Read You Are Mine: 'A Love Story in 2015' Page 3

Elif was waiting for George’s lesson, which will begin at 10:30, which will begin, in the canteen. The course will start a half-hour later. She searched an empty chair by her eyes. However, today, the canteen was very crowded. There was no free space. The best thing was to take a cup of coffee and ride up the class on the second floor. She turned to the right side to get coffee and came face to face with Gökhan. Her heart began to beat like crazy with fear.

  - ‘Why have not you answered my calls,’ Gökhan said, removing his hand to touch Elif’s arm.

  - ‘Hands off that your dirty hand,’ said Elif, in a low voice and started to move towards the stairs in a rapid pace.

  Gökhan was just in the middle of the canteen. If he go behind her, what would he say to her that… He said to himself that maybe the next time.

  Elif usually sat on one of the front row in the middle in most courses. Today, the same rows were empty. She walked up to the same place. She put the books on he hand to the table. He thought, which day it was, when she was sitting. Formally, it must have been a nightmare. But one day everything will disappear, and will fight, and would handle it. Suddenly she heard the phone ringing. The calling was a foreign number. She decided to go to the corridor to talk comfortably. Just she stood that George and his assistant, Gökhan appeared in the door of the class. Damn, the luck was not on Elif’s side this time.

  George's lesson was just over. Gökhan looked at him all through the course. Elif thought that he was so faceless guy. He had played Elif false and there had not been dirt, which he had made. Now, he was trying to talk in the canteen as if he could explain what he had done. She said to herself that if only someone would spit in his eye. Elif quickly gathered her books on the table. She unzipped black tassels bags and threw her pens into it. You could go. She gave up getting into the other lessons. Black tassels threw items into the bag unzipped. Now you could go. Into the she did not have polling problem for the lessons. She needed to go out and walk and get fresh air.

  Elif got in the bus and got off next to the buffet behind the dormitory. After a little sightseeing, she would go to the dormitory.

  City Plaza was one of the biggest shopping malls of the city, its inside was very crowded. Those who live in Los Angeles gave the outward appearance of great importance. The people of this city, who make shopping all day like crazy and do not exit from the gym lived the life more different than people living in other cities in the world.

  Elif walked through the shop, which is decorated with white and pink colors and sold book and DVD. This is a big shop, which there were latest books and DVDs. Approximately 15 minutes later, she exit from the shop with a book and a film on her hand. Now she could go to the dormitory slowly. She gave up hiking big malls, where were the famous fashion brands in the world. If she liked something, she had not got money, which could buy them. The best thing was to go out without seeing them. In the meantime, she saw the pet shop in the right side of the exit door. There were small dogs in the glass of the pet shop. Elif walked through pet shop of glass case. They are all very cute and very small. She thought if only she would stay in a dormitory. Then she could have a dog.

  At that moment she realized the child speaking to a man inside the store. This was Bradley. What was he looking for here? Maybe she had taken a small puppy dog. Should she go in and say ‘Hello’, but we went in and ‘Hello.’ Would it be tweird? They were not already friends. And why will she talk to Bradley? Bradley finished his speech with the man and began to walk toward the door of the shop. When Elif saw Bradley went out from the exit door, she turn back and started walking toward exit door of the Plaza. However, Bradley had already seen her.

  She thought this was ridiculous. There could not be anything between them. If only Bradley had not been so handsome. He had both blond hairs and green eyes. Elif never did like brunettes. She came to her mind that her family had said her when they were living in Turkey. ‘Certainly, you are going to marry with Emre. We think for your goodness.’ She thought as what a beautiful thought. They did not ask her for a loved or her flirt. Her friends’ families in Turkey were very different. They were living their lives in a very up date and European standards. ‘I am vey unlucky’ she said in a low tone of voice. Suddenly Emre came to in front of her eyes. He was a medium-sized, dark brown skinned, 90 weight, had brown-eyed, black-haired boy. In fact, he was a good person. However, he was different from her dreams. She could not think that she was in the same bed with him.

  There was 500 m to the dormitory. Elif looked at the film and DVD on her hand. She always liked this kind of movies. Especially, she was fun of the war, science fiction, adventure, detective films. She put the films back on the book again. She did not want to do anything today. she already had more time in exams. She will take a warm shower when she will enter the dormitory, she will put the film on the computer. Then she will take the chips and cola, watch the film laying her bed. Suddenly, she stopped in the middle of the pavement at a time being startled. What was he doing again? That day, the street was crowded. He could not hurt her. She must have gone on her road and entered the dormitory.

  - ‘We need to talk,’ said Gökhan stopped in the middle of the sidewalks, he did not permit the advancement of Elif. Elif felt herself like top-heavy suddenly. Her heart beat rapidly and could not breathe. Gökhan was not even aware of Elif get rough. He was talking without quiet. Elif take a deep breath, hurt her heart.

  - ‘Out of my way,’ she said, forcing herself.

  - ‘I'm going nowhere,’ said Gökhan, raising his voice.

  - ‘If you do not be out of my way, I will call the police screaming.’

  - ‘Call,’ he said, laughing as if Gökhan was mocked.

  - ‘You are a sick, I do not want to you. Do you understand?‘

  - ‘You want me, and come with me.’

  - ‘The girl does not want you, do not you understand?’ A voice from the right side said. Bradley was in front of Elif, he was discussing with Gökhan.

  - ‘Who are you,’ Gökhan asked, stunned.

  - ‘None of your works. Just get out of here ‘

  - ‘Look, dude you're following. So you found yourself a dear ‘said Gökhan, looking at Elif. Elif said did not understand anything, which was said. She only felt too much burns. Doctor must have said her many times that she must stay away from coffee, cola, chocolate. She just had to find the water from somewhere, but she could not move.

  - ‘We have seen more snobs, seen like you. You are going from here now, ‘said Gökhan, grinning. Bradley got angry much. He could not keep himself and he thumped Gökhan's face a quick punch. Gökhan’s lip was bleeding from ruptured. Gökhan took his hand on his lip and had a dirty look for Elif.

  - ‘you will give the account of all of them. You did not get to bed with me. Or have you been giving yourself to him? I will ruin you, ‘saying, he walked across the street without looking back correctly.

  Bradley looked at Elif. The poor girl was holding her heart with her hand leaning the wall of the shop.

  - ‘Are you okay. What's the matter? ‘Said Bradley wiping the tears streaming eyes of Elif,

  - ‘Can you find me water?’ Elif said. She said the words very difficultly.

  ‘I am bringing it right up, do not leave here,’ said Bradley glanced around and he saw a buffet 20 meters away.

  - ‘How are you feeling now,’ said Bradley, looking at Elif with the pet bottle on his hand.

  - ‘Very well. Just passed. Whether I owe you ‘

  - ‘Do not be silly. Who was that boy? ‘

  - ‘He was my old darling’ Elif said. I am a long story. And where you went you?

  Bradley paused suddenly. ‘Well. I was walking on the road. I stopped when I saw that you were discussing. I'm sorry, ‘he said.

  - ‘Thank you very much. You saved my life ‘

  - ‘Where are you going now? I can order a cup of coffee if you want, ‘Bradley asked with a wink.

  - ‘I have to go to the dormitory. Maybe another day’
  - ‘You know where I work’

  - ‘I find you there when I'm Available’ Elif said, laughing.

  The warm shower was very good for Elif. She lay down her bed with her black-colored towel, which she had invoked on her. Her body relaxed much. She could have slept at any moment. But, firstly she must deal with the telephone number, which called her. She reached her bag on the bed by her hand. Her bag was always very complicated. Most of the time, she found her money in make-up materials. She used to be a very orderly in early days. But after she left Gökhan, she had become one of the very scattered. She searched her phone in the bag by her hand. But who knows where the phone had entered into. The best way was to clean out the bag on the bed. The telephone rapped between her notebook, phone was in powder. Everything, which spilled from the bag, had smeared with powder. She wiped out her phone with a wet handkerchief and dialed the number, called today, quickly.

  -’Good day to you. Here is the Secret Agency. How can I help you?’ said the girl on the phone.

  - ‘Good afternoon. They called me from this number today, ‘said Elif excited.

  - ‘What was your name?’

  - ‘Elif Akıncıoğlu’

  - ‘Miss Elif, your application was accepted in a competition organized. After a week, on Monday, at 10 o'clock, you have to be in Hilton Hotel. I sent an e-mail about what you need to bring.’

  - ‘Thank you,’ said Elif and hung up the phone. Her hands were shaking with excitement and she could not be full of beans.

  She put the phone on the nightstand. She opened on the computer desk wearing pink slippers. Immediately, she must look at e-mail, which the secretary calling from the agency sent.

  -’Yes. That is, ‘said Elif and clicked on the mail. That is luggage for the camp If it is stay for the camp, it was written what there are on their bags.

  It was 15:00 pm. She wore her purple sportswear after she dried her hair. When Eylül came, there would be along speech traffic for her. She lay down on her bed again and slept immediately.

  Eylül came into the dormitory at 18:00 pm. She had entered the lessons nonstop since the morning 08:00 am. She felt herself like tired out. When she saw Elif sleeping, she went to bed immediately without having shower after changed her clothes. Her feet had swollen and was aching her all body. Why she wore high-heeled shoes because the shoes were very beautiful. Now, she should have suffered the penalty.

  At 20:00, the girls made an announcement about the opening of a disco, which will be make in the city, in the dormitory. There were two giant speakers on every floor of the dormitory. Just as the announcement is made, Eylül and Elif woke up from their beauty sleeps.

  - ‘Good morning, Babe,’ said Elif, her eyes were half open.

  - ‘Good morning, the time was 20:00pm,’ Eylül said looking at the clock on her wrist.

  - ‘I'll tell you something,’ said Elif is a serious way.

  - ‘what, my dear,’ Eylül said opening her eyes. She was wondering what Elif will say.

  - ‘In my opinion, they are jealous of us’

  - ‘Why?’

  - ‘Whenever we sleep, neither door is knocked or announced. They have disrupted our sleep, ‘

  - ‘You're right. Will you wake up or go on sleeping, babe?’ she asked with a smile.

  - ‘I lost my sleep. There is something, which I want to tell you. I did not live a normal day like every time.

  - ‘Am I say something from the canteen to the Room. I am very hungry. In the meantime, you tell me what is going on today.‘

  - ‘I am very hungry, you order the same thing what you want to say for yourself.’ Elif said.

  While they are eating, Elif told Eylül something, which she lived all day. Eylül was in amazement and listening to what Elif say.

  - ‘He had deserved it for a long time. If only he would black his two eyes and broke some parts of his body.’ Eylül said as she liked.

  - ‘In fact, it has been good, but he thought that I am love in Bradley.’

  - ‘he thinks so. He had been jealous because he is handsome more than him. Also, he cannot approach you. It was very good ‘

  - ‘when you looked at e-mails, was there any e-mail coming from the prince?’ She said with a wink,

  - ‘And I think he's not a real prince, but even though I do not care,’ said Elif reckless manner,

  Suddenly Elif’s phone began to ring standing on the nightstand. The caller was her mother living in Turkey. Elif answered the phone. Her mother was telling something, Elif was listening to her with a confused expression, she did not speak any. ‘ What happened’ Eylül said in a tone hoarse, Elif made a mark as ‘shut up’ taking her finger in her nose.

  15 minutes elapsed. Elif had only used such expressions how and who had can do, 2-3 times on the phone.

  - ‘Okay, my mother. I tell Eylül, too. Do not worry you. You call me immediately if there is anything. Okay? ‘She said and hung up.

  - ‘So what, my dear, you have a bad event?’ Eylül asked in a worried tone.

  - ‘I do not know how I will describe. This is a strange thing happened. I did not mind, ‘Elif said.

  - ‘I'm listening to you.’

  - ‘My brother opened the computer and began to chat with his friends. Although he added it, the foreign person opened page. It said to my mother that she had wrinkled face. Then it told my mother what she kept the color of buckle on her hair and what she has done today from drinking the water to go to the toilet. You think, there is any camera at our home and how it can see the everywhere of our home that… It had written even combs in the rooms, till its number. When my brother opened the computer to chat every time, it was going on write messages from that person’s page. The strange thing was that it was writing about my mother and father, but not my brother. It has been scoffed. There are two things that you'll be shocked. Whoever this person mentioned Gökhan. And we are in love… Then my brother downloaded break program for its e-mail address to the computer. Who is this person? Guess what happened. People, who are saved broken in the address is our relatives. So a lot of relatives registered in their names attached correspondence address. At the same time all of them seemed online. My brother also broke a few of there, they are relatives again. In other words, it has done our family genealogy. Even the most old of our relatives has e-mail address as their children… how to be online all of hem at the same time?

  - ‘Is such a thing was impossible, I have become speechless, there is one thing certainly,’ Eylül said in a stretched state.

  - ‘There's more, a few days later, the message ‘you are viewed from the satellite’ came both the computer and the mobile phone of my father as SMS. Ours think that they have been viewed from the mobile phone’s camera because there is not any other camera at home.

  - ‘How, our phone is with camera, too. Then this guy is watching us, too. In the bathroom, the toilet ... Who can? Who can do this or anything like that, who? Also, your family is the people, who live innocuous. What will they do with satellite? You are not Politicians, not businessmen, not a millionaire.

  - ‘I do not know, I cannot understand. Hereafter, should we turn down the cameras of our mobile phones? Even we can paste and strap the camera. Image will be worse but for a time, until we understand that what it is at least ‘Elif said.

  - ‘Okay, babe. Hopefully it is in the mobile phone or fictitious. There is no such a thing. If it is not in the mobile phone, can he watch from the satellite directly? ‘

  - ‘Maybe he can see, I have no idea.’

  - ‘We should investigate it’

  - ‘Even if there is such a thing, a normal person can not connect to the satellite’

  - ‘Maybe it is hacker.’

  -’An authorized or senior.’

  -’Yeah, yeah, but why would they do it.’

  - ‘My brain has stopped now. I do not know, ‘Elif said.

  - ‘Let's collect the plates on the table, get the canteen them firstly and then think about this babe,’ sai
d Elif putting the plates into the tray.

  - ‘OK, dear,’ Eylül said, she took her tray and headed toward the door to go to the aisle.

  The time 00:00 every night was the last hour of the entry to the dormitory. The girls, who do not come to the dormitory until 00:00, were determined in the signature sheet and send messages to their families.

  After Eylül and Elif left the empty dishes to the canteen, they came down to sign. Everyone was waiting for them in the dormitory, 300-people. Administration was very crowded at that moment. Lily had sat to the table, she was looking at the signature sheet because the girls did not sign instead of other girls. In fact, the girls signed the sheet earlier if they did not go out that night. The girls, if they wanted, could sign it after 23:00pm.

  When Eylül and Elif were signing the sheet, Lily made grimaces knitting her brows. After Elif and Eylül signed quickly, they turned to the elevator without saying anything immediately.

  - ‘What was that now,’ said Elif looking at Eylül.

  - ‘When she saw us, she got puffed up.’ Eylül answered with a smile.

  - ‘Yes, she does not ask for trouble to us, she also does not speak with us,’ Elif said.

  - ‘I also think that,’ Eylül said while she was opening the elevator door.

  - ‘The only thing is that we are thinking about now that you have to win this contest. Empty your head, forget everything dear. If this guy wants to watch us, he watches. What can we do? How do you stay to the camp for the contest without allowance from the dormitory? I wish you would have a friend leave,’ Eylül said, wearing her pajamas.

  - ‘If only. If we cannot get the permission, I cannot go there,’ said Elif, tuning off the lamb after she turned on the night light by her hand.

  - ‘We will find a remedy, I'll take you in such a way that the contest one way or another,’ Eylül said in the bed.

  - ‘Good night, Babe,’ said Elif, sitting on her bed.

  -’You too. See the prince in your dream.’