae, I love you”. Anne, who was making plans with her friends around base, was lost in the moment of planning “ok, I love you too” and don’t come back in my house with dirty shoes”. They both chuckle and just like that he was on his way. Anne is a not at naïve of Andre feelings but she was dealing with here own stuff. She had just won an award at her job. In with that a promotion came also. Andre was thinking although he felt bad it was perfect time for this to happen.

  Now, both of them were getting on the bus. They decided not to seat by each other or converse neither. Andre for the entire bus ride was around his friend and kept a good distance from Taylor. Taylor returned the favor, not looking talking or calling on her “soldier” for anything. Only a few knew about them and they could be counted on their hands. Dustin, Tyler and Sampson either knew or had a suspicion. Taylor talked to another LT who was station in Fort Drum, New York. Besides those few no one knew and the people who did never talk about it. They had it figure out, that this trip was not only about them but also about keeping their relationship, and the people who knew a secret. They were 2 hours away from Yakima Training Center. 2 hours from constant contact and finally getting the time they wanted together. However, they were people lurking that could mess it all up. They both forgot that they were still property of the US Army and rules were just not about to be broken, but shattered. In if they were caught, they were going to have to face consequences for their actions.

  The Firing Point

  Week one of Yakima was a breeze. Since, all the vehicles and soldiers arrive on time the next four days was given to the soldiers to unwind. Taylor was stuck with her fellow officers and Andre was free to roam with his friends. A lot of people resented her for the attention she was given but she was also label “career poison”. In the military, being label as such meant you are someone or something that could end a career in a day; just like poison could end a life within a day. She understood that, in she got that feeling when she would eat alone or only with officers. Lower enlisted personnel would avoid her completely or would not hold a conversation with her. Taylor was alone not physical but mental, because Andre would not talk to her in public, him to afraid of the consequences. Taylor, who by this time was very unhappy, walks by herself to the “Fire Point”, the only restaurant in the area. She decides to eat her troubles away in one of their grease filled burgers. It was called “The Monster” and anyone could tell it was bad for you. Although bad, it was delicious and very popular among the American and the Japanese soldiers. When her order came up and she stood up to get it she saw Andre with another girl. Her heart sank, but she did not want to jump to conclusions. She knew the female solider; her name was SPC N
icole Gonzalez. Gonzalez, who was of Asia and Mexican decent, was beautiful. Gonzalez possessed remarkable traits that in Taylor’s mind would make any man prefer her. Gonzalez had long curly black hair, shiny green eyes and freckled cheeks. Although short, she made up for it by her remarkable looks, and boyish personality. Too most, she was one of the boys and a popular female amongst the “night owls”. Taylor asks her self why Andre is hanging with her. She was known as promiscuous in some circles of the commission world and to her knowledge Andre was not into her. Taylor walking with a purpose went over to Andre “Hey, so are we hanging out with females now”. Andre, who was confused, laughs as if Taylor was joking. Problem is she was not, Taylor now loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear her screamed “On your feet solider!!” pointing at Gonzalez. Taylor still going on her rant, “You are not to be around him. You are not in his section or apart of this platoon”. Andre was about to intervene but he saw his “higher ups”. They would