Read You're Still The One Page 25


  The trip to the courthouse didn't take long and within about an hour and a half, the title was changed and we had dropped the General back off at the base. The rest of the night was quiet. I put away some more baby clothes that I had gotten for Julianna, then I helped Logan wash the cars. Nothing all that exciting, but I liked these little quiet moments with him. Katie says I should enjoy them because once the baby's here, it'll no longer be just the two of us. But, I can't wait for Julianna to get here, I feel like I've been waiting on her forever.

  I guess I spoke too soon, because early that next morning, I woke up with some pretty intense pain in my lower back. I had read plenty of pregnancy books in the past months and I thought I was just going into false labor, especially since I was only about thirty weeks pregnant. But after they started getting more frequent, I called the Doctor. She wanted me to explain what the pain felt like and how long it lasted. Once I told her, she was almost positive I was in premature labor and I needed to get to the hospital ASAP.

  I didn't waste any time getting Logan up and once I told him what was going on, he took action immediately. Let me tell you, as long as I've known him, I have never seen him get up and ready that fast. He definitely set a record, that's for sure. Within eleven minutes, yes I timed us, we were at the hospital. Doctor Salins met us upfront and they immediately took me to an examination room. Logan had to wait outside, which I wasn't happy about, but right now, I just wanted to make sure Julianna was alright...

  She checked my cervix first and as soon as she did, she called for a nurse to get an IV started. Within twenty minutes, I was hooked up to multiple monitors and Dr. Salins came back in for an ultrasound and brought Logan with her. Thank God.

  "Is she really in labor?" Logan asks, sitting down beside the bed.

  She nods, "Well, she was. Not now. I've given you some magnesium sulfate to stop your contractions. We need Julianna to stay in there as long as she can, she's too premature to deliver right now." She puts some of the gel across my stomach and starts moving the wand around. She pushes a button on the screen and listens to Julianna's heartbeat.

  She smiles, "She's perfectly healthy, but she's already head down. Looks like Julianna's really wanting to meet you."

  "Sounds like she's impatient, like her mother." Logan chuckles.

  "Hey, she surprised me too, you know."

  "I'm sure she did. Now, Caroline," She starts and wipes off my stomach with a white cloth, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to put you on complete bed rest. It's too risky to have her right now and we were lucky to have caught you when we did. You're already starting to dilate and I'm afraid if I send you home and you go into labor again, we might not be able to stop it."

  That's definitely not what I wanted to hear, "I have to stay here, don't I?"

  She nods, "I'm afraid so. But this way we'll be able to keep an eye on you both and should something arise, we can take care of it. Any questions?"

  "Not that I know of."

  "Good, I'll go get the nurse to take you to your room." She leaves and shuts the door behind her. I stare at the wall, wondering what I'm going to do for the next few weeks.

  "Well, let's see. You could watch movies all day. Maybe learn how to crochet?" Logan adds, sarcastically.

  I chuckle, "Very funny, Logan. Very funny. Shouldn't you be calling the General or Katie? Maybe your mother?"

  "I'll get to that once we get to our room."

  I turn to him, "Our room?"

  "Of course, you didn't think I was just going to leave you here, did you?"

  "Well, no, but I thought you would at least sleep at home."

  "I sleep where you sleep. You sleep here, I sleep here."

  I shrug, "Okay, that's cute."

  After that, the nurse took me to my new room. Once they got me situated and hooked up to everything, Logan got to join me again. "Well, isn't that nice? They gave you a view of the park."

  I look out the window, "Yeah, at least I can see it."

  "Caroline, you're making this worse than it really is."

  "Says the person that can freely leave."

  He glares, "You know it's best for Julianna and yourself if you stay here. Besides, maybe I can talk one of the nurses into letting me take you outside every now and then."

  "Highly doubt it."

  He smirks, "I find that as a challenge. You wait and see, I'll have you outside by the end of the week. Promise." That's when I knew he wasn't kidding. Anytime he promises me something, it always comes true.

  "Alright, do you remember something else?" I ask curiously.


  "You promised me, a few months ago, that before Julianna was born, we'd go back to the beach house one more time. Then the next time we go, we'll have another little visitor."

  He sighs, "Getting you a couple yards away from this hospital is one thing, Caroline, but an hour away is another. I don’t think it's a good idea and I'm pretty sure they won't let me."

  Darn. "I figured... So, you going to call our people now? Katie's going to be really upset that you waited this long."

  "Trust me, I know... Except, I left my phone at home this morning, so do you have yours?"

  "Logan, I was in the middle of having contractions this morning, do you think I thought about my phone?"

  He smiles, "Well, I'll run home and get them along with some sour patch kids, cause apparently you need some, anything else?"

  "Well... Clothes... Phone charger... Makeup bag... iPad... I think that's it..."

  He cocks an eyebrow, "You're in a hospital... I don’t think they care if you're wearing makeup." He adds.

  "They may not, but I do. I may be in a different environment, but I'm still Caroline and I refuse to look like death warmed over."

  "Okay, I'll stop by Dairy Queen on the way back, maybe you need some ice cream too." He smirks and kisses me before walking out the door.

  "Make it an OREO blizzard, please!" I yell after him.

  He looks back, "You got it, babe."

  What would I do without him? He's the perfect husband, that's for sure. I'm one lucky girl and I'm sure Julianna will be too. She'll have the best dad in the world.