Read Yanar Page 8

The following morning, after a large breakfast, Yanar thanked her host and left him with a gold coin that he was still gaping at as she left the inn. As she was escorted out into the bright morning sun, Yanar heard a familiar bark and looked around to see the brown dog sitting a few feet away.

  "Hello fella," she smiled at the dog and saw his tail wag wildly.

  "Your highness." The commander clamped onto her arm. "You must not go near strays. He could be one of those wild dogs and could bite you."

  Yanar pulled her arm from the man’s grasp. "He happens to be a friend of mine Commander," she frowned at him. "I will greet my friend before I leave."

  "Yes your highness," the guard said and bowed then stepped back.

  Yanar took two steps toward the dog. "Come here fella," she said and patted her leg. The dog rose and trotted to her, nuzzled against her as she scratched his ears. "It's good to see you again," she said softly as she stroked his stringy rough coat. "I didn't get the chance to say goodbye before." The dog yipped softly then looked up at her. "I hope you will come and visit with me on my next journey up to the ancestral castle," Yanar whispered. "I enjoy seeing old friends."

  The dog yipped his reply then watched her get into the coach. Inside, Yanar looked back at the dog, smiled at him then waved as the coach moved forward. Yanar was glad she had gotten to see the brown dog again. He had been good company during her journey. She leaned her head back against the soft velvety cushions and thought about the journey that had begun on a sunny morning not unlike this one. She said a prayer for the guards and Mimina as well as for everyone she had encountered on her journey. She smiled when she saw several berry bushes along the roadside and said a prayer for her journey companion, Arvinthal, wondering if he had also completed his journey. It had, indeed, been an event-filled three months.