Read Yesterday's Darkness Page 12

  Mike’s large hands encircle her small waist. He squeezed her gently just before pulling her closer. Their bodies submitted into a collective union. For Mike the moment was more then just feeling right, it was an entitlement to happiness.

  No matter what their past dictated they knew what everyone in the world had eventually discovered. They deserved to be loved.

  The empty tray Kelly still held in her hand dropped to the floor. Her arms rose to rest her hands on Mike’s large chest. As he drew her near, her lips parted even further and her mouth moistened with thirst to connect with Mike’s.

  The Sade lyrics eased into the moment. It dives, it jumps and it ripples like the deepest oceans.

  Their lips touched ever so softly holding in place to allow their minds to accept the reality. He pressed his lips tighter as Kelly moved her hands to the back of his head and the two kissed passionately.

  Short breaks of repeated pecks preceded an onslaught of renewed passion. Time froze, the past disappeared and for that flash in time, nothing mattered. Through the rest of the song Mike and Kelly tossed discretion aside. The heated display continued as if they were all alone. Their mouths hungrily explored one another’s.

  A total emergence of pure yearning arrived at the door of fate’s finality. Seven years of working at and owning the Memphis Bar and grille and this was the first time Mike let his guard down. The kiss took his mind away from all that had plagued him. He zoned out and became oblivious to everything around him and did not care. The issues of the world vanished in the bliss of the sweetest distraction.

  After the kiss ended their lips separated but remained close. The short distance between them appeared like a portrait. Like always Kelly broke the tension first.

  “So my Italian Stallion, what time do you get off?”

  “I’m guessing about a half an hour after I make it to your bedroom,” he said.

  Kelly’s face blended with the red lighting that still filled the room. The implication did not go unnoticed.

  “I’m beginning to like this new side of Mike,” she gushed.


  In the affluent surroundings of the Hotel Metropol, implication failed to adhere to Aki’s attributes. On the contrary, the woman discarded any reservations in the confinements of the mirrored elevator’s interior. At twenty-eight, the Asian charmer got what she wanted and never regretted any of her choices. With the soft sounds of Tchaikovsky playing through the interior speakers she had a composition of her own in mind.

  Adam Barrie fell into a locked position on her radar and she never missed. She went to Adam then showered him with kisses. The passionate pecks traveled along his neck then up to his ear and face. Trails of red lipstick marked a path leading from his lower neck to his mouth.

  She placed her lips against his, gently at first then much more aggressive. Her tongue darted in and out of Adams opened mouth with yearning hunger as her sensually explored the most sensitive areas of his body with reckless abandonment. He moaned softly with closed eyes.

  She stopped abruptly.

  “What’s wrong?” he said. “Everything ok?”

  “Mr. Barrie, I don’t want to frighten you away, I sometime forget that women in your America are not as, as, how do you say?” she said.

  “Aggressive?” he offered.

  “Yes! Yes, agres-sive. I mean like European women are. Am I correct?”

  Adam’s eyes averted hers before he spoke. “Aki, I not sure how to explain this but-“

  “Yes?” she said placing a gentle hand on his arm.

  He racked his hand through his bushy dark brown hair. “Look Aki I have to be honest with you,” he said then tightened his lips. “I would love to tell you how other women are compared to you but I can’t. I would not have any idea how American or any other women behave. I am not very experienced you might say.”

  “It’s ok Adam. That’s a good thing, not a bad one. Now I should be honest with you. I had many drinks while I watch you play.” She paused then looked away. “So I may have had a little too much. That’s why I am bolder tonight, but I did see that you are great poker player.”

  “I wouldn’t say that I am that great. I just think that I have a knack at figuring out the odds and the good memory helps. Photographic, I am told.”


  “No I’m sorry I just meant that I don’t forget anything I see.”

  “Oooooooh, very good thing to have.”

  “Yeah it definitely helps.”

  The elevator stopped then opened on his floor. They stepped out of the compartment then stood in the second floor hallway. His floor contained the largest number of rooms and all were the hotel’s standard suites.

  “Mr. Barrie,” she began.

  “Please, Adam, call me Adam,” he said.

  “Ok, Adam let me be honest with you again. I’m not what you may think.”

  “I never thought anything, really, I just-” he started.

  She placed a finger over his lips. “I’m not one of the groupie girls I see that hang around the tournaments waiting to see who will win big money. My full name is Aki Nakanishi and my father is Takashi Nakanishi of-”

  “Naka industries based in Japan?” he finished.

  “Yes the same, you know him?”

  “Know him, you kidding?!” he took a moment to collect his thoughts. “Well, no not know him personally, but his name is all over the electronics magazines. He’s the Japanese version of our Bill Gates.”

  “Oh I can assure you that he doesn’t have that kind of money.”

  “Well pretty close. The man is a genius.”

  Aki smiled and bowed forward. “You are far too kind, thank you for the compliments about my father. I work for my father almost year around representing the company.

  Although I don’t have to work I really enjoy what I do. My father did not have any sons so I feel like I please him by showing him that I can be a reliable substitute. I know that he wants me to take over one day so I am pleased to do as he wishes.”

  Aki placed a thoughtful finger to her temple then turned her back to Adam. She took a step back placing a small distance between them before she spoke again. “When I watched you play, I saw something that I liked. I have a weakness for smart men and even more for the ones who know how to respect women. You didn’t seem to even notice the cheap women trying to get your attention. I like that, it is very attractive Mr. Bar-, I mean Adam. Life on the road and living in hotels no matter how nice they are gets very lonely.”

  She turned around to face Adam. His expression filled with concern. It seemed as if he wanted to speak but he remained quiet. With no words coming from him he had time to gather her remaining thoughts. Just like when they first met he hesitated to speak as if his words would potentially ruin the moment.

  “You are quiet Adam,” she said.

  “I know,” he nodded. “I just have been enjoying the conversation and didn’t want to kill the chemistry that I was feeling between us.”

  This time Aki remained silent.

  Just as she expected Adam fidgeted uncomfortably with his clothing from the silence. She knowingly placed the ball in his court to see if he would make an effort to revive the opportunity that he assumed was quickly slipping away. His face twisted with worry. Then from the depths within he drummed up enough courage to speak.

  “Aki, I can truly say that no one understands loneliness as much as me. If you like I can just hang out with you for as long as I am here in Moscow.”

  Aki looked into Adam’s eyes. She smiled. Now she felt that her connection with him was solid.

  “Thank you Adam,” she said.

  Adam took her hand in his with confidence leading her down the hall toward his room. She stopped with their hands still connected. After two steps he also stopped once realizing that Aki had remained in place. She shook her head slowly from side to side. No.

  Turning back to the elevators she pulled Adam along with her
without explanation. Once inside she retrieved the key to Metropol’s elite floor out of her purse. The gold key gleamed with the numbers 3364 elegantly written in raised Vivaldi font. Upon insertion into the separate VIP slot, the key would allow them to enter the exclusive floor with total access to the ultimate suites as well as the private VIP lounge. As the elevator ascended to the top floor, Aki faced Adam. She leaned over placing her lips close to Adam’s ear.

  “How about coming to my place tonight?” she whispered.

  Aki’s suite contained the square footage of a small apartment. Adam’s head swiveled as he marveled at the splendor and beauty of it all.

  “Your suite is about four times the size of mine,” he said.

  Aki didn’t respond. Instead she poured two drinks then entered the adjoining room. A moment later Adam followed Aki, rounding the corner. His head still circled the room taking in the décor.

  “This place reminds me of a miniature European palace,” Adam smiled.

  Aki handed him his drink then lifted hers in front of him.

  “Let’s toast,” she said.

  Adam took the drink and tapped his glass against hers.

  “To?” he said.

  “To no inhibitions,” she smiled.


  Adam downed the stiff cocktail in one gulp. Can courage, was better then none at all. Aki left the room then moved down the hallway venturing into a separate section of the suite. Her slow sultry walk swayed her hips with motions of seduction.

  Just before she shifted out of his sight, she stopped and turned back to Adam. She toyed with the top of the glass by circling the rim with one or her manicured fingers then dipped it inside the drink before sliding her tongue across it. With the most intoxication eyes Adam had seen, she held her gaze with his until she vanished into the other room.

  When Aki returned she wore the hotel’s robe. I didn’t know that some of the rooms had robes, he thought. The differences between the room he could afford and the suites that he could not were worlds apart.

  Aki’s opened robe gave Adam a mouth watering view. The belt draped down on each side permitting a voyeuristic peak at the silk and laced lingerie worn beneath it. A warm sensation came over him. I need another drink.

  She walked over to Adam closing the space between them but stopped just a few feet away. She then placed her hands on her hips spreading the opening of the robe even wider.

  For Adam, Aki oozed sex appeal effortlessly. From the perfectly fitted silk black and pink bra to the matching black panties with thigh high stockings, to the high heel shoes. She pointed to Adam and motioned her finger for him to come to her.

  Adam floated toward her on a cloud of desire. She took a few steps backwards to return down the hallway. Adam followed her like a hypnotized love sick puppy right into the bedroom.

  Inside the two stood with only one lit candle in the corner. The single light flickered casting elongated shadows against the hand pained walls. At long last, Adam allowed his mind to embrace the moment. This was it. The end all be all, and the quintessential walk in Trump’s Ferragamos.

  “Adam I know that I was tipsy before, but don’t worry. I know what I am doing. I always know what I am doing.” Aki’s whisper presented a proposition to take a stroll into desire’s dawn. The invitation didn’t need a sales pitch; he waited to take this walk all his life. Aki pushed him onto the thick white comforter that enveloped the large king size bed.


  Few perks accompanied getting off of work at three-thirty in the morning but there was one. Kelly dreaded the early morning travel but never took the beauty of having nearly zero traffic for granted. On this night nothing could damper her spirits since she still floated from the kiss she shared with Mike. The kiss, for her anyway, ultimately answered the questioned of a romance delayed. Her permanent smile set on her face proudly as she made her way through the empty Dallas streets.

  Unlike her usual one way trips home this one would be pleasantly different. This one would be a round trip. On top of the magical kiss, reciprocated attraction, and invitation to spend the night with Mike, another welcomed surprise was sprung on her. A change in her mundane routine felt nice. She looked forward to this new and exciting turn of destiny and the anticipation made her skin tingle.

  Mike invited her for weekend getaway and not just any get away. He asked her to spend Friday through Sunday in San Antonio with him, his son, and his son’s friends. She felt honored as well as flattered; she could not wait.

  The clock inside of her car appeared to move far too slow for her comfort. Although she left early to make the run back to her apartment, she was ready to get back. Ok, don’t drag this on, get what you need and get out of there. The trip back to her apartment was to gather some clothes for the weekend and meet Mike back at the bar. Easier said, she thought.

  She shifted her jaw from side to side to relieve the stiffness in her face. She realized that he had been smiling for the past thirty minute straight. At her apartment she repeated what she needed to get over in her head.

  To her own astonishment, she managed to get out of her apartment with what she needed and without deliberating too much on what to take or leave. It took less time then she thought but by the time Kelly returned to the Memphis bar, the parking lot was nearly empty. She never saw the lot that empty and the desolate sight had an eerie air to it.

  The vacant eccentricity never lasted long. No matter how empty the parking places were after the bar was closed, they refilled the next day. Some would leave with the promises only to return the very next night while others the next week. One could rest for sure that whether it was the regulars or first time visitors the spaces would refill the next night just like every night.

  For now all the customers filtered out to their various destinations guided by the illuminated early morning street lights. Kelly represented the only one who returned to the bar on that night. She parked right next to Mike’s car.

  At the entrance she cupped her hands over the sides of her face peering through the dark glass of the rear window. Right away she spotted Mike doing his final closing walk through. She used her key and stepped inside.

  As she watched from the rear entrance she smiled. From what she could see, he was back to his old self. He hummed softly with that familiar relaxed and carefree stroll. Now, that’s my Mike. After seeing her he smiled broadly and winked making her heart sped up a little faster. He blew him a kiss.

  “Right on time. I’m done now, let’s get out of here,” he said.


  * * *

  After setting the alarm then locking the doors, they held hands as they crossed the parking lot. When he saw the smile on her face he knew that he was able to pull it off. He felt anything but relaxed but just before Kelly made it back to the bar; he put on his best façade. When he heard the door open he made sure that he appeared as relaxed as possible. No need to let her see my anxiety.

  The act worked and partly because the odd sensation was actually finally going away. Even without the sensation that something was wrong, Mike could not help being cautious. He continued to look around the parking but did it as casually as possible. In the end the extra effort was not needed; everything remained peaceful.

  “Ok follow me close. The foot that I use on the gas peddle weighs a little more then the other one if you know what I mean,” he said.

  “Don’t worry you’re not gonna lose me,” she smiled.

  Mike grinned catching the play on words. “It’s about a forty minute dive. That is if we don’t run into traffic from a late night car accident.”

  After leaving the parking lot Mike checked the review mirror frequently. Kelly trailed him close on the way to his far north Dallas home. Her small economy car managed to stay close without ever getting out of eyesight. When they pulled into his neighborhood Mike noted the time. It took a little over fifty minutes to get there.

  He loved his nei
ghborhood and wondered what Kelly thought about it. The homes were not too oversized but just right with beautifully designs and large yards. He also enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere and most of all the quiet.

  The automatic garage door swung open to break the early morning calm. His garage had enough room for two vehicles but only one side was ever needed and used. Instead of driving in his normal spot he pulled to the side.

  He waited for Kelly to pull up next to him then waved his hand to motion her inside. She pulled her small yellow car into the side of the garage that was always vacant. The night or in their case, early morning officially began.

  Just as Kelley parked and stepped out of her car, Mike received a phone call. She stepped out of her car and walked toward him till she noticed him still seated with his new cell phone up to his face.

  At first her was going to ignore the call but when he saw the caller ID, he had to answer it.

  He spotted Kelly glance at her watch. His guess was that she found it a little odd to have a phone conversation at three in the morning. She stood patiently in the garage and waited as she leaned against her car.

  Mike tried to rush through the conversation. He didn’t want to make his guest wait too long for him, and was pretty eager to see her also. As he talked to Officer Myers, he held up one finger to Kelly.

  She mouth two words back to him, “No rush.”

  The one-minute signal given to her was hopeful thinking. Who knows what Myers had to tell him since he was posted in his squad car in front of his mother’s apartment complex. Anything was possible.

  His voice dragged. “Heeey Michael, it’s Meyers.”

  “What’s going on?” Mike asked.

  “Was just gonna leave you a message to let you know that I’ll be able to watch your mom’s place through the weekend for sure,” he said.

  “I almost forgot that I was supposed to get back to you about that. You’re sure you can do it?” Mike asked.

  “Yeah, no problem. I’ve been watching close and haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary. But you sure you want me to keep watching?” Officer Myers said.

  “I’m positive.”